Tuesday, 31 October 2017

46th Anniversary Halloween Blues: Tuesday, October 31st!

Time engraves our faces with all the tears we have not shed. -Natalie Clifford Barney, poet, playwright, and novelist (31 Oct 1876-1972)

Happy Halloween Have a great Halloween! Attached Tris's version of a scary pumpkin and Marnie's Batman version for Tris! Hello Pumpkin People! What fabulous carvings! Lady Dar and Chloë thought they were terrific. Chloë will drive to Vernon, around 3:00 pm, this afternoon, to go trick-or-treating with Luca and Emma. 

Katie and Brian moved to Vernon this summer and Brian's parents, Anne and Roger, from Newfoundland, happen to be visiting as well. Chloë will stay overnight and go straight to work tomorrow morning. This being the case, we will be staying home to hand out treats. [Wonder how Etta and Duke will take all the costumes!] Today is the 46th anniversary of our meeting, at the pub in Champs Motor Inn, in Winnipeg. Earlier that afternoon it was a beautiful, clear, crisp Fall day and when we emerged from the pub, around 6:00 pm, there was more than a foot of snow on the ground!

Ayn P Shout out to my parents who met on Halloween in '71 while I was dressed as a little Apache at Grandma Clara Durston's trick or treating We celebrated the 46th anniversary of meeting at Champs Motor Inn Pub, in Winnipeg, at Front Street Brasserie, this past Saturday, as Chloë is off to Vernon to go trick-or-treating with Luca and Emma and we have to be home, with Etta and Duke, to hand out candy! Chloe Alexis Dunn These two dapper folks.....my folks met 46 years ago today!!! Happiest of Spooky Anniversaries to Corinne and Patrick!!! ❤️🍷👻🎃 Ayn P Thanks, I've updated my post with more content now!
Clara Durston
Clara Durston Happy Halloween Anniversary
Looking Good !!!!
Penny Doorbar
Penny Doorbar Would love to be with you to celebrate xx
Hello Duhlink and Madcap!Trust you are both well. You may have a chance to celebrate, at least with me as I'm in the midst of planning a bicycle trip to Poland at the end of May. Won't give you any dates, just yet, in case you try to skip out of town when I'm around!!! Fondestos from Lady Dar and Chloë. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Colleen Teahan Waldron Congrats to an amazing fun loving couple of kids!
Margareta Maunsbach Love the butterfly, Patrick! Happy anniversary
Hi Steel Magnolia!Trust you three are well. How are Johannes and Petros? You may have a chance to see another "butterfly" next year! Have been meaning to send you a message ever since we started watching Dicte! We both really, really enjoyed the series, in large part as we felt that the character development was superb. Could hardly wait until next evening to come to start watching more episodes on Netflix! Kept trying to identify any sections of the city we might have visited so that was fun as well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Sandra Boutilier
Sandra Boutilier Happy Anniversary Corinne and Patrick! You look great!
Jennifer Nash
Jennifer Nash Happy Anniversary!!!
Jessica Lewis
Jessica Lewis Miss you guys
Patrick James Dunn
Patrick James Dunn Just sipping on a Black Widow 2016 Pinot Gris,13.8%, in between handing out Halloween treats. Candy is Dandy, but Liquor is Quicker!! Aaoooooo! Werewolves of London! Aaoooooo! Marlo Jurkowski Happy Hallows from all of us!
Jessica Lewis
Jessica Lewis That's cute.
Nao Bolliger-Hirano Happy Anniversary!!!🎉🎉🎉
Patrick James Dunn
Patrick James Dunn Thanks Nao! How are you? When are you coming to visit? We'd love to see you here. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Since we knew Chloë would be away for Halloween we decided to celebrate our anniversary on Saturday at the Front Street Brasserie, here in town, one of our favourite spots. Well, must away as I've more firewood to mule from Spiller and then go for a ride before rain starts! Fondestos from Lady Dar, busy booking our trip to Costa Rica from January 7th to February 4th. Will spend Christmas here, with Chloë, and then drive to Tinsel Town for New Year's. Will fly from LA and when back, wend our way east to visit with friends in Phoenix and Dallas. Then north to collect Clara in Falcon and bring her back to Penticton for a month or so. At least that is the plan! Cheers to you and Gayle, Patrizzio!
Tummler, very sorry to learn of health concerns for both Ted and Champagne Charlie especially the latter seems dire. I only met Charlie once at a bridge game on the boat but really enjoyed the banter. Please wish Ted and Charlie all the best from me. Keep me posted.

Not sure I can afford to swan around Poland in the spring but we will talk. With your new status as a land baron in wine land, maybe you can sponsor me. I would be willing to put Tummler Reach advertising all over my clothes and equipment. Nice to see Glasgow, Victor and Fast Eddies' mugs. All looking stylish as ever. Thanks. I will see if I can get off the island around the 8th. Will get back at ya shortly. Fond regards to you and C., W&CJ

Hello Bridgettes and Wildebeest Wierzbicki! So far only Naramata Goil has replied. She is able to play tomorrow, while Judy Blue and Josinta are unavailable. Mad Michaelo is on safari, shaking in his boots! Barbarella and Olga Polga, are you interested and available? Please let me know and we'll plan accordingly. Happy to host here at Burns Street Bridge Camp. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Patrick Sorry for the delay....I didn’t receive an email re this week, to my knowledge, hence my tardiness! I can play tomorrow if you really need someone but I am playing today and Thursday and therefore wouldn’t mind an evening off. Happy to play if you’re short. Please let me know. Thanks. B Wild to be yet, because I am still packing, debating to take a lion repellant or not, getting ready for the trip which starts on Nov. 09  So, the best bidding for all, and see you sometimes in December. Cheers. Mike Onward safari Mike! Have a great trip. Now as for Bridge, we are on! Wednesday night at 6:30. So far we have 4 so see you then. Hugs to all, Olly

Hello Pumpkin People! What a fabulous breakfast! Thank you both for the scrumptious meal and visit. Not long enough, of course! What are your plans for Halloween? Fondestos from Lady Dar and Cheers to you both, Patrizzio! Pics: Clover and The Imperiales! FSB with Leandro and Susanne!

Happy Halloween to you both!  Thanks for your wonderful email I was so so pleased to hear from you. Loved the invite to bike in Poland but I am afraid I am not a distance rider like you. Perhaps we could meet in Cracow and bike in the city for a bit.  Anyways I must run for now--reading a Halloween story to a class.  Will write a better email later. In the meantime have a spook-ta-cular Halloween night by the silvery light of the Halloween moon. Jo-Anne

Hi Doting Halloween Nana! Wonderful costume and greeting! Duke and Etta loved it!!! Did you go out with Kian?
Cheers, Patrizzio!
THANK YOU FOR YOUR FEEDBACK, dear Patrizio, and for all your hard hard work for this festival. I would love it, btw, if Corinne would let me know directly about her experience with Elizabeth. (That said, I do know she submitted her feedback form and said she didn’t feel that her suggestions were appreciated, that she didn’t appreciate being referred to as “Girls” and that credit card/debit card acceptance at the concessions would improve sales….) Perhaps that sufficed for her…she certainly was ‘to the point’. I am overjoyed to see that she is willing to volunteer again next year. I will pass on your observations and specific recommendations for planning for next year. Changes are always hard. Please know that we so appreciate you and Corinne’s contributions to this festival and that our hats are off to you. Kathryn

Hello Duhlink Katarina! Thanks for letting me know you received our feedback. You captured Lady Dar's comments, as submitted, so she feels she doesn't need to say more, unless, for whatever reason(s), you would like her to do so.

For my part, I had forgotten to add that I think two bar stools should be at each bar to allow barkeeps a chance to rest weary legs between busy times or during sessions when bars are closed. Not a big deal but other volunteers, in and out of kitchens, could also use them for a bit to catch their breath. [Maybe a hot-tub could be arranged!] Other than that, I'm sorry I didn't have more time to visit with you over the course of the Fest but know how very busy you always are, barking out orders! As well, sorry to miss Volunteer Bash so please pass along best wishes and greetings to all the rest of the hard-working, dedicated gang and thank everyone for such an exciting, rewarding line-up.

I trust you and your long-suffering husband might choose to visit us, at some point, in the not too, too distant future. You are always welcome to stay in our 'umble abode, here in Penticton. However, as of the end of November, we will, (all paperwork and financing going smoothly), be the proud owners of a "fractional condo" at Spirit Ridge, in Osoyoos. Should you wish to stay in Luxury, Sheer Luxury, book your visit to match our allotted times, two weeks out of every eight, in the cycle. Simply let us know what "window" you might be looking at and we will endeavour to accommodate your royal personages! Until then, Fondestos from Lady Dar, out walking with her Flatlanders group. Take care of each other. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Pics: Some Festival snapolas, Tuesday Reception: Juliette of the Spirits and Lady Dar; Peggster/PeggySue, (Peggy Susan Holman), and Sanpellegrino, (Perrin Lindelauf); Hal; Robertito, (Robert XXX? I don't have his email so could you forward this to him or else ask him to send his address to me, if you see him at Volunteer Appreciation Bash.), with Deanna Rodger and PeggySue. Wednesday: Bruno with The Babes; My friend Sara, (She now teaches, part-time, I believe, in Creative Writing Department at UBC. Hart Hanson taught her script-writing! We met at Aquasize in UBC pool!), with Zoe and Melanie. I used to swim with George and Angela at the pool, as well. George taught Hart in the Creative Writing Department! Hart and Sara. Sunday Brunch with Hal and John Boyne.
Merci beaucoup, Patrick! Thanks for the accommodation offers, but if we are likely to get up there, it would probably be staying with my sister….In the meantime we are keeping close to home thanks to my mother’s frail health and the two household pooches needing us….BEST to you and Corinne! Kathryn Hi again, Kathryn! Sorry to hear about your mother's health. Have been down that road, ourselves. On the pooch front, understand completely and that is why we are even more delighted to have Chloë living with us: a built-in cat sitter! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Lynn and Peter, Trust you are enjoying your trip. Want to hear all the details when you return. We are going to Costa Rica out of LA on Jan. 7th and return there on Feb. 4. Is it convenient if we joined you in Palm Desert the week of Feb. 5? You' re missing a chlly Fall. Look forward to seeing you on your return.
Hugs, Corinne
Hi Corinne We’re en route home today, currently in Johannesburg airport after visiting Victoria Falls yesterday. A very gruelling trip but we saw a lot of things and traveled with some nice people. Your timing for your proposed visit to Palm Desert isn’t perfect. We’re booked up Feb 7 through 15, so we could only have a short visit Feb 4 through 6 if you felt like driving over for those nights. Looking forward to seeing you and catching up on all the action. Love ❤️ from us. Hi Peter we will come for the night on the 5 & 6 on our way to Arizona. See you both soon. Corinne

Monday, 30 October 2017

Right Shoulder Specialist Consulttation/Huber Snow Tires Blues: Monday, October 30th!

The only thing one can give an artist is leisure in which to work. To give an artist leisure is actually to take part in his creation. -Ezra Pound, poet (30 Oct 1885-1972)

Hi Patrick! Yes we will be around on November 8. Heading to Palm Springs on the 12th for 10 days. See you then! Thanks Beech Nuts! I should have asked for your phone number, as well, just in case, if you don't mind. That way you can have a bottle of expensive wine open when I arrive! We stopped in Keremeos on way home for vegetables. Pumpkin City! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Lots of good look veggies there!  Would you be interested in a floor lamp also? Also don't be writing that number on the bathroom walls! For a good time call Heather!!! Yes, I'm keen on the floor lamp as well. Thanks and Cheers! Well seeing as your keen on the floor lamp how about an area rug? They are going on FB soon!
When do I get the golf clubs? I'll take whatever you want to rid yourselves of! Thanks again. If this keeps up I'll need to rent a U-Haul!!! Cheers, Patrizzio The Freeloader/Scrounger!!!The carpet is not a giveway $100. No golf clubs!Thought it was too good to be true! Oh well! Cheers!

Hello Patrick and Corinne I hope this email finds you well and having enjoyed the conference at the Coast from when we last spoke. I just wanted to send a quick email to follow up and see if you wanted to set up some time this week or next to come in and chat about some thoughts and options for investing your proceeds? Please let me know your thoughts and I will go from there. Take care, Tina Hi Tina! Thanks for being in touch. I was planning to send along a message but glad you contacted me. We had a wonderful time at The Vancouver Writers Festival but it is still a delight to be back in Penticton. Tomorrow, Tuesday, morning or afternoon, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, around 2:00 pm are all possible times for us. Let me know and we'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!  

That sounds great – glad you enjoyed! How about Wednesday, Nov 1st at 2pm? Cheers, Tina Hi again, Tina! Terrific! Will see you on Wednesday, November 1st, at 2:00 pm. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Jack Rabbit and Fillipo! Trust you are both well. Sorry I've not been in touch sooner BUT life seems to have been even more hectic of late. No complaints but things have been piling up. Motorized Mary is back in town and then off again by mid-November. I'm writing, primarily, to see if you are still interested in bike trip to Poland. I'm committed to going but not Lady Dar as her Marriage Officiant role requires her to stay. At any rate, Mary said there are 7 confirmed so I'd be happy to share accommodation with you if you wish to join group, saving on single occupancy. Base cost is €1290 or $1927.55 CDN. I understand that if full amount is paid by the end of November there is an additional 10% discount. I plan to pay full amount by this deadline. I have a bike in France and will fly to Europe, well in advance, to collect it and make my way to Poland, Cracow in particular, where tour is to start, visiting friends along the way, if that is possible. I'm also interested in a bike trip in Slovakia but will write directly to Katarina about that possibility. Are you interested? One or both? I will put this to rest of group, as well, in case some of the others are keen for another guided bike tour. Depending on what dates are finally decided upon, I may well spend a number of months in Europe as there are many people I'd like to visit, from Oslo to Berne to Lyon to London to York, if folks are around, of course.
On the home front, h
ave been quite busy ever since returning home, [From Vancouver where we spent about 12 days, a week of which volunteering at the Vancouver Writers Festival. Had a grand time so glad we decided to go.] Spent a couple of days muling firewood, here in town, from the neighbour of a neighbour who gave me three loads last year, as well as one load from Spiller Road! Thanks very much! When there I saw a lovely grouse, of some sort, seemingly not at all bothered by me and my wheel-barrow full of firewood. Its colouration was such that I probably would not have seen it was it not for the clucking it made in the tall, dry grass next to the path I was using. What a treat to see such beauty and vitality little more than an arm's length away. Further blessed with a gorgeous day so it was pleasant enough work, all around.

I'm hoping to make another couple of runs to your place to work on stack by woodshed. I've taken all the logs in the open, flat space, as well as some from down the slope.
On Saturday, Norm, from across back lane, brought over his chain saw and cut up all the considerable number of large tree limbs I had piled in the back driveway. Into this mix we had an electrician here on Friday moving the fan in the Rumpus Room and putting in an outlet in our bedroom so that Lady Dar can now operate, remotely, the electric fireplace, (once in the living room at The Heartbreak Hotel in False Creek/Granville Island, newly painted to match wall decor, from the comfort of her bed! Chap came back today to put an outlet, from garage, to patio so that we can hang a million dollar lamp, (bought at a PAG fund-raiser), outside. Needed another outlet there anyway.
For the past two weeks we have been the proud owners of hot-water-on-demand as we had Fortis bring gas to the house this summer. Have also plumbed line for a the bbq so may well try to pick up one which takes natural gas if there happens to be any end-of-season clearance sales. One we have is on its last legs and needs to be replaced anyway. Other Big News is that, as of a week or so ago, we are now the proud owners of a "fractional condo" at Spirit Ridge! Never thought I'd buy any recreational property.

From my point of view at least, purchase is intended, mainly, as a small, very small, property investment. Lady Dar, of course, loves complex as we have stayed many times, most recently with Flamin' and Sarge, who own a similar unit. At this stage of my life I'm not interested, (More importantly, nor could I afford it, without taking on a mortgage!), in becoming a slum landlord but with this "recreational" property all the upkeep/maintenance, (one pays for it, of course, with strata fees, etc.), interior as well as exterior, is done by the resort. Quarter owners, (our case), have two weeks every eight weeks but can opt to leave unit in rental pool should you not wish to use it for those dates. With recent sale of our loft in Vancouver I do not need a mortgage. Flamin' and Sarge covered all their expenses, (strata fees, insurance, etc.), and still made a bit of money even after staying for most of their allotted time. Anyway, we shall see what we shall see. Deal is to close by end of November so have a bit of time to arrange paper-work, etc. Of course Chloë has already planned weekends for her an her girlfriends while Ayn and Los Horridos, from Tinsel Town, may well visit this summer.

Well must away as Lady Dar is calling for me to come to dinner table. Fondestos from her, busy working on her
Caroling for a Cause, Grandmothers for Africa  project, November 23rd, and Chloë, in Kelowna at a strata meeting this evening. As soon as you can, please let me know what you think about bike trip and I'll proceed accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Pics: Bridge with Ragin' Bull, The Penguin and Fast Eddy, a week ago Monday; Brunch with friends in Burnaby before driving back to Penticton; Mount Baker and Keremeos; Tim and Marian with their eldest granddaughter and neighbour at the GFA dinner; After the chainsaw and then stacked! Front Street Brasserie.

Sunday, 29 October 2017

Poplar Grove Powered By Love Blues: Sunday, October 29th!

He who has provoked the lash of wit, cannot complain that he smarts from it. -James Boswell, biographer and lawyer (29 Oct 1740-1795)

Tummler, Pretty damn seldom where my malt go, she no fly...We heard tell through interpol contacts that you might be near the Republic. Let us know if you can get over to the north island. It has been way too long since we had a therapy ride or shared a drop of the beloved elixir. I am just back from a transcontinental drive from the eastern seaboard and I could use a good ride. And maybe a malt. Hope this finds you well. Fond regards to you and C,

Hi Whirlygig and Calamity! Pretty Damn Seldom message no fly from deep, dark woods! Wonderful that you finally broke radio silence! I assumed/hoped you were in deep, deep cover, carrying out a covert operation in The Land Trumpfoolery and Worse! At any rate, trust you are both well. We had a wonderful time at the VWF and it was great to visit with various friends although some very, very sad news about Champagne Charlie. I assume you didn't know but he is now in the hospice, off Wall, that Flamin' is responsible for. We first visited him there when we were in town to pack up Chloë at the end of September. Yes, the loft is sold and she has a new job, as a strata manager for Pacific Quorum, just around the corner from us. She will live with us until April/May when the condo she is buying, (with a hefty down-payment from us, as you might imagine!), will be finished. Great to have a built-in cat-sitter even if it means listening, non-stop, to how we are doing everything wrong! Kids today!!! 

Saw him again, a week ago this past Thursday and he is even frailer. We knew something was up about six months, or more, ago when he had to return from Thailand where he and O Susannah were leading a tour. I'm heading back into Vancouver, (for an annual appointment with my dermatologist on November 8th), so I'm wondering if he will still be alive. Michelle feels he doesn't have much time left as his cancer has spread extensively. Tough, tough hand to be dealt.

With respect to that visit I am wondering if you might be in town, either earlier or later in the week. My schedule is pretty flexible. Lady Dar won't be with me as she is preparing for a Grandmothers For Africa fund-raiser, Caroling for a Cause on November 23rd and has mountains of organizing to do. We had hoped to do an "Island Tour" after VWF but things simply worked out differently. Anyway, let me know what your schedule looks like and I'll plan accordingly.

For the past two weeks we have been the proud owners of hot-water-on-demand as we had Fortis bring gas to the house this summer. Have also plumbed line for a the bbq so may well try to pick up one which takes natural gas if there happens to be any end-of-season clearance sales. One we have is on its last legs and needs to be replaced anyway. Other Big News is that, as of a week or so ago, we are now the proud owners of a "fractional condo" at Spirit Ridge! Never thought I'd buy any recreational property. [Back-story for financing when we met in person. Hush! Hush! and all that!!!]

From my point of view at least, purchase is intended, mainly, as a small, very small, property investment. Lady Dar, of course, loves complex as we have stayed many times, most recently with Flamin' and Sarge, who own a similar unit. At this stage of my life I'm not interested, (More importantly, nor could I afford it, without taking on a mortgage!), in becoming a slum landlord but with this "recreational" property all the upkeep/maintenance, (one pays for it, of course, with strata fees, etc.), interior as well as exterior, is done by the resort. Quarter owners, (our case), have two weeks every eight weeks but can opt to leave unit in rental pool should you not wish to use it for those dates.

With recent sale of our loft in Vancouver I do not need a mortgage. Flamin' and Sarge covered all their expenses, (strata fees, insurance, etc.), and still made a bit of money even after staying for most of their allotted time. Anyway, we shall see what we shall see. Deal is to close by end of November so have a bit of time to arrange paper-work, etc. Of course Chloë has already planned weekends for her an her girlfriends while Ayn and Los Horridos may well visit this summer. Funny how Chloë didn't think my idea to purchase this was wrong!!!

For my part I'm in the midst of planning a bicycle trip to Poland at the end of May. Interested? I'm looking for another person to share double occupancy with as Lady Dar's Marriage Officiant scam seems to be taking off and she needs to be here at this time of the year. In that vein, I've been a bit like you in terms of needing more time in the saddle, of late.

This afternoon, there was book launch, Powered By Love A Grandmothers' Movement to End AIDS in Africa, done by the Stephen Lewis Foundation. Book contains interviews and photographs of the grandmothers involved and two of them, both from Ethiopia, were part of the tour. Again, both were also at the dinner. Remarkable, remarkable women, both in Africa but also in Canada, raising money for this critical cause.

Well, must away as it has been a long day and I've more firewood to mule from Spiller tomorrow. Let me know what you think about bike trip and closer, to home, about getting together around November 8th. Had a wonderful evening with Ragin' Bull, The Penguin and Fast Eddy last Monday while Lady Dar was at her book club. I'm trying to organize another game for this coming visit so it would be great if you could be one of players, if you still remember how to play. Even had Victor drop by for a brief visit, as he did at Calamity's place. Finally returned the dark glasses he left on that occasion. Chloë had them ever since but in spite of repeated calls, he never came by to collect them so she brought them to Penticton when she moved here! I told him that if he didn't ge tthem this time iwas going to keep them. I was a tad disappointed he popped by as they were designer shades and I looked even spiffier in them than normal, given my homeless biking gear look! Fondestos from Lady Dar and Chloë, both already abed. Cheers to you and Calamity, Tummler/Il Conduttore/Patrizzio/Landlord Extraordinaire!

PS: I called the Keatings,, late this afternoon, and chatted with Ted. I said he sounded fine and he replied that I couldn't see him walk so I gather that balance is still an issue. At any rate, he was pleased to hear about mercury and lead as these issues had not been raised, to date. So this is where matters stand as of this writing!
Pics: Had dinner with Catherine and Glasgow on Tuesday evening as our shift at VWF was over by 6:30 pm. They have a penthouse in a new high-rise on the corner of Keefer and Main. Had a lovely meal, across the street, at Bao Bei Chinese Brasserie, a trendy new spot in the city, and then went back to their place for a nightcap. I'd not been to their place before but both Lady Dar and Chloë had visited a number of times. Phenomenal views from each of their two balconies but otherwise I wouldn't trade it for Burns Street. Catherine complains it is too small so I gather they may well be moving, yet again!!!

Hey Patrick do you still want the cabinet? Thought you might of picked it up on you way through from Waynes. Hi Chillwackians! Hard to believe but we didn't have room in our car on return journey! I am back in Vancouver on November 8th. Will you be around then? I could stop on way down or back, depending on your schedule. I apologize for taking so long. No excuses but plenty of reasons! Could you also include your address in reply. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Pretty Damn Seldom, J P McElroy: I remember when I was little how my mother used to say that a soft answer turneth away wrath, but I always thought that Father’s system – a gay answer – was better. Later I discovered the best system of all, and I don’t mean no answer; for you don’t get anywhere in married life not having an answer.

It was a Chinese traveller who evoked the magic formula which makes quarrelling almost impossible for my wife and me. One day, late for his train, he rushed over to the station baggage room, threw his check on the counter and demanded his bag. The attendant couldn’t find it. As precious minutes went by, the Chinese finally could stand it no longer. He pounded the counter with his fist and yelled: “Pretty damn seldom where my bag go. She no fly. You no more fit run station than god sake. That’s all I hope!”

Before hearing this, when anything of mine got mislaid, I used to scream like a banshee. But now I merely holler “Pretty damn seldom where my papers go!” In the old days my wife used to come back snappily with “If you put your papers where they belong, you’d know where to find them!” – which is sheer nonsense. I found the only answer to such a remark was “You no more fit run house than god sake!” which put her in her place until she learned to retort, “That’s all I hope!” –stopping all argument dead.

In the silly old days I used to moan, “Why don’t you fill out your cheque stubs properly?” Now I just say, “Pretty damn seldom where my money go. She no fly.” And I get just as far as I ever did – which is nowhere. As for the children, we never quarrel anymore about who is spoiling which. One of us merely looks at the other and says in a resigned way, “ you no more fit to run children than god sake!” which nobody can deny. Well, there it is. Pretty damn seldom where your happiness go. She no fly. But if don’t try this next time instead of quarreling, you no more fit run marriage than god sake. That’s all I hope.

Hi Old Farts, Thanks to all who attended last week’s breakfast. We see each other less and less as we hike with groups of different abilities…..it is good to get together once in a while. Perhaps more often than we have been, eh?
This week, we are going to venture up onto the South Slopes. For those who don’t know about the area, we travel up the Ashnola River and then Ewart Creek, just to the east of Cathedral Provincial Park. We will begin at the Ewart cabin and hike southward up Ewart Creek, then east up Juniper Creek, and finally north up onto the South Slopes. With luck we will be rewarded with some views of numbers of mountain sheep on the slopes.

The hike is long and strenuous in parts, and the forecast includes the likelihood of some snow. So, we must be prepared for conditions, including good footwear and warm clothing, in layers.
We will: -meet at 0700 (yes, that is the correct time!) at Home Hardware north parking lot in Penticton (0640 at IGA parking lot in Summerland) -carpool and make our way to the Ashnola and to Ewart cabin. -hike up to the South Slope -return to Ewart cabin, either by the way we came or via Starvation Flats and the Corkscrew (decision to be made on the day) -find a place for hot refreshment and debriefing and return to Penticton (don’t plan on an early return).

As I mentioned above, we are likely to come upon some adverse conditions such as snow. There is a chance that we may not be able to go the entire distance safely. Please be assured that we will not take any undue risks. If it is not safe to proceed all the way to South Slope, we may have to settle for less. Are you still interested? Please let me know if you intend to join us. Also make a note on your calendar of the following dates: -December 14th…..the annual Old Farts picnic on Cartwright Mountain -December 21st….the winter solstice evening snowshoe trip up Green Mountain Cheers, Jim

Hello Sir James! I want to apologize for not showing up for last week's breakfast. For some reason I had it in my mind that gathering was on Friday, rather than Wednesday! My fault entirely and I do hope that I didn't prevent anyone from attending. I was doubly annoyed at myself as I did want to see everyone as well as congratulate Louise and Jud on their recent marriage. Again, I'm sorry I didn't honour my commitment and that I missed what was, as you reported, a terrific gathering. Cheers, Abjectly Contrite Patrizzio! 

Not to worry, Patrick. There was room for all. It is much easier to deal with no-shows than with folks who come without letting me know. I’m sure that Jud & Louise will cross paths with you and you can wish them well. And hopefully we will have another breakfast before too, too long. It is good to get together! Cheers,  Jim Hi again, James! Thanks for being so understanding. On another matter, we helped Linda move some of her bedroom furniture, last Thursday. She is having the floors in both bedrooms re-done and wanted to have the work completed while she is in China! Nice work if you can get it! See you soon, I trust. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi guys, The only one I could add was Tony, I (still) cannot see the rest of you. If you downloaded Whatsapp you have to open it, maybe register, otherwise I can't see you! Cheers, Aart

Saturday, 28 October 2017

Last Summer Farmers' Market Blues: Saturday, October 28th!

Thanks just arrived in our Sydney hotel Great! Sydney is one of our favourite cities in Australia. SO many things to see and do, from beaches to museums to restaurants. A walk over the Harbour Bridge is wonderful and take in the museum, housed in one of the towers, as displays provide a fascinating account of the bridge's construction. I used to swim at the outdoor pool located at the north end of the bridge on land where many of the construction materials were fabricated, called Luna Park now, if I remember correctly. Take a ferry to Balmain and wander the main street there. If you see a sign for John Greenwood, Architect, go to the office and introduce yourselves, asking for John. He is a wonderful man and we got to know him through a friend who worked for him at one time. He took us sailing in Sydney Harbour a number of times. He also visited us in Vancouver when he was there on a conference. 

As well, take a RiverCat ferry up the Parramatta River and then the tube back, or vice--versa, just to see more of the surrounding area. Manley is pretty much a tourist trap, as far as I am concerned but wandering around the Opera House and rest of the harbour front is delightful. Sarge and I "climbed" the Harbour Bridge, relatively expensive but loads of fun. See if there are any outdoor films being shown at some of the parks. If so, you can take a picnic, with plenty of wine and watch under the stars. While Bondi is often filled with tourists and locals, the walks south, along the cliffs are marvellous. I also used to swim at The Icebergs, an ocean-fed pool at the south end of Bondi. 

For meals and drinks the various sports clubs are terrific. You don't necessarily have to be a member as you can buy a "temporary" membership, at least that was the way it was when we were last in country. Also, remember that most places, particularly small, family spots, allow corkage or, in fact, don't sell liquor so you can bring your own booze, without charge. This was changing from 1991 to 2012, first and last visits, but nothing to lose by trying or asking. I'm pretty sure you can take a train/subway all the way to The Blue Mountains should this be of interest. If you are in Sydney for a week, +/-, buy a tube/bus pass as it is well worth it and you see more of city. I think you can even qualify for a senior's rate. Age requirement is even lower in Australia! Anyway, I'm sure you will be able to thoroughly amuse yourselves! Fondestos from Lady Dar and Chloë, readying themselves for the last Farmers' Market, we hope! Had a grand time at the Grandmothers For Africa dinner, last night. Saw Marian and Tim and their eldest granddaughter. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Lady Dar and I strolled down Main to take in the last Farmers' Market of the season. Enjoyed the sunshine and chatting with a number of the vendors. Once back, Norm, from across back lane, brought over his chain saw and cut up all the considerable number of large tree limbs I had piled in the back driveway. Stormin' really knows what he is doing so had everything bucked in a little more than an hour or so. Certainly much appreciated and I "payed" him with beer even though he didn't really want anything. Earlier in the week I had bought a large container of oil for the saw so I may well need to put the finger on him again, depending on what more "free" firewood I'm able to find. Extremely pleased with the amount of wood that I've been able to scrounge so far!

That evening we went out to the Front Street Brasserie to celebrate the 46th anniversary of meeting back at Champs Motor Inn pub, in Winnipeg! Had to go today as Chloë will be in Vernon, taking out Emma and Luca, her god-children, trick-or-treating. Wonder how Etta and Duke will take all the costumes! Had a wonderful meal. Fabulous place and met a delightful couple, Susanne and Leandro, (She from Montreal, he from Argentina), who live in Sendero Canyon, complex where Chloë's townhouse is being built. He is one of four-assistant wine-makers at Mission Hill and she is the Executive Director for the Association of Family Practioners for the South Okanagan. We invited them back for a malt and we had a great time visiting, warmed as much by the whiskey as the fire. Starting to become quite chilly now, as soon as the sun goes down.

Hi Guillermo! Where are you and your truck when I really need you both? Off to Front Street Brasserie to celebrate the 46th anniversary of our meeting, in Winnipeg, at Champs Motor Inn! Last night on our way in to the Grandmothers For Africa dinner at the Shatford. What a blast! Ricardo with Chloë on way in. The Dunns with their granddaughter and neighbour. Two Grnadmothers from Ethiopia. My cousin, Michelle Dunn with Mary, from Theos. Patrizzio with Rita, cook for dinner, last three years. Happy Black Cat Halloween! Cheers, Patrizzio!!!

Hello OF hikers This Monday, we will wander from the Summerland rifle range around the back of Wildhorse Mtn and up the east slopes of Eneas, but not to the summit. There should be lots of colour, and the weather still looks to be clear. Meet to carpool at HH Penticton at 0840, and IGA Summerland at 0900.
Hope to see you there. Tony

Total left hip replacement Nanaimo Hosp scheduled Nov 21! Was only a 6 month wait with less than a month's notice. Hoping 4 weeks rehab enough to spend Christmas with the girls. Other great news!! New GP!! Current GP retiring Nov 10. So hard to find a Dr on the island. So many seniors!!! New Doc is a young Czech, grad from Charles Uni in Prague '10, post grad in Wales '15, where met & married husband, also a GP who recently took over a practice in town. 

Hi Titanium Hipster, Soon-to-Be! Grand news indeed! All going well, I think four weeks should be enough time for Christmas with your girls. Try to be as fit as possible beforehand as this will help with rehab. For my part, after having both hips done, I'm now seeing about a right shoulder replacement! Saw specialist yesterday and he said he hasn't seen a worse, arthritic joint! No cartilage whatsoever, bone on bone. He was quite impressed that I wasn't taking any pain-killers but said since I was from Winnipeg I was probably pretty tough! Have to have a CT scan, (about a month waiting time), and then he will be able to tell if such a replacement is possible or might lead to further complications. I was heartened to learn that recovery is about the same as from hip surgery since I didn't find either hip replacement overly difficult to recover from. Key is being disciplined about rehab exercises. Cheers to you and Francesco! All the best with surgery, Patrizzio!

Thought shoulder recovery was more like knee. Mine is bone on bone. Terrible pain at night. Other problems, rotor Scoliosis & collapsed falling right arch with lots of ankle pain. Do take drugs!!! No drinking�� as of Monday as advised in handbook, 3 wks before & 4 wks after!!!😞 As for time shares, we've had our full!!! No more!!! No plans to travel anywhere for now except AB. Thinking about Bucerius over AZ. Not decided yet. Is Chloe divorced? Ayn? Forget! Hi again, Maggster! I suffer a fair bit of discomfort with my shoulder at night as well. I wasn't aware of alcohol prohibition before and after surgery. Good thing as I never stopped! You might consider Guayabitos/La Peñita, about an hour north of Bucerias. We spent two months there in 2011 and had a wonderful, wonderful time. Ayn is divorced and Chloë is looking! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Friday, 27 October 2017

Grandmothers For Africa Traditional Dinner Extraordinaire Blues: Friday, October 27th!

I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead; I lift my eyes and all is born again. -Sylvia Plath, poet (27 Oct 1932-1963)

Hi Patrick, We have Robin scheduled in for this morning to take care of the few electrical issues that need addressed. Please let us know if this is ok. Robin will give you a call before heading over. We work really hard to provide the best experience for our customers and are always looking for ways to improve. If you have a minute to take our short two question survey below, we would appreciate your feedback. Thank you, The team at G. Little Electric Ltd. Hi G Little Electric: Fine for Robin to come over this morning. I will be out for a few minutes, before 8:00 am, and then back by 8:30 am. If he wants to come over by 7:45 am that is fine as well. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! 

Into the general mix of life at Burns Street BYOB Bistro, we had an electrician here today moving the fan in the Rumpus Room and putting in an outlet in our bedroom so that Lady Dar can now operate, remotely, the electric fireplace, (once in the living room at The Heartbreak Hotel), newly painted to match wall decor, from the comfort of her bed! Chap will come back on Monday, [Hi Patrick, Robin can return to finish things up on Monday. please let us know if this is ok. Hi GLE! Monday is fine for Robin to complete work. Thanks. Cheers, Patrizzio!] to put an outlet, from garage, to patio so that we can hang a million dollar lamp, (bought at a PAG fund-raiser), outside. Needed another outlet there anyway. 

This evening there was a fund-raising dinner for Grandmothers for Africa, at the Shatford, and it was loads of fun. Raised over $6,000. Pics: GFA dinner with Richard Cannings, our MP, and Chloë, on way in; the two Ethiopian grandmothers; Michelle Dunn, (no relation), with Lady Dar and Mary, owner of Theos, fab Greek restaurant around the corner from us, on Main and Eckhardt; Tummler with Jessica, (I think, but I was a bit wine-addled by then), wonderful woman who prepared wonderful, wonderful meal. Came away with a wonderful, large woven basket, Coyote Coffee beans and Garlic Scape Salt from Silent Auction.

Bon Voyage, Josinta and Aarturo! Sorry we were not able to chat before you zoomed off! Best wishes from Lady Dar, Chloë and I, for a wonderful time in Australia. Having been there five times, (first in '91 was Chloë's only visit), we obviously love the country, people and above all, the wine! After kissing a kangaroo you might not wish to eat some BUT it is a fabulous meat, especially paired with a Durif from Rutherglen! If in this wonderful wine region, make sure you visit Warrabilla Winery and you won't be disappointed. Let me know if you might wish additional tips on wine-tasting, or anything else that we might suggest, given where you happen to be and what you might wonder about. We have very close friends who live north of Melbourne, about 45 minutes south of Bendigo and we could hook you up if that might work. If they are around I'm sure they would enjoy a visit and the countryside is lovely. Gold country some fascinating history. Anyway, travel safely and take care of each other. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Kathryn and Michelle! Thank you both for all your hard work and dedication! I'm sorry I didn't have a chance to say goodbye, in person. I did pop by on Monday morning to return my badges but I gather you were not in until later. I'm sure a relief to sleep-in for the first time in light years!!!

You will probably be aware that both Lady Dar and I completed feedback survey. Interestingly enough, we both reached the same conclusions about the fare for Brunch and Tea. I did mention my concerns to Isabelle and Andrew, at the time, and understand that budget issues were a major concern for this Festival. Politics, politics, politics! While I won't repeat my argument, specifically, I did want to mention how strongly we both feel about this issue.

For this message, I do want to say a number of things, specifically about some of the volunteers I had the happy occasion to work with. I usually keep my printed list but it seems to have been lost in the shuffle of the final strike. No never mind, as I think I can name most of the people I was most impressed with. In any case, all of the volunteers I had occasion to work with did a simply wonderful job so I have nothing negative to say about any of them. They were all on time and eager to discharge any tasks asked of them, never hesitating to shoulder the next job once something was complete. Those "vets" of earlier fests made things go even more smoothly, knowing the ropes, so to speak. However, many of the volunteers, new to me at least, did more than yeoman's service so should be congratulated for doing such a fine job.

Whenever a given set-up/strike was, more or less, under control, I'd send those volunteers, not occupied, to wait in the Lounge and then would call for "volunteer" Volunteers, as and if needed. Without exception, people were always agreeable and did not hesitate to accept tasks, some even after their shift was technically over, usually if they were scheduled for later. This degree of flexibility really helped, as I'm sure you know. If nobody was needed, I'd release them into the wild!

With respect to the number of volunteers assigned to PW, from Tuesday to Saturday, I think that there was a bit too, too much "over-staffing". Without wishing to be too, too self-congratulatory, with Lady Dar and The Fayre Julia at one bar, and myself, Melanie, Natelle, Tara, Robyn, etc., at the other, there really was no need for more than one other volunteer, if that. I know you cannot always depend on "vets" returning, but if you know this to be the case, perhaps ask about staffing levels, especially if shifts need to be filled elsewhere. One other "runner/floater" should be more than enough, between both bars. One volunteer selling tickets should be enough. Two seems to be overkill. Zoe, as Crew Captain, was terrific and her personality is absolutely perfect for such a position. However, I think the CC could just as easily discharge the duties of above-mentioned "runner/floater", in the spirit of efficiency and not tripping over people. Lady Dar said she had two volunteers "milling" around, with little to do, for a goodly part of the shifts she was involved in.

If you have a chance, put the finger on Melanie, Zoe, Natelle, and Tara. They are more than top, top drawer and should be given medals and positions of authority, so capable are they and able to do almost anything. (It was a great relief to have Melanie as Crew Captain for Servers as that made everything go that much smoother for set-up/strike as well. Please tell her how much I enjoyed working with her as I didn't really have a chance to say goodbye!) Having just met Fred Hornby, (a friend and neighbour, I believe), Emma Coffin and Perrin, (Cannot remember his last name but he should obtain his Serving It Right and he will be even more valuable), I was most impressed with their attitude and work ethic so keep them in mind, if they are available/interested for next year. Craig was terrific on OJ detail and worked tirelessly when not needed at that station. Prat, (short for a name I had difficulty pronouncing!) was another hard, self-motivated worker, as was Kevin. (I think I had "two" on my shifts but both were terrific.) Another young woman, (Emily?), with a streak of blue in her hair, was a godsend. She worked right through the afternoon and even made herself available between shifts. Margaret, (my vintage), was another stalwart and certainly could be given a position of greater authority.

With respect to Isabel and Laura, I have nothing but the highest praise for both. They need to be thanked for all their tireless, exhausting hard work. From my point of view they managed exceeding, exceedingly well under such trying, at times difficult, situations. Laura and Isabel,[
Thank you so much Patrick! I am incredibly thankful for everything you did for us as well. You were an absolute gold mine, and just know that any crankiness from me came from total sleep deprivation. Working on getting back to normal levels there :) I hope you come back next year!!], were more than troopers in their similarly demanding roles. Both deserve the highest of praise for their considerable efforts, all conducted with courtesy and concern. Such was their workload that I suggest each be assigned a dedicated aide de camp, as opposed to assigned volunteers. So many questions from so many people, all at once, that in spite of best intentions, things get sidetracked, forgotten or not done. Isabel shouldn't have to worry about where there are more garbage bags or recycling bags or storage bins for linens, etc. It's simply too, too frazzling for Isabel to have to answer all of these "minor" questions when there are others of more import pending. An AC could facilitate this and also call for volunteers, as required. I haven't thought this completely through but I think it should be discussed as an option.

I know there will always be certain things that one cannot plan for but let's not re-invent the wheel at each Festival. More thought needs to be put into such seemingly small matters as to where to store empty cup trays/plate bins, per esempio, after set-up, so that when strike begins they are easily accessible, not packed behind other containers needed later in process. With respect to food preparation, no gloves were the order of the day, this year. I was surprised but I followed orders. Nevertheless, I think there should have been gloves, at the very least, during strike for those clearing food scraps.

To the extent possible, a story-board of each set-up/strike should be "mocked up" ahead of time. I know job descriptions have been compiled but I think an actual run-through, in the physical space, with Isabel, Laura, various Crew Captains and heads of Facility, (Elizabeth), and Production, (Katya), so that where things are to be found/placed, at various stages throughout the long day, is clear and can then be communicated, easily and precisely, to the volunteers actually doing much of the work.

I trust I'm not telling tales out of school but with respect to Elizabeth I like her and had fun working with her and do think she meant well but I know Lady Dar holds a much different opinion. She felt she was condescending much of the time and took particular umbrage when she and Julia, and others, were addressed as "Girls"! In my opinion Elizabeth also tended to micro-manage but think that is more her personalty type than anything else. I simply told her to "git" and was able to handle things this way. The relationship with The Sisterhood was far more prickly so things didn't go as smoothly as one would have liked. Things still worked but perhaps some adjustment is required. I know that things between her and Katya seemed "strained" at times. Only an observation and I'm not assigning blame to either. End of an extremely trying day for everyone so I'm sure tired nerves were frayed on both sides. Easy for Fred and I to roll our eyes as by then we were on the second of our purloined beers!

One last plug for increased funding for both Brunch and Tea, if it is decided both should continue. Not sure if it is possible but I think some thought needs to be given to way in which food is delivered and presented. I've never been a real fan of wooden trays as they make table awfully crowded/cramped. Add another tier? Or cafeteria style for some of the larger items as people arrive. For those with mobility issues, (canes, walkers, etc.], volunteers could certainly assist by bringing foodstuffs, etc., to the table. [With respect to trays storage boxes for most are not available. It makes it much simpler if containers are there during strike and then for storage, of course. We made do with garbage bags but handling is more difficult and time-consuming, it goes without saying.

On the matter of food/snacks at the bars: Chocolate was asked for, repeatedly. Who wants a trail-mix bar or a fig cookie? Is this the VWF or a hike? Chips were great. I should know as I ate a couple of packs! Why sell bottled water? Tap water or nothing! Save the planet from plastic. Another reason for real glasses. Get volunteers to wash used glasses, (More dish detergent and dish cloths/tea towels, as well as rags for inevitable spills, etc.), and/or encourage patrons to bring their own drinking vessels. [Wine and beer bottle empties were placed outside to help the homeless, I assume. Well and good BUT I am sure one could buy a case, or more, of cheap wine glasses for refund. In a couple of years the refund would repay the budget outlay and then deal with breakage.[Pre Fest advertising: "in the spirit of sustainability... Folk Fest does wonders in this regard. Ask them for suggestions.] Have a contest for best decorated, re-usable container, with a free ticket to an event for prize.

Far too much beer in stock, from what I saw. Okay, if all donated by GI. If not then why not order each morning for the evening. Volunteers spared from selling tickets could "run" beer where needed. Wine seemed about right. This way, space is saved and inventory far easier. I would nix fruit juice. San Pelegrino is just fine as a non-alcoholic option. This is not a martini bar! More small, attractive trays and containers would be helpful for display purposes and card-board holders for hot tea/coffee cups if disposable ones are to be used. Again, mugs should be available. Have a local potter produce an array as a fund-raiser. People could buy one at the door and take it home as a souvenir. If possible, have a local author/event moderator sign for a more expensive "collector' edition. As well, think it's time for a new, smaller selection of teas. Bring your own tea bag if fussed! What about gluten-free options. More and more people require this. Perhaps not for buns, [Even there, why not?], but at least start with GF crackers. Such information could be made available in event description.

One last comment. I know you and Michelle mean more than well BUT, I, for one, do not need to be reminded about complimentary tickets. I understand that the email is carpet bombing the volunteers but I suspect many feel the way I do. Believe much the same about Hot Sheets but I know you are damned if you do, damned if you don't. I'm of the school that one needs to take a bit of responsibility for what one needs to know, unless there is simply no other way for obtaining such information. Well, I suppose you are tearing out your hair by now so I'll bring this rambling to an end. Sorry for being so disjointed but I'm simply trying to jot down things as I remember them popping up over the course of my shifts. Had a grand time at all the events I attended and met some gang-buster volunteer people, as well as reuniting with many from earlier Fests. Thank you and Muchelle, again, for your remarkable job of keeping the wheels running and the train on the tracks. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!