Most institutions demand unqualified faith; but the institution of
science makes skepticism a virtue. -Robert King Merton, sociologist (4
Jul 1910-2003)
It's good to hear from you, and thanks so much for thinking of us living below the line at a time of befuddlement and inhumanity. We are working on it!!!!!!!! Hope you are healing and growing back into normal life! ever fondly, Cactus and Donna Florida Thank you, Patrick..Melvin Well now - seems this should only have been sent to your American friends and relatives. Happy Canada Day!! for July 1 Roma Thanks for thinking of us. How was your trip? Diana Thank you for the 4th of July salutations!! Xoxo Sam & Alex
[Krissy and Russell on way to Granville Island.] Hi Patrick. I hope you are now home safe and sound after your awful accident and subsequent hospital stays abroad. Not an ending to your long trip that was anticipated. I know it sounds selfish but glad you visited here at the beginning of your trip. Hopefully this won’t postpone your planned shoulder op this month and your bike injuries are well on the way to being healed.
We had a great week with Krissy and a week with our friends on the Alaska cruise. The weather was incredibly kind to us in Alaska and the whole week was warm and sunny which added to the wonderful experience. The remoteness and scenery were spectacular. It is certainly a place I could go back to but explore in much more depth. Our friends are not keen on walking but Gayle and I managed a few goodly hikes when we were ashore.
[Gayle and Loretta on our ships balcony prior to sailaway.] We had a very enjoyable visit with Krissy and stayed at her friends house while there (Russell). We took his sail boat across to Granville Island from Horseshoe Bay for lunch one day which was very enjoyable and nice to see Granville Island again. We did spend a day in Vancouver on the return from our cruise but after the open spaces at Squamish I was glad to get out of the city. Russell has bought a small boutique hotel in Costa Rica so it looks as though Krissy will be going down in October for 6 months to help develop the food line. (Porter will be going as well as Russell’s dog Thornton!). I have no idea how this will turn out but it looks as if we will be holidaying in Costa Rica this winter! I will email in more detail later but wanted to get an email off to see how you are. Gayle sends all her best wishes Cheerio for now and best to Corrine and Chloe. (Hope everything was successful for her) Derek
[Alan and yours truly.] Hello Yukon Cornwallites! How wonderful to hear from you and learn that your cruise went so swimmingly, with weather and hikes you were able to do. Thanks for the wonderful pictures of everyone and gorgeous scenery. Terrific that you had such a great time with Krissy in Squamish. On a horrible note, sad to report that there was a terrible hiking accident yesterday, at Shannon Falls. Apparently, from what is known, from other hikers who witnessed accident, it seems, at this point, that three young hikers fell 30 metres over some part of the Falls.
[At Emerald Lake Yukon.]
Few details are not clear as to what actually happened but it seems that the young woman somehow slipped into water and her boyfriend and other man did the same trying to rescue her. Witnesses saw them being carried over 30 metre drop, by exceedingly full, rushing torrents.), into some rock pools below. Helicopters and Search & Rescue became involved, using underwater cameras to search for bodies but no results, as far as I have heard, yet. You probably know how rugged and inaccessible, not mention how dangerous, is terrain so that has made search/recovery even more difficult, of course. [Just heard another CBC Radio 1 news report and still no further developments.]
[One of the glaciers in Glacier Bay.] At the moment Chloë is studying for her strata management exam, scheduled for July 26th. That is the date set for my shoulder replacement but I have decided not to have operation at this point. With all the medical follow-up, once back, I have yet to talk to my specialist but feel I'd like to delay operation, into Fall, at earliest, so that I have a chance to fully recover and build up my strength for the extended recovery shoulder replacement will require. I just feel it is a bit too soon to have to deal with another complicated recovery/rehab regimen. As well, I have been dealing with a senile, belly button hernia for last few years. Not really a serious condition but shortly before I left I noticed a bulge in my lower groin and I went to dottore to make sure I could travel. He said things could wait until I returned but now that I'm back I'd prefer to have these issues dealt with before I proceed with shoulder replacement. Apparently operation to correct hernias is a relatively simple one and I am awaiting call to see surgeon my GP has referred me to. 'Ain't Life Grand!
[Gayle and Krissy enjoying a coffee on the patio.] You might recall that, originally, I was to fly back to Vancouver, from Paris, on July 10th, after visiting friends in Denmark and then leaving my bike back in Chabeuil. Folk Fest takes place on weekend of July 13th to 15th an Lady Dar was planning to drive down on the Thursday before. We had arranged to stay with Elaine Keating, dear, dear friend who lost her husband, Ted, this past February. However, trip to Folk Fest is now up in the air, at this point, not really because of my recovery but rather having to do with our major kitchen renovation. New cabinets, counters, etc., are scheduled to be delivered about mid-July so Lady Dar will just have to see what she wants to do, with being here or not, when installation takes place as there are always innumerable issues which seem to come up. Anyway, we trust all will go well, in terms of delivery for appliances, etc., but really won't know until we have a better idea of when installation will actually begin. If it turns out that this work will start after July 16th then we should be free to make trip to Vancouver.
[Krissy and pups on a walk in Squamish.] When Chloë came home from work yesterday evening she mentioned that one of her clients, Bill Sliva, (A self-made millionaire, probably in his mid-70's, originally from Winnipeg, who knows many of the people in and around Falcon Lake, that we know!), was in to the office and told her to come and pick cherries. He owns acres of apple orchards as well as vineyards and aforementioned cherry orchards, between Middle and Upper Bench roads, but a few minutes from us, not to mention innumerable real estate properties in Penticton, Naramata, Oliver and Osoyoos, probably in Winnipeg as well. Last Fall I picked a wheel-barrow full of crisp Pink Lady apples after packing houses were not taking any more fruit. He and Chloë have a wonderful relationship and she keeps telling him he needs to give her one of his many properties, preferably one with house which sits on orchards/vineyards. He keeps stalling by saying they cannot marry but she retorts that they don't need to tie the knot, she just wants a small chunk of his extensive property!
[The three of us arriving in Juneau.] On
a much more difficult note, Chloë's latest medical reports indicated
that her eggs were not viable. Devastating news, of course, and it is
far too early for her to decide what future might hold, in terms of
adoption/foster care, etc. For now her main focus will be on passing her
coming exam. On a brighter note, her town house
is coming along very nicely so it looks as if she might be able to move
in before the end of August. Not that we are at all unhappy with her
being here but we know she is itching to be in her own place.
[Yukon train we took.] Well, there you have update at life here in the sunny Okanagan. Supposed to start becoming blisteringly hot today. Must say I haven't minded the slightly cooler weather since being back if only because makes sleeping far more comfortable. Must away as it's time for breakfast, Greek yogurt with fresh blueberries! Again, thank you, Gayle and Derek, for your concern and best wishes. Stay well and take care of one another. [How is dear Spuddy?] Fondestos to you both from Lady Dar and Chloë, the hard-hat wearers on Burns Street. I've taken to wearing my biking helmet, even to bed and when showering, just in case! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Stalwart Political Ones! How
wonderful to hear from you and learn that the Good Fight continues!
Onward! Ever Onward!! Again, thank you, Floridian and Cactoosian, for your concern and best wishes. Stay well and take care of one another. I've taken to wearing my biking helmet, even when watching TV! Cheers,
Patrizzio The Ever Overcautious Poltroon!
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Back in Canada for a day! |
Hugs, Nancy & David I was so relieved to get a "typical" Patrick chapter that I read it through verse by verse!!!! Congrats on being back in the saddle in terms of the keyboard, but please take your time getting back onto the bike saddle. Even when you are mostly healed you will be quite vulnerable, and another fall could be, as you well know, the cause of some unwanted damage. So try to go against every instinct inside you and exercise some caution!!!
I kept looking for olive pits among the corn cobs but it looks like the bitter reality has been sanitized. Fake News, so to speak! I'm going to the A's baseball game today as my Fourth of July celebration, and have even put on long pants and a long-sleeved shirt to minimize sun damage. See, caution. But this morning I am writing more post cards to Ohio voters urging them to go out and vote in August when there is a special election for Congress. But I will not get started talking about the state of the world as it's a deep long journey into darkness and why go there when it's a beautiful morning and wonderful to (still) be alive.
Good luck living in the middle of a construction site-no fun! AND poor Chloe. I bet her heart is broken....well, what is life but picking up the pieces and figuring how to make the best of things. She will do that i'm sure.... Three kisses and a big hug- Cactus Dearest Die Hard, (27!), A's Fan and Darling Donna Florida! Aye, Aye Captain! Full speed ahead to the Pedicure Parlour! Earlier this afternoon I accompanied Lady Dar to a new "Nails" place that Chloë discovered. Last time I had been was in Czech Republic and must say I received a more than terrific pedicure. Was very happy with today's pedicure so plan to continue with them in future. After Lady Dar's toenails were dry, we did a bit of shopping nearbye. While I picked up groceries, Cora Lee stopped in at Staples as she needed more file folders. Felt pretty good, especially since I hadn't had my usual nap.
This is probably the last of the worst removal work so were are hoping we'll be able to vacuum that space soon. Dust everywhere in spite of plastic sheeting and closed doors. Lady Dar has already picked out the cork tiles that will replace ceramic tiles in main part of kitchen and around new island. We both like cork, [Had it in Island Inn kitchen.], as it is both warm and fairly forgiving on any dropped items. Popcorn ceiling has been removed and Mike will re-insulate ceiling and then replace drywall. Will also ask him to repair a small section of drywall, in Rumpus Room, that we needed to cut to remove an overhead projector's energy source. His work is both amazingly efficient and always well-finished.
The Valley Garden! Love G&J & m A wee movie of the garden. Love G&J & m Hi Pat and Corinne, It was great to hear your voices the other day. We hope you have a very speedy recovery Pat. Isn’t it wonderful you found caring individuals to come to your aid? It is your ability to connect with people that was rewarded by the people you met! That is what you would have done for anyone in the same difficulty. We look forward to seeing you both very soon. Happy summer. Take good care of each other Love G, J y 🐶 Thanks so much for the pics and video of the garden. What a lot of work and reward. Great to talk to you both as well. Love Corinne
Hi, Patrick and Corinne: Thanks for your welcoming message. In the "no-time-like-the-present" category I have now booked as follows: Tuesday, August 14 - arrive 19:10 Friday, August 17 - depart 19:30
Hope that's fine for you and I am looking forward to this summer interlude. (How nice it is to have the new flexibility that retirement provides. This will be one of 3 post-retirement trips that are already confirmed for 2018, but I might try for 4!) Regarding Artur, I did receive the brief message from him below in early June, so I'm not sure what happened. An email glitch of some kind, it seems. After I heard from Corinne about the pneumonia (though before I knew about the Auschwitz and Krakow mishaps), I did send him another email briefly explaining that things had not unfolded as planned. He replied to say that he was sorry about the illness, etc. Anyway, all is well as far as that goes. Good to hear that indications are good for your recovery to full health. Hedgehugs to both of you, Janet
Back home Mike was gone but the washer and dryer are now hooked up! Hip Hip Hooray! Quite a big deal as we haven't been able to do any laundry for over a week. I know Chloë will be ecstatic when she is back from work as she has been fussing about her workout clothes over last few days. Have set up a mini-drying rack in back patio, in readiness for washed items that don't need to go in dryer. [Have a nifty folding clothesline that Lady Dar will ask Mike to affix to back of garage once more important work is complete.] I did first large load and already have three shirts drying outside!
Mike spent most of the morning and early afternoon removing most of the tiles in kitchen. [With door to Rumpus Room removed, to be replaced by a smaller door, opening into Rumpus Room, when mounted, this morning I watched a riveting documentary, Evil Genius, in Chloë's bedroom: "On August 28, 2003, a pizza delivery man with a bomb affixed to his body via a metal collar sat on the pavement in an Erie, Pennsylvania, parking lot, after robbing a nearbye bank, surrounded by police. Brian Wells, who would later come to be known as the pizza bomber, told police that the bomb was ticking and asked why no one was attempting to remove the collar device. He was right. It detonated before the bomb squad arrived, leaving Wells dead." [Chloë just came home and I told her this true crime documentary made both Marcella and Absentia seem like children's programs, so bizarre and twisted were all the individuals directly involved, ironically, except for the bomb victim, Wells.]
This is probably the last of the worst removal work so were are hoping we'll be able to vacuum that space soon. Dust everywhere in spite of plastic sheeting and closed doors. Lady Dar has already picked out the cork tiles that will replace ceramic tiles in main part of kitchen and around new island. We both like cork, [Had it in Island Inn kitchen.], as it is both warm and fairly forgiving on any dropped items. Popcorn ceiling has been removed and Mike will re-insulate ceiling and then replace drywall. Will also ask him to repair a small section of drywall, in Rumpus Room, that we needed to cut to remove an overhead projector's energy source. His work is both amazingly efficient and always well-finished.
Lady Dar is watching The Young and The Useless, with an adoring Duke on her lap. This has become their traditional "bonding" time and poor lad has really missed these sessions with her being away for so much of the last six weeks. Baked yams and chicken breasts for dinner. I will throw a mixed green salad together when Lady Dar starts to grill the chicken. No real thirst for hootch of any kind yet but I am certainly enjoying the tangy ginger beer Cora Lee brought home last week. Trust A's played well and won and that torpedoes are aimed where they should be! Fondestos from BBQ Queen and KVR Walker Chloë, off for a quick jaunt before dinner. [Thanks for your comments. I think she is dealing with the aweful disappointment as well as can be expected and is certainly concentrating on what she needs to do with respect to her strata management license.] Must away to make saladin and have a sip of ginger beer. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Dust on my computer screen; tiles no more; arrivederci pop-corn ceiling; relocated w/d; temporary exhaust duct venting outside via cat door; Etta and Duke are not amused! clothesline and rack; siblings on either side of some of shelving removed to make room for w/d; Duke at rest after being subjected to mindless TV!
The Valley Garden! Love G&J & m A wee movie of the garden. Love G&J & m Hi Pat and Corinne, It was great to hear your voices the other day. We hope you have a very speedy recovery Pat. Isn’t it wonderful you found caring individuals to come to your aid? It is your ability to connect with people that was rewarded by the people you met! That is what you would have done for anyone in the same difficulty. We look forward to seeing you both very soon. Happy summer. Take good care of each other Love G, J y 🐶 Thanks so much for the pics and video of the garden. What a lot of work and reward. Great to talk to you both as well. Love Corinne
Hi, Patrick and Corinne: Thanks for your welcoming message. In the "no-time-like-the-present" category I have now booked as follows: Tuesday, August 14 - arrive 19:10 Friday, August 17 - depart 19:30
Hope that's fine for you and I am looking forward to this summer interlude. (How nice it is to have the new flexibility that retirement provides. This will be one of 3 post-retirement trips that are already confirmed for 2018, but I might try for 4!) Regarding Artur, I did receive the brief message from him below in early June, so I'm not sure what happened. An email glitch of some kind, it seems. After I heard from Corinne about the pneumonia (though before I knew about the Auschwitz and Krakow mishaps), I did send him another email briefly explaining that things had not unfolded as planned. He replied to say that he was sorry about the illness, etc. Anyway, all is well as far as that goes. Good to hear that indications are good for your recovery to full health. Hedgehugs to both of you, Janet
It's hard to be religious when certain people are never incinerated by bolts of lightning. -Bill Watterson, comic strip artist (b. 5 Jul 1958)
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