It seems like the less a statesman amounts to, the more he adores the flag. -Kin Hubbard, humorist (1 Sep 1868-1930)
Ayn P Thank you Mom and Dad Corinne Durston Patrick James Dunn for the amazing birthday flowers! #50andFab Chloe Alexis Dunn Gorgeous!!! Ayn P Truly the most beautiful flowers I have ever received Chloe Alexis Dunn You are turning 50!!!
π₯ Ayn P I plan to make this a decade of self love Lol Corinne Durston Glad you like them, have to celebrate my baby's special birthday! Ayn P Well you really made me feel incredibly special today xoxo
At any rate, thought I'd take advantage of the change in direction to have it at my back on way home, along Eastside. First however, I wanted to chalk up a bit of distance, beforehand, as I planned to make the ride a 100+ km outing. From PTC I made my way to the start of the KVR, saying hello to Bambi and his Mom, just down from Cannery Brewing, and thence up Vancouver to Middle Bench. Took it back to just before Johnson where I turn around in a small cul de sac. Ride into wind, at this point, wasn't too, too bad as it is a gradual downhill grade and wind at my back was a great help on the small hill past Poplar Grove. Quick loop around the parking lot at Township 7 and then I raced down Upper Bench with its far greater downhill slope to swoop down Haven Hill.
Made a quick run past our place so that when I looped back on Eckhardt, to Government, I had logged 20 km. When at Skaha Lake Park I was at 25 km so did a long dipsy-doodle of the route I have hammered out there so that when I returned, heading south, once more, along South Main, my trusty odometre had registered 35 km so I was a third of my way through outing. Wind was a bit of a cross wind on Eastside so going was not all that tough, although it had changed to the SSE and increased to 13 kph. This was mitigated, to a large extent because since I'd last ridden here, the really rough road surface, about 5 km past the Penticton city limits, had been repaved with gloriously new tarmac. At this point, I really didn't give a fig about the wind resistance as I was reveling in the smooth, smooth ride.
Turned onto McClean Creek and climb wasn't too, too bad although I knew I'd have my work cut out for me once I reached the valley floor with gentle uphill grade there, made much, much more difficult riding straight into the wind, now up to 23 kph out of the SSE, blowing across empty fields with nary a tree to break its force. Still, strong breeze had a wonderful cooling effect as it was around 29ΒΊ C. Always enjoy the exhilarating swoop past Peach Cliff, especially since the road surface is much smoother than at the north end of McClean Creek.
At the bottom I turned onto Maple to make a quick loop past the beach on Skaha and then back to Maple to climb it to the flats just before Weyerhauser Rd where it becomes Oliver Ranch RD. Did three loops on Sun Valley Way, past Stag's Hollow and Wild Goose, before taking Allendale Road, past Liquidity, towards Blue Mountain. Once at the top of the hill leading to the winery one has a grand, grand view of both Vaseux and stunning McIntyre Bluff over acres of heavily laden vines. Just before the cattle guard at the gate to the property I turned around and made my way back to ORR for a final loop of SVW and then I was homeward bound.
Once more up McClean Creek Rd, even enjoying the climb as the cross wind was a bit of an aid, certainly not a hindrance. Once I'd reached the crest of the long hill I knew I was home free. With the wind now at my back and the grade in my favour I sailed along, whizzing down the last leg of the descent although my heart skipped a few beats, half way down when a doe sauntered across the road. I braked as I was concerned that another deer might follow and sure enough, Bambi dashed in front of me. Since I was travelling about 42 kph this was not a collision I wished to envisage, as you can well imagine, Dear Reader!
Unscathed, fortunately, I continued along Eastside, chortling aloud as Aeolus shotgunned me along, all the way up South Main and then Government, Fate smiling upon me, as well, for I made all the lights. Only slightly annoying note was the fact that I wasn't able to push my AVG to 21 kph by the time I was in front of the garage door. Still, very, very happy with outing as it is my first
100+ km ride in some time. Hip Hip Hooray! Cheers!!! Map and Stats for ride:
Back in time, around 3:15 pm, to make myself a sandwich and then I called Huber chauffeur service to collect me so that I could retrieve The Marriage-Mobile. Back home and into shower and then change of clothes as we were off to Spiller Road for dinner and bridge with good friends, Jack Rabbit Slims, (aka Gilliana), and Firewood Phil, (aka Phillipo), as much of firewood we burn over winter is from their property. They own a house in Sedona and so are never here when it's cold enough to need a fire! In fact, I'm going to return to collect more when Ragin' Bull comes up, with his new/used pick-up, in a couple of weeks. Last time we could get together as they are off south early Monday morning and won't be back until end of April. We do hope, however, to spend some time with them if we go to visit Ayn and Los Horridos for Christmas.
Lovely evening although I really didn't have very many biddable hands. [Unlike last Saturday when we had five for dinner, Lighthalls and their guests, Anne and Byron, from Vancouver, along with Judy Pratt, in our bridge group. We played while Anne and Lynne and Lady Dar visited. I am very pleased to report that I had high score, primarily as I bid and made two contracts, 6 Diamonds first, [Judy was my partner.], and then a few hands later, 6 Spades, Doubled, by Byron, [Jugos was my partner.], and Redoubled, by me, both times! Gave me 4,970 points by the end of the evening!] Still, loads of fun.
Hi Patrice, Thank you so much again for the wonderful visit, not to mention food, wine and company, we really enjoyed our time with you guys if as always too short but sweet. Such wonderful news about Chloe coming up to live close by and what will surely be an absolutely gorgeous spot!.
We decided to just push through but for a short ten minute pit stop at the little antique place at Ollala where as luck would have it the proprietor had just closed up to go pick up her daughter from school however she said to feel free to poke around outside and let her know if there was anything we liked. There was a few things that caught our eye but nothing that we could not live with so we just pushed on and it was fairly smooth except for a few slow vehicles on the stretch between Princeton and manning park but we still made good time.
We did stop at the cabin to off load a few things including the projector screen for which I can't thank you enough and will be a wonderful addition indeed to the cabin and or community center. We had a quick visit with Ted and Monique who were staying there and she wanted us to go to the new place and see what she had done with the back deck which was nothing short of amazing in terms of cleanliness as it was a full blown disaster zone when we last saw it. They like to have something to do and always ask what can be done so I figured this would be good for them and so good for us!.
Smooth drive from there and arrived at home around 7:30 to a loving greeting from Clover and Jesse, Jake was at work still and we didn't catch up with him til the next morning but all was well and great to see him as they had been on holiday in Sakinaw when we left and in Osoyoos the previous long weekend so hadn't seen them that much.
Sorry to hear about plumbing woes Patrice but glad you came up with at least a temporary fix that will tie you over until Norm gets a look at it. I am glad you have him there as well and seems like a great guy even though I was a bit miffed about his slightly less than surgical removal of the projector. I do have to hand it to him as he got it done and this is typical of my career where I have tended to be a perfectionist and maybe take a longer more methodical approach to things and work with people who are a little rough around the edges but get it done as well. I have observed treid to learn where finesse may or may not be needed . He seems like a very interesting guy and not one I would have pegged for a dentist!!, I hope him and Rochelle made it back from their kayaking trip with their repaired relations intact and wish them the best.
Had a mildly frustrating day yesterday dealing with the radiator for the Saratoga and went to few wreckers and made some calls to see if i could find a worthy replacement but for naught other than perhaps a custom built unit for an undetermined amount of money. I was going to go to the PNE with Colleen and watch the Doobie brothers and dropped her off around two with the idea of maybe returning and meeting her and Maureen to watch but didn't feel much like braving the crowds again so opted to watch a movie with Jes and have a pizza. Went and picked Colleen up around 11 and dropped her sister off after.
Meanwhile later in the afternoon I spent yet another couple hours trying to solder up the radiator and reinstalled it last night but didn't get a chance to try it out so we'll see what happens today. I will let you know how it works out. Will spend the rest of the day building some security screening for the SCCC community center up in the Valley as well as an overhead shower curtain support for the new cabin. Love to you and Corrine and ttys, Al Sorry that we didn't catch up with Peter and Lynne but please pass along our best and thank them for the delicious blackberries!
Hi Artificial Nose Man! Thanks for great snapolas! Both of us are more than delighted that you can use the projector and screen, especially as a community resource. Pleased to hear that you had a pleasant drive home, even if you didn't find any "finds" in Ollala. I've often run into such slow vehicles on stretch you mention but I usually just try to enjoy being bale to look at scenery until a passing lane presents itself. Glad Monique and Ted did such a wonderful job on your new place. Perhaps we should invite them to our place instead of you two!!! Lovely to be reunited with Clover and the Lads, I'm sure. Sorry to hear about your radiator blues and I sympathize, given my own bathroom sink problems. However, will try to resolve it with Stormin's advice/help once weekend is over as I don't want to spoil holiday for him.
Need to have it addressed, however, obviously, but even more so now as it seems that date for occupancy of loft has been moved up to first week in October. This suits everyone but it means we have to get all our ducks in order, regarding packing/moving ChloΓ«'s possessions and readying our place to accept them, very, very soon! This being the case, glad I went for such a terrific ride earlier today. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Spiller Road Folk and always spectacular sunset from their deck, high above Naramata Road.
Hello Spiller Road Folk! Just a quick note to thank you both for such a lovely evening of cards, wonderful food and scintillating company, including Nala, of course!
Have friends from Vancouver, Jocelyn and Jim, up for coming week, house-sitting for our friends in Naramata so hope I can persuade Jim to play bridge this coming week. Jim is a very good duplicate player so I've invited him to join group for next weeks' game. I'm sure Lady Dar would be happy to visit with Jocelyn, and others, no matter where we play. I know everyone would enjoy meeting him and learning from his duplicate expertise, as would I, it goes without saying.
Buona Fortuna with packing and last minute details of readying house. Thanks again for last night. We'll miss you both terribly so do hope we can manage a visit in Sedona. Best wishes to Kelsey on her defense. Take care of each other and travel safely. Cheers, Patrizzio! Thank you for coming up to the Eerie and making it a great evening! We'll definitely miss our weekly get togethers with Penticton's and Summerland's card wranglers and socialites. Nothing like it in Sedona so we'll just have to do without! Enjoy the Autumn n winter and hopefully see you down South in late Jan/early Feb? Cheers. Phil
208 2001 Wall St is officially sold! Hi everyone, Sorry to message you all so late but I just received the signed subject removal and copy of deposit cheque (attached) for the loft. We are now 100% sold. Congratulations on the sale! Although it wasn't the wild bidding war we might have seen in the spring, we got a great number and a higher $ per foot than the most recent comparable in the building, setting a new record for the 2nd floor.
We just have one minor clerical issue to fix. The Buyer's agent spelled his client's name incorrectly on the contract. I will send an addendum through Docusign in a moment that you all need to sign to acknowledge that correction.
Other than that we are all set. I have been in touch with Jean at Toews. Good news, looks like the buyers want to move the dates up to earlier in October (5th and 6th) to accommodate their own sale. I should be able to confirm that tomorrow.
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The Bear and Bear Leader
- Passing the Hotel D’Angleterre, 1776
Art: Thomas Rowlandson
Hello Dear Fartograms, Tony and I will be in Vancouver for the next little while for Laxmi's and Si's Wedding. So, we will not be hiking on Monday. Can one of you please carry the ball and organize something? We just cannot let the Old Farts fun go. Any hike is better than no hike. So, please show your love for the old Farts, including yourself, and send out a note for Monday by using "Reply to All" to get the distribution list on your email. Thank you! Aart & Tony Phil and I are gone Monday Sept 4 driving south so see you all next year and have a great winter Greetings all: The Slow Farts are going to meander through some meadows near Agur Lake, W of Summerland. If you have nothing better to do and if you can walk slowly please join us. Be at the Summerland IGA by 8:00 Al
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