All the arguments to prove man's superiority cannot shatter this hard
fact: in suffering the animals are our equals. -Peter Singer,
philosopher and professor (b. 6 Jul 1946)
Could you guys help me out with a coworker's request for assistance below? Jane is coming to the OK Valley for wine tasting so I knew just who to ask. What are the must sees? Thank you! Hi Ayn, Hope you had a lovely 4th! I had lunch with Alex today, and she told me your parents are in Penticton…I am planning a 10 day wine adventure there at the beginning of August and I am SO excited! I went through the UCLA wine program, and also completed the North American Somm. Association program (still have to take my final test), and am looking forward to exploring up there. Would LOVE any recommendations you may have for the area…can NOT wait! ☺ Cheers! -Jane
Hello Ms Tinsel Town and Studio City Soon-to-be-Sommelier, et al! What wonderful news that you will be visiting the Okanagan! Don't think you will regret it, to say the least! How will you be getting here? Car or plane? If latter, and into Penticton, we can certainly collect you at the airport if you provide flight details, date, etc. We could manage the same if you land in Kelowna, about an hour away. If driving, we live at 611 Burns Street in Penticton. If Lady Dar's massive kitchen renovation is complete by time you arrive, and believe it will be, you are more than welcome to stay with us. However, we can cross those bridges later.
With respect to wineries there are many, many, many that I feel you would be interested in tasting at. However, they are spread out, from north of us to Summerland and Kelowna and then south of us to OK Falls, Oliver and Osoyoos, right on the US border into Washington, to Keremeos/Cawston, in the Similkameen Valley, west of Osoyoos. If driving, I suggest you come north on 97 as then you can taste in Walla Walla, Yakima and Lake Chelan, even before you arrive in Canada, first via I 84, I believe, east out of Portland, missing the horrible traffic congestion of both Seattle and Vancouver.
At any rate, I'll list off some of the wineries we like and you can take a look at their websites to see if their product might be of interest. Of course, feel free to be in touch and ask anything you might have questions about. I won't bother to provide locations, within regions mentioned above, at this point. Here goes: Quail's Gate, Fitzpatrick Family Vineyards, Silk Scarf, 8th Generation, Upper Bench Winery Estate Winery and Creamery, Roche, Poplar Grove, La Frenz, Little Engine, Terravista, Deep Roots, Bella, Elephant Island, Township 7, Synchromesh, Meyer Family Vineyards, Blue Mountain, Liquidity, Noble Ridge, Wild Goose, Stag's Hollow, Nighthawk Vineyards, (Dubh Glas, a craft distillery), Cannery Brewing, a fab craft brewery just a few blocks away from us, Le Vieux Pin, Bartier Brothers, Stoneboat, C.C. Jentsch Cellars, Nk’Mip Cellars, River Stone, Orofino, Clos du Soleil, (Twisted Hills Craft Cider), and Corcelettes Estate Winery. So there you have it! Hope this is of some help. All the best. Cheers for now, Patrizzio!
PS: On a much sadder note, at least for our family, and many other patrons, of course, is that one of our favourite restaurants, The Topanga Café, in Vancouver, burned down yesterday. Close friend, Bill Gross, (Any relation?), just sent this picture. I'm sure Ayn will be devastated. [I am so sad to hear of the fire! Had the best night there with Melvin once and it was my favorite place to get margaritas once I reached 19!!!] Chloë was there, two or three visits, to Vancouver, ago. Wild Bill is an extremely knowledgeable wine connoisseur so ask him to help you study for your coming exam, Jane! Pics: Fire! Kitchen renovation and w/d just moved into garage from behind former kitchen, temporarily vented out cat door! More of Kitchen and then Rumpus Room and my "Office". Why Murphy Beds in both those rooms are not usable until new kitchen cabinets, etc., are installed. Etta, on back patio, is not amused by renovation work; Duke in dish rack, next to one of our bathroom sinks, where we are now doing dishes!
Hello and Happy Friday! Thank you SO very much for all of this! Can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. I am flying into Kelowna and have rented a car. I’ll be staying at an Air BnB on the Naramata Bench, then moving to a winery (Therapy Vineyards) for a couple of nights, then heading north of Kelowna to Sparkling Hill for a couple of days at the spa! Can’t wait! Thank you so much for your kind offer to collect me at the airport, and to have me stay – how very lovely! I look forward to meeting you while I am there for sure!
Thank you so much for all of the winery recommendations. I am familiar with La Frenz’s Pinot Noir – it’s the only one of the bunch I have tasted thus far. I’m looking forward to sussing out the small, off the beaten path producers – always my favorite. It’s the stories and the people behind the wines that I love, as much as the wines themselves. Also looking to poke around in art galleries, and of course eat my way through the area! ☺
I’m not related to Wild Bill, that I know of, but you never know! Would love to chat with him, of course. So sorry to hear about The Topanga Café – the picture looks devastating. Also looks like you are doing QUITE the renovation! Thank you so much for all of this, and I look forward to meeting you in August! Thank you, Ayn, for this lovely introduction. Cheers, Jane Thanks Dad! Not sure if using the current renovation shots are a great way to entice Jane to come visit but I know you guys will have things looking great again shortly 😊 Ayn xoxo
Hi again, Wild Bill! Thanks for snap of Topanga fire. All of us were quite upset to learn of this. When girls were younger, when we lived on 12th/McKenzie, it was one of our favourite restaurants. I'm sure Ayn will be devastated. Chloë was there, two or three visits, to Vancouver, ago.
Well, must away as Lady Dar and I have to finish putting together the large cabinet she picked up at Canadian Tire, to be used for storage for laundry related items, to be placed next to w/d, now in garage. Vent for dryer has just been installed, through outside wall so Etta and Duke will be happy that they can now come and go, at will, through the cat flap. All the best to you, Wild Bill and DD. Cheers for now, Patrizzio!
Hello and Happy Friday! Thank you SO very much for all of this! Can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. I am flying into Kelowna and have rented a car. I’ll be staying at an Air BnB on the Naramata Bench, then moving to a winery (Therapy Vineyards) for a couple of nights, then heading north of Kelowna to Sparkling Hill for a couple of days at the spa! Can’t wait! Thank you so much for your kind offer to collect me at the airport, and to have me stay – how very lovely! I look forward to meeting you while I am there for sure!
Thank you so much for all of the winery recommendations. I am familiar with La Frenz’s Pinot Noir – it’s the only one of the bunch I have tasted thus far. I’m looking forward to sussing out the small, off the beaten path producers – always my favorite. It’s the stories and the people behind the wines that I love, as much as the wines themselves. Also looking to poke around in art galleries, and of course eat my way through the area! ☺
I’m not related to Wild Bill, that I know of, but you never know! Would love to chat with him, of course. So sorry to hear about The Topanga Café – the picture looks devastating. Also looks like you are doing QUITE the renovation! Thank you so much for all of this, and I look forward to meeting you in August! Thank you, Ayn, for this lovely introduction. Cheers, Jane Thanks Dad! Not sure if using the current renovation shots are a great way to entice Jane to come visit but I know you guys will have things looking great again shortly 😊 Ayn xoxo
Hi Again, Okanagan Jane, et al! From your itinerary, as outlined, sounds as if you will be busy indeed. I assume you might taste south of Naramata and Penticton when at Therapy as some of the most interesting reds are from Oliver, C.C. Jentsch, in particular. I'm not a fan of either Burrowing Owl, , let alone whites,for a number of reasons, or Black Hills, now that Senka is not winemaker, but you might have a different opinion. Both off Black Sage Road, towards Osoyoos. Forgot to mention Intersection, south of Oliver. Anyway, I'm sure you "think" you know what you are doing! Ready to advise and then say "I told you so!" when you spit on my suggestions! Cheers, ever easy-going, non-confrontational Patrizzio, personality inherited from Winston's Über Jewish Mother! Oy Ve Already!
Pics: Laundry cabinet on patio table when nailing on back and then with door hinges ready to be screwed in place; moved from patio and now sitting beside w/d; skim coat of concrete on kitchen floor to ready it for cork tiles after cabinetry is installed, in about three light years! Mike just left to get more skim coat material for second coat. Plan to have Etta and Duke put their paw prints in wet concrete, Penticton's Avenue of Stars! A few snaps of last Saturday's Farmers' Market. Loads of fun if you are here over a Saturday.
Hi again, Wild Bill! Thanks for snap of Topanga fire. All of us were quite upset to learn of this. When girls were younger, when we lived on 12th/McKenzie, it was one of our favourite restaurants. I'm sure Ayn will be devastated. Chloë was there, two or three visits, to Vancouver, ago.
Pics: Dryer vent and location for laundry cabinet! Nearly completed cabinet covered up last night in case of rain! Exciting stuff for those without laundry facilities for almost two weeks! Lady Dar's latest boulevard plantings, done this morning. Von Bingen and her cousin yesterday; Jake last Saturday and then with Vol III; Duke, on Chloë's bedspread, last night, exhausted after all the noise and dislocation of day's renovation work.
Hi Carolina and Thomasino! Lovely to hear from you, all the way from Paradise, a long, long way from the dust and noise of our kitchen! Really enjoyed your account of time in both Poland and Germany. Indeed, Luneburg seems like a wonderful place to visit so thanks, indeed, for tip. Bike lock is ready and waiting if you have time to drop in. Thanks again for its loan. All the best to you both, Carolina and Thomasino. Lady Dar looks forward to meeting you both. Stay well. Cheers for now, Patrizzio!
Hi Glasgow! Lovely to hear from you and thanks for your concern. Can honestly say that I am feeling a bit better, bit stronger with each passing day and over last few have not felt the need to take a nap, or sometimes two, so that is a good sign. Also means that I sleep more soundly during the night. Was very warm yesterday so last night we only had a sheet to cover us as well as ceiling fan on low. Both Lady Dar and I slept like newborns!
Just started Fallet and it looks quite promising. "Part satirical comedy, part crime drama, Swedish series Fallet is both overly familiar and refreshingly original at the same time. Spread across eight 30 minute episodes, you’d be forgiven for thinking Fallet will wind up like other satirical spoofs and lose its comedic edge late on. Fallet defiantly bucks that trend and manages to walk the fine line between serious drama and laugh out loud comedy to great effect right through to the final episode making for a surprisingly enjoyable series.
Occupied, a Norwegian TV political thriller, now available, with subtitles. The show’s creator is best-selling crime writer Jo Nesbo, one of our favourite authors. In Occupied "everything changes for Norway very fast, indeed. As the first episode opens, a new Green Party government announces its plan to live up to its rhetoric on climate change: It will cut off all oil and gas production in Norway. Unfortunately, at the same time, the Middle East is suffused in conflict and no longer exporting energy, plunging Europe into a severe energy crisis and a deep recession. Meanwhile, the United States is self-sufficient in energy and content to stay on the sidelines. With the EU’s support, Russia mounts a silk-wrapped invasion, quietly seizing Norway’s oil platforms and gas plants and resuming production." We are now on Season Two.
Hi Carolina and Thomasino! Lovely to hear from you, all the way from Paradise, a long, long way from the dust and noise of our kitchen! Really enjoyed your account of time in both Poland and Germany. Indeed, Luneburg seems like a wonderful place to visit so thanks, indeed, for tip. Bike lock is ready and waiting if you have time to drop in. Thanks again for its loan. All the best to you both, Carolina and Thomasino. Lady Dar looks forward to meeting you both. Stay well. Cheers for now, Patrizzio!

Still in the midst of organized chaos, with on-going renovation work, but is is simply amazing how one can adapt and see things as almost "normal" after only a week or slightly more. On a wine-related note, I still have no appetite for alcohol so I'm thinking of joining The Salvation Army!
This morning Lady Dar and I finished putting together the large cabinet she picked up at Canadian Tire, earlier this week, to be used for storage for laundry related items, to be placed next to w/d, now in garage. [Simply amazing that we were still talking to each other after first round of Ikea-like instructions!] All the best to you and Catherine, Matt. Lady Dar is volunteering for Grandmothers For Africa at the GranFondo registration desk until 7:00 pm. Group receives a decent amount of cash for each volunteer hour they provide. She did it last year as well. Hope to wander down on Sunday to see some of the first, elite finishers. Before she left for Trade and Convention Centre we asked Mike to help us move laundry cabinet, from back patio, into garage and when it was in place I mounted the two doors. Quite pleased with how it turned out, given I find build-by-numbers furniture more exasperating than playing doubles with Grogg! Stay well. Cheers for now, Il Conduttore/Patrizzio!
Yesterday, finished Collateral, a four-part British television drama serial, starring Carey Mulligan, (An Education, and just as fabulous here, as in that wonderful film, with Alfred Molina, as her father), "as Kip Glaspie, a detective inspector assigned to investigate the murder of a pizza delivery driver who is gunned down in a London suburb."

The first episode begins with a small town rocked following a gruesome murder that results in the body hung by his neck with blood stained rope and a bible in the deep bowels of the woods. The extremity of the case gains traction across Europe as British and Swedish police join forces to try to solve the murder. Fronting the investigation are two characters relying heavily on solving the case for their own personal reasons. Clumsy, hopeless Tom Brown, (Adam Godley), has a reputation for failing to solve any case he’s given so as a last resort he takes on the Swedish murder to save his own job and reputation.
On the other side of the spectrum is trigger happy Swede Sophie Borg, (Lisa Henni), whose lack of respect for authority sees her forced into taking the case to avoid being fired. The polar opposite characters have a surprisingly effective chemistry together and when their initial awkward interactions fall into a more respectful working relationship, the bulk of humour comes from the supporting cast around them, especially the hilariously hopeless chief of police Klas, (Tomas von Brömssen), and his son Bill, (Christoffer Nordenrot), who are consistently funny throughout the series."
Occupied, a Norwegian TV political thriller, now available, with subtitles. The show’s creator is best-selling crime writer Jo Nesbo, one of our favourite authors. In Occupied "everything changes for Norway very fast, indeed. As the first episode opens, a new Green Party government announces its plan to live up to its rhetoric on climate change: It will cut off all oil and gas production in Norway. Unfortunately, at the same time, the Middle East is suffused in conflict and no longer exporting energy, plunging Europe into a severe energy crisis and a deep recession. Meanwhile, the United States is self-sufficient in energy and content to stay on the sidelines. With the EU’s support, Russia mounts a silk-wrapped invasion, quietly seizing Norway’s oil platforms and gas plants and resuming production." We are now on Season Two.
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