In the struggle between yourself and the world, second the world. -Franz Kafka, novelist (3 Jul 1883-1924)
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Miss Etta is not amused by renovations! |
He wouldn’t want my camera it’s an old model and he is angry he has to touch such old technology!!! 🙄 Hello again, Kids! Au contraire, with respect to Chloë's camera, as I'm really enjoying using it, in fact more so than my later, now ruined, model, damaged beyond repair
in two falls in Poland, as I like the moveable screen which was done
away with since her camera was released.
[Chloe Alexis Dunn What two things are the polar opposite of one another?? Sun and having to study!!!! Argh
📚#igotthis #mybrainhurts #almostover]
Had my first mini-soccer session with Rinaldo this morning. He was inside, along with Miss Etta, to have breakfast. [Greedy Etta wolfed down his pumpkin while he was exploring some of the new kitchen wall construction!] After he ate his crunchies he hopped up on our bed and I threw a number of paper balls into the air above his prone body and he leapt into the stratosphere to block all the throws I tossed high above him. However, soon discovered we really need to clip his nails as they are back to needle-sharp talons. Also time for their anti-tick medicine, a small capsule of liquid, the contents of which we rub on the back of their necks, to be absorbed into skin, so that they cannot lick it off. Lady Dar and I administered dose to Etta as she was sleeping in her favourite spot on one of outdoor dining table chairs, this afternoon. Later that evening we did the same to Duke as he was sleeping on chair next to Chloë, on back patio, studying for her strata management exam, scheduled for July 26th.

Had my first mini-soccer session with Rinaldo this morning. He was inside, along with Miss Etta, to have breakfast. [Greedy Etta wolfed down his pumpkin while he was exploring some of the new kitchen wall construction!] After he ate his crunchies he hopped up on our bed and I threw a number of paper balls into the air above his prone body and he leapt into the stratosphere to block all the throws I tossed high above him. However, soon discovered we really need to clip his nails as they are back to needle-sharp talons. Also time for their anti-tick medicine, a small capsule of liquid, the contents of which we rub on the back of their necks, to be absorbed into skin, so that they cannot lick it off. Lady Dar and I administered dose to Etta as she was sleeping in her favourite spot on one of outdoor dining table chairs, this afternoon. Later that evening we did the same to Duke as he was sleeping on chair next to Chloë, on back patio, studying for her strata management exam, scheduled for July 26th.
[Ayn P Go Sissy!! Go! Carol Riera You do have this! Good luck Chloe! Patrick James Dunn No time for posting! Study! Study! Study! Or else El Diablo will break out of his cage and you'll be sorry since his talons are needle sharp!]
Quite cool this morning, cloudy with a chance of afternoon showers. Both of our rain barrels are full to the brim although with rain over last few days Lady Dar doesn't even need to water most of the plants or vegetables. Both tomatoes and zucchini are coming along very nicely, as are the garlic. Fridge-full of scapes, [Long green stems before seed pod
develops, wonderfully tasty, like chives.], already, just waiting for the frying pan.
On the renovation front, the very efficient plumber was here for a goodly part of the morning and afternoon, yesterday, and completed roughing in all the necessary piping for the washer. The electrician had done the same for the wiring a few days earlier, (He is planning to do away with a small, secondary electrical panel on pantry stub wall, yet to be demolished, rewiring so that all the feeds come form main panel, in our bedroom.), so we are hoping that crew Mike will hire to move appliances from former pantry area into new location in garage will be here in next few days, as there is still some more duct and related electrical work to be completed. Our piles of dirty laundry are becoming archeological middens at this point! My next project, which I'm planning to start today, will be to rearrange some of the furniture and many of the boxes in the Rumpus Room to make space for my bicycle and roller fixture for back wheel. Once I have done this I will ask Norm, neighbour across back lane, if he can make the necessary adjustments to bike's rear axle to allow roller to do its intended job. Itching to be back in the saddle again, not only for the exercise but also to watch all the myriad Netflix series which have been piling up even before I left for Europe.
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Photo: Baker County Tourism |
Now on to Absentia, set on the other side of the pond, in which an FBI agent, Emily Byrn, who has been held captive, in horrific circumstances, for six years, is found and must adjust to the fact that her husband, also and FBI agent, has remarried. Her personal life soon takes second place to her professional role as a number of key figures, linked to an on-going investigation, seemingly having to do with her original disappearance, end up murdered and she becomes the prime suspect. As well, have stacks and stacks of books beside my bed so more than plenty of watching and reading to keep me occupied as I trudge down the road to recovery.
Must away as it's time for my breakfast, Greek yogurt and fresh blueberries while I watch next episode of Absentia. Lady Dar moved to Rumpus Room at 4:00 am this morning as I surmise she couldn't sleep. She was dozing, book on her tummy, when I went to garage to unlock cat door, at close to 7:00 am. Now that Mike is here she is up fixing herself a cup of tea as he will be starting to work on last remaining stub wall. Kittens have disappeared, of course and Chloë is off to work. Fondestos from all the hard-hat wearers on Burns Street. Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio!
Pics: Latest snaps of kitchen and garage. Miss Etta is not amused! Last snap shows shrub Lady Dar planted yesterday on right side of front sidewalk, part of her on-going gardening initiative to wall off garden from marauding deer, which one sees everywhere in town! Perhaps we'll enjoy venison for dinner one of these nights! No foreseeable plans for cucumber plants however, Giorgio and Rosita!
Hello again, Watching Paint Dry People! Sorry
to hear about your lackluster weekend but perhaps you needed a
relatively quiet time after your frenetic tour of Europe! You are more than
welcome, of course, with your extensive painting experience, to come on up to help redo
kitchen walls. While watching paint dry at least you will have access to
our wine cellar and my malt cabinet! Fondestos to you both from Lady Dar. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Medicine Hat Man! Thank you for your on-going concern about my health and welfare. Much appreciated, it goes without saying. Your
"mole" may have already reported back to you but in case not, last night
we enjoyed a lovely evening with her and close friend, Judy Pratt. Would be
delighted if you are going to be out our way before summer is over, if
only for the bridge lessons you can impart! At least
you will have access to my malt cabinet while waiting for our
pedestrian bids! Fondestos to you, Zircon, from all the hard-hat
wearers on Burns Street. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Dearest Ulrike and Thomas! Trust
you are both well and that you received our small parcel. Thank you,
again, for your on-going concern about my health and welfare. Much
it goes without saying. Am very pleased to be back home, it goes without saying. Fondestos to you,
Ulrike, and Thomas, from all the hard-hat wearers on Burns Street.
Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patrick, Yes we are inviting you to dinner with us -just down the street. Perhaps Elaine, who we don’t think we’ve met,would like to join us so we get to know our neighbour finally. And all kidding aside, the wines here might be expensive, and copious but they are not ENDLESS! And Lady Dar is still gluten intolerant I assume. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that she has Celiac Disease?? Any way let us know when your plans start to be set and we’ll set a date. cheers, Bill
Regarding Patrick Dunn File Number 1253816 To whom it may concern: I am forwarding this signed form as per Mr. Patrick James Dunn his email if you need to reach him at the following email address. Best, Chloe Dad, just got the below. Sir, Madam, Your email has been forwarded to the case manager in charge of your file. He or she will proceed with your request, and contact you should any additional information be required. In case of an emergency during your trip, call us at one of the numbers on your insurance card, we are available 24/7. If you’re in Canada or the U.S., use the toll-free number. If you’re anywhere else in the world, you may call us collect. Yours truly, Marine T.
Hi, Patrick and Corinne: Well, I am now 6-0! Notwithstanding how lovely it would have been if you could have been there too, my Canada Day plans unfolded outstandingly well. There were 18 of us for the walk and dinner. For most guests, the walking tour was apparently a new and enthralling experience. And the service, food and wine at Al Porto Ristorante in Gastown were exceptional.
I know that you will soon be in town for the folk festival, but as already indicated, I won't be around then. However, I am exploring the possibility of another Penticton trip and wondering about August, when there seems to be reasonable availability (if I use points again, of which I have quite an accumulation).
The week or so starting August 13th would be particularly good, as my mother will be away then too (again -- visiting friends and family in southern Ontario). She is not "high maintenance" at all -- indeed, she endeavours not to be -- but it's nice (though not necessary) when we can align our absences. Really, though, if mid-August is not optimal, I do have hugely increased flexibility now, and am just at the exploring stage.. If and when I do make the trip, I have in mind perhaps 3 nights . . . .?
Look forward to hearing from you. I hope your recovery continues apace,
Patrick, and that you are both enjoying the Okanagan summer. Love, Janet. Hello Newly Minted 60 Year Old! Trust you are well. Lovely to hear that both your walking tour and meal at Al Porto went off so swimmingly! Yes, we would have been more than delighted to join you. Will simply have to make up when you visit, mid-August. Lady Dar is pleased at choice although we may well still be doing dishes in one of our bathroom sinks! She just ordered new sink for new kitchen and it seems as if there is/might be a four to six week supply time! Since she was in Winnipeg shortly before she left to rescue me in Berlin, she simply didn't have time to place order until now. At any rate, that is not a significant issue so we look forward to hosting you for however long you feel you are able to stay. Let us know when you have confirmed flights, etc.
I know that you will soon be in town for the folk festival, but as already indicated, I won't be around then. However, I am exploring the possibility of another Penticton trip and wondering about August, when there seems to be reasonable availability (if I use points again, of which I have quite an accumulation).
The week or so starting August 13th would be particularly good, as my mother will be away then too (again -- visiting friends and family in southern Ontario). She is not "high maintenance" at all -- indeed, she endeavours not to be -- but it's nice (though not necessary) when we can align our absences. Really, though, if mid-August is not optimal, I do have hugely increased flexibility now, and am just at the exploring stage.. If and when I do make the trip, I have in mind perhaps 3 nights . . . .?
Look forward to hearing from you. I hope your recovery continues apace,
Patrick, and that you are both enjoying the Okanagan summer. Love, Janet. Hello Newly Minted 60 Year Old! Trust you are well. Lovely to hear that both your walking tour and meal at Al Porto went off so swimmingly! Yes, we would have been more than delighted to join you. Will simply have to make up when you visit, mid-August. Lady Dar is pleased at choice although we may well still be doing dishes in one of our bathroom sinks! She just ordered new sink for new kitchen and it seems as if there is/might be a four to six week supply time! Since she was in Winnipeg shortly before she left to rescue me in Berlin, she simply didn't have time to place order until now. At any rate, that is not a significant issue so we look forward to hosting you for however long you feel you are able to stay. Let us know when you have confirmed flights, etc.
On another, Kraków related matter, I did send a message to Arthur,
as you know, explaining I couldn't meet on Monday, June 11th, due to
Auschwitz day trip. Never heard back from him, even before all my
troubles began so just wondering if you had heard from him.
Must away as it's time for dinner, sausages on the bbq along with roasted cauliflower and a tomatoe/Feta salad. Not sure what we will watch this evening. Thank you, again, for your on-going concern about my health and welfare. Much appreciated,
it goes without saying. Fondestos to you, Janet, from both of us, the hard-hat wearers on Burns Street. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Denise Dangereuse and Wild Bill! Thank
you for the lovely dinner invitation, even without "endless" bottles of
expensive hootch! I'm sure Elaine would love to join gathering if she
is able to do so. Yes, Lady Dar is still gluten intolerant. However,
trip to Folk Fest is still up in the air, at this point, not really
because of my recovery but rather having to do with our major kitchen
renovation. New cabinets, counters, etc., are scheduled to be delivered
about mid-July so Lady Dar will just have to see what she wants to do,
with being here or not, when installation takes place as there are
always innumerable issues which seem to come up. Anyway, we trust all
will go well, in terms of delivery for appliances, etc., but will
certainly be in touch as soon as we have a better idea of when
installation will begin. If it turns out that process will start after
July 16th then we should be free to make trip to Vancouver.
away as it's time for dinner, sausages on the bbq along with roasted
cauliflower and a tomatoe/Feta salad. Not sure what we will watch this
evening. Fondestos to you both from the hard-hat wearers on Burns Street. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Regarding Patrick Dunn File Number 1253816 To whom it may concern: I am forwarding this signed form as per Mr. Patrick James Dunn his email if you need to reach him at the following email address. Best, Chloe Dad, just got the below. Sir, Madam, Your email has been forwarded to the case manager in charge of your file. He or she will proceed with your request, and contact you should any additional information be required. In case of an emergency during your trip, call us at one of the numbers on your insurance card, we are available 24/7. If you’re in Canada or the U.S., use the toll-free number. If you’re anywhere else in the world, you may call us collect. Yours truly, Marine T.
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