People hate as they love, unreasonably. -William Makepeace Thackeray, novelist (18 Jul 1811-1863)
Dearest Elaine! Trust you are well. I apologize for not sending along a message sooner but it has been pretty hectic ever since we left you on Monday morning. All went well driving to Abbotsford where we stopped at Costco for gas and supplies for coming stay at Spirit Ridge. Thought we were home free but a traffic accident in Chilliwack delayed us by an hour, inching forward, bumper to bumper! A large semi with a modular structure of some kind, too high to go underneath one of the overpasses had smashed into bridge, spewing material all over highway. When we finally reached accident scene there was a front-end loader scoping up the mess.

To his credit he came back, from retrieving his jacket from the car, with a handful of creamers, nabbed from an unattended house-keeper's cart, outside our door, in the empty hallway. Now, with brimming mugs, we are happily digitating, listening to CBC One, in otherwise, quiet companionship.
Must away, as time for a bite of breakfast, yogurt and fresh raspberries, with last fabulous blueberry muffin from you, Elaine. I found it at the bottom of the knapsack I took to Folk Fest when back home! Thanks again, for all of your generous hospitality and patience, Elaine. You are always so welcoming and we do feel badly that it was, yet again, such a whirlwind visit. Do hope you will be able to visit us, especially since it looks like both kitchen and Chloë's place will be finished in next few weeks. Until then, take care of yourself. Fondestos from Lady Dar, making a shopping list on patio. Love and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Denise and Bill so that you might recognize them if you bump into them in neighbourhood. Arrivederci Bayswater! Kitchen space. Al and Colleen outside Burns Street Construction Zone. Painted Rock, first stop after picking up new bike rack. Pool at Spirit Ridge. Patio of our suite.
Hi Kids! Trust everyone is well. Lazy sleep-in and then breakfast on the deck before Lady Dar, Colleen and Big Al were to leave for a walk into town, to pick k up some groceries, etc. I wanted to use elliptizer in gym and just before we all set out of our different destinations Sarge arrived with three gremlins in tow, one a canine, others not sure of species they belong to! Anyway, Sarge spilled his copious baggage and possessions all over our, until then, neat as a pin, suite, and then left me to clean up mess while he and his darlings went to pool. After I had, vacuumed, put in two loads of laundry, dusted and done all the dishes, I left for gym, stopping to snap a few pictures of the sun-screen slathered, (Yes, Beckster, Sarge is a very, very attentive care-giver, even if he put beer in their water bottles!),water-nymths, frolicking with their adoring grandfather.
Couldn't have been happier with well-appointed gym with its two fancy-smancy elliptizers, and other assorted equipment. Even better, to my delight TV was tuned to Tour, Stage 11, with about 57 km to go when I walked in. What a treat to be exercising while I watched race. Set timer for first session for 45 minutes, at 15 on the difficulty scale so not terribly demanding a pace, with a cool-down of five to follow. Stage wasn't over when I was finished so took another 30 minutes on a different workout setting and by the time cool-down was over, so was stage and various jersey award ceremonies. Haven't seen any of Tour since we left for Vancouver last Thursday so was very curious to see how Chris Froome was doing. Fabulous day for Team Sky as Geraint Thomas, Chris's lieutenant, won the stage and remains overall leader, wearing yellow jersey for yet another day. However, Chris is now in 2nd place, (14th when I last watched), so am pleased for both him and team. Will time my work-out for a bit earlier tomorrow so that I can watch more of next stage, still in the mountains so it should be exciting.
Sarge was working, on his phone, on deck when I was back, Ashlynn sleeping in a portable cot in our bathroom, Avery watching something on her iPad. I made myself a delicious grilled cheese and tomatoe sandwich for lunch and will head to pool as soon as Sarge has transferred all the baggage to his suite, in next building. At the moment, I'm the "nanny" for girls and Molly Mop. Not sure what has happened to The Osoyoos Kids as no sign of them. Pretty hot outside, 33º C, although not as warm as yesterday, 39º C when we drove down from Penticton. Was sure they'd want to be back by now and lounging around the pool. Maybe they melted away on walk back. Wow, all that wine, (Picked up two cases, plus a few bottles, between Penticton and here on way down yesterday, in addition to case we already had from wine stash at home!) now for me alone!
Colleen and Al want to take Lady Dar out of her birthday lunch tomorrow, [If they ever return!], so she made reservations for Kismet at 1:00 pm. Chloë raved about food as she and her girlfriends ate there while here. Lady Dar had been before and felt similarly so looking forward to seeing place and tasting their wine as well. Lady Dar and Coleen bet Big Al and I at cribbage last night so I want a revenge match today! [You are too good a teacher, Rosita!] As well, hope to play some bridge with Joe and Sarge over next couple of days so plenty to do in between opening wine bottles! Lost People just staggered in the door, whining, ad nauseam, about how hot it was on way back! AS soon as they have re-hydrated and had a bite of lunch, we are pool-bound. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Summer Kitchen Grill Queen yesterday morning! My third bike rack! Big Al at Noble Ridge! Pool and view from pool yesterday, shortly after we unloaded car. Rosé on patio and setting sun. Water nymphs this morning!
[Miranda Huska Hello Corinne and Patrick. Lookin’ good! Patrick James Dunn How are you? when are you coming to visit? Patrick James Dunn Plenty of room once Chloë moves out, into her new townhouse!] Hi Patrick, if I remember correctly you had a knee replacement yes? Had my right one done June 28...first week was the hardest pain wise second a bit better and third still uncomfortable and sleep is elusive! Stay on opioids only first 2 weeks I don't do well on them, now on Tylenol only 3 times a day. If u have time msg me your experience. Hi Ginette! I apologize for not replying sooner. No excuses but plenty of reasons. At any rate, I have had two hip replacements, (2010, 2016), but no knee work. With respect to pain management, I have been extremely fortunate in this regard. While I was given opioids for two days following each operation I really did not suffer any pain or discomfort at all so I discontinued them as soon as I was back home.

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