The world is changed not by the self-regarding, but by men and women
prepared to make fools of themselves. -P.D. James, novelist (3 Aug
Pat how wonderful everything sounds! I'm in the office and it is at least 40°C in the shadow..Way too hot - need to go swimming in the Aare. Here Nicolas's address, before I forget 'bout it! Very kind regards, lots of love and I'm looking forward to updates on people and houses! Fiona Hi In the Shadow, [Shade but I like it better, just like Overlefts!] Aare Swimmer! You are even hotter than here in Penticton! 37º C, a day or so ago, I believe. Wow! Has all the chocolate in Switzerland melted? Do people just walk down the streets, with large spoons, scooping up melted chocolate, streaming down the gutters! Talk about Paradise!!! Thanks for Nicolevitch's email address. Much appreciated!
This morning we met Sarge, along with Avery and Ashlynn, at The Bench Market, one of our favourite spots in town, for a delicious breakfast. After that, we drove to Upper Bench Road where Chloë's friend, Bill Sliva, had invited us to pick peaches. Avery and Ashlynn loved collecting the fruit which had fallen from the trees. Bill said that in four days peaches will be ready to eat so fall did not bruise them as they are still firm. Once we'd gathered about three boxes worth of fruit he said that we should collect McIntosh apples from a different part of the orchard so that is what we did. Girls were such good pickers that Bill said he would hire them for next crop of apples that will be ready in a month or so!
Back home to find Mike, our contractor, putting Rumpus Room/Kitchen door in place. Looks terrific! Since it opens into RR it will not interfere with end of kitchen counter and, when closed, provides privacy for anyone sleeping on cabinet Murphy bed in room, or watching TV, etc. He and Lady Dar made arrangements to have electrician come over to ready wall plugs for microwave, wine fridge, regular fridge and wall oven. Wall space is ready to accept appliances but plugs are not yet energized. Once the appliances are in place we will have more room and can use microwave, in particular, far more efficiently. Will also be able to store quite a bit of wine in quite large wine fridge so not only is this better for wine but will allow us to start readying the Rumpus Room for Chloë's move this coming Wednesday, August 8th. At moment, her possessions are inter-mixed with ours, mainly from kitchen decant, so we need to have them separated for movers to take away to Sendero.
Off to the "walk-through" there at 1:00 pm this afternoon so quite looking forward to it as I've not been inside since last April. Having Ayn's colleague, Jane Gross, [Here in Okanagan, for a wine-tasting holiday.], for dinner this evening. Although we've had numerous email exchanges and I chatted with her yesterday, have not yet met, face-to face. Sarge will be joining us but not sure if Rebecca and girls will be as well. They are welcome, of course, but Beckster will have been on shift all day so Chloë opined, last night, that she might just want to give Ashlynn and Avery dinner, ready them for bed and go to bed herself. [Corey is on night shift but he will probably pop by to say hello, like he did last night, when it was quiet.] Anyway, will know more later this afternoon.
Will be a busy weekend, (our BC Day long-weekend), as Farmers' Market tomorrow morning and then we have been invited to dinner at the home of Linda Ervin, close friend from Vancouver days, who actually moved to Penticton in the 1990's. She is a United Church minister, now retired, and lived in Penticton, for about eight years, before she took a church in Red Deer. I "convinced" her not to sell her house, [She rented it out, successfully, while away.], here and now that she is back she is very, very glad that she listened to my advice. Had she sold she probably would not have been able to afford a similar home, given rising property prices. At any rate, another mutual, close, close friend, Jim Hillson, another retired UC minister, [We met him when he was minister at St James church in Vancouver.], now living in Medicine Hat, Alberta, is visiting for the weekend, staying with Linda, so we are more than delighted to see him. We usually stay with him on the way to and from Falcon Lake when we make the journey back to Manitoba. Jim is a very, very good bridge player so hope we can have a few hands before dinner.
On Sunday we'll start re-arranging things in Rumpus Room so that there is reasonable access to Chloë's possessions, ready for move. Sarge will be gone on Saturday so we won't disturb his sleeping space, the couch! He and Flamin' will both be back, next Thursday, for the weekend, on more grandparent child care duty! Actually, wonderful to see so much of them and they will even have their own room as Chloë will be in Sendero by then. Just time enough for put sheets in washing machine! Following Tuesday, friend Janet, flies from Vancouver, to stay until Friday. We are hoping that Kathleen and Steve, friends from Melbourne, will come up day she leaves, for that weekend.
They return to Australia on August 25th so probably last opportunity they might have to come to the Okanagan. Anyway, Fiona, my Darling, you and Sevi better start booking now as reservation book is already filling up! Fondestos from Lady Dar, working on last few bits and pieces for mortgage lawyer. Stay well. Stay cool. Stay focused on your thesis! Love and Affection, Patrizzio, Cruel Host Father! Pics: Duke guarding our own oregano! Waves at beach and Bridget, a delightful goat cat! Breakfast with Ashlynn and Avery. Peach Pickers and then with Sarge and Bill. New Rumpus Room door, closed and then opened into RR. Too much wine stacked nearbye to open completely! Etta just wants to be left alone!
It appears you have become another set of grandparents to the double trouble A's, ( Avery and Ashlynn). Can never have too many good people looking out for them M/Flamin'!They return to Australia on August 25th so probably last opportunity they might have to come to the Okanagan. Anyway, Fiona, my Darling, you and Sevi better start booking now as reservation book is already filling up! Fondestos from Lady Dar, working on last few bits and pieces for mortgage lawyer. Stay well. Stay cool. Stay focused on your thesis! Love and Affection, Patrizzio, Cruel Host Father! Pics: Duke guarding our own oregano! Waves at beach and Bridget, a delightful goat cat! Breakfast with Ashlynn and Avery. Peach Pickers and then with Sarge and Bill. New Rumpus Room door, closed and then opened into RR. Too much wine stacked nearbye to open completely! Etta just wants to be left alone!

Hi Never Never! Delighted
tasting at La Frenz went so well. Black Widow should be fun. Any time
after 5:30 pm, (611 Burns. Turn right, second street past Government,
[light controlled intersection with Eckhardt], and we are second house
from corner, on left. Probably best to park on White unless there is a
spot in front of our place. If you give us a buzz when you are close to
La Frenz, or thereabouts, we can move one of our vehicles, if
necessary.) or as your schedule allows. No hard and fast rules about
timing. Enjoy, relax and come as it suits. Great
that appointments with other winemakers have fallen into place. Look
forward to hearing all about your adventures, to date. Stay well. Stay cool. Stay
focused on wine! Cheers, Patrizzio! Wow! That is quite a day! I should be there around 6ish I think. See you soon!
Thank you for an absolutely lovely evening! Back at my little abode safe and sound. Thank you for your gracious and generous (and delicious) hospitality!
Ayn, thank you for introducing me to your family! I have decided not to come home.😊 Thank you, again! Cheers, Never Going Home Jane Jane - Thank goodness you survived the evening! Lol PS: Please have the kitchen completed before my arrival on the 29th!! Love to to cook for Judy's going away pool party as she departs for NYU's Tisch School on Broadway...where I think we'll be seeing her perform in just a few short years! Give Judy our best wishes!
Thank you for an absolutely lovely evening! Back at my little abode safe and sound. Thank you for your gracious and generous (and delicious) hospitality!
Ayn, thank you for introducing me to your family! I have decided not to come home.😊 Thank you, again! Cheers, Never Going Home Jane Jane - Thank goodness you survived the evening! Lol PS: Please have the kitchen completed before my arrival on the 29th!! Love to to cook for Judy's going away pool party as she departs for NYU's Tisch School on Broadway...where I think we'll be seeing her perform in just a few short years! Give Judy our best wishes!
Hi Chris! I thought bike was to have been delivered over a week ago. Apparently not. <Hi Patrick. Bike hasn't been delivered yet. Do you think you can trace it?
XO MAGGI> Please advise. Thanks, Patrizzio! Hi Bike Dottore! Thanks for update on bike. I
don't understand delay. Hope it is that. Had been meaning to send along
a note day or so after Chris said it was to be delivered but somehow
never managed to do so. Must apologize for leaving ball in your court.
Only excuse is whirlwind round of goings on here at Burns Street! Anyway, Dottore, you and Hans
better start booking now, for next year, as reservation book is already
filling up! Fondestos from Lady Dar. Stay well. Will be in touch as soon as I hear from
Chris. Thanks again for putting up with all the fuss and bother about
delivery. Cheers, Patrizzio
Dateline Penticton! News Flash!! Burns Street Family Adopts Former Crown Media Queen!!! Hello The Sisterhood! Not only is Never Never never returning to Tinsel Town she will be moving into guest bedroom once The Little Pacific Quorum Dictatoress moves into Il Palazzo di Sendero! Fine!!! Only four more sleeps until Moving Day and the arrival of a polite, gracious, well-spoken, helpful daughter, who also happens to be a Sommelier! Hip Hip Hurrah! Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio!
Dateline Penticton! News Flash!! Burns Street Family Adopts Former Crown Media Queen!!! Hello The Sisterhood! Not only is Never Never never returning to Tinsel Town she will be moving into guest bedroom once The Little Pacific Quorum Dictatoress moves into Il Palazzo di Sendero! Fine!!! Only four more sleeps until Moving Day and the arrival of a polite, gracious, well-spoken, helpful daughter, who also happens to be a Sommelier! Hip Hip Hurrah! Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio!
PS: Please purchase new, more expensive wine glass covers when in Seattle, Sarge! Your wine will be held hostage, in a safe storage facility, known only to Never Never, until replacements arrive! PPS: The kitchen may well be finished when you arrive in September, Valley Glen Goil, BUT you will need to sleep on a Murphy bed! Pics: Three Flowers next to the flowers! Jane's adoption party and Chloë handing over her house key! Ruined, rimless covers! Oh great! I've been replaced! Have fun Jane...there is no going back now!Ayn you are irreplaceable!!!😊 Thank you again, All! Great photos!
Hello Dear Fartograms, Because of the heat we decided to stay in the cycle sphere. This time we will cycle to the "end" of Garnet Valley in Summerland. Those who want to continue can go further to the dam over an unpaved section and even swim in the reservoir.
Rather than come together at the IGA in Summerland for take off, we ask that you come directly to the Tourist Information/Chamber of Commerce in Summerland, which is past the 2nd traffic light coming from Penticton on your left at the crossing of Thompson Road and Highway 97 (you cannot miss it, less than a kilometer after the Peach Orchard traffic light). Those coming from Penticton can come to the HH at 7:40AM to reshuffle if needed and carpool to Summerland. We will leave latest 8:15AM (Jos & I need to be back by 11:30-12:00). See you there! Aart the mountain bard See you at the info centre! Hanneke and Doug
Hello Dear Fartograms, Because of the heat we decided to stay in the cycle sphere. This time we will cycle to the "end" of Garnet Valley in Summerland. Those who want to continue can go further to the dam over an unpaved section and even swim in the reservoir.
Rather than come together at the IGA in Summerland for take off, we ask that you come directly to the Tourist Information/Chamber of Commerce in Summerland, which is past the 2nd traffic light coming from Penticton on your left at the crossing of Thompson Road and Highway 97 (you cannot miss it, less than a kilometer after the Peach Orchard traffic light). Those coming from Penticton can come to the HH at 7:40AM to reshuffle if needed and carpool to Summerland. We will leave latest 8:15AM (Jos & I need to be back by 11:30-12:00). See you there! Aart the mountain bard See you at the info centre! Hanneke and Doug
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