Life is mostly froth and bubble, / Two things stand like stone, /
Kindness in another's trouble, / Courage in your own. -Adam Lindsay
Gordon, poet (19 Oct 1833-1870)
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Ayn P Corinne Durston Patrick James Dunn Looking good you guys guys xoxo |
Hi Kids! Terrific to meet those I've not volunteered with before and marvellous to see those with whom we've worked on past festivals. Here are a few snapolas from both Wednesday and Thursday shifts. Cheers, Patrizzio! Note: Last pic, proof positive that Patrizzio, Head Bar Keeper, is always right!
Hi Kids! Lady Dar had arranged to meet Maya and Declan for lunch, today, at Cat's Social House, before their 1:00 pm session, Frame By Frame, on graphic novels. While I wasn't allowed to join the elite gathering, Maya, quite generously, if somewhat disdainfully, gave me a stale bread-stick, before quickly ushering me on my lonely way! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Winnipeggers in Vancouver! Thanks Pat! Enjoy the festival! Cheers colin Thanks for the photos. Still away on my trip. Been missing family. I just sent Maya a note to send photos then up popped your email.
Hi Patrick: Great to see you and Corinne at the Screen Gems event Wednesday night at VIWF — what a wonderful surprise! And, what with catching up with Hart Hanson again, it felt like old home night. I’m just connecting with you by email, in case the scrawled address I left you was illegible. I’ve also sent you a friend request on Facebook. Enjoy the rest of the Festival, and keep in touch! Best, Sara Hi Sara and Great White! Thanks for the note but your creative scrawl was just fine! Anyway, I'm just dashing this off before I ready myself for our shift this evening, back at the bar at Performance Works. Literary Cabaret so should be hoppin'! Trust everyone's paths will cross in the not too, too distant future. Until then, all the best. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you and Aquasize Woman! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Lady Dar with Julia and then Peggster and Bruno, two at front, Wednesday night. Hart Hanson and Ausma Zehanat Khan, signing their books. Sara studied with Hart at UBC. Hart studied with George McWhirter at UBC. I swam with both George and Angela, his wife. They are still swimming at new UBC Aquatic Centre. Sara with Esta Spalding, another author/screen-writer; Hart and Sara; Sara with Zoe and Melanie, more VWF volunteers. Zoe is the daughter of one of Lady Dar's former VPL colleagues. Lady Dar had arranged to meet Maya, (one of Chloë's closest friends), and Declan, her son, for lunch, yesterday, at Cat's Social House, on GI, before their 1:00 pm session, Frame By Frame, on graphic novels. While I wasn't allowed to join the elite gathering, Maya, quite generously, if somewhat disdainfully, gave me a stale bread-stick, before quickly ushering me on my lonely way!
Hello Angelica and Giorgio! Trust you are both well! I've been meaning to send along theses snapolas for aeons. When are you coming to swim in Okanagan Lake? Be wonderful if you could join us for our Open House. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!Hi Sara and Ariane! Trust you are both well. [Bumped into Sara at Vancovuer Writers Festival this past October!] I must apologize, for two things. First, I can't remember if I've sent any of these snaps and secondly, if I have, I'm sorry! Too, too much going on when back from VWF. Still, life is grand. Let's plan a reunion next year. We can aquasize in Okanagan Lake at one of Lady Dar's secret beaches! Fondestos from her to you both and your wonderful families. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Tim Kelly 15 years ago today, my Dad's (Danny Boy) life ended following a horrible Cancer. As sad as it was to loose him, it was a relief considering the horrendous pain he went through. This week the Victorian Parliament are debating assisted dying laws. I trust the Dying with Dignity laws get legislated to assist those who suffer the same way as my Dad did in his final days, make their own choice on the way they end their life.
Hi Patrick & Corinne, This is the message I sent to Ted's brother yesterday. Sorry about the phone call but the gravity of the situation is just sinking in. We\d love to see you both but don't think I can talk about what is happening right now. Not sure how much you know about what has been happening with Ted, but I was waiting to hear back from more of the tests before contacting you.
After Ted got back from his golf trip in Winnipeg, he wan’t sleeping at night but slept most of the day. His balance became very shaky and he had trouble walking or standing. He stopped playing golf and virtually did nothing. He didn’t engage with company and became almost anti-social, picking up his phone, book or I-pad when guests were over. He stopped doing any chores around the house and had no interests but would sleep in front of the tv all day & evening. In August Ted had a fall and ending up with stitches to his hand when the plate he was carrying broke. Ted fell again on a small hike while we were in Victoria early September, but just a minor sprain and some bruising.
Ted has been to an ears, nose throat specialist who ruled out inner ear or Ménière’s disease. He has been going to a Vestibular Physiotherapist who gives him exercises to do. For a while Ted did some of the rotations but then felt if he had completed 2 out of the 5 sets, he was doing okay. However, in the last 2 weeks he has been much better at completed the sets.
Ted paid to have a private MRI so that we could get the results early. We saw a neurologist Sept 12 (Dr Jeff Beckman) and he said that the MRI shows small vessel changes which could just be normal signs of aging. He felt that the small blood vessels could have activated the high blood pressure - for which our family doctor had prescribed a very low dosage of blood pressure medication. There was no atrophy on the cerebellum - nothing showing on the back of the brain. So no signs of mini strokes - big relief.
We asked if the metvix topical treatment Ted had to treat the cancerous cells on his scalp, could have had any affect, but he ruled that out. Also ruled out the cataract surgery as he said that should have improved any balance issues.
And because he saw signs of Ted improving at that time, he felt that he did not have to see him for another 8 months. He said most of his patients either remain the same or get worse so Ted is doing well. Dr Beckman said when we come back in 8 months he would do some cognitive testing to see if there are any changes.
Since that time however, Ted has had 2 other falls. One going down the front stairs on Sunday night at 6:45 and the other last night at 7:15 coming back from Safeway when he walked down the corner slope. Neither fall was serious but both were scary. Ted has been having trouble remembering things, is very confused and repetitive. He often does not know where he is and has no sense of direction. If he walks for half an hour, he is totally exhausted and can barely stand up. He hadn’t driven for a couple of months (partly because we were away and partly because we don’t need to use our car very often), but when he did get in the car he backed up into our neighbour’s parked car. He had backed into another parked car in July and when we were in SF he had a couple of erratic driving adventures almost hitting a police car. Now Ted just automatically gets in the passenger side. His behaviour both physically and mentally changes drastically in the evenings when he is more tired.
We just came back from the doctors today where Ted took the MOCA test - Montreal Cognitive Assessment. He was given the harder test first which he scored 23 out of 30. The easier test he scored 28 out of 30. The concern is his short term memory. Ted can’t recall in order a list of 3 or 5 random words. Dr. Lau is setting up an appointment at the Geriatric Clinic at VGH. He has chosen this clinic over UBC because they test both for dementia/Alzheimer’s plus the balance issue.
Dr. Lau had asked to reschedule the prior appointment with the neurologist because he felt the initial report was not thorough enough and did not address any neuromuscular issues such as Parkinson’s or ALS, etc. He thought Ted’s tiredness might be one of the symptoms. Appointment has been moved up to January but Dr. Lau thought that would be soon enough since Ted will be doing other tests at VGH.
Ted was tested for Lyme disease but the test came back negative as there were no blood abnormalities. The doctor did not recommend taking any medication even though the test results have a high percentage of false negatives and false positives. Ted’s blood pressure was really low today - 105/70. Was told to stop taking the Ramipril medication (initially prescribed because his blood pressure at the time was over 140). The medication might be the reason Ted has been having so many falls and is also the reason his throat has been irritated.
We’re quite happy with how pro-active our young doctor is. He seems genuinely concerned and takes time to listen and answer any concerns. The appointment lasted about 45 minutes. Ted still has to take a sleep apnea test and he has a CT scan booked for the end of October. He says he is not anxious about any of this but is still trying to remember some of words from the test.
Hopefully we get more answers and/or some help. Sorry this has taken me so long to contact you but I wanted to give you as much info as possible as I know how concerned you are. I will send further results as we get them. Come by any time. Elaine
120A 1200 Rancher Creek Road The sellers are countering at $72,900. This is currently verbal as he is a trucker and not always easy to get signatures. Please let me know if this is acceptable or if you would like to counter back verbally. Thank you. Lucia Hi Lucia, we would like to counter back at $68,000. Thanks Patrick & Corinne
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