During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary
act. -George Orwell, writer (1903-1950)
Now that all of Chloë's and kitchen boxes were no longer in my office, I spent a goodly part of the morning and afternoon vacuuming and dusting most everything in it. I had piles and piles of Penguins stacked on the tea trolley so that I could move the bookshelves beside the Murphy bed into the hallway, outside the guest bathroom, part of the Musical Furniture Dance orchestrated by Lady Dar. Was able to transfer them into the right side of the wall shelving moved from the living room to my office.
Pleased to have more storage space as well as being able to put various ornaments on the top of the shelves. After I'd moved the books I cleaned off my computer desk, dusting and then using Windex on all the surfaces as well as the printer. Even though we had the door closed during the various construction stages dust found its way over and into everything, everywhere.
With the tea trolley now free, I cleaned and dusted all the Telus boxes that had been on the book shelves. While I was doing this I bundled up the mare's nest of cables and wires that were all jumbled together. Now they are neatly secured with small Velco fasteners. While all the TV's and computers are working, our landline isn't. Don't know what the problem could be as I've checked each phone and all are fully charged. Display says to check the telephone line but I don't have a clue what that means. If it is a loose connection, I cannot find it so we'll have to phone Telus tomorrow to see if they can help or send out someone to take a look if they cannot walk us through procedure. Fortunately, Lady Dar's cell phone will keep us connected. Important with all the renovation work that is still to be finished. After I'd done what I'd planned for first stage of re-organizing office, I went into the garage to vacuum the steps of the back patio.
Now that we have moved, and emptied, most of the tubs we were using for the Summer Kitchen I wanted to tidy up that space. Did so and was going to have a ride on my stationary bike but it started to rain! While I was pleased at the precipitation, [Day was the clearest, without smoke, that it has been for weeks, and one could actually see blue sky, between the clouds, as well as the surrounding hills. Sights we have not seen for so long that we almost expect the blanket of grey that has been our cross this summer.], I didn't really want to ride in it so I moved the trainer and my Brodie under the louvres, deciding to take off the back wheel and replace it with one from my Trek. I've had it kicking around since I put two new tires on it after a catastrophic spoke failure, a couple of years ago now. Anyway, I was stymied as I couldn't figure out how to remove the wheel, held in place by the brake pads. No quick release that I could see and didn't want to start fiddling in case I did something I couldn't undo. Decided I'd take it in to Freedom tomorrow and let them tell me what a dope I am!

Oh my brings back memories from when we redid our kitchen in Newfoundland! Good and bad, but the finished product will be super! Looks lovely. And love the pic of the cat! We are down to a single feline – OJ. Our old black and white died in May when I was away teaching a field course in Newfoundland. So sad, He was my baby. We did manage to rent the Black Window cottage/house! We’re very excited about our trip – and of course we must have a meal/visit! Also any suggestions for vineyards to visit would be welcome. The smoke has cleared here and we can actually see the mountains now. Before it like a wall of greyness. We be in touch soon – and good luck with the final stretch – it always feels like it takes forever for those last few things to get done! Luise
Hi Luise! Pleased to hear that you managed to book Black Widow. Will be most curious to hear what cottage is like. However, very sorry to learn about the death of your male cat. We become so attached to our pets that it is very, very painful to lose them. On a brighter note, [funny now that it might ordinarily seem], rain today, late afternoon, was absolutely, absolutely wonderful!
With respect to kitchen, place is quite livable now but it will be terrific to have last few things taken care of, before your visit! Speaking of which, here is a list of some of the wineries we like. You may well know some/many. They are spread out, from north of us to Summerland and Kelowna and then south of us to OK Falls, Oliver and Osoyoos, right on the US border into Washington, to Keremeos/Cawston, in the Similkameen, west of Osoyoos. I assume you will be driving here so I suggest you come via the Crowsnest Highway 3/Hope-Princeton. This way you can taste in the Similkameen before you continue north, via Highway 3A E and Okanagan Highway/BC-97 N, to Penticton, (Stop in to say hello and have a tour, with drink in hand!), before home to Naramata and Black Widow's cottage.
You can take a look at their websites to see if their product might be of interest. Of course, feel free to be in touch and ask anything you might have questions about. I won't bother to provide locations, within regions mentioned above, at this point. Here goes: Ex Nihilo, Quail's Gate, Fitzpatrick Family Vineyards, Silk Scarf, 8th Generation, Upper Bench Winery Estate Winery and Creamery, Roche, Poplar Grove, La Frenz, Little Engine, Terravista, Deep Roots, Bella, Elephant Island, Township 7, Synchromesh, Meyer Family Vineyards, Blue Mountain, Liquidity, Noble Ridge, Wild Goose, Stag's Hollow, Nighthawk Vineyards, (Dubh Glas, a craft distillery), Cannery Brewing, a fab craft brewery just a few blocks away from us, Le Vieux Pin, Bartier Brothers, Stoneboat, C.C. Jentsch Cellars, Intersection, Hester Creek, Cassini, Checkmate, Culmina, Lariana Nk’Mip Cellars, River Stone, Orofino, Clos du Soleil, (Twisted Hills Craft Cider), Vanessa, and Corcelettes Estate Winery. Some of the most interesting reds come from Oliver, C.C. Jentsch, in particular, and Fairview Cellars, although winemaker is rather eccentic. I'm not a fan of either Burrowing Owl or Black Hills, now that Senka is not winemaker at latter. She and her husband Bob, now own Terravista, but you might have a different opinion. Both off Black Sage Road, towards Osoyoos. We tasted at Church & State, in same area, a week or so ago and was very impressed. Must away now as I have scads of things to do. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you and Dave. All the very best. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Pat and Corinne I am glad to hear from your. I am glad your cycle time is going well and you might be able to look forward to some time on the road, and not just on the back deck. The reno project sounds like something that would definitely do me in. I know that living in a duplex from the last century is really very primitive and there are times I think my guests must be thinking something like, "I didn't know people still lived like this!"
Thank you for the report on Corinne's marriage ministry. I think I heard her use vocabulary that made it sound like a personal calling and a ministry, and I am sure that she lends occasion and dignity and ceremonial depth to every one of her weddings. Keep up the good work Corinne. You didn't mention other family news--like the health report from Corinne's niece. I hope that means there has been no really awful turns in the progress of her illness. Please know that my primitive hospitality will still be open to you because you are people who have been so good to me and I continue to care deeply about.
I would be glad to receive contact information for Chloe. She has never been in my contacts--but if she agrees, I think it might be time. Take care. When you get back on the road, do take care of your body and never let the wheels get ahead of your wits. Love to you all Jim
Hello Patrick and Corinne, It is likely that your renovations are proceeding faster than our new sundeck railings and cover! We were told it would only take 3 weeks to a month, but we've passed the two-month mark. Apparently they're waiting for ordered materials to come in. Summer will be over before the deck is finished!
We're still planning to be back in the Okanagan from Aug. 31 - Sept. 2 to attend the Blue Mountain harvest dinner along with our friend from Huntsville, Alabama. We have a pretty packed itinerary but hope that you are available late Friday afternoon. Wayne has wanted to visit the new Time Winery and Kitchen. We’d love to get together in the tasting room and if the wines are decent, over a bottle of wine (or two) with appies in the Kitchen. Does this work out for you? Hope we're able to meet up. Cheers, Dana Hi Dana, Patrick thinks he can meet you. Have included him here. C
Hi Corinne and Patrick, Labour Day weekend is always a busy time, but performing wedding ceremonies is such a wonderful way to be occupied! And what joyous news about your first great grandchild. Congratulations! Patrick, if you give me your cell number, I can text you when we head to Time. If it works out for you, it would be great to see you. If it doesn't, we'll be in touch next time we're back. Cheers, Dana Hi Dana! Sorry that it has taken me so long to be in touch but life has been exceedingly busy, with kitchen renovations and more, so I do apologize. At any rate, I would be delighted to meet up with you and Wayne and your friend(s) at Time on Friday afternoon. Ayn will be flying in to Penticton, from LA, late Thursday night, for the weekend so she will be joining me, (along with Chloë, I think. Not sure if she has a strata meeting or not.), while Lady Dar is busy tying marriage knots in Kelowna!
As I'm a Luddite, I don't have a cell phone but Ms Tinsel Town has one implanted in her wrist so here is her number, as well as Chloë's as a backup. Depending on when you plan to go to Time, Corinne might well be back in time to join us later. At any rate, look forward to seeing you both again. Call Lady Dar when you hit town and we can confirm plans, perhaps pop by to see new kitchen if your schedule allows. Travel safely. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi all, I can take hikers round the 5 lakes in the Mahoney Lake area. It's a reasonably gentle stroll of about 3.5 hours. Meet at Home Hardware in Penticton at 9am and we'll car pool to the yellow gates at Mahoney Lake and start the hike there. We can also meet folks at the yellow gate (approx 9:20). Should complete the trip by about 1:30 or so. If the smoke returns in quantity, we'll cancel. Hope to see you there. Cheers. Phil
You can take a look at their websites to see if their product might be of interest. Of course, feel free to be in touch and ask anything you might have questions about. I won't bother to provide locations, within regions mentioned above, at this point. Here goes: Ex Nihilo, Quail's Gate, Fitzpatrick Family Vineyards, Silk Scarf, 8th Generation, Upper Bench Winery Estate Winery and Creamery, Roche, Poplar Grove, La Frenz, Little Engine, Terravista, Deep Roots, Bella, Elephant Island, Township 7, Synchromesh, Meyer Family Vineyards, Blue Mountain, Liquidity, Noble Ridge, Wild Goose, Stag's Hollow, Nighthawk Vineyards, (Dubh Glas, a craft distillery), Cannery Brewing, a fab craft brewery just a few blocks away from us, Le Vieux Pin, Bartier Brothers, Stoneboat, C.C. Jentsch Cellars, Intersection, Hester Creek, Cassini, Checkmate, Culmina, Lariana Nk’Mip Cellars, River Stone, Orofino, Clos du Soleil, (Twisted Hills Craft Cider), Vanessa, and Corcelettes Estate Winery. Some of the most interesting reds come from Oliver, C.C. Jentsch, in particular, and Fairview Cellars, although winemaker is rather eccentic. I'm not a fan of either Burrowing Owl or Black Hills, now that Senka is not winemaker at latter. She and her husband Bob, now own Terravista, but you might have a different opinion. Both off Black Sage Road, towards Osoyoos. We tasted at Church & State, in same area, a week or so ago and was very impressed. Must away now as I have scads of things to do. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you and Dave. All the very best. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Pat and Corinne I am glad to hear from your. I am glad your cycle time is going well and you might be able to look forward to some time on the road, and not just on the back deck. The reno project sounds like something that would definitely do me in. I know that living in a duplex from the last century is really very primitive and there are times I think my guests must be thinking something like, "I didn't know people still lived like this!"
Thank you for the report on Corinne's marriage ministry. I think I heard her use vocabulary that made it sound like a personal calling and a ministry, and I am sure that she lends occasion and dignity and ceremonial depth to every one of her weddings. Keep up the good work Corinne. You didn't mention other family news--like the health report from Corinne's niece. I hope that means there has been no really awful turns in the progress of her illness. Please know that my primitive hospitality will still be open to you because you are people who have been so good to me and I continue to care deeply about.
I would be glad to receive contact information for Chloe. She has never been in my contacts--but if she agrees, I think it might be time. Take care. When you get back on the road, do take care of your body and never let the wheels get ahead of your wits. Love to you all Jim
Hello Patrick and Corinne, It is likely that your renovations are proceeding faster than our new sundeck railings and cover! We were told it would only take 3 weeks to a month, but we've passed the two-month mark. Apparently they're waiting for ordered materials to come in. Summer will be over before the deck is finished!
We're still planning to be back in the Okanagan from Aug. 31 - Sept. 2 to attend the Blue Mountain harvest dinner along with our friend from Huntsville, Alabama. We have a pretty packed itinerary but hope that you are available late Friday afternoon. Wayne has wanted to visit the new Time Winery and Kitchen. We’d love to get together in the tasting room and if the wines are decent, over a bottle of wine (or two) with appies in the Kitchen. Does this work out for you? Hope we're able to meet up. Cheers, Dana Hi Dana, Patrick thinks he can meet you. Have included him here. C
Hi Corinne and Patrick, Labour Day weekend is always a busy time, but performing wedding ceremonies is such a wonderful way to be occupied! And what joyous news about your first great grandchild. Congratulations! Patrick, if you give me your cell number, I can text you when we head to Time. If it works out for you, it would be great to see you. If it doesn't, we'll be in touch next time we're back. Cheers, Dana Hi Dana! Sorry that it has taken me so long to be in touch but life has been exceedingly busy, with kitchen renovations and more, so I do apologize. At any rate, I would be delighted to meet up with you and Wayne and your friend(s) at Time on Friday afternoon. Ayn will be flying in to Penticton, from LA, late Thursday night, for the weekend so she will be joining me, (along with Chloë, I think. Not sure if she has a strata meeting or not.), while Lady Dar is busy tying marriage knots in Kelowna!
Hi all, I can take hikers round the 5 lakes in the Mahoney Lake area. It's a reasonably gentle stroll of about 3.5 hours. Meet at Home Hardware in Penticton at 9am and we'll car pool to the yellow gates at Mahoney Lake and start the hike there. We can also meet folks at the yellow gate (approx 9:20). Should complete the trip by about 1:30 or so. If the smoke returns in quantity, we'll cancel. Hope to see you there. Cheers. Phil
Greetings to all: I am happy to report that after a few very rough days Karl is doing much better. There has been a great improvement in his situation. It is all great news. His pain has lessened, is well under control and most importantly, his digestive system seems to have started working again. Some problems, however, persist. I saw him this evening and he asked me to send you an update.
Here are the goods: He welcomes visitors again, but please · Make it brief · Do not force him to talk to you by asking questions. It is very difficult for him, so you do the talking. · If he talks for a short while he suffers from uncontrollable and very uncomfortable, even painful hiccups. He and Pat are both very hopeful that he has turned the corner and his recovery will be progressing at least satisfactorily, perhaps better than that. His hospital stay will last a few more days, perhaps a week or so. We all wish him well and keep him in our thoughts and (some of us) prayers. Al
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