The quarrels of lovers are like summer storms. Everything is more beautiful
when they have passed. -Suzanne Necker, author (1739-1794)
This morning we were all up around 8:00 am and it was decided we'd meet Rebecca and company at the Bench for breakfast. Great spot and Lady Dar and I enjoyed Eggwiches, hers gluten-free. After eating, Rebecca left as she started her shift at 10:00 am. Lady Dar and Flamin' were off to Sendero to see Chloë's place but beforehand, rest of us were assigned to more moving duty. Corey drove me back to Burns where I picked up our car and he followed Sarge and I to Oasis where we met Lady Dar. Here we collected a small chest freezer that church was disposing of and once loaded we headed up to Sendero to put it in Chloë's garage.
After The Sutherland
Movers had put it in place, I waved goodbye to them as Sarge was off
to begin grand-parenting duty. Corey was on shift that night so needed
to go to bed. Before I left I installed a sliding garbage stand in a
cupboard next to the
sink. Space under sink was not large enough, given other piping and
garburator, to mount it there. Back home for a few more hours of
un-packing all sorts of boxes containing kitchen items. Around 4:00 pm
The Sisterhood returned and had plans to go to the beach.
I wanted to ride my stationary bike so declined invitation to join
them. Sarge, along with Avery and Ashlynn, met them at the beach near
the Prague Café.
were back by 6:00 pm and Corey joined the fray, helping to feed the
Double AA Sisters. When Rebecca was finished her shift she stopped
by for a bite to eat and then took the tired tykes home, Corey heading
for work as his shift started at 7:00 pm. We enjoyed Lady Dar's turkey
burgers, made with feta and beet greens and a fabulous kale salad
Flamin' put together. We had expected Julien that
evening but he had phoned earlier to say he wouldn't be staying until
Saturday so we enjoyed the evening without having to ride herd on Los
Horridos of Sendero, listening to the music we could hear quite clearly,
wafting up from the free Peach Festival concerts
at Gyro Park.
Hey Dunners, harbour. Glad you are on the road to recovery. Don’t over do it. Was great to see you at the VRC during Cdn Dubs. Linda and I are just finishing two weeks at Roberts Creek where the weather has been awesome! Been swimming, walking, kayaking , reading etc. Don’t want to go back to work on Aug 13! Still working for two more years then calling it quits.
Penny Doorbar is with Patrick James Dunn [& Madcap] It’s a 48 year old friendship and how amazing we’re still talking!! X
Hi, So sorry. I need to look into why this was not delivered. Chris is away this week but I've asked one of our drivers to make sure this it done today! He's leaving Copenhagen at 9am so the bike will be with you today. So sorry for the delay. If you ever need us again I'd be happy to discount any other work to make up for this delay. Thanks Mia Hi Mia!
Hi, So sorry. I need to look into why this was not delivered. Chris is away this week but I've asked one of our drivers to make sure this it done today! He's leaving Copenhagen at 9am so the bike will be with you today. So sorry for the delay. If you ever need us again I'd be happy to discount any other work to make up for this delay. Thanks Mia Hi Mia!
Thanks very much for your message of August 9th. I
do apologize for not replying sooner but last few weeks have been a
whirlwind of kitchen renovation and moving our daughter. At any rate, I
had confirmation that bike was delivered to my friend,
Margareta, in Denmark. [Patrick's bike has arrived! I'VE SENT YOU AN EMAIL, TOO. XO M.] My only worry, when bike hadn't appeared,
earlier, was that it had somehow been lost. Didn't really need it for
any specific event but was concerned that it had disappeared into thin
air! Anyway,
thanks for your follow-up and I'll certainly take you up on offer of a
discount on future work. Perhaps I'll have a truckload of single malt
delivered from Scotland to where we live in Canada, Penticton, BC, South
Okanagan, in the heart of our wine country! Until then, stay well.
Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hey Dunners, harbour. Glad you are on the road to recovery. Don’t over do it. Was great to see you at the VRC during Cdn Dubs. Linda and I are just finishing two weeks at Roberts Creek where the weather has been awesome! Been swimming, walking, kayaking , reading etc. Don’t want to go back to work on Aug 13! Still working for two more years then calling it quits.
Courtney and I did the Keats Swim again this year for the 10th time on July 29! It is a mile swim in open water in Gibsons. Courtney finished 15th out of 39 and I finished 32nd. Always fun to challenge the swim. Now preparing for next year! Hope your renos are going well and you and family are having a good summer! Say hi to Corinne and Chloe. Hugs, Pepperoni Kid
Hello Mama Ruffino's Favourite Son! Terrific to hear from you and know you enjoyed your hols at Roberts Creek. Two more years and then you can come stay with us and golfing while Linda, Lady Dar and I drink wine! Hurry up and start living the life of the retired! Pleased Keats Swim went so well with Courtney. Congratulations indeed! I'm hoping/planning to start swimming once I have my right shoulder replaced, operation now rescheduled to March 15th, 2019, as a result of my recovery from pneumonia, etc. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you, Baby Beluga, and Lovely Linda. Hello and best wishes to Patrick and Courtney. Stay well. Take care of each other. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Hi Patrice, guess this email has been very reluctant to send and has been sitting in my drafts folder for a week or so. Anyway hope all is well and attempting to send again. Take care, Al Hi Patrice, Thanks for the nod re the downspout tech!. My pleasure to help where ever and whenever I can..I may have to come tweak your downspout as from the picture it appears to head up hill and although I can do quite a few things I cannot perform miracles such as make water flow against gravity! Kidding aside, I am sure it is just the angle of the picture and looks like it should work well. Glad to hear you are enjoying the lake and visiting time with friends..that’s what it’s all about after all!
We had a nice weekend at the cabin, although working hard sprucing up the backyard of the new place Saturday morning as we had Airbnb guests coming in around 12:00 ( we let them check in early as we did not have a previous guest the night before). We used the bobcat to remove large amounts of left over construction debris, deadfall etc. and managed to completely fill the trailer!. I used the machine to soften out a few fairly steep slopes and make it a gentler and safer pathway through the yard so the machine really paid off for that endeavor.
The guests were really lovely, a couple sisters originally from Vancouver but then England for many years, the one then moving to Mozambique and living working there for a long time, she came with her daughter ( very cute little black girl named Toko) anf Eloise the other Sister living back in Vancouver now with her two daughters. They absolutely loved the place and gushed about it saying they will be back and will tell all their friends as well so we are very happy.
I started this email as a draft on Wednesday morning and then got going on this errant cloud job and dealing with SCCC security system membership emails and am just getting back to it now so sorry for the delay. Anyway back in the Valley now and going to help a member set up for our first annual car show here in which the sunbeam will participate, tried a couple different people including Jesse to see if they wanted to drive up the Saratoga so as to have the full contingent but didn’t work out. Maybe next year we will feature it instead.
We also have our big outdoor concert tomorrow night and will be busy getting ready for that, we set up an outdoor stage, makeshift fence, tables and chairs, ticket sales kiosk etc so a bunch of work. I am sure it will be great but will be relieved when it is all over and I don’t have to think about this stuff for a while. The security system has been a very time consuming endeavor but the good news is we are up about 15 members from January so a fairly significant revenue increase. Hope all is well with you two and that you have a great weekend. Take care and talk soon, Pics: errant cloud project, which because of the odd shape and precision points of measurement has been one of the most challenging builds of my career!. A freeloading bee colleen picked up walking from the old to new place carrying her new flower she was going to plant. A walk at Sumallo grove with Jesse and clover with a stop in front of a natural bonsai type growth in an old stump. Fabulous swim in the river that day as well and will forward pics when I get them from Colleen. Cheers, Al
Hi Anti-Gravity Man! When does your patent on the perpetual motion machine get approved? Really quite terrific to hear from you even if you have to resort to blaming your email client! Glad to hear the bobcat is earning its keep and that your last few guests were so agreeable. Makes renting so much more rewarding when you meet and deal with people you'd like to know better and enjoy time with. Glad membership is up. Must have something to do with projector!!! You sound as busy as ever, with "errant cloud project", in particular. Guess my simple firewood rack for front patio will have to wait until you relocate to Penticton! Tough life being the close friend of a skilled artisan, always in demand and prone to gravitating towards ambitious jobs, leaving simple tasks aside and thus forcing his two-left-handed friends out into the cold, literally! And, to add insult to injury, criticizing my feeble attempts with tin snips! However, I do apologize for not replying sooner. Fondestos from Lady Dar, to you, Errant Cloud Man and Bumblebee Woman! [Great snapolas of flower and lazy bee!] Stay well. Take care of each other. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Counter-top being put in place.
Hello Devoted Fartograms, This Monday we will follow the trend of late and once again do something different. If you would have been there yesterday on our "Trout River Swim-Scramble-Sli' or Die Fest" you would know what I mean! Join us Monday on a canoe/kayak trip in the bayou areas of Vaseux Lake. Rather than gather at Home-Hardware in Penticton, we will come together at 8:30AM directly at the starting point at the end of Soopolallie Lane off Sundial Road in turn right on Highway 97 just 2.5 km past Vaseux Lake Bird Sanctuary coming from the North.
If you do not have a kayak or canoe, you will have to try to borrow one from another OF or go in his or her boat. I will lend our extra kayak to Tony. Jos and I will be in our canoe. Please bring life vests. It will be about 23-24 deg C and sunny on Monday, so should be a great day! Outing no more than 3-4 hours max. In the event that the wind is too strong (prediction for Monday is ~7 km/hr) we will have a back-up plan and that is to cycle from the Jackson Triggs Winery in Oliver along the Black Sage Road in a loop back along the canal to Jackson Triggs. I will monitor the situation for wind, but please do it yourself and let me know, so that I can send out a timely back up plan notice. Please contact me if you have any questions. I hope we will see you there! Aart, the mountain bard Sorry we will not be able to join you on Monday. My sister and her
husband are coming to stay for the night. Would love to do this with
you another time! Hanneke
Commendatore, Shall I imagine you sitting in one of your lovely new dining room chairs? With one of the cats astride your lap? I am wearing my UBC Aquatics Centre tee this morning, and couldn't help but think of the many lovely swims and excellent times we shared there. And thinking that it's not a part of either of our lives these days. Those were wonderful times and memories, and I thank you again for your always full-hearted welcomes into your home and life. Where would we be if we lost the ability to make and trust friends? What a strange world our Trumpian oligarchs aim to create.
Commendatore, Shall I imagine you sitting in one of your lovely new dining room chairs? With one of the cats astride your lap? I am wearing my UBC Aquatics Centre tee this morning, and couldn't help but think of the many lovely swims and excellent times we shared there. And thinking that it's not a part of either of our lives these days. Those were wonderful times and memories, and I thank you again for your always full-hearted welcomes into your home and life. Where would we be if we lost the ability to make and trust friends? What a strange world our Trumpian oligarchs aim to create.

We are involved in various neighborhood wars with the City and the Developers, and those engagements will chew up most of our evenings next week, interrupted only by a Wednesday dinner up here with Lady Elise, as Brian is away on one of his business missions. Next weekend one of our favorite house guests, the once-upon-a-time crimson haired Lady Debby, will be with us overnight on Saturday. She is an economist (Ph.D. Cal) working for the anti-trust division of our "Justice" Dept. in Washington. Always good for some stories and laughs, those anti-trust prosecutions!! Ha Ha.
I am appalled at the Saudis. Unbelievable to be blithely committing genocide while having a snit for someone raising objection to the utterly objectionable. These autocracies feel complete liberty to condescend and threaten democracies right now. It reminds me of the way the Dukes of Burgundy and their ilk used to treat the free cities of the Low Countries in the 15th century. The amount of killing that was endured in order that those cities could repeatedly try to assert their right to self-rule until finally succeeding was immense. And even more of same to make those successful republics share the wealth reasonably equitably and to permit personal freedom. All that seems to me to be threatened right now. Could it be too late to preserve these?
I am appalled at the Saudis. Unbelievable to be blithely committing genocide while having a snit for someone raising objection to the utterly objectionable. These autocracies feel complete liberty to condescend and threaten democracies right now. It reminds me of the way the Dukes of Burgundy and their ilk used to treat the free cities of the Low Countries in the 15th century. The amount of killing that was endured in order that those cities could repeatedly try to assert their right to self-rule until finally succeeding was immense. And even more of same to make those successful republics share the wealth reasonably equitably and to permit personal freedom. All that seems to me to be threatened right now. Could it be too late to preserve these?
Here in the USA, it seems that way, and if we can't preserve our basic human and political rights, who can? If we have to go through another cycle of warfare and violence at this point in the environmental and technological development of humankind in the world, it's hard to believe the planet would come out habitable. Anyway, I hope they don't pull out all their students. Poor kids, imagine how dreadful that would be for them and their families. And the universities. Not quite like what ICE has done at our border (and is doing all over our country), but rough treatment at the hands of one's own government.
So this tee puts me in mind of you, even if it is on a day that I won't get to swim? Well, by now, you are swimming in words, but these days that is the element you are swimming in the most! I hope that you are feeling strong. Should I end with a "Be Safe!" encouragement. There's no way we can stave off annihilation but a deferral is always enviable. Yours, Cactus
Dear Patrick, I am glad to see you are safely home after a wonderful mesmerizing
Tour de France bike trip so to speak. I am exhausted just reading about
your adventures but so impressive. Sorry that I didn't reply to this
email earlier it sounded so exciting visiting
the Japanese museum in Krakow.
So this tee puts me in mind of you, even if it is on a day that I won't get to swim? Well, by now, you are swimming in words, but these days that is the element you are swimming in the most! I hope that you are feeling strong. Should I end with a "Be Safe!" encouragement. There's no way we can stave off annihilation but a deferral is always enviable. Yours, Cactus
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Make Orwell Fiction Again
I wanted to add to all that beautiful
history was that in the fourth century Chinese Buddhist monks travelled
to Japan to teach the Japanese monks how to design a garden that
expressed emotion. That each garden was to be created
like a three dimensional painting. So today famous Japanese gardens
were first inspired by a Chinese monk.
![]() |
“City Hall of Barcelona
Area monitored in a 500 m radius Plaza George Orwell”
Each trip is divine but the last trip was cut short as I caught a virus in my middle ear and couldn't walk. As my world spun out of control, my eyes rotating every which way John thought I was having a heart attack so he rushed me to the hospital. All the vitals were fine but upon bed rest I consulted Dr Google and realized it was a severe case of Vertigo. After applying the Epley maneuvers I was able to move the crystals in my middle ear to regain balance after a few days.
We returned home to discover we had been visited by deer and some forty hostas and some Japanese maples eaten even though the yard is fenced. The next day the deer were back and Tess and Benson had an enjoyable romp chasing them through the property. It was quite hilarious. John has since Installed an electronic repeller to keep the deer out similar to the one he has installed in the boat house to keep the otters off the decks. Our days at home are not busy or hectic like yours, you love the intensity but I guess I do have perhaps the same intensity busying myself in my garden which I love.
[Michele Darrow-Sutherland Touring Chloe Alexis Dunn ‘s new house . She has a Shoe Room every woman needs one !!
Chloe Alexis Dunn And a teddy bear
Ayn P Get those shoes out of my room please]

Sorry to hear about your feline. Cat fights can be brutal and quite traumatizing and they need a calming sedative just like humans. I know in dogs any traumatic experience can seriously change their behaviour and need therapy so to speak so I hope Duke is okay. I don't know about felines but Canines have an emotional Intelligence that surpasses humans. They are extremely emotionally intuitive as I am sure felines are to.
I spent a good six months following the teachings of Jordan Peterson. He is a prof in psychology at the Univ. in Toronto and a psychoanalysts who has written the book The Twelve Rules of Life to Avoid Chaos. It is the number one seller in Canada, States and published in more than forty languages. Brilliant! Do have Chloe read the book. As Peterson tapes all of his lectures I have listened to hundreds or I have attended all of his lectures.
On the social end we have lunch cruises planned for three different groups out to Genoa bay this month where we now are. It is a favourite and breathtakingly beautiful. So if you visit we will bring you here. Arrived yesterday with temp near thirty degrees the only problem is I have heat allergies as I can no longer sweat plus with motion sickness I was not in a good state. Perhaps heat stroke. Happily today I am staying safely in the cabin until it is safe to go out and I got to write this letter. Much love and remember to breath Hugs, Jean
I spent a good six months following the teachings of Jordan Peterson. He is a prof in psychology at the Univ. in Toronto and a psychoanalysts who has written the book The Twelve Rules of Life to Avoid Chaos. It is the number one seller in Canada, States and published in more than forty languages. Brilliant! Do have Chloe read the book. As Peterson tapes all of his lectures I have listened to hundreds or I have attended all of his lectures.
[Patrick James Dunn Yellow is the colour of my True Love's Sou' Wester!]
On the social end we have lunch cruises planned for three different groups out to Genoa bay this month where we now are. It is a favourite and breathtakingly beautiful. So if you visit we will bring you here. Arrived yesterday with temp near thirty degrees the only problem is I have heat allergies as I can no longer sweat plus with motion sickness I was not in a good state. Perhaps heat stroke. Happily today I am staying safely in the cabin until it is safe to go out and I got to write this letter. Much love and remember to breath Hugs, Jean
Hello Genoa Bay Folk! Your summer cruising sounds wonderful. Not sure where you are but trust your Vertigo and heat allergies are under control. Very sorry to hear that you were stricken with the former and plagued by the latter. Both, obviously, are very, very trying and debilitating beyond belief. My heart goes out to you, Jeannie Sue!
as well, to hear about the marauding deer and their depredation of your
remarkable garden but must say the mention of cheeky otters clambering
on the decks brought a smile to my face. Duke's front left leg has
healed nicely but we both feel that he has lost some of his confidence
since the fight. He doesn't leap or bound, particularly onto bathroom
and kitchen counters, furniture and shelves, as much as he did before.
This is probably a good thing but not sure if his leg still feels weak
or he has become more tentative. Taking Etta and El Diablo into the SPCA
for their annual check-up in a week so will ask vet, Dr
Mike, what he thinks. As
of this writing, still dealing with The Kitchen Renovation Blues! Must
away, my Darling, as I've scads of chores to do while Lady Dar is busy preparing for a wedding. She's really been pretty busy, of late. Fondestos to you, Jean, and John, from her. All the very best. Stay well. Take care of each other. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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