I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly
is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal
with pain. -James Baldwin, writer (2 Aug 1924-1987)
Hi NNOK Jane! This just in from Gavin at Upper Bench: "Hi Patrick, I am sure I can find some time for a chat etc, let me know when would be a good time and we can start from there Thank you Gavin" Let me know so that I can let him know. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Gavin! Thanks for quick reply. Trust you and Shana are well rested and refreshed. You certainly deserved holiday. I just chatted with Jane as she arrived in Naramata last night. I took the liberty of passing your phone number along to her so that she can give you a call and find a time that best suits you. Trust this is okay, rather than me backing and forthing between you both. Thanks again. Much appreciated. Cheers, Patrizzio! All set up for 11am Monday Gavin Thanks very much, Gavin. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Buongiorno, Patrizzio! I just tried calling the number below, but I am getting a message that says it is “no longer in service” or has been disconnected. Please give me a ring if you have a moment. Look forward to speaking soon! Ciao ciao, Jane Jane...he wrote the number incorrectly its XXX-XXX-XXXX Have a great time! FINE! Lol, sorry Poppa...just trying to help! Dear Ersatz Jewish Mother!
Certainly appreciate it, truly, BUT it's "it's" not its, by the way! Just trying to help you improve your script-writing skills! LOR, [Lots of Reinforcement, so put that in your smart phone since it obviously isn't all that intelligent!] Cheers, Grumpy Grammarian! Oi Vey, Already!!!
I am not retired, nor am I on vacation, so you'll just have to accept my rushed notation as is and deal with it!!!! EXCUSES! EXCUSES! EXCUSES! Are you sending these messages on your lunch hour? At any rate, you have more time when you are a working stiff than when retired as all the working stiffs in the known universe believe retirees have mountains of free time so pile everything on their shoulders while they sit back and wait for their pay stubs as they thumb their dumb smart phones! No "rushed notations" allowed"! Next excuse? Must away as Lady Dar is back, laden with a large water dispenser for the entertainment centre on the back patio, [We'll fill it with white wine when you are over for dinner, don't worry Never Never!], and rustling up brunch: omelletto with beet greens, fried in olive oil and our own Russian garlic! Cheers, Sometimes Wrong But Never in Doubt Poppa/Patrizzio! Good luck tomorrow Jane...he's a handful, but others will be there to support you!!
Yes - thanks! We have spoken and all is well! Thanks, Ayn! I am already having the best time! THANK YOU for connecting me with your Dad! :) Cheers, J. Grazie Mille...and a pleasure to chat with you this morning! Thank you for all of this!!! See you tomorrow, Jane Hi again Tinsel Towners! Here is the contact informazzione: Gavin's, Gavin Miller, Upper Bench, And Dylan's: Dylan Roche, Roche Wines, And Senka's: Senka Tennant, Terravista, And Dick's: Dick Lancaster, Black Widow Winery. Let me know if you need anything else. Buona Fortuna, Patrizzio! Hello Patrick, Thanks for putting us in touch. I have received an email from Jane and will see her before her departure. Best regards, Dylan
Hi again, Dylan! Thanks so much! Cheers,Patrizzio!
Late yesterday afternoon, after I'd ridden stationary bike for an hour, and before Sarge arrived, Lady Dar and I enjoyed a dip in the lake. Just as we parked a tremendous wind started and produced small whitecaps on the lake, wreaking havoc with all the light inflatable toys that other swimmers/kids were using. Still, very refreshing. Stopped at Cannery Brewing Company, on way home, for a couple of jugs, their Trellis IPA and a Muse Pale Ale, as I really like their product and I know Sarge does as well. Back home in time to ready dinner and we enjoyed a lovely meal. Chloë wasn't home until after 9:00 pm. With her recent promotion she has been given responsibility for three more buildings so she was trying to do as much of the paperwork before she takes time off, next week, to move in.
I am not retired, nor am I on vacation, so you'll just have to accept my rushed notation as is and deal with it!!!! EXCUSES! EXCUSES! EXCUSES! Are you sending these messages on your lunch hour? At any rate, you have more time when you are a working stiff than when retired as all the working stiffs in the known universe believe retirees have mountains of free time so pile everything on their shoulders while they sit back and wait for their pay stubs as they thumb their dumb smart phones! No "rushed notations" allowed"! Next excuse? Must away as Lady Dar is back, laden with a large water dispenser for the entertainment centre on the back patio, [We'll fill it with white wine when you are over for dinner, don't worry Never Never!], and rustling up brunch: omelletto with beet greens, fried in olive oil and our own Russian garlic! Cheers, Sometimes Wrong But Never in Doubt Poppa/Patrizzio! Good luck tomorrow Jane...he's a handful, but others will be there to support you!!
Yes - thanks! We have spoken and all is well! Thanks, Ayn! I am already having the best time! THANK YOU for connecting me with your Dad! :) Cheers, J. Grazie Mille...and a pleasure to chat with you this morning! Thank you for all of this!!! See you tomorrow, Jane Hi again Tinsel Towners! Here is the contact informazzione: Gavin's, Gavin Miller, Upper Bench, And Dylan's: Dylan Roche, Roche Wines, And Senka's: Senka Tennant, Terravista, And Dick's: Dick Lancaster, Black Widow Winery. Let me know if you need anything else. Buona Fortuna, Patrizzio! Hello Patrick, Thanks for putting us in touch. I have received an email from Jane and will see her before her departure. Best regards, Dylan
Late yesterday afternoon, after I'd ridden stationary bike for an hour, and before Sarge arrived, Lady Dar and I enjoyed a dip in the lake. Just as we parked a tremendous wind started and produced small whitecaps on the lake, wreaking havoc with all the light inflatable toys that other swimmers/kids were using. Still, very refreshing. Stopped at Cannery Brewing Company, on way home, for a couple of jugs, their Trellis IPA and a Muse Pale Ale, as I really like their product and I know Sarge does as well. Back home in time to ready dinner and we enjoyed a lovely meal. Chloë wasn't home until after 9:00 pm. With her recent promotion she has been given responsibility for three more buildings so she was trying to do as much of the paperwork before she takes time off, next week, to move in.
Mar Update: Ryan is on 2 weeks holidays, George and Barb have gone home for two weeks. Two weeks ago Marlo had a intense reaction to her chemo treatment which has 3 components to it. She got about 1/2 of the first ( I believe is some type of hormone) and had to stop. Last week they gave her only the other two and was able to tolerate. Yesterday they gave her only the “chemo “ drug - a syringe that is administered over 6 minutes. Able to tolerate but was very tired afterwards.
Had her DR meeting this morning said her levels are going down which is good news. The one level they call Bilirubin which is a pigment created when red blood cell apparently breaks down was 50 - it was originally at 382 - when the level is high then you look yellow and shows liver isn’t flushing things. Normal is single digits. This is very good news and what the DR was hopping would happen. Next chemo is on 16th - they are going to start by injecting Benadryl and steroids first and then try the 3 components again. Hopping this will prevent a reaction and get it all in. She is doing good just tired. George Talked to Grandma last night Rebecca arrives with her boyfriend for a week on Saturday at the lake Grandma said she'd like to fly to Vancouver and have you pick her up there and drive her to your place for a visit soon. She just doesn't want to do two flights alone. Love Ayn.
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We are just back from 2 ½ weeks in Australia (Dick had a conference in Brisbane and that made it a cheaper holiday for the two of us; we visited rellies and some good friends who have moved to Melbourne. It was my first visit there, came home impressed with the varied topography, the way that Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane make the most of their river settings and their commitment to public spaces (walkways, bike paths, etc). Would like to return some day to see some of the interior, the wild places and also the south (Adelaide, Great Ocean Road, etc) and the west (Perth, etc). That could all take several trips, I know.
The next time we are in Penticton, we will give you a shout or a heads-up before we come. Later in the fall this year, perhaps. Take care and many many thanks for all you and Corinne have contributed as volunteers and Festival supporters over the years. I do hope you come back as volunteers again, but if you are truly ‘resigning’ or ‘moving on’ then all I can do is to wish you well and give you both the biggest THANK YOU and WE’LL MISS YOU as I can. PS: tell Lady Dar that I loved the look of her kitchen cabinets. I’ve always hankered myself after coloured kitchen cabinets and blue is a perpetual favourite of mine. Kathryn
Dearest Katarina! Thank you for all your kind, kind words! With respect to VWF volunteering, I am always reluctant to say "never" so, for now, I'm confident we might think about volunteering again. Just need a bit of a break after such a busy summer, what with kitchen renovation and steady stream of visiting Freeloaders! [That being said, hope you and Ricardo will be in that group!] Lady Dar is delighted that you approve of cabinets! In spite of my earlier misgivings, new space will make a remarkable difference, adding immeasurably to the way we like/choose to entertain.
Very pleased that you finally had the opportunity to enjoy Australia. We have been five times and so know precisely what you mean about "several trips", although we are reasonably familiar with most of the places you mentioned visiting, as well as those you'd like to see! For a variety of reasons we are now hoping to explore Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, nibbling on China and returning to Japan. Number of Eastern European countries we'd like to visit as well. Anyway, one day at a time as we are not independently wealthy like a Volunteer Manager we are lucky enough to know! Fondestos from Lady Dar, busy working on one of her fourteen remaining weddings! Cheers, Patrizzio, Temporarily Retired VWF Volunteer!
THANK YOU again, Patrizio, for another speedy/full reply! I don’t know who half the people are you talk about but it’s always interesting! Good to hear that you and Corinne may not be gone forever. Never say never, as the old saying goes. I will keep you both as Inactive: Short Term in the hope that this time next year, or the year after, you’ll be saying YES to festival volunteering. BEST! Kathryn Hi Mother Katarina! Wonderful to classed as "Inactive" even if only for the Short Term! Fondestos from Lady Dar, out watering plants in front and back, to you Kathryn. Cheers, Patrizzio!
THANK YOU again, Patrizio, for another speedy/full reply! I don’t know who half the people are you talk about but it’s always interesting! Good to hear that you and Corinne may not be gone forever. Never say never, as the old saying goes. I will keep you both as Inactive: Short Term in the hope that this time next year, or the year after, you’ll be saying YES to festival volunteering. BEST! Kathryn Hi Mother Katarina! Wonderful to classed as "Inactive" even if only for the Short Term! Fondestos from Lady Dar, out watering plants in front and back, to you Kathryn. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Greetings Patrizzio, Received your most recent missive yesterday upon our return from taking the good ship Commitment II in for a haul out, bottom clean, zinc replacement and new bottom paint (including a new red boot stripe) at Abernathy & Gaudin Boatyard at Brentwood Bay (check out their website: http://www.agboats.com/ ). We cruised from Tsehum Harbour across Swartz Bay and down the Saanich Inlet to Brentwood - about an hour and a half - yesterday afternoon. It was a delightful trip concluding with a rather tight entry to the mooring next to the Rita J (or something like that) a 60 foot wooden sailboat under renovation. Our boat came out of the water with the evening high tide - a astounding feat made to look easy by the A&G crew (see attached photo of the elevating Commitment II from the 2015 haul out).
It sounds like you are maintaining your frenzied schedule of travel, events, tastings and meals. It would have been well worth the time to listen to old songsters (Ry Cooder and Rodney Crowell) live - we went to see John Prine a year or so ago when he was last in town. I've joined Apple Music and so get to hear an amazing library - both old and even their new offerings both at home and on the boat (acquired a wireless Bose Soundwave speaker which turns the main cabin of Commitment II into a virtual concert hall). I have even dug up some old greats such as Anton Karas (the 3rd Man theme), the Platters, Ink Spots and Aaron Nevil plus many others which are new to me (eg: Townes van Zant) - no loud clashy or trashy headbanger noises allowed.
It's encouraging that you are accepting the curmudgeony aspects of aging - it's good for the skin tone. I trust the wild fires stay away from Penticton and you and your have a wonderful August with zero catfights, John
Hi Skipper! Quite enjoyed the A&G website. Wonderful to know such craftsmanship still exists. 2015 is the year we moved to Penticton. Hard to believe the time has whirled by so swiftly. Apple Music sounds wonderful but I've so much to listen to, on my various shelves, not to mention Stingray, on cable, that I think a subscription would be wasted on me. [Haven't even listened to all the Folk Fest CD's I picked up.] That being said, would love to listen to some of the "oldies" through the Bose Soundwave in the Commitment II's concert hall! For most of this morning I began re-arranging things in Rumpus Room, (Temporary "swing space" since last October!], that there is reasonable access to Chloë's possessions, ready for move this coming Wednesday. Must away as I have a long list of household chores from Commandant Coriandre. Stay well, Barnacle Bill. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you and Jean! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Sir Patrick and Lady Dar. Thanks so much for leaving a reassuring message on our phone. I have been away in Sherborne Dorset on a singing course and Patrizzia phoned me to say Patrick was fine and getting better. What a huge relief and thanks also for your usual newsy email.Your usual social life is amazing as is your DIY. I look forward to seeing your abode soon. I return monday / tuesday via friends and head off to Norway on my birthday August 22 evening for a 5 day singing spree and plan to spend a few days after boating around fjords and taking scenic rides on trains too. Then to Spain to see friends and later Cornwall with Patrizzia. Hope we can meet up soon and best wishes to Chloë for her mortgage. Fondestos Sir James and Lady Patrizzia.
Hi Soon-to-be-Mr Fjord Man! Pleased to hear you were busy on a singing course and that you are off to Norway. I had hoped, before I fell ill, to visit Oslo, (from Denmark), as I have a good friend there. Interestingly enough, Patrick will be back in Vancouver for a family wedding, later in August, and plans to visit us as part of his holiday. Fondestos from Lady Dar, to you and Lady Patrizzia. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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