A lexicographer's business is solely to collect, arrange, and define the
words that usage presents to his hands. He has no right to proscribe
words; he is to present them as they are. -Noah Webster, lexicographer
(16 Oct 1758-1843)
Up at 7:30 am to make myself a mug of java and then I set about unpacking for our stay in JT's very comfortable apartmento, until this coming Saturday, when we'll move downstairs to freeload with Flamin' and Sarge. Once I'd set my possessions in order I moved The MarriageMobile into Sarge's space inside. He was at work and I would be able to park on the street when I returned later that afternoon. Once I'd parked I changed into my gym gear and walked over to the VWF Office to collect my volunteer package. Chatted with a number of the staff and then headed for FCCC to use the elliptizer. Enjoyed the 70 minutes on the machina and managed to expend 1034 calorifics, over 3.4 miles, climbing 13,734' with a heart rate of 160, or so, by the end of last 10 minutes. Pleased that I'd been able to push over the 1000 calorie mark, my basic goal for time in question. Felt good to get some exercise as I'd not been able to ride since last Thursday.
Duke ❤️ Dukes after supper drink!! Hi Sendero Girl! Great movie! Really enjoyed seeing the lad as I've missed having him around when I brush and floss! Your Mom is out at an event this evening, with Robyn, after having dinner somewhere downtown. I had a pedicure, early this afternoon, and went to the place on Burrard. Door was locked, even though I had phoned a few minutes before! Place is empty and available to rent! Fortunately, I had my, (your) phone with me and discovered Modern Nails was now on Broadway! [In fact, I am listening to a CBC Ideas program, on phone, as I scribe.] At any rate, I had a wonderful pedicure by a young woman I'd not seen at other place. The lady who was in charge, at Burrard location, asked about you and I said you might be in when you come to Vancouver for your exam.
Dropped in to see Ragin' afterwards and over course of visit I asked him about the monitor he has attached to his laptop. I have one which Joanne gave to me when we still lived here and I'd like to try to hook it up when back home. To do this, I'd like you to take a picture of the back of the monitor as Branko needs to see what sort of cables I might need. It is on the top shelf in the office closet and I think you helped me with the larger Mac behind it, a while ago. If you could use your phone and then send snaps of the sockets there, I'd appreciate it. I also gave him a bottle of Bourbon as a present from you! Hope there is still some left when we have dinner together, next Monday, at his place and play bridge with The Penguin and Fast Eddy!
I trust all goes well with Etta and Duke. Did they sleep with you? Is it raining? Really coming down here, until early tomorrow morning, according to forecast. Bit of a drag for Festival so glad we don't have far to go. Do our first shift at Performance Works tomorrow, from 3:00 pm - 6:30 pm and then we are off to have dinner with Katherine and Matt. She sent an email to your Mom, inviting us over and then when we accepted mentioned that we could get take-out or go to a place across the street! No big deal but cannot get over how funny she is. They will be coming back from Pender so I guess she feels it is too, too rushed! Last night we had Flamin' and Sarge for dinner, [Elaine cancelled after Ted fell on way to car to come over! Still not sure what is wrong but doesn't sound at all good.], and, as you know, we had just arrived in city an hour or so before guests were to come. Sarge did a wonderful job of grilling lamb chops on JT's bbq, and your Mom prepared lovely, fried sweet peppers, boiled new potatoes and a tomatoe/boccocini salad. They brought an Orofino Cab so that went very well with lamb.
Lady Dar just walked in the door and the event went very well. Funnily enough Sarge was at the same restaurant, Frankie's, this evening. He was with a group of people from Ottawa. I enjoyed overlefts of a lamb chop with some vegetables, (fried), that I salvaged from JT's fridge. For brunch I had the salad I took from home, smothered in leftover salad from last night, fried with oniones. Delish! Sarge and Flamin' also brought up about five tasty muffins that they were not going ot eat so had one before I went to gym. King of Overlefts! Much love to you and felines. Cheers, Dad! Pics: Sleepy kittens!
Hi Katarina! Lovely to see you today. Just wondering if I won any tickets in lottery? Not a big deal but I did enter my choices. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Patrick, DELIGHTFUL to see you today. We're really sorry..TECHNOLOGICAL and Human error glitches are to blame. Your ticket is coming....when exactly remains to be seen, but it is coming. I've given BOX OFFICE the nudge. Let me know if it doesn't arrive tomorrow. K. Hi again, Duhlink! Don't you ever sleep or go home or are you working from home, a bottle of Single Malt, (as have I), at your elbow? At any rate, please don't worry about ticket's arrival as I was curious, more than anything. Nevertheless, thanks. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hola familia! Here's the link to the wedding pics :)
Hi Gals and Guys Well the whole ride from Munich to Vienna is as the Germans say kaput no longer available. However we are doing the link attached out of Passau though we are still going to Munich for 4 days then a train to Passau then ride to Vienna stay a few days then not sure after that so open to suggestions beyond say 20 June to 3 July. I tried Patricks Email still no go so could you ask him to send me an email either that or is simply not talkative (seems unlikely) so that I can work out what is going on. Cheers Greg and Claire: https://www.biketours.com/austria/danube-bike-path-7-night
I have included Pat's email in this message. Still not sure what we are going to do next year. Wayne HI 2G Greg Wondering if you are both committed to June date for your travels. WE have been slow off the gate getting through everything we have planned for this year. We are thinking we are more ready to explore a trip in September.. However give us your plans and we will try and work though and see if we can join you. micheleHi Groggster and Claire de Lune! Sorry you have been having trouble reaching me! Most recent address is mail.ubc.ca but the old interchange account should be redirected.
I apologize for not being in touch sooner but, as it turns out, I am trying to organize a similar, though guided, biking trip in Slovakia and/or Poland, (two weeks in each country), but earlier in season, May/June, due to Lady Dar's Marriage Officiant time constraints. For a number of reasons, others potentially involved, to date, here in Penticton, are away and have not responded to my messages about interest and commitment to going.
However, I do not have to be back in Canada when she returns so there is also the possibility that I could participate in some version of the Passeau to Vienna junket. I'm hoping to tie down tours mentioned above, in the next week or so, as I need to be in touch with Katarina, in Slovakia, so that she can begin to put things together. Once I know more, I'll pass along the details. Of course, after Europe, if you have time and inclination you are always welcome to visit/stay with us in Penticton, en route home. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: We are in Vancouver, for next week and a bit, volunteering at the Vancouver Writers Festival. We had Flamin' and Sarge for dinner last night. After dinner we repaired downstairs for malt and dessert!
Hello Booksters! Here is the list to choose from, based on titles suggested, as per cut-off date: The Sellout: a Novel, by Paul Beatty. Run, Hide, Repeat. A Memoir of a Fugitive Childhood, by Pauline Dakin. The Vineyard, by Maria Duenas. Please cast your vote, by Friday, October 20th, and I'll send out title with most votes. In case of a tie, I will draw title from a hat to determine choice. Lady Dar has withdrawn Son of a Trickster, by Eden Robinson, as it is so new that it is probably only available in hardback. Perhaps a future selection. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Such great choices👍 Tough to choose just one...if choose I must I choose The Sellout. I propose that we keep the remaining two for subsequent meetings. Pam I vote for The Vineyard. Judi Good Morning Patrick & Corrin: Hope you have a wonderful day in the Sunny Okanagan today. My pick is RUN, HIDE, REPEAT, by Pauline Dakin. Let me know what we are reading and the date of next book-club. I’m almost finished clearing out the garden and flower beds, hurrah. Cheereo and Hugs from down south………😊😊😊 I'll go with my selection - The Sellout. Thanks for doing this Patrick Lady Dar also votes for The Sellout.
Hello Vancouver friends! I will be in Vancouver from October 18 til about 21 next week while Dwain has knee surgery and I am looking for a place to stay. I won’t be in the way…I .just need a bed and a place to shower! Does anyone have an available bed for me? Much appreciated! xoxo Iz You are welcome to stay here. We go to New York on the 19th for the weekend so the last couple of days you will have the place to yourself. That would be amazing!!! Thanks
Isabelle. When will you be here and when does Dwaine need to go in the hospital. Hi Wayne, I would be here on my own on the 18th of Oct while Dwain is in hospital. I am thinking it would be late afternoon that day. Does that work? Isabelle Isabelle Michele and I fly to New York on Thursday night. I am looking to see if you are OK with feeding Molly and taking her out in the morning and sometime late afternoon and before you go to bed on Friday and Saturday before you leave. Pat and Corinne will be moving in on Saturday so I am hoping they will look after her until we get home on Monday. If you don't go home on Saturday you will have to share our place with Pat and Corinne. Wayne
Hi Isabellina! We are in Vancouver, for next week and a bit, volunteering at the Vancouver Writers Festival. We are staying upstairs, at Joanne Trueman's place until she returns on Saturday, hence Sarge's comment about sharing their place if you will be around over weekend. We'd love to see you. Our shifts are in the evening, (bar tending!), so we are not home until around 11:00 pm. If that is too late, on Thursday, we can certainly see you in the morning, on Friday and Saturday. We usually attend events during the day but first ones aren't until 10:00 am. You might be interested in some of the readings and we might have a few free tickets. Not sure, at this time, but should know more by tomorrow. At any rate, will be great to catch up with you. Fondestos from Lady Dar, sound asleep! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi guys I may be leaving fri morning if all goes well. Knee surgery is we'd. Let's talk and figure out how to look after wonder dog between us!! I'll know more after Dwain's pre op appt today so will be in touch. Happy writers fest! -- Isabelle Hi Wayne and Michelle: Of course I will look after your Wonder Dog however Dwain may get out of hospital Friday morning. I'll know more later today about that as he has a 9 am pre opt appt today. I'll let you know. And I'd love to catch up with pat and Corinne! I'll be in touch again soon! Iz Here is my cell. What's yours?😀 We can look after Molly starting Friday. See you Thursday Isabelle. Corinne
Thanks. saves me a trip to Chilliwack to leave her with Joe. Hi all Dwain's surgery is at 2 pm wed so I'll likely be coming to your place after 6 pm or whenever is convenient for you. They said he'd be released fri or sat depending on how he does. What time are u home wed night? And what is your address again? I've forgotten😀 Thanks Iz
Hello Old Farts (for the second time this week) We haven’t had an Old Farts breakfast for quite some time and, lately, several have suggested that it is high time. Well, Jud and Louise have given us the perfect excuse to get together. A week ago, they got married! So, a good way for us to wish them well would be to sit down to breakfast with them. We will meet at Shades on Main Restaurant (1909 Main Street in Penticton) on Wednesday, October 25th at 0800. Breakfast will be “no host” (buy your own) from the menu. The restaurant has limited seating, so I must ask you to let me know if you are coming and how many you are. When we reach the seating limit, I will let you know. Please reply to me at my email address as soon as you can. See you there! Cheers, Jim Hi James! If there is still room, I'd like to attend breakfast/wedding celebration! Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Yes, still room. Is that for 1 or 2? Cheers, Jim Hi again, Sir James! Great! One spot only as Lady Dar is otherwise engaged. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
We are printing tickets here for you at the office, based on your ticket lottery submission. You are due at least two for serving as a Crew Captain and then another 1 or 2 for all your extra shifts. We will see what is available. Corinne has not submitted a lottery form, although we have a few forms here submitted without names. Your tickets will be available here at the office, the Reception desk, in an envelope in one of the Reception desk drawers. Kathryn
Hey everyone, Welcome to this year's Sunday Brunch/Tea team of crew captains. For those of you who don't know me (that's probably all of you), I am in charge of these events this year and couldn't be more excited to take on this role. I have heard so much about your experience with the festival and I feel very confident that you're going to do an excellent job in your roles. This year, the team is myself and Laura Dochtermann, who some/all of you will know from previous years at the Festival. She has been an incredible asset to me so far and I'm very excited to have her on the team.
I wanted to reach out to you a week before the Sunday events just to check in and make sure you all are ready to serve out your roles that you have in your already-sent job descriptions. There are a few changes to our processes this year that I'd like to make note of (all of which are designed to help you do your roles in a more efficient and easy way).
1. We are instructing *all* volunteers who have questions, comments, issues, etc to report in this chain of command:
a. Crew captains (that's you!). We feel you are all best equipped to handle this.
b. Laura - if vollies cannot track down their captains, they should go to Laura next as she is a very seasoned crew captain/volunteer with the festival.
c. Me! I'm always happy to assist volunteers if they have any inquiries or clarifications to make, and if I can't get an answer for them, I am likely to be able to point them in the right direction. Important: I really felt last year that volunteers were discouraged from talking to the Sunday Brunch/Tea manager, and this is something I'd like to change. It doesn't mean that I can field a bunch of inquiries because I'm likely to be very busy making sure things are humming along, but I want volunteers to feel very welcome and unintimidated.
2. I will bring gloves for food handling, but they are not 100% required. However, we will be enforcing rigorous hand washing and will supply hand sanitizer bottles around the venue.

a. Volunteers should say "behind" when they are walking behind another server or a patron, especially if they are carrying something.
b. Volunteers should say "corner" when they are coming around a corner, especially if carrying something.
c. When service volunteers are pouring tea or coffee for patrons, they should always lift up the cup/saucer and pour on the patrons' right side.

5. Very important: Volunteer onboarding when they arrive. Please meet your volunteer teams upstairs (where they are expected to keep their things) at the beginning of their shifts and take attendance. I will print out the shift lists for you with the latest numbers and have them ready for you on sunday morning. This will help volunteers understand who they report to, and will help you track down the volunteers you need to get everything done.
Thank you in advance, and I really appreciate all of the help you will be providing. If you have any further questions do not hesitate to reach out to me. Kind regards, -Isabel Ferreras
Hi Isabellina, et al! Have read the briefing notes and synchronized my watch. Ready and willing, Sunday Brunch/Tea Manager! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patrizzio! Happy autumn to you too! (Although it is just gearing up to soon become summer here). Sounds like life is treating you well - you should organise a Sauvignon Blanc tour down this way one day...I will stop procrastinating and send you a proper update soon. All the best to Lady Dar Too! Pete Hello Antipodeans! Trust you and Gemma are both well. Lovely to hear from you. Don't imagine that we wouldn't love to visit on a Grand Sauvignon Blanc Tour BUT! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Attatchment: Open House Invitation. Find enclosed, two First Class return tickets!
Questions about tires. Call me when you can. 😘
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