Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the
others. -Cicero
Hello Booksters! Greetings from the Vancouver Writers Festival! By a 3/2 margin over Run, Hide, Repeat, The Sellout wins book lottery. See you all on Monday, December 4th, 6:30 pm - 7:00 pm at at Luigi's place, on Gammon Road. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Books, to date, bought at VWF! Patrick, Thank you for organizing the next book selection. Much appreciated. You and Corinne must feel like kids in a candy store at the VWF. Lovely weather here in Fredericton. Off to Toronto tomorrow for the weekend and then home on Sunday. Pam
Single Malt Christmas Ornaments - Thought of you Poppa!
[UK-based distillery's baubles are literally filled with the holiday spirit, ready to weigh down your tree's branches with everything from whisky to gin to vodka.] Hi Christmas Elf!
Thanks for thought but I prefer to fill ornaments myself! Love, Rum for Santa Poppa! Bayswater B&B
Fine! *CLAP* Fine! *CLAP* Fine! *CLAP*
Great pic too…looks like you were getting sleepy though 😊 Not sleepy, just very, very tipsy on very, very good Tequila!
Was backpacking on Thanksgiving and only just got back to hear and see this. Thx a bunch. All best to you and Corinne luv Gill Hello Spiller Road/Sedona Folk! Trust you are both well! Sorry I've not been in touch sooner. Glad you enjoyed your Thanksgiving, in the wild! We drove into Vancouver this past Sunday as we are volunteering, until next Sunday, at the Vancouver Writers Festival. We had Flamin' and Sarge for dinner that night. After dinner we repaired downstairs for malt. We are staying upstairs, at Joanne Trueman's place until she returns on Saturday, (from Phoenix so almost next door to you!), and then we will move downstairs as F/S are off to New York for the weekend. Will head back to Penticton on Tuesday as Lady Dar has her Book Club, here, on Monday evening. I have arranged a table of bridge so looking forward to playing with some friends I've not seen in a bit.
Did our first shift last night a the Opening Reception. It was over by 6:30 pm so we took a False Creek Ferry, (free with out VWF badges), from Granville Island to Science World. Then hoofed it to Chinatown where out friends, Catherine and Matt have a penthouse in a new high-rise there. Had dinner, across the street, at Bao Bei Chinese Brasserie, a trendy new spot in the city, and then went back to their place for a nightcap. I'd not been to their place before but both Lady Dar and Chloë had visited a number of times. Phenomenal views from each of their two balconies but otherwise I wouldn't trade it for Burns Street or the view from Spiller!Have really enjoyed the sessions I've attended, yesterday and today, one in morning, one in early afternoon.
Our shifts are in the evening, (bar tending!), so we are usually not home until around 11:00 pm. It has been pouring for last few days so I'm really pleased I didn't bring my bike. Instead I go but three minutes to False Creek Community Centre and use the elliptizer in the gym there. Quite enjoy this machine and I can get a fair bit of exercise in an hour, plus cool down of 10 minutes. This morning I managed to expend 1084 calories while climbing 14,084', riding 3.4 miles and with a closing heart-rate of 150.
On matters cycling, have you given any more thought to the proposed bike trip in Slovakia and/or Poland next May/June? I've heard from Katerina and I'd like to let her know about size of group and where most interest lies. I think Mary Lee is back but I've not heard from her either. I am interested in both countries. Anyway, let me know what you think and we can start making concrete plans for those interested. Must away to get ready for our first shift of the day. We start at 4:30 pm. Only a five minute walk to venue but there are two events. First ends at 6:30 pm and then we have to set up for another at 7:00 pm, running until 10:00 pm. Depends on how much clean-up is required but hope we'll be back at Harbour Terrace before 11:00 pm as it is a long day and even longer week! Fondestos from Lady Dar to you, Jack Rabbit and Phillipo. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Lamb chops and malt! Stage at Waterfront Theatre on GI; False Creek racing boats. Yesterday turned gorgeous, in late afternoon, until late evening; Julia with Lady dar at one of the bars at Performance Works; Peggster adn Perrin, my two bar-keeps; Chinatown; Catherine and Matt at Bao Bei; view from their decks!
Belated thanks for the card and best to you. Are you at the Writers Fest? If so hope to run into you. Hi Lynn! Sorry we didn't connect at VWF. Only saw Joan and Paul, very briefly, at the Opening Reception. Enjoyed ourselves immensely. Cheers, Patrizzio.
Hi Patrick, hope all is still well. Phil and I would be interested in both countries and carrying things on bikes is okay too. I'm assuming with this we have to hire the bikes?? Just let us know if it looks like a possible and tentative dates. Bye for now Gill
I thought I should confirm which email Patrick would like the offer sent to. Lucia Hello. I am just on my way to an appointment so thought I would send it to Patrick’s email. If you’d rather sent elsewhere I can do so a little later. Have a great day. Lucia
Hello Fabulous VWF Volunteers! Trust everyone is well. In the first instance I'm dreadfully sorry that it has taken me so long to send along these snaps. Too, too much going on when back from VWF. Still, life is grand. Furthermore, I must apologize, for another number of things. First, I can't remember if I've sent any of these snaps and secondly, if I have, I'm sorry! As well, in the blur and rush of all the Festival goings on, I must admit I cannot put some names, or what passes for such as recorded on scraps of paper, to faces, so please let me know who you are if I've mismatched people.
Looks like we won't be in Vancouver for some time now. We will spend Christmas in Penticton, with Chloë, our youngest daughter, and then drive down to Tinsel Town to spend New Year's with Ayn, our eldest daughter, and Los Horridos, our grandsons, Pierre and Alexander. Alejandro, (youngest grandson at 27!), is to graduate from the LAFD Academy on January 6th, all going well, and we'd like to attend the ceremony, of course. Next day we will fly to Costa Rica for a month. Looking forward to exploring new territory. At any rate, all the best to one and all. Let's plan a reunion next year! Until then, take care of yourselves. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: VWF; Open House Invitation! Be great if you could join us!!!
We are all tucked in for the night. Big windstorm here, I was worried I would lose them if I let them out once I got home at 6. Duke was pretty rambunctious but hopefully will sleep till at least 4am!!! I’m pretty tired my days seem so long but go so quickly!!!! Getting the handcook ipikes put on Friday at 10 at Penticton automotive for around 950. The ford place would match but they are booking into late next week or the week after and I might as well give the smaller business my money. Small town and all. Hope your having fun. ❤️😘 Sleep tight Luv Mom
We are all tucked in for the night. Big windstorm here, I was worried I would lose them if I let them out once I got home at 6. Duke was pretty rambunctious but hopefully will sleep till at least 4am!!! I’m pretty tired my days seem so long but go so quickly!!!! Getting the handcook ipikes put on Friday at 10 at Penticton automotive for around 950. The ford place would match but they are booking into late next week or the week after and I might as well give the smaller business my money. Small town and all. Hope your having fun. ❤️😘 Sleep tight Luv Mom
Dear friends of Roche Wines, As our first harvest in our brand-new winery draws close to completion, we’re sending you this message because we had the pleasure of meeting you or seeing you again at the winery, or via friends, relatives or happenstance. As our focus shifts from farming, to monitoring the ripeness of each variety and vineyard, to picking and processing, and now to caring for over fifty separate ferments, we have just enough time to let the significance of this year sink in.
The completion of a physical winery building and tasting room here in Penticton marks the achievement of one set of goals and the birth of many more. It is a journey that began for Penelope in her childhood in Bordeaux, as she chose to continue her family’s tradition of five generations of winemaking, and for Dylan in Beaune, where the depth of Burgundian savoir-faire and the brilliance of the wines inspired him to choose a vocation. It has included long hours and seasons of study and apprenticeships, pruning in the snow, sunburn, stuck tractors, wet feet, living out of a suitcase, new friendships, love, loss, travel, and plenty of wine, both good and bad. Making new roots in Penticton has been rich and rewarding, as we become part of a community, and learn soils, climate, vines, and wines in a new context, through the perspective of our background in France.

- Two allocations of 12 bottles, shipped in Spring and Fall
- A family recipe wine pairing from Penelope
- First access to new releases and small lots
- Invitation to special events and tastings
- 10% off wine purchases
- No charge for tasting at the winery
- $25 credit for referring a friend to the Black Book
Thank you Sonya
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