It is easier to make a saint out of a libertine than out of a prig. -George
Santayana, philosopher (1863-1952)
Lady Dar and Chloë headed out to the Farmers' Market around 10:00 am but Ragin' and I weren't suited up ad ready to ride until just before noon. Took a quick stroll through the Market, chatting with Giorgio, at Corbishley Farms, [He gave us a bag of Arugula and some fresh carrots, gratis, as well as telling me I was welcome to come and collect some turkey manure from his place to dig into our vegetable garden over the next few weeks. Then on to Olivia's booth to taste a few of their delicious balsamic infusions, [I bought the Sicilian Lemon, the preferred dressing of hit men everywhere!], followed by a quick stop to introduce Grant Stevely to Ragin' and discuss our malt cask. Grant offered us one of his gang-buster Noteworthy super GnT's but we had to decline, sadly, as we were off to ride the KVR, on the west side of Skaha, shortly. Final stop to exchange barbs with Dave, of Starvation Flats, and his lovely Mom, Beverly, before hitting Lakeshore and the ride was on.
We crossed the channel on the small bridge over the flood-gates, just past the Sicamous, and made our way south. Perfect temperature for riding and sky was bright blue so we sailed along, quite happily. Once we crossed 97 into Wright's Beach Camp we were on the KVR. Thought that this flat ride would be perfect for Ragin' as he is not a great fan of hills! However, the route had other plans for Branko, as we soon found out. At a number of spots, sand from the slopes drifts onto the trail and presents a bit of an obstacle course. I had warned Ragin' about this and as I was ahead of him, I shouted for him to gear down when we approached the first "sand trap". I made it through, although my rear tire wobbled and slipped but Ragin' stalled, caught in the quicksand, and fell over. Fortunately, a clump of non-prickly bushes cushioned his fall and he was soon back in the saddle. Unfortunately, he reported he pulled a muscle in his lower back but felt it wasn't serious enough to warrant curtailing the ride.
This being the case, we kept going and enjoyed the spectacular vistas across Skaha as well as the magnificent rock faces hemming us in, along with the brilliant changing colours of the trees and shrubs. Reasonable amount of bike traffic and walkers, one chap with two gorgeous Red Retrievers, cousins, it turned out, galloping along, in and out of the lake, racing ahead of us, tongues lolling so goofily that I asked Ragin' if we were in a Far Side cartoon! Turned around at OK Falls and then made our way back. As we came out of Kaleden, Ragin' was ahead of me and missed the turn-off, from the tarmac, to the trail. I shouted at him and assumed he knew where to follow but he didn't see the signage so ended up riding south until he asked someone he encountered for directions. I circled, for 2 km, at Banbury Green RV Park and was just about to head back when The Bull appeared!
No more mishaps or wrong turns after that and we both rode the dreaded sand dune without incident. Once back on 97 we made our way to Skaha Lake Park to catch South Main to Dawson and up the steady pull to Government. By this time Ragin's back was starting to cramp so he took a rest on the steps of a building on the corner of Government and Dawson, while I did a couple of dipsy-doodles. Back on his bike I could tell he had to ride gingerly but he persevered and we were soon back at Burns. Immediately went in search of muscle relaxants and he popped a couple of Tylenol before Lady Dar went to buy some Ibuprofen, his drug of choice. A hot shower and a pint of Cannery Brewing's IPA and he was feeling much better, although not ready to somersaults! I truly believe, Dear Reader, that Ragin' now has a greater appreciation of why I prefer not to touch The Dreaded Burning Ground! Cheers!!! Map and Stats for ride:
Dad, I sent you $500 today please keep it for me and I’ll send you more money as the months pass for my new house furniture fund!! ❤️
Chloe Alexis
Dunn It’s been a crazy last month
and a half but I decided to shake things I sold my Loft, quit my job
and moved to the Okanagan just yesterday ..... leaving my home, my friends and
job has been the biggest decision I’ve made to date and it all happened so
quickly it’s still a blur!! But the great news is in moving I bought a big
house for friends to come stay and of course drink wine!!! So I expect to see
you all for a visit!!

Lady Dar and Chloë headed out to the Farmers' Market around 10:00 am but Ragin' and I weren't suited up ad ready to ride until just before noon. Took a quick stroll through the Market, chatting with Giorgio, at Corbishley Farms, [He gave us a bag of Arugula and some fresh carrots, gratis, as well as telling me I was welcome to come and collect some turkey manure from his place to dig into our vegetable garden over the next few weeks. Then on to Olivia's booth to taste a few of their delicious balsamic infusions, [I bought the Sicilian Lemon, the preferred dressing of hit men everywhere!], followed by a quick stop to introduce Grant Stevely to Ragin' and discuss our malt cask. Grant offered us one of his gang-buster Noteworthy super GnT's but we had to decline, sadly, as we were off to ride the KVR, on the west side of Skaha, shortly. Final stop to exchange barbs with Dave, of Starvation Flats, and his lovely Mom, Beverly, before hitting Lakeshore and the ride was on.
We crossed the channel on the small bridge over the flood-gates, just past the Sicamous, and made our way south. Perfect temperature for riding and sky was bright blue so we sailed along, quite happily. Once we crossed 97 into Wright's Beach Camp we were on the KVR. Thought that this flat ride would be perfect for Ragin' as he is not a great fan of hills! However, the route had other plans for Branko, as we soon found out. At a number of spots, sand from the slopes drifts onto the trail and presents a bit of an obstacle course. I had warned Ragin' about this and as I was ahead of him, I shouted for him to gear down when we approached the first "sand trap". I made it through, although my rear tire wobbled and slipped but Ragin' stalled, caught in the quicksand, and fell over. Fortunately, a clump of non-prickly bushes cushioned his fall and he was soon back in the saddle. Unfortunately, he reported he pulled a muscle in his lower back but felt it wasn't serious enough to warrant curtailing the ride.
This being the case, we kept going and enjoyed the spectacular vistas across Skaha as well as the magnificent rock faces hemming us in, along with the brilliant changing colours of the trees and shrubs. Reasonable amount of bike traffic and walkers, one chap with two gorgeous Red Retrievers, cousins, it turned out, galloping along, in and out of the lake, racing ahead of us, tongues lolling so goofily that I asked Ragin' if we were in a Far Side cartoon! Turned around at OK Falls and then made our way back. As we came out of Kaleden, Ragin' was ahead of me and missed the turn-off, from the tarmac, to the trail. I shouted at him and assumed he knew where to follow but he didn't see the signage so ended up riding south until he asked someone he encountered for directions. I circled, for 2 km, at Banbury Green RV Park and was just about to head back when The Bull appeared!
No more mishaps or wrong turns after that and we both rode the dreaded sand dune without incident. Once back on 97 we made our way to Skaha Lake Park to catch South Main to Dawson and up the steady pull to Government. By this time Ragin's back was starting to cramp so he took a rest on the steps of a building on the corner of Government and Dawson, while I did a couple of dipsy-doodles. Back on his bike I could tell he had to ride gingerly but he persevered and we were soon back at Burns. Immediately went in search of muscle relaxants and he popped a couple of Tylenol before Lady Dar went to buy some Ibuprofen, his drug of choice. A hot shower and a pint of Cannery Brewing's IPA and he was feeling much better, although not ready to somersaults! I truly believe, Dear Reader, that Ragin' now has a greater appreciation of why I prefer not to touch The Dreaded Burning Ground! Cheers!!! Map and Stats for ride:
Dad, I sent you $500 today please keep it for me and I’ll send you more money as the months pass for my new house furniture fund!! ❤️
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