Euphemism is a euphemism for lying. -Bobbie Gentry, singer and songwriter (b. 27 Jul 1944)
Hi Patrice and Coriandre, Thank you for the update and great pics! Sorry to hear about Duke and the trip having to be cut short but very glad that he is doing well relatively speaking. Hopefully he asserted himself sufficiently as the alpha male to stave off any further confrontations with this neighbourhood bully. Glad to hear the wine gala’s were fun and I definitely recognize the Upper bench locale, was that cute Collie there wanting you to throw the ball?.
It is I who must apologize for not getting in touch sooner after the wonderful time we had and you warm and generous hospitality which we greatly enjoyed. It was so nice to get a chance to spend some time with you both again and catch up on the last several months. I must say I really enjoyed watching some of the Tour de France with you as well and getting to learn the ins and outs which of course never had any idea was so complex..have they actually finished yet or does it continue?.
We had a great drive up to Salmon arm and the Sunbeam was a real treat to drive with the top down all the way although at times it was quite cool and we needed to put the heat on and add a layer. Quite interesting to see the various small towns such as Enderby, etc., along the way and the changing landscapes. I must say that if we never had to drive through Kelowna again we would be quite happy. With it’s non synchronized abundance of traffic lights coupled with the heat of the day it was slightly irritating. Before that we drove through the fires of Peachland many of which were still burning and we could see the flames. Interestingly I noticed that the trees themselves were still intact and it was really only the sage and grass that had seemed to have burned off. I am sure there were worse areas but glad to see that a lot of the trees had survived.
Pulling into Salmon Arm around 5 we received a warm welcome from Ivan and Sherrie, Jacob’s long time soccer coach and his wife. We were pretty impressed as They had a huge 5th wheel / toy hauler right on top of a slope overlooking the lake. Their friends Jim and Elana ( jim and Ivan have known each other since kindergarten) also have a 5th wheel of similar size and they have them perpendicular to each other forming a large area probably 35’ x 35’ facing the lake where they have built outdoor kitchen’s , fire pit, and room for lounge chairs, dining tables etc. quite impressive really and much more than expected.

Between the two families they have these SkiDoo ride on tubes with handles to try and hang on and had the two of them each on a separate rope so they could bounce against each other. This made it very fun as the kids would take turns trying to knock each other off and spray each other by dragging their feet in the water. Eventually Colleen and I got on one tube with Colleen on the outside me in the middle and the smallest kid on the inside. Then three kids, around 13 - 15, on the other. We were having a great time as we got towed around progressively faster and going from side to side over the wake.
Eventually this increased to the point where both tubes bounced way up in the air and dumped all of us which turned into a jumbled mass of bodies flying around. Unfortunately as I came down I connected with my nose on Colleen shin full on and smashed my nose so hard it just started gushing blood! Not quite broken I guess as I didn’t get black eyes but felt like it. When the boat came around and they saw me they were very apologetic but I knew and actually had a premonition of something like that happening. Unfortunately I didn’t take heed but am, glad it was me and not one of the kids!. I treaded water for about 10 minutes, chumming the water so to speak until it stopped and then climbed back aboard. Although this was unfortunate all in all it was a lot of fun but obviously a very risky activity.
We relaxed for a while and took our time packing stuff up before hitting the road around 1:30. Smooth sailing all the way through and didn’t stop other than a quick bite in Kamloops. We got lucky as their was a terrible crash northbound on the Coquihalla between Merritt and Hope with an overturned, smashed up SUV and miscellaneous other trucks and cars askew. Not a pretty sight and many vehicles stopped on our side of the highway I suppose to assist. Clearly there much help already so we putted through, once we were past Hope we got a message the the highway had been closed due to two major crashes in each direction and wasn’t expected to be open till midnight!. We sent a message to Ivan and Sherrie as they were a couple hours behind us and had already been stopped and wondering what was going on. Turns out Ivan pulled in behind some emergency vehicles proceeding to the site past all the stopped traffic and just carried on through after! Back in town and been working on my cloud project for Germaine the artist I told you about and some work on my garage extension. I don’t even know where the time has gone this week and that it is Friday already. Colleen came home yesterday from the cabin with Clover and we are both going to head back up tomorrow to do some work before a renter comes in on Sunday. The reservations have been pouring in as of late and we have 7 rentals between then and Labour Day so couldn’t be happier. Must get ready to head out on some errands and then back to try and make some major progress on the garage project. Take care for now and we will catch up again soon.
Here is a link to all the pictures and video taken by me on our O.K. trip. Colleen has some great ones that I will add as well. There is a lot of the time at Shuswap as well including the tubing vids. Sorry I did not have time to go through and edit and was just easier to send the link to the folder. Cheers, Al
Hi High Flying Tube Man! Thanks for the 1,000+ page update on Salmon Arm Adventure, neo-Leo Tolstoy of War and Peace fame!! I can see that you are really taking revenge on me for my lengthy epistles! Actually, (aside from of the gory episodes, [nose, car accident], I thoroughly enjoyed every word! Pleased all went so well and will take comfort in the fact that since your friends holiday in such Luxury, Sheer Luxury, we won't have to worry about you being Freeloaders at Burns Street in the future, preferring the sheer affluence of Wakesetters and more! That being said, their place and setting sound wonderful indeed.
Funnily enough, (although it wasn't funny, given outcome, for you), as soon as I started the "endless" paragraph, [Did! Dig! Dig!], on the tubing escapade I had premonitions of a likely accidento. About 20 years ago, now, we were back in Falcon Lake for a couple of weeks holiday. George, Lady Dar's brother, has a very nice boat, (although not as expensive/fancy as Ivan's/Jim's), and he would take gang out tubing as well. I was reluctant to go as I was worried that if I had a spill I might throw out my back. Anyway, after much cajoling I hopped onto tube and we took off. George, of course, did his very best to create waves that would toss me up into air, off tube, to the thorough enjoyment of all aboard. Well, finally, in spite of my best efforts to hang on and wedge myself into tube I was air-born. When I came down I smacked into surface of water on my right side and knocked the wind out of me. The fact that I was wearing a "barrel" life-saver helped soften the blow and, like you, I treaded water, gasping most of the while to regain my breath, until plucked out of the water. [Your great video captured the essence of what happened to me! Enjoyed rest of stills as well, so thanks for link.]
I was to fly back to Vancouver next day and I felt fine, going to work day after I was back. As was my usual routine, I went for a swim on my lunch hour and, at the time, I had mastered bi-lateral breathing, so I started off on my left but when it came time for a breath on the right side searing pain shot through me and I almost swallowed the entire Empire Pool! I guess I had badly bruised a few ribs and injury took a few days to manifest itself. At any rate, I certainly sympathize with your ordeal and can only say that I'm very glad that things didn't turn out to be far more serious, broken bones or nasty knock on the noggin, for any involved!
[Coffee station!] Glad Sunbeam performed well. Surprising about cool temperature, however. Could not agree with you more about drive through Kelowna! I liken it to drive from Abbotsford to Vancouver! We try to time it, if we have to go through, when traffic is least likely to be bumper to bumper but I think that is most of the time! Around the year of my own "tube" accident I was teaching a UBC School Libraries course in Salmon Arm, every other weekend, during university terms, and Faculty of Ed would fly me to Kelowna and there I'd rent a car to drive to Salmon Arm on Friday, teach all day Saturday, and then return on late afternoon flight. Consequently, I also "discovered" Vernon and small towns of Winfield, Enderby and Armstrong, driving north to Salmon Arm.
Not sure if you met Lynn and Barb, couple across street in Guayabitos, when you were holidaying with us. They have a lovely home, just outside Enderby itself, and we stayed overnight for a couple of days, with them on our way back from Winnipeg, a number of years ago. They also visited us when we were house-sitting for The Millionaires, same period you stayed, I believe, but at different times, as I recall. I saw them about two years ago when they were in Penticton to watch one of their grandson's play hockey. Had them over for breakfast before they returned to Enderby. Lady Dar was in Vancouver, I believe. Anyway, lovely, lovely couple and they both play bridge!
Have you done any paddle-boarding before? Too, too hard on my shoulder even if I could master staying upright! Amanda, our next door neighbour does a fair bit. When I thanked her for taking care of felines when we were in Spirit Ridge, I asked her if she had been out lately. She said she hadn't as it had been too windy, of late. Last time she was at Skaha and there was little if any wind but shortly after she left shore a terrific gale started, blowing her board onto some concrete blocks and doing enough damage that she had to have it repaired. She said she had to wait for an hour before she could put board back on her car roof rack as wind was so fierce she couldn't put it there without if flying off before she could strap it down!
Pleased to hear that business is booming for cabin! Hope all your guests work out well. Big news here is that cork floors will be installed on Monday! Had a call this morning and company had an opening sooner than originally scheduled. Delighted, of course, as this means that other work, waiting for flooring, will now proceed once flooring is put down. Will also be able to put fridge where it will sit so starting to free up space. Pleased you enjoyed watching some of The Tour. I'm certainly no expert but do appreciate the sheer athleticism of those involved. I managed to watch snippets of it when using elliptizer at Spirit Ridge and once back at suite. At home I started catching up on recorded stages. Have been up until 1:00 am-2:00 am last two nights trying to get through everything as I would like to watch last few stages as they unfold.
Anyway, must away as I need to shower and change as we are going to pop in to pre-wedding party before dinner. Fondestos from Lady Dar, back from Maj Jong and a refreshing swim in pool at home where game was held. Quite a bit of smoke today and we couldn't see Naramata from Summerland earlier today. Friends, Josinta and Aarturo, invited us for coffee and a visit this morning so we drove over for a terrific visit, for an hour or so, until we had to return to Penticton as Lady Dar had an nail/pedicure appointment at 12:30 pm. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: The Summerlandians, Joint and Aarturo, this morning!
Grazie Mille, Patrizzio! I so look forward to meeting all of you! I am not staying in Kelowna, but will be heading straight to the Naramata Airbnb on the 1st. I have not made any plans other than the one tasting, so I would absolutely love to join you anytime! Thank you so much!
Thank you so much to reaching out to Senka and Bob...super excited to spend time with them. What a treat. Hope we can make that work out - this is precisely why I booked this trip. I love wine people. And some day hopefully wine will be my “next career” down the line...Glad Duke is on the mend and the renovation is moving along! I am currently in Washington DC, en route to meet some college pals in Rhode Island. Hoping the thunderstorms hold off, as it is a small plane from here to there...😬 See you soon! Ciao, OK Jane
Lady Dar was playing Mah Jong this afternoon so I took out the Brodie I want to use as my stationary bike and gave it a thorough wash and cleaning. Went over to see if Norm was around as he said he would help me set it up rear wheel roller but he wasn't in. Will give him a call and see when it might be convenient for him as I'd like to start exercising regularly. Will set it up in back patio for time being and once Chloë's possessions are gone from Rumpus Room I'll move it there. Imagine that won't be until later this Fall as weather usually remains pleasant enough until then.
Anyway, must away as I need to shower and change as we are going to pop in to pre-wedding party before dinner. Fondestos from Lady Dar, back from Maj Jong and a refreshing swim in pool at home where game was held. Quite a bit of smoke today and we couldn't see Naramata from Summerland earlier today. Friends, Josinta and Aarturo, invited us for coffee and a visit this morning so we drove over for a terrific visit, for an hour or so, until we had to return to Penticton as Lady Dar had an nail/pedicure appointment at 12:30 pm. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: The Summerlandians, Joint and Aarturo, this morning!
Grazie Mille, Patrizzio! I so look forward to meeting all of you! I am not staying in Kelowna, but will be heading straight to the Naramata Airbnb on the 1st. I have not made any plans other than the one tasting, so I would absolutely love to join you anytime! Thank you so much!
Thank you so much to reaching out to Senka and Bob...super excited to spend time with them. What a treat. Hope we can make that work out - this is precisely why I booked this trip. I love wine people. And some day hopefully wine will be my “next career” down the line...Glad Duke is on the mend and the renovation is moving along! I am currently in Washington DC, en route to meet some college pals in Rhode Island. Hoping the thunderstorms hold off, as it is a small plane from here to there...😬 See you soon! Ciao, OK Jane
Hi Jet-Setter-OK Jane! Are you quite sure that you actually work? Ayn, is she really employed by Crown Media? You, Helicopter Woman, seem to be bopping, non-stop, around the US countryside. If it's Tuesday it must be Rhode Island! Soon you will be turning your rotors towards BC. In this vein, not to put a damper on your excitement for coming visit, but I just want to prepare you for the fact that the smoke from various wildfires, hereabouts, [Peachland, Summerland and Kelowna, (as of this writing under control), not to mention other 150 elsewhere in province], is currently a fact of everyday life, and has been for last few weeks. Per esempio, there was quite a bit of smoke yesterday and we couldn't see Naramata from Summerland earlier today. Friends, Josinta and Aarturo, invited us for coffee and a visit that morning so we drove over for a terrific visit, for an hour or so, until we had to return to Penticton as Lady Dar had an nail/pedicure appointment at 12:30 pm.
I assume you have heard about the terrible fires in Yosemite and near Redding. We know this city relatively well as it has become a favourite stopover over the many years we have travelled the I-5 corridor to Napa/Sonoma/Berkeley/LA. If ever your whirlybird should land in Redding, make Jack's Bar & Grill a place you eat dinner, if you enjoy steak! Ayn can brief you when you drop by your office to collect your pay stub and then leave shortly thereafter! At any rate, be prepared for diminished vistas. Depends on weather, of course, between now and when you arrive.
At any rate, back your your time in Naramata. I presume you might wish to check-in to your AirBNB after your drive from Kelowna. If you'd like to stop by our place, [We are directly en route to Naramata.], first, please feel free to do so, to have a drink and/or a bite to eat/dinner. If you'd rather just go to your AirBNB and come back, (laden with cases of La Frenz!), or not bother with a visit that evening, that is fine as well. Nevertheless, you are formally invited for dinner on Friday when the BBQ King, Sarge, will be grilling and swilling Poplar Grove product. Again, we are here so come and go as suits your busy schedule. I'm sure you can charter one of the helicopters at Penticton Airport and there is enough room in our back driveway for easy landing and take-off! Let me know, Chopper Woman, what you think about Thursday and beyond. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Cactus Cats. Bookends, Aarturo and Josinta, this morning.
Hope you not too sweltering. Warmish here. K and Gramma took the float plane to Victoria for niece's birthday dinner, glorious flying day yesterday. Moving down to Sutherlands Monday, they've been marvellous. Hope we can visit you in August. We leave 25th, so better make arrangements eh? Realise the renos are proceeding, so don't worry if its all too much. Hope you're recovering. Zai jiang.
😎 Hi Harbour Terrace Suite Jumpers! Glad to hear all goes well even if warmish in The Big Smoke. Would love to see you both up here. Not sure what your schedule is like but after Chloë's move on August 8th friend Janet is coming from 14th to 17th so that weekend, or later, would be fine and with any luck we'll have a kitchen! Let us know about possible dates. Stay well. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Cheers! Slainte!🥃✌️Colin Hi Colin! Trust all goes well. Thanks for recipes for malt cocktails but like W.C. Fields used to quip: "Somebody's been putting pineapple juice in my pineapple juice!" Stay well. Fondestos from Xeriscape Woman to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio! Xie xie. K told me she and C had discussed visiting and all but abandoned the idea due to complicazziones (trilingual me). Thanks for outlining plans and commitments, it may be too hard... lets see. Hope Chloe's move goes well, she'll be chuffed. Glad you've shaken down the bike . Take it east. S
Hope you not too sweltering. Warmish here. K and Gramma took the float plane to Victoria for niece's birthday dinner, glorious flying day yesterday. Moving down to Sutherlands Monday, they've been marvellous. Hope we can visit you in August. We leave 25th, so better make arrangements eh? Realise the renos are proceeding, so don't worry if its all too much. Hope you're recovering. Zai jiang.
😎 Hi Harbour Terrace Suite Jumpers! Glad to hear all goes well even if warmish in The Big Smoke. Would love to see you both up here. Not sure what your schedule is like but after Chloë's move on August 8th friend Janet is coming from 14th to 17th so that weekend, or later, would be fine and with any luck we'll have a kitchen! Let us know about possible dates. Stay well. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Cheers! Slainte!🥃✌️Colin Hi Colin! Trust all goes well. Thanks for recipes for malt cocktails but like W.C. Fields used to quip: "Somebody's been putting pineapple juice in my pineapple juice!" Stay well. Fondestos from Xeriscape Woman to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio! Xie xie. K told me she and C had discussed visiting and all but abandoned the idea due to complicazziones (trilingual me). Thanks for outlining plans and commitments, it may be too hard... lets see. Hope Chloe's move goes well, she'll be chuffed. Glad you've shaken down the bike . Take it east. S
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