Time engraves our faces with all the tears we have not shed. -Natalie
Clifford Barney, poet, playwright, and novelist (31 Oct 1876-1972)
Happy Halloween Have a great Halloween! Attached Tris's version of a scary pumpkin and Marnie's Batman version for Tris! Hello Pumpkin People! What fabulous carvings! Lady Dar and Chloë thought they were terrific. Chloë will drive to Vernon, around 3:00 pm, this afternoon, to go trick-or-treating with Luca and Emma.
Katie and Brian moved to Vernon this summer and Brian's parents, Anne and Roger, from Newfoundland, happen to be visiting as well. Chloë will stay overnight and go straight to work tomorrow morning. This being the case, we will be staying home to hand out treats. [Wonder how Etta and Duke will take all the costumes!] Today is the 46th anniversary of our meeting, at the pub in Champs Motor Inn, in Winnipeg. Earlier that afternoon it was a beautiful, clear, crisp Fall day and when we emerged from the pub, around 6:00 pm, there was more than a foot of snow on the ground!
Ayn P Shout out to my parents who met on Halloween in '71 while I was dressed as a little Apache at Grandma Clara Durston's trick or treating We celebrated the 46th anniversary of meeting at Champs Motor Inn Pub, in Winnipeg, at Front Street Brasserie, this past Saturday, as Chloë is off to Vernon to go trick-or-treating with Luca and Emma and we have to be home, with Etta and Duke, to hand out candy! Chloe Alexis Dunn These two dapper folks.....my folks met 46 years ago today!!! Happiest of Spooky Anniversaries to Corinne and Patrick!!!

Clara Durston Happy Halloween Anniversary
Looking Good !!!!
Looking Good !!!!
Penny Doorbar Would love to be with you to celebrate xx
Hello Duhlink and Madcap!Trust you are both well. You may have a chance to celebrate, at least with me as I'm in the midst of planning a bicycle trip to Poland at the end of May. Won't give you any dates, just yet, in case you try to skip out of town when I'm around!!! Fondestos from Lady Dar and Chloë. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Duhlink and Madcap!Trust you are both well. You may have a chance to celebrate, at least with me as I'm in the midst of planning a bicycle trip to Poland at the end of May. Won't give you any dates, just yet, in case you try to skip out of town when I'm around!!! Fondestos from Lady Dar and Chloë. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Colleen Teahan Waldron Congrats to an amazing fun loving couple of kids!
Margareta Maunsbach Love the butterfly, Patrick! Happy anniversary
Hi Steel Magnolia!Trust you three are well. How are Johannes and Petros? You may have a chance to see another "butterfly" next year! Have been meaning to send you a message ever since we started watching Dicte! We both really, really enjoyed the series, in large part as we felt that the character development was superb. Could hardly wait until next evening to come to start watching more episodes on Netflix! Kept trying to identify any sections of the city we might have visited so that was fun as well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Steel Magnolia!Trust you three are well. How are Johannes and Petros? You may have a chance to see another "butterfly" next year! Have been meaning to send you a message ever since we started watching Dicte! We both really, really enjoyed the series, in large part as we felt that the character development was superb. Could hardly wait until next evening to come to start watching more episodes on Netflix! Kept trying to identify any sections of the city we might have visited so that was fun as well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Sandra Boutilier Happy Anniversary Corinne and Patrick! You look great!
Jennifer Nash Happy Anniversary!!!
Jessica Lewis Miss you guys
Jessica Lewis That's cute.
Nao Bolliger-Hirano Happy Anniversary!!!

Since we knew Chloë would be away for Halloween we decided to celebrate our anniversary on Saturday at the Front Street Brasserie, here in town, one of our favourite spots. Well, must away as I've more firewood to mule from Spiller and then go for a ride before rain starts! Fondestos from Lady Dar, busy booking our trip to Costa Rica from January 7th to February 4th. Will spend Christmas here, with Chloë, and then drive to Tinsel Town for New Year's. Will fly from LA and when back, wend our way east to visit with friends in Phoenix and Dallas. Then north to collect Clara in Falcon and bring her back to Penticton for a month or so. At least that is the plan! Cheers to you and Gayle, Patrizzio!
Tummler, very sorry to learn of health concerns for both Ted and Champagne Charlie especially the latter seems dire. I only met Charlie once at a bridge game on the boat but really enjoyed the banter. Please wish Ted and Charlie all the best from me. Keep me posted.
Not sure I can afford to swan around Poland in the spring but we will talk. With your new status as a land baron in wine land, maybe you can sponsor me. I would be willing to put Tummler Reach advertising all over my clothes and equipment. Nice to see Glasgow, Victor and Fast Eddies' mugs. All looking stylish as ever. Thanks. I will see if I can get off the island around the 8th. Will get back at ya shortly. Fond regards to you and C., W&CJ
Hello Bridgettes and Wildebeest Wierzbicki! So far only Naramata Goil has replied. She is able to play tomorrow, while Judy Blue and Josinta are unavailable. Mad Michaelo is on safari, shaking in his boots! Barbarella and Olga Polga, are you interested and available? Please let me know and we'll plan accordingly. Happy to host here at Burns Street Bridge Camp. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Patrick Sorry for the delay....I didn’t receive an email re this week, to my knowledge, hence my tardiness! I can play tomorrow if you really need someone but I am playing today and Thursday and therefore wouldn’t mind an evening off. Happy to play if you’re short. Please let me know. Thanks. B Wild to be yet, because I am still packing, debating to take a lion repellant or not, getting ready for the trip which starts on Nov. 09 So, the best bidding for all, and see you sometimes in December. Cheers. Mike Onward safari Mike! Have a great trip. Now as for Bridge, we are on! Wednesday night at 6:30. So far we have 4 so see you then. Hugs to all, Olly
Hello Pumpkin People! What a fabulous breakfast! Thank you both for the scrumptious meal and visit. Not long enough, of course! What are your plans for Halloween? Fondestos from Lady Dar and Cheers to you both, Patrizzio! Pics: Clover and The Imperiales! FSB with Leandro and Susanne!
Happy Halloween to you both! Thanks for your wonderful email I was so so pleased to hear from you. Loved the invite to bike in Poland but I am afraid I am not a distance rider like you. Perhaps we could meet in Cracow and bike in the city for a bit. Anyways I must run for now--reading a Halloween story to a class. Will write a better email later. In the meantime have a spook-ta-cular Halloween night by the silvery light of the Halloween moon. Jo-Anne
Hi Doting Halloween Nana! Wonderful costume and greeting! Duke and Etta loved it!!! Did you go out with Kian?
Cheers, Patrizzio!
THANK YOU FOR YOUR FEEDBACK, dear Patrizio, and for all your hard hard work for this festival. I would love it, btw, if Corinne would let me know directly about her experience with Elizabeth. (That said, I do know she submitted her feedback form and said she didn’t feel that her suggestions were appreciated, that she didn’t appreciate being referred to as “Girls” and that credit card/debit card acceptance at the concessions would improve sales….) Perhaps that sufficed for her…she certainly was ‘to the point’. I am overjoyed to see that she is willing to volunteer again next year. I will pass on your observations and specific recommendations for planning for next year. Changes are always hard. Please know that we so appreciate you and Corinne’s contributions to this festival and that our hats are off to you. Kathryn
Hello Duhlink Katarina! Thanks for letting me know you received our feedback. You captured Lady Dar's comments, as submitted, so she feels she doesn't need to say more, unless, for whatever reason(s), you would like her to do so.
For my part, I had forgotten to add that I think two bar stools should be at each bar to allow barkeeps a chance to rest weary legs between busy times or during sessions when bars are closed. Not a big deal but other volunteers, in and out of kitchens, could also use them for a bit to catch their breath. [Maybe a hot-tub could be arranged!] Other than that, I'm sorry I didn't have more time to visit with you over the course of the Fest but know how very busy you always are, barking out orders! As well, sorry to miss Volunteer Bash so please pass along best wishes and greetings to all the rest of the hard-working, dedicated gang and thank everyone for such an exciting, rewarding line-up.
I trust you and your long-suffering husband might choose to visit us, at some point, in the not too, too distant future. You are always welcome to stay in our 'umble abode, here in Penticton. However, as of the end of November, we will, (all paperwork and financing going smoothly), be the proud owners of a "fractional condo" at Spirit Ridge, in Osoyoos. Should you wish to stay in Luxury, Sheer Luxury, book your visit to match our allotted times, two weeks out of every eight, in the cycle. Simply let us know what "window" you might be looking at and we will endeavour to accommodate your royal personages! Until then, Fondestos from Lady Dar, out walking with her Flatlanders group. Take care of each other. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Some Festival snapolas, Tuesday Reception: Juliette of the Spirits and Lady Dar; Peggster/PeggySue, (Peggy Susan Holman), and Sanpellegrino, (Perrin Lindelauf); Hal; Robertito, (Robert XXX? I don't have his email so could you forward this to him or else ask him to send his address to me, if you see him at Volunteer Appreciation Bash.), with Deanna Rodger and PeggySue. Wednesday: Bruno with The Babes; My friend Sara, (She now teaches, part-time, I believe, in Creative Writing Department at UBC. Hart Hanson taught her script-writing! We met at Aquasize in UBC pool!), with Zoe and Melanie. I used to swim with George and Angela at the pool, as well. George taught Hart in the Creative Writing Department! Hart and Sara. Sunday Brunch with Hal and John Boyne.
Merci beaucoup, Patrick! Thanks for the accommodation offers, but if we are likely to get up there, it would probably be staying with my sister….In the meantime we are keeping close to home thanks to my mother’s frail health and the two household pooches needing us….BEST to you and Corinne! Kathryn Hi again, Kathryn! Sorry to hear about your mother's health. Have been down that road, ourselves. On the pooch front, understand completely and that is why we are even more delighted to have Chloë living with us: a built-in cat sitter! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Lynn and Peter, Trust you are enjoying your trip. Want to hear all the details when you return. We are going to Costa Rica out of LA on Jan. 7th and return there on Feb. 4. Is it convenient if we joined you in Palm Desert the week of Feb. 5? You' re missing a chlly Fall. Look forward to seeing you on your return.
Hugs, Corinne Hi Corinne We’re en route home today, currently in Johannesburg airport after visiting Victoria Falls yesterday. A very gruelling trip but we saw a lot of things and traveled with some nice people. Your timing for your proposed visit to Palm Desert isn’t perfect. We’re booked up Feb 7 through 15, so we could only have a short visit Feb 4 through 6 if you felt like driving over for those nights. Looking forward to seeing you and catching up on all the action. Love ❤️ from us. Hi Peter we will come for the night on the 5 & 6 on our way to Arizona. See you both soon. Corinne