If all men knew what others say of them, there would not be four friends
in the world. -Blaise Pascal, philosopher and mathematician (19 Jun
Corey William It was a very long, yet successful week! Officially an ISU Technical Specialist! Wayne Sutherland Excellent job son. All those hours in the rink pays off. Very proud. Corinne Durston Congratulations from the Dunn Durston household Patrick James Dunn Bravo and Congratulations, Kid Chelene! Hip Hip Hooray!! Cheers!!! Chloe Alexis Dunn Good job Corey!!!! Wayne Connors Congrats, Corey. Well deserved. Looking forward to seeing more of you on tv during the big events. A long way from ice level security chasing streakers around center ice.

Was able to listen to the radio this morning at just after 5:00 am as Lady Dar decamped to the Rumpus Room to read. Heard that Michael Kaeshammer will be at the Dream Café next week so when I was up I took a look at the website and discovered that only a few tickets are left for the "wings", purchase by phone only. We'll pop in when at the Farmers' Market this morning. Would love to obtain spots for Wednesday, July 11th as we are supposed to be off to Vancouver next day to attend the Folk Fest on the weekend.
Shortly thereafter, when I went to The Summer Kitchen to brew my java I found Miss Etta curled up on one of the arm chairs. She came inside and went directly to Chloë's bathroom sink where I gave her a long drink of cool, cool water. Poor Duke was curled up on the front door mat and and when he came inside he immediately started flicking his crunchies, from the bowl, onto the floor, he usual manner of eating. Chloë and Lady Dar believe he needs braces as they claim his "overbite", (his quite impressive Dracula fangs, actually), makes it difficult for him to pick up his food easily. Fact is he's just a messy boy, unlike his fastidious sister and OCD minder!
Glad you are on the mend. Listen to your body. Your lucky about the alcohol. Make sure you pick the symbols with the Sallie. Hallelujah. Thanks for the tips. Quite the reno. Take care. Matt
After I had eaten a delish dish of fresh blueberries and Greek yogurt, topped with a splash of the wonderful maple syrup, [Bottle you brought for us last time you were here.], Chloë dropped me off at the Farmers' Market as she was going out to run an errand. Lady Dar had already left to do another shift at the GranFondo Registration Desk. As I needed a bit of cash I used the ATM and then headed out to scope the stalls. First people I bumped into were Lynne and Peter so had a quick visit with them before their visiting friends, Kathleen and Gordon, joined us. Said hello and goodbye to them and then started to look for Jenny as I wanted to buy one of her woven pine-needle baskets for Lady Dar's coming birthday. Unfortunately, she wasn't at the day's Market, so I'll have to give her a call if I'm to get something as we'll be in Vancouver next weekend for Folk Fest.
Anyway, made my way to Lakeshore and then turned around to make sure I hadn't missed her stall. Hadn't but did bump into St Killian, from hiking group, near the Book Shop as I was headed there to see if Jake was outside, selling more books. He wasn't but I had a good visit with St Kilian and then I made for home, stopping to buy a wonderful poppy-seed loaf, for my sweet tooth and a jar of Lemon Butter, (aka Curd), for Lady Dar, one of her favourites. Back home I found Chloë, under the louvres, studying for her coming Strata Management exam, to be taken this coming Tuesday, at UBC. [She will go to work tomorrow morning and then drive into Vancouver, staying overnight with Sarge. She will drive back to Penticton after her exam.] Duke was keeping her company, sleeping on the chair next to her.
was a tad peckish so made myself two sliced chicken breast/ham and
tomatoe sandwiches and then went to watch Croatia vs Russia which Chloë
had set up to record before I went to market. Really, really enjoyed the
game, more than exciting towards the end, as I need not tell you of all
people, when the Croatian goal-keeper pulled a ham-string, I believe,
more than serious, of course. Again, as you would know, Croatia could
not replace him as they had already used three substitutions by this
point. Fortunately, for them, they kept the score tied until regular
time and stoppage time ran out. Was looking forward to watching overtime BUT recording
stopped with regular time. Had to look on The Net to find that Croatia
won, by shoot-out! Hip Hip Hooray for Ragin' Bull and The Wild Croats!!!
that I spent about two hours vacuuming the "construction zone", as dust
is everywhere and wanted to try to remove as much as we could as it
simply gets tracked into other parts of the house. Once this was done I
concentrated on reorgainizing Rumpus Room which had been filled, very
inefficiently by The Sistherhood, when kitchen had to be decanted in
preparation for demolition derby! Managed to stack and pile boxes,
whether filled with wine bottles or kitchen things, food from pantry,
etc., and numerous pots, pans and small appliances so that I was able to
create enough space around the round coffee table to be able to sit
comfortably when watching other recorded programs, Netflix, Tour, (Chloë
subscribed to NBC Sports Channel, for me, so I can record each stage
and watch it. Have already seen Stage 1 and will watch Stage 2 after
4:00 pm when recording is set to start for rest of series.), or live TV.
Depending on weather, (Torrential rain on Friday, per esempio.), we often eat in Rumpus Room, of an evening. [Invited to Judy Pratt's for dinner this evening so looking forward to having a night out!] Anyway, both Lady Dar and Chloë were mightily impressed with my efforts. After I put away the vacuum hose I lay down on the couch in RR and watched the last 60 km of the Tour. I had had race on while working on reorganization but listened, rather than watched, as not overly much happening for first 140 km. Terrific to see countryside, of course, but listening to informed commentary was just fine as I beavered away. We didn't have dinner, [Lovely mixed green salad with tasty bbq'd Farmer's sausage complimented by a fab 2016 Gewürtztraminer from Black Widow, showing quite a marvelously appealing, at least to me, bitter finish.], until after 8:00 pm. Watched the last few episodes of Occupied, a compelling political thriller, on Netflix.
Depending on weather, (Torrential rain on Friday, per esempio.), we often eat in Rumpus Room, of an evening. [Invited to Judy Pratt's for dinner this evening so looking forward to having a night out!] Anyway, both Lady Dar and Chloë were mightily impressed with my efforts. After I put away the vacuum hose I lay down on the couch in RR and watched the last 60 km of the Tour. I had had race on while working on reorganization but listened, rather than watched, as not overly much happening for first 140 km. Terrific to see countryside, of course, but listening to informed commentary was just fine as I beavered away. We didn't have dinner, [Lovely mixed green salad with tasty bbq'd Farmer's sausage complimented by a fab 2016 Gewürtztraminer from Black Widow, showing quite a marvelously appealing, at least to me, bitter finish.], until after 8:00 pm. Watched the last few episodes of Occupied, a compelling political thriller, on Netflix.
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