It is frequently the tragedy of the great artist, as it is of the great
scientist, that he frightens the ordinary man. -Loren Eiseley,
anthropologist, educator, and author (3 Sep 1907-1977)
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Alex in Love: The look on Alex's face is priceless and wonderful Love to all Ayn |
He's on fire with no possibility of the blaze ever being extinguished! Chief, LAFD!
Alex made a handsome groom Have a great week everyone Love
Ayn He looks so handsome, like he's selling tuxedos!!!! ❤️
Lady Dar let The Wildlings out around 5:30 am as El Diablo was starting to push items off her bureau, successfully getting her attention! She came back to bed and I rolled over to sleep, myself, until 6:45 am. Out into the kitchen to close the sliding door to our bedroomso she could continue to stay curled up, beneath the covers as it was a lovely, cool morning. Lazy morning, working away on digital correpsondence and then playing a highly contested game of fetch with Duke, tirelessly retrieving his crumpled piece of paper in both our bedroom and guest bedroom. He really likes the latter as he uses the small table near the door as a launch pad into the hallway, arcing through the air to pounce upon his "ball" on the hallway rug.
After lady Dar left for Oasis I made myself a delish plate of overlefts and enjoyed my substantial fare starting my my nex book. Martin Cruz Smith's Stalin's Ghost, another Arkady Renko novel. After that I readied my camel pack, etc., for my ride and left the house around 11:30 am. Initially I had thought I'd try for another 100+ outing so I did some initial dipsy-doodling on the Hamster Cage Loops up from PTC to KVR/Vancouver Ave and side streets there. Then I made for Riverside and onto 97, but only as far as Red Wing West, for added distance to contribute to longer ride. However, once there I decided I should only go for my basic, maintenance ride of 51 km as I was planning to hike the next day and didn't want to have to struggle with tired legs, given that I've not been hiking regularly, unfortunately, this summer.
Once I'd made this decision, I returned to Riverside and then logged more distance, doing three loops around the empty parking lots of the Casino and Memorial Arena before heading back along Lakeshore to PTC and thence home. Was pleased that I'd not gone for a longer run as once I needed to do a few household chores before we walked downtown for dinner at the apartment of friends who live in the building just opposite Gyro Park. Punjab Mela Festival was just winding up as we cut across the grass in front of the outdoor stage there. Map and Stats for ride:
Dear Slightly Errant Freeload Proofer, I am sorry I wasn’t able send you an autographed 1st edition of my latest work, but it is still stuck at the publishers. If you had it, no doubt you would have read Appendix A - which describes exactly what visitors are exempt from anti-freeloading tactics. Visitors that build shelves, bike lockers, haul firewood, … and MOST IMPORTANT … provide canine companionship for Pentictonian Felines, are exempt - and deserve only the best 7-star service - hmm … I have yet to get breakfast in bed. I prefer satin bedsheets btw. Are there NO Shapley Japanese masseuses in Penticton? Furthermore, gourmet omelette makers are in very high demand everywhere!!
[Strip along door …just to fill he gap. Sanded and stained, will blend in perfectly]
Sigh, friends are demanding. Keep me posted on the fall 3-ring-circus, moving Chloe, to putting up a clothes line. Can we not just cycle, partake in malt and let the sisterhood deal with their own self imposed issues? ANYWAY, the Penticton Cabinet is almost finished!!! I am one drawer edge and one door edge away from sanding, re-staining and moving it upstairs. Note the pile of plastic in the second photo. If there is any chance of rain, you’ll be getting it back! Get cozy with the weatherman! Pics to follow. Branko
[Glue setting on rebuilt drawer edge, to be trimmed for non-square fitting!]
Hi Maya and David, et al! Lovely to see you all, if only fairly briefly, on my part. Marvelous to finally be introduced to Reuven with the bluest of blue eyes! My, how Declan, is turning into a fine young man. Another strappingly handsome lad, straight out of the Noreen/Rocky mold but always an individual in his own right! Congratulations to you both on your wonderful offspring! Do hope that you will be able to visit us, for a night or two, when back in The Okanagan, with rides aplenty, David! Perhaps Chloë will be well established in Sendero Canyon, by then, and we can enjoy the luxury, sheer luxury of her new home, in Upper Penticton, where she looks down upon her impoverished parents, struggling to keep body and soul together on a few stunted, home-grown zucchini and a bottle or two of Baby Duck! Fondestos to one and all from Lady Dar, praying for my black soul at Oasis. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Life at The Bench! Pat. You literally had me laughing out loud...Love to you and Corinne. Maya+Family
Thanks for photos Pat. In all fairness there are 'genetics' from my side of the family, too. Going anywhere this winter? Hope to see you in Courtenay in Spring/Summer 2018! Off to Eastern Europe on Sept 11th. Start in Budapest and end in Berlin. Take care, Lynette✌ Hello Goils! This just in from Lynette! Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio! Hi Lynette! I certainly wasn't meaning to leave Famiglia
Gunnlaugson out of the genetics equation but when I saw Declan, after not having seen him for a number of years, his visage simply reminded me of so many of Clan Sanders when I first met them back in Winnipeg in the '70's. On the travel front, with Chloë moving here we will have a built in cat-sitter so we will probably drive to LA for Christmas with Ayn and Los Horridos and then perhaps continue east to visit with friends in Sedona and Dallas, perhaps some time in New Orleans and/or Florida. Lady Dar would like to visit Cuba so that is another option.
For my part, I'm currently exploring a bike trip, with some friends from here, in Poland or Slovakia or the Czech Republic, in April/May of next year, while Lady Dar in keen on South Africa. Still in very rudimentary planning stages for both of us but will see how things evolve. Must away as I'm off for my bike ride. Planning to go all the way to Oliver. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Sounds like you are busy as ever and riding up a storm. Well Done! that was one heck of a bike ride. I guess it has been pretty hot up there. Hopefully the heat is your friend, just like wine is :-) I’m off to Italy on the 13th and am so looking forward to the vacation. 1 week around Bari doing a culinary tour and then to the Amalfi Coast for a week. I will post a few pics on facebook…but you aren’t on facebook are you? Oh well. You can just picture me eating wonderful food and drinking wonderful wine. :-) Cheers. Janet
Più saluti da Penticton! Ciao Pinguin! Sono lieto di sentire parlare del tuo viaggio in Italia. Suona semplicemente meraviglioso e Lady Dar è verde con invidia! Infatti, sono su Facebook in modo da poter seguire tutti i tuoi capperi culinari e avventure di vino! Sentirete ancora che dovete venire ad esplorare l'Okanagan in modo da tenere presente un viaggio qui in mente. Avere un tempo favoloso e godere di ogni momento. Viaggiare in sicurezza, Gratuiti, Patrizzio!
Fotografie: Degustazione di vini con Freeloaders, Colleen e Al: Picnic a Pentâge e alcune delle loro uve; Sbattuto in più amici della biblioteca da Vancouver al Upper Bench; a Roche, quasi accanto; Dopo un pic-nic al banco 1775, il giorno successivo; poi una nuotata in spiaggia a Naramata. Verso il tramonto, gran parte del cielo era quasi rosso sangue con fumo da incendi! Giorno prima in spiaggia, vicino a PAG, luminoso e soleggiato!
More Greetings from Penticton! Hello Penguin! Glad to hear about your coming trip to Italy. Sounds simply marvellous and Lady Dar is green with envy! In fact, I am on Facebook so I can follow all your culinary capers and wine adventures! Still feel you need to come and explore the Okanagan so keep a trip here in mind. Have a fabulous time and enjoy every moment. Travel safely, Cheers, Patrizzio! I see you must have used the same translation tool that I did; see below. It translated pretty well I thought. Who is on facebook? You? Corrine?
Anyways, I will send a copy photos when I get back. NOt
gone for all that long, sad to say. I will have some wine for you
though! You can count on me :-)
Janet Hello Lost in Translation Girl! I'm on Facebook under "Patrick James Dunn" and Lady Dar is under Corinne Durston. Thanks for having a drop for me! Cheers, Patrizzio!Hi Patriziao and Corinna Lore and I are going to be in Oliver, with the Kuschel's from Sept. 7-10, leaving 11. May be we can visit for a coffee. Should you be in town. Love Gisela Hi Gisela! I was wondering if you were coming to the Okanagan this year so absolutely delighted to hear from you. Yes, we will be in town when you are around. However, we have tickets for the Jazz Festival, Friday through Sunday. Doesn't start until around 3:00 pm on Friday so that might be a good day for a visit if that works for you. Come mid-morning and stay for lunch.
Are you heading home on Monday? If going north, perhaps coffee/lunch on that day, if more convenient. Anyway, you decide and let us know and we'll plan accordingly. We were getting lonely as had good friends, Colleen and Al, for three nights earlier this week. Jocelyn and Jim are to arrive this afternoon, house-sitting for Lynne and Peter Lighthall, in Naramata. We hope to see them a couple of times while they are here. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Dunn Clan Friday it is, we will call soon as we arrive. But please do not make LUNCH, as Barbara and Rudi are always making a huge breakfast, we come for coffee, a cool drink a visit and a chat. Please say Hi to Jim and Joycelyn. Always Gisela Hi Gisela and Lore! Friday is fine so look forward to seeing you both then. Jim will be playing bridge with us on Wednesday and then they are coming for dinner on Thursday evening. Will pass along regards from you, of course. Cheers, Patrizzio! Looking forward as well, See you Love Gisela
The tv stand is ready whenever you are. It is safely in the garage! Hello Chilliwack! We are in the process of planning Chloë's move, sometime mid-September, or so, from Vancouver to Penticton. This being the case, am hoping we will be able to stop by your place to collect stand. To this end could you send me the rough dimensions of the piece so we can figure out where best to put it. Friend is probably going to bring his pick-up along with a U-Haul trailer so I imagine we'll put stand in truck bed and Lady Dar can sit atop everything, just like a Beverly Hillbilly! Thanks and Cheers!
Good morning Penticton! Very hot here, how about your place? Anytime for a pick up is fine, we should be home, nothing planned as yet. The measurements are 57" long x 20" wide x 37.5" high. I hope Chloe will enjoy her new digs. Hi again, Heather! Thanks for sending along dimensions. They will help when making decisions about moving other pieces of Chloë's furniture. I'm sure she will be more than comfortable in her new digs in Sendero Canyon. Plans still afoot for packing and moving as she has yet to hear about a start date from new employer. Until then, she cannot give notice so hope she will here in next few days. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
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