Patriotism is a kind of religion; it is the egg from which wars are
hatched. -Guy de Maupassant, short story writer and novelist (5 Aug
Hello Simon, et al! Trust you and family are well and enjoying life in Copenhagen! [You will see that I have included Margareta, among others, in message so that you will be able to correspond directly. Maggie, Simon lived with us in Vancouver, when we lived at Harbour Terrace and is now doing a research project in Copenhagen. When I visited with his wonderful, most generous parents, Eveline/Heinz, in Bern, early in my bike trip, he was able to drop by for a quick visit. [Terribly sorry I wasn't able to see you, Nicolevitch, but understand you are doing extremely well becoming the next Picasso! Frank Gehry is devastated that you are turning your back on architecture, as is Mad Max!] At that time I mentioned I was planning to visit you in Aarhus and said I thought you would enjoy meeting one another, if circumstances allowed.] I apologize for the delay in correspondence but unhappy circumstances intervened!
[Zircon snuggles with Lady Dar as Never Never watches, mildly disapproving!]
Maggie knows the "backstory" all too well, as well as the on-going bike saga! At any rate, I had a couple of falls, while walking, in Poland, day after fabulous bike tour concluded. First, while on a tour of Auschwitz, landing me in hospital, in Oświęcim, overnight, and second, in Kraków, day I was back in city, both, probably, a result of start of pneumonia which landed me in hospital in Berlin for a week! Corinne flew to Berlin on June 23rd, to rescue me. I was discharged from Charité Hospital the following day and we flew back to Vancouver/Penticton on June 26th.
Maggie knows the "backstory" all too well, as well as the on-going bike saga! At any rate, I had a couple of falls, while walking, in Poland, day after fabulous bike tour concluded. First, while on a tour of Auschwitz, landing me in hospital, in Oświęcim, overnight, and second, in Kraków, day I was back in city, both, probably, a result of start of pneumonia which landed me in hospital in Berlin for a week! Corinne flew to Berlin on June 23rd, to rescue me. I was discharged from Charité Hospital the following day and we flew back to Vancouver/Penticton on June 26th.
[Zircon escorts her to her car...]
Consequently, my extended holiday was cut short and I never made it to Denmark or back to France where I was planning to leave my bike. In the end we arranged to have it shipped to Maggie's home but as of this writing it has not yet arrived! I had an earlier message from company involved and I was assured it was to be delivered, about a week or more ago. Had a message from Maggie a few days ago informing me it still had not arrived! Anway, life seems to have been so busy, ever since my return that I am light years behind in my messaging. On a positive note, clean bill of health once back home but not yet up to fighting fitness.
[...overly delighted to have met a non-Trump supporter!]
In spite of my earlier misgivings, new space will make a remarkable difference, adding immeasurably to the way we like/choose to entertain. Other than exciting renovations, big news here is that Chloë is to move into her new Sendero Canyon townhouse this coming Wednesday! We had the "walk-through" this past Friday and place looks terrific. Later today we'll start re-arranging things in Rumpus Room so that there is reasonable access to Chloë's possessions, ready for move. Fondestos from Lady Dar, to one and all, busy watering front and back gardens, and Chloë, off to spin class. Stay well. Stay cool. Cheers, Patrizzio, Cruel Host Father! Pics: In hospital in Oświęcim; back at hostel, in Kraków, after second fall; Album below shows some of Chloë's townhouse.
In spite of my earlier misgivings, new space will make a remarkable difference, adding immeasurably to the way we like/choose to entertain. Other than exciting renovations, big news here is that Chloë is to move into her new Sendero Canyon townhouse this coming Wednesday! We had the "walk-through" this past Friday and place looks terrific. Later today we'll start re-arranging things in Rumpus Room so that there is reasonable access to Chloë's possessions, ready for move. Fondestos from Lady Dar, to one and all, busy watering front and back gardens, and Chloë, off to spin class. Stay well. Stay cool. Cheers, Patrizzio, Cruel Host Father! Pics: In hospital in Oświęcim; back at hostel, in Kraków, after second fall; Album below shows some of Chloë's townhouse.
Hi Kids: Trust you are both well. I had occasion to chat with good friend, Jake Snyder, at the Farmers' Market, here in town, yesterday. Had not seen him for about a month as he informed me he was visiting his son, Adam, in Taiwan, who is teaching ESL there, in Tainan, I believe. In any event, I was wondering if I might pass along your email addresses to him, given your own past experiences with teaching/taking ESL courses. When you have a moment, let me know what you think and I'll act accordingly. Thanks. Fondestos from Lady Dar and Chloë. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Girlfriends❤️Lovely photo. Obviously been photo-shopped!! Xx Derek Hi Kamloops Goils, et al! Through a whiskey glass, fuzzily! My choice, as well, Krissy, as long as hootch isn't rum! My rum, in particular!!! Iron Road, Kim? Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio/Dad! Pics: Yesterday evening on front patio with Lady Dar, Zircon, (aka Jim Hillson, visiting from Medicine Hat), Never Never, (aka Jane Gross, visiting/wine-tasting from Tinsel Town), and Linda Ervin, local Pentictonite! You all look great! Mom
away as I have a long list of household chores from Commandant
Coriandre. We are having Linda and Jim for dinner, along with Jane
Gross, a colleague of Ayn's.
Lovely, lovely individual and has had a fascinating professional life ever since
she graduated from Boston University. Can hardly wait to continue "grilling" her
tonight! Already have the blinding spotlight ready!!
Part of "chaos" we have been living in since Chloë moved in last October, [Not piles of books as I had to empty shelves next to Rumpus Room steps as shelving needed to be moved to allow last bit of flooring to be installed. As of this writing, still not done!], and then Lady Dar's more than ambitious "Hey, Patrizzio, Let's transform the kitchen" Mega-Project!
Thanks for the pics Patrizzio! We get a case lot from Bob and Senka @ Terravista every year - loved the Albarino but Fandango is my favorite - many thanks for your support. Hi Jenny! Glad you enjoyed the snapolas! See you at next Farmers' Market you will attend. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Kamloops Goils! |
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William III & Mary II receive the olive branch from Peace (detail)
Art: James Thornhill, c.1700
Part of "chaos" we have been living in since Chloë moved in last October, [Not piles of books as I had to empty shelves next to Rumpus Room steps as shelving needed to be moved to allow last bit of flooring to be installed. As of this writing, still not done!], and then Lady Dar's more than ambitious "Hey, Patrizzio, Let's transform the kitchen" Mega-Project!
Thanks for the pics Patrizzio! We get a case lot from Bob and Senka @ Terravista every year - loved the Albarino but Fandango is my favorite - many thanks for your support. Hi Jenny! Glad you enjoyed the snapolas! See you at next Farmers' Market you will attend. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: From Market on June 30th. Drinks before dinner, on front patio: Lady Dar, Zircon, Never Never, [She said she was never going back to LA once she took in view from Naramata, aka Jane Gross, visiting/wine-tasting from Tinsel Town, colleague of our daughter there. I had arranged for her to have a meeting with Senka. Took place on Saturday, probably as we were chatting with you! She felt the same about your choice of whites. For my part, I'm an Albariño fan, however.], and Linda Ervin, local Pentictonite! Cat Wars!
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