If I could be sure of doing with my books as much as my [doctor] father
did for the sick! -Marcel Proust, novelist (10 Jul 1871-1922)
[Thanks Dad, great pics as always Love the top you have on Mom xoxo Jane, you will need to spend a month with all the wineries Bill added to the already long list of those suggested for consideration Lol Ayn Hello Poppa Thank you for being so welcoming to Jane when she visits in August. However, please respect my privacy when visiting as she is a lovely fairly new work colleague that I am still getting to know. No talk about my "not loving wine" but "loving other vices" please xoxo I am including my mother and sister in this email to ensure you behave properly. Thank you and with love, Ayn Oy Vey Already! Do you have your muzzle on too, Winston! Winston knows better so you're the only one who needs chaperoning xoxo You forgot about El Diablo! Don't blame your mischief on little El Diblo...he is too young to know better...you elect to cause trouble El Diblo Lol...way better than Diablo Didn't know Jewish Mothers suffered froom dyslexia! No wonder Winston is a god!]
Hello again, Pommes-Frites! [Dangereuse can translate/explain if you don't understand what I'm alluding to! Being a veteran "jock' it will probably sail right over your low-brow forehead! How is you blackberry back, by the way?]
Hello again, Pommes-Frites! [Dangereuse can translate/explain if you don't understand what I'm alluding to! Being a veteran "jock' it will probably sail right over your low-brow forehead! How is you blackberry back, by the way?]
On the visiting/dinner front, we are wondering if Friday evening might work for you two. Not sure how this fits with Dangereuse's eye surgery but Thursday we are having dinner with close friends, Kathleen and Stefano, at Harbour Terrace, where we will stay with Flamin' and Sarge. If Friday doesn't work for you, perhaps a lunch or even breakfast, at some point over weekend, given our schedule for Folk Festival. Of course, even a visit for a java or a cup of Darjeeling, for Lady Dar, would at least get us together. Once I hear back from you two I'll ask Elaine what she might like to do about joining us. I trust these suggestions make sense. Please don't worry, overmuch, if given your own situation, getting together might be overly difficult. We'll be staying with Elaine from Friday until Monday so we'll be just around the corner and am sure we can pop by, at some point, even if not for a meal. Thanks again, of course, for generous offer.

Mike arrived around 8:30 am to continue "mudding" the drywall. This process will go on for next few days so little progress otherwise. Will have to start thinking about packing for weekend in Vancouver today as we are leaving on Thursday morning. Keeping our fingers crossed for Chloë as she will be writing her Strata Management exam this afternoon. She stayed overnight, last night, with Flamin' and Sarge, but will drive back to Penticton, after her exam is over, so probably won't be home until later this evening.
Will see Dr Pinsonneault, my orthopaedic surgeon, at 1:50 pm, at the Cask Clinic at PGH, to let him know about my desire to postpone my right should replacement operation until later this Fall. Had already decided, when still in hospital, in Berlin, that I would ask for change, knowing I would not be as strong as wanted to be going into a fairly significant period of rehabilitation, all going well with operation, of course. Am quite confident that he will agree, especially as my GP supports this postponement.
Must away as it's time for breakfast. Will set up recording of Belgium vs France semi-final game as I'm enjoying my yogurt and cherries, picked yesterday, by Bill Sliva, (New friend of Chloë's, through work, as he has properties that are managed by her company.), who dropped by with a huge jar-full from his orchard. We had planned to go to his property to pick our own, at his earlier invitation, but by the time it was possible for us he had already sold most of his crop. Very thoughtful of him and boy are they flavourful! Let us know your thoughts. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Drywall is finished and "mudding" is in progress. Mike's trailer. City-by-law inspector was around yesterday and said trailers not attached to a vehicle cannot be left on the street so we suggested Mike park it in our back driveway. [Chloë usually parks here but she can park in front of the house until work is completed. In fact she won't be here from this coming Thursday until Monday following Folk Fest as she has invited about four of her very close girlfriends to spend that time at Spirit Ridge in our "fractional condo". We, ourselves, will head down to Osoyoos on Tuesday, July 17th, for rest of week. Sarge and his gang will be there as well as we both have same usage schedule.
Good friends, Colleen and Al, are riving up to Penticton on Monday, to stay overnight here and then will stay with us until Friday, [We will drive back to Penticton as we have Poplar Grove Wine Club Party that evening. Was a simply fabulous affair last year.], so should be fun with so many friends around. Plan to start using fairly decent gym at Spirit Ridge. In the past I've ridden ride to Osoyoos but too, too soon, I feel, for road biking. Will soak my still poor, battered body in hot tub and/or enjoy steam room before a plunge into pool. Bill's jar of cherries. Duke and Etta unhappy about rain!
Well Patrick, it looks as though your renovation project is moving along nicely. We’ll have to sort out my low-brow problem when we see you- Friday is completely out, due to the eye surgery for DD, and then you’ll be consumed by the Folk Festival on Sat & Sun. How about brekkie on Mon AM before you drive home?
By the way, I rode by your old house (SE corner of MacKenzie & 12th?) and it looks to be in good shape. The stucco is painted a greyish green with cream trim elsewhere.They have carried the stucco colour onto the fence that runs along MacKenzie. And double by the way, riding a bike is the only activity I can do in comfort with the back problem -just like last time. We’ll await your reply, Bill.
Good friends, Colleen and Al, are riving up to Penticton on Monday, to stay overnight here and then will stay with us until Friday, [We will drive back to Penticton as we have Poplar Grove Wine Club Party that evening. Was a simply fabulous affair last year.], so should be fun with so many friends around. Plan to start using fairly decent gym at Spirit Ridge. In the past I've ridden ride to Osoyoos but too, too soon, I feel, for road biking. Will soak my still poor, battered body in hot tub and/or enjoy steam room before a plunge into pool. Bill's jar of cherries. Duke and Etta unhappy about rain!
Well Patrick, it looks as though your renovation project is moving along nicely. We’ll have to sort out my low-brow problem when we see you- Friday is completely out, due to the eye surgery for DD, and then you’ll be consumed by the Folk Festival on Sat & Sun. How about brekkie on Mon AM before you drive home?
By the way, I rode by your old house (SE corner of MacKenzie & 12th?) and it looks to be in good shape. The stucco is painted a greyish green with cream trim elsewhere.They have carried the stucco colour onto the fence that runs along MacKenzie. And double by the way, riding a bike is the only activity I can do in comfort with the back problem -just like last time. We’ll await your reply, Bill.
Hi again, Wild Bill! Knew that getting together was probably going to be tough, what with DD's eye surgery and FF schedule, but as you suggest, Monday morning, for breakfast sounds wonderful indeed, even if you avoid opening endless bottles of expensive wine! We'll give you a call or even pop by on way to FF to see what time works, etc.
Did see my orthopod and he agreed that waiting was not a bad idea, given my "troubles" but he did say that clinically, based on results of all the tests that were done, once I was back, there was no medical reason not to proceed. That of course, was god to hear, at least in terms of my recuperation. However, I still feel I want to present myself, for surgery, in as fit condition as I can muster, the better to recover fully and as quickly and fully, as possible.
Just before we left for hospital good friends, Marian and Tim Dunn, (I call them cousins even though we are not related!), from Summerland, popped by to wish me well. [Brought me a six pack of Bad Tattoo, Los Muertos Cerveza Negra, 5% so I might have to crack it if there is good news, at least about how Chloë felt about the exam, when she is back this evening. They are a simply lovely couple and I met them through hiking group and Marian and Lady Dar both belong to Grandmothers for Africa. Anyway, we had a most enjoyable visit before it was time for appointment.
Enjoyed your description of Hotel Kits! I had been back to take a look, this past March, I think, when en route to visit Ragin', a few blocks away, and then Chloë was there, a month os so ago, on one of her trips into Vancouver, so I was aware of some of the changes. Not sure about you, at least with respect to your previous, gorgeous home, but I couldn't be happier, ensconced where we are now, in spite of dislocation of renovation! Forgot to mention in last message that I appreciated the list of other wineries that you suggested. I must say that I'm not a real fan of either Hester Creek or Cassini, [Thanks for mentioning Checkmate, Culmina, (Knew of it but have never tasted there.), Lariana and Vanessa, as they are all new to us. Jane will be spending time in Kelowna when she first arrives so I'll include Ex Nihilo in case it isn't on her list.], but will certainly pass along all the names to Jane.
I plan to call Senka, on her behalf, to see if she might have time to chat, probably while tasting. Not sure if you knew, or not, but she really wants to sell winery. This has been the case for last year or so, at least to my knowledge. Last time I talked to her about it she said she was just tired of the ongoing, unrelenting demands of marketing, etc. I think she still enjoys making wine but all the rest is becoming too, too onerous. Not sure what Bob feels. Must away as I'm at half-time in France vs Belgium. Recorded so no real rush. I'm quite enjoying the play. Looking forward to England vs Croatia tomorrow and then there is the Tour. Best wishes to Dangereuse for her coming eye surgery. Cheers, Patrizzio!Pics: My cousins! Bad Tattoo. Have never been to the craft brewery, downtown, although many friends rave about their thin-crust pizza. Have tasted some of their product, however, after a tasting at one of Farmers' Markets last year, but not this dark beer. Probably a good choice given how relatively cool it is this evening.
I plan to call Senka, on her behalf, to see if she might have time to chat, probably while tasting. Not sure if you knew, or not, but she really wants to sell winery. This has been the case for last year or so, at least to my knowledge. Last time I talked to her about it she said she was just tired of the ongoing, unrelenting demands of marketing, etc. I think she still enjoys making wine but all the rest is becoming too, too onerous. Not sure what Bob feels. Must away as I'm at half-time in France vs Belgium. Recorded so no real rush. I'm quite enjoying the play. Looking forward to England vs Croatia tomorrow and then there is the Tour. Best wishes to Dangereuse for her coming eye surgery. Cheers, Patrizzio!Pics: My cousins! Bad Tattoo. Have never been to the craft brewery, downtown, although many friends rave about their thin-crust pizza. Have tasted some of their product, however, after a tasting at one of Farmers' Markets last year, but not this dark beer. Probably a good choice given how relatively cool it is this evening.
Fay: Per Patrick’s request, please find a copy of his 2016 tax return (CRA online version) and a copy of his 2016 Notice of Assessment. If you have any questions, or need any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Best regards, Jon Milligan Hi Jon! Thank you so much for facilitating this process! Certainly much appreciated. Cheers, Patrick! Portfolio: Patrick As per your request, here is the portfolio review of your accounts. Let me know if there is anything else you need. Yvonne Yaciw | Administrative Assistant | Manulife Securities Incorporated Hi Yvonne! Thanks so much for your quick response to my request. This is all the documentation I need for now, I trust! If not, I'll be in touch. Thanks again, Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Brunello and Chooch! Thanks so much for forwarding two OCR web sites, Translator Titan! I used https://www.onlineocr.net/ and it worked extremely well. Certainly much appreciated and critically helpful in submitting hospital expenses. Now I'll be able to afford the most inexpensive malt to thank you for tip! Thanks again for OCR sites, Brunello. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi again Gianna or should I say, Jeyn, to keep Mamas Oy Vey Happy! Interestingly enough, before my European tour was sabotaged by Canadian subversives, funded by jealous Manitobans, I was going to leave my bike in Chabeuil, a tiny, tiny village, about half an hour south of Côtes du Rhône-Villages and about an hour north, on the toll road, of Châteauneuf-du-Pape, so more than wonderful tasting within a stone's throw. With respect to Sonoma, do you know David Coffaro Winery? We have become good friends with David and Pat, his lovely, lovely wife. [They stayed with us in Vancouver, a few years before we moved to Penticton, and visited us, in May 2017, when they were driving back from Banff.] Mounts and Kokomo, not far away, are a couple of our other favourites. Anyway, happy researching! Must away as I've just been charged with making a mixed green saladin by non-other than General Darjeeling! Cheers, Patrizzio!
So Marlo had a good visit with the Cancer Doc Pitz. They (hospital/ Cancer Care) found no reason for the very painful arm, shoulder , & joint pain. Could have been infection that antibiotic dealt with or just body’s reaction to chemo. Best news was the liver numbers have improved again and now in low 100’s from high 300’s at start of chemo. Single digit is the norm for most people but Doc very happy with the improvement and considers the current chemo cocktail to be the right choice for her liver. Pat may have noticed the improved colour over the two weeks she was in Wpg.
Best news so far and buying her some time. Chemo back on for Thursday. How her body handles this weeks injection is anyone’s guess. Back to two weeks chemo followed by one week off. Port surgery depends on her blood work that was done today. Pass this to the other family members. Love George See George’s email above. Just wanted to add that Marlo has had 2 infections and visits to emergency. She had very horrible pain in legs arms and jaw that they are not sure of the cause Patty said that is often a result of the chemo. She had to be sedated to be on her back for an MRI. Hopefully chemo will go well tomorrow. Love to all Corinne/Mom/Nana
Hello Kids! Trust everyone is as well as possible. I apologize for sending out such a group message but I wanted to thank everyone who either popped by, to offer best wishes for my recovery, or else took the time to chat on the phone or send along a message. I also wanted to share a few snapolas as from what I've discovered many of you may well not have seen each other, given busy lives, holidays, etc.
[Chloe Alexis Dunn with Robbie Romu.]
At any rate, Von Bingen and her cousin, visiting from Berlin, were first who popped by, having ridden from Myra Canyon to Penticton on KVR! What a feat! Hip Hip Hooray Hilde!!! Luigi sent me a lovely message, wishing me well and over the last two Farmers' Markets I had the chance to bump into both Jake and then St Kilian. Josinta, just back in town with Pearly Whites, from Toronto, called to inquire about kitchen renovations and had no time nor interest in asking how I was doing! Out of sight out of mind! Of course, my feelings weren't hurt at all as I know how insensitive most Summerlanders are! Judy Blue, [Some of you won't know her as she is a Take-No-Prisoners-Commando in our Elite Bridge Club!], invited Lady Dar and I for a fabulous dinner on Sunday evening and Olga Polga left a wonderful message on our answering machine. I was somewhat distressed to learn that she, herself, was under the weather, upon her own return from Edmonton. I trust you are well on the road to recovery, Olly, as we need to start playing bridge again! That's an order from General Blue! The Sensitive Summerland Cousins dropped by this afternoon, just back from Edmonton with a passle of grandchildren so it was fun to catch up. The Spiller Road Spokesperson, Gilliana, called, later this afternoon so it was terrific to learn of their busy summer so far.
At any rate, Von Bingen and her cousin, visiting from Berlin, were first who popped by, having ridden from Myra Canyon to Penticton on KVR! What a feat! Hip Hip Hooray Hilde!!! Luigi sent me a lovely message, wishing me well and over the last two Farmers' Markets I had the chance to bump into both Jake and then St Kilian. Josinta, just back in town with Pearly Whites, from Toronto, called to inquire about kitchen renovations and had no time nor interest in asking how I was doing! Out of sight out of mind! Of course, my feelings weren't hurt at all as I know how insensitive most Summerlanders are! Judy Blue, [Some of you won't know her as she is a Take-No-Prisoners-Commando in our Elite Bridge Club!], invited Lady Dar and I for a fabulous dinner on Sunday evening and Olga Polga left a wonderful message on our answering machine. I was somewhat distressed to learn that she, herself, was under the weather, upon her own return from Edmonton. I trust you are well on the road to recovery, Olly, as we need to start playing bridge again! That's an order from General Blue! The Sensitive Summerland Cousins dropped by this afternoon, just back from Edmonton with a passle of grandchildren so it was fun to catch up. The Spiller Road Spokesperson, Gilliana, called, later this afternoon so it was terrific to learn of their busy summer so far.
Again, thanks for all your kind wishes and concern but more importantly, your on-going friendship. Often, when I was lying in my hospital bed, in Berlin, an antibiotic drip in my arm, with but little to do, I would imagine the group hiking, wondering where and under what conditions and my mind would drift to the many wonderful outings I'd shared in the past. Adversity, or at least my recent experience of it, certainly focuses one on what is really important in one's life. Medical care was excellent, staff were kind and attentive but in the final analysis I was truly alone with but my thoughts and memories to tether me, interestingly enough, to this individual lying in a hospital bed in Berlin's Charité Hospital. Thank you all for being part of those wonderfully sustaining memories and I trust we'll be able to forge new ones in the not too, too distant future. Again, thanks to one and all for your support. For those of you hiking, domani, enjoy the hills! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Grant! Just wanted to send along this snap, from last Farmers' Market. Hope to pop by distillery over next little while as we will be back and forth to Osoyoos over coming couple of weeks. Cheers, Patrizzio! Thank Patrick! Looking forward to seeing you out here. In good spirits, Stevely
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