If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality. -Desmond Tutu, clergyman (b. 7 Oct 1931)
Hello Fellow Manitoban! Great to hear Manitoba is your favourite province. While I'm very proud to have been born there I'm afraid that BC, and The Okanagan, in particulare, have won first place! Anyway, you certainly have become soft as you and Chooch are joining Lady Dar in Guayabitos/La Peñita when I'm staying home to snowshoe! Nevertheless, Congratulations on your 40 years. The country and the lives of all those you've touched have been enriched by your presence and personality. Onward! Fight!!
Must away as it is time to ready the turkey for the roaster. Lady Dar made the stuffing yesterday as well as the fresh cranberry sauce, using Rosé for liquid! I chopped and diced onions and readied the Butternut squash. Spuds are my next job. Happy Thanksgiving to The Softoids! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Pumpkin Boy and Guard Cats! Bruno said that not me! BC is definitely my favourite province, but yes we are super happy to be leaving winter to join Coriander in Mexico! If we could afford it we would be wintering down south every year to warm up our cold bones! Have a fabulous day today. Love, Carol xoxo
Thank you so much for the great card. Happy Thanksgiving to you all! Best wishes Gayle and Derek X x Hello Cornwall! Trust you are both well. Did you celebrate Thanksgiving? Have been thinking about you as we've been watching CB Strike with Cormoran, as a private investigator, named after a Cornish Giant, from St Michael's Mount, I gather! Sorry we didn't really have a chance to visit with Krissy when she was her, almost a month ago now. Lady Dar returned from her wedding about 3:00 pm, (I was still finishing up an hour's worth on my stationary bike.), and although she had an umbrella nobody would hold it for her during ceremony. She ended up giving it to one set of parents and they never returned it! Once inside we phoned LA to wish Alexander, our youngest grandson, happy birthday. He and Samanatha are to make us great-grandparents in February! Then we called Chloë, in Winnipeg, and had a lovely chat, on FaceTime, with most of the family, having their Thanksgiving dinner today as well, so it was fun to see people, of course. Lady Dar was instructed to give a virtual tour of her new kitchen so she was pleased to do that, as you can imagine!
Must away as I have to slice beets for a salad. Boiled and peeled them yesterday so not much work now. Guests are to arrive at 5:00 pm so I think I'd better have a sip of Chardonnay, Orofino Blind Creek 2011, 13.2%, [Divine, as it turns out, especially so since it is seven years old. We don't usually keep our whites that long or at least are unable to do so! Leigh, from Farmers' Market, told me last Saturday that she ages her wine as long as it takes to bring it home from the store!], to see if it is suitable to serve! 'Ow com I'z to do all the work when 'Er Ladyship sits and watches The Young and the Useless, barking out a constant stream of orders from the Rumpus Room. Gore, wish I was Cormoran the Giant and I'd show 'er a 'ting or two! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Patrizzio Thank you for your not too lengthy missive - much appreciated! Also thanks for pics - what a beautiful blue sky and such characters......Yes we do watch Silent Witness - it has been going for about 20 years and Emilia Fox has been in it from the start! I find it a bit too gory sometimes but Mike is hooked. We have been watching a number of excellent series recently - Black Earth Rising, The Cry, Unforgotten........no wonder I can't lose any weight as I've joined Mike as a couch potato! So sorry to hear of your various illnesses - I always thought you were the epitome of fitness! Maybe riding thousands of miles on a bike isn't right for a septuagenarian? Anyway, get well very soon. BTW Carol has just had a hip replacement and is doing very well. She will book in for the next hip when I take her to the hospital on Thursday.
We are off to a wedding this weekend in Wiltshire and then head off to Barbados on 8th November. Funnily enough, my friend James McPherson (whom I think you've met) has Canadian friends who live there and who we will touch base with once there. Should be fun, although I hear from Mike's son that it is extremely humid and we will only need loose fitting clothes. I had intended to take lots of bling but not now!
I have a new Monday to Friday lodger - Chris Thompson who is Jewish from Yorkshire but married to an Irish Catholic (who converted) and lives in Dublin! He flies back to Ireland every Friday and heads straight to work on Monday so I rarely see him! He suggested tasting some single malts with Mike the other evening - needless to say they both had dreadful hangovers the next morning and Mike stayed in bed til noon. I'm sure you would have given them a run for their money! Going to see The Wife with my friend Angela tonight - have you seen it? Well, I'm at work right now so will sign off. Much love to all Penelope xx Bodyguard is another one and Mike loved Killing Eve - too scary for me! X
Hi again, Couch Potatoe Landlady! Thanks for names of the series you have been watching. We've watched all of Unforgotten. Loved Nicola Walker as Ruth in MI-5. Will see if we have Black Earth Rising and The Cry on our Netflix subscription. We are currently watching Jenna Coleman in Victoria and enjoying it immensely. Please pass along good wishes to Carol. At least as far as my two hip replacements have gone, I couldn't be happier. Glad to hear she is doing so well.
Trust Mad Cap is over his overhang! Sounded like a doozy, indeed! You'll need to keep him off the rum in Barbados! Nice life being a travelling couch potatoe! Just finished mashing spuds. Boiled with garlic cloves so yummy indeed! Lady Dar left for her wedding, first gay wedding, two wonderful women, at least from initial meeting, around 1:20 pm. Unfortunately, a dull, overcast day but at least it wasn't raining. [She returned about 3:00 pm, (I was still finishing up an hour's worth on my stationary bike.), and although she had an umbrella nobody would hold it for her during ceremony. She ended up giving it to one set of parents and they never returned it! Such is the life of a Wedding Officiant!] I'd set the table with silver ware before she is back, with her white gloves, inspecting for dust missed by downstairs houseboy!

Good morning Corinne and Patrick, Firstly thank you for your card - the only one I have received! Hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving dinner last night. Must have been strange without Chloe since she has been so much more part of your daily life recently.
Thanks also for an update of what is going on in your own lives including the pictures of recent major events in your lives. The new kitchen looks great - definitely the right decision to replace the old units along with expanding the space. I look forward to seeing it when we visit next year.
Patrick’s medical issues truly amazed me - he soon really will be the bionic man. It is wonderful what can be done in today’s modern times. We are only on Series 2 of Bosch but enjoying it. I have seen all of Silent Witness up to Series 21 - not Andre’s cup of tea. I have already ordered “The Humans” to add to my reading pile. Any other recommendations, especially crime, always welcome.
Passed on your message to Andre about your specific requests for returning certain of your belongings to you asap. Think we might take everything left upto London so it will be easier for collection even if I am not there - my porters can help you or anyone else you wish pick it up in the future. Also we tend to fly from London to Vancouver so if we have any space in our luggage will can act as your carriers.
Had a lovely get well soon note from Wayne and in my reply suggested maybe we could all spend some quality time together in either “Penticton” or “Spirit Ridge” over the Easter break (19th to 22nd April) - assuming everyone is around. Just an idea. As I always say, take care my friends and do keep in touch. Much love to you both, Rosemary XXX
Hi again, Rosemary! Our friend, Penny, in Mill Hill Broadway, passed on a number of series that they have been watching:
Unforgotten, [We've watched all of it. Loved Nicola Walker as Ruth in
MI-5.] Will see if we have Black Earth Rising and
The Cry on our Netflix subscription. We are currently watching Jenna Coleman in
Victoria and enjoying it immensely. Her friend, Carol,
whom we know, just had a hip replaced and is doing very well. I couldn't
agree more with your comment about medicine in today's times. Thank you
for being so kind with my possessions. Again,
whatever is easiest for everyone. Thanks and sorry for so much for the
bother. It would be great if Spirit Ridge works out in April, 2019,
otherwise Burns Street can be back-up.
We are currently reading Stuart Turton's The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle for our book club. I'm quite enjoying it. Not hard boiled, more of an Agatha Christie with a very, very
interesting twist. Lady Dar just finished David Baldacci's, The Fallen. [Had to sleuth it down as she had placed it in guest bedroom, ready for Rosita, who arrives domani!] I read his
Saving Faith, a month or so ago and couldn't put it down.
Surprised myself as I've not read him in dog's. [Sorry Etta and Duke!]
Looking forward to
Long Road to Mercy, coming out in November, apparently! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Happy Thanksgiving to both of you. I'm under the weather with the flu and will send you some new photos of grandson Kellan once I'm feeling better. Cheers!
Thanks for the card. Hope you have recovered from summer time injuries, Pat, and both you and Corinne are enjoying life in the Okanagan. Ray Hi Raymond!
Happy Thanksgiving to both of you. I'm under the weather with the flu and will send you some new photos of grandson Kellan once I'm feeling better. Cheers!
Hello Wildwood Park! Sorry to
hear about your flu, Filmer. Coincidentally, I had my flu shot this past
Sunday when I was doing a bit of last minute shopping for Thanksgiving.
Didn't have to wait in line as there was nobody around. Hope you are feeling better soon, Filmer. Fondestos from Lady Dar to
you and Sally, and family. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thanks for the card. Hope you have recovered from summer time injuries, Pat, and both you and Corinne are enjoying life in the Okanagan. Ray Hi Raymond!
you are over your pickle ball strain! For my part, I've been back riding
my road bike but had to give it a rest over last little while as, almost two
weeks ago now, I had some
fairly minor surgery. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you and Sylvia. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio! Happy Thanksgiving to you too Patrizzio and Lady Dar and Chloe. Hope all is well with you. Is the kitchen finished?! Love Dangerous Denise and Wild Bill! Hi Dangereuse and Sauvage Guillermo! Thanks for best wishes. Trust your Thanksgiving was as enjoyable as ours! Trust your vision is back to normal, Denise, and that your back isn't acting up Bill. Fondestos from Lady
Dar to you both. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Have a lovely Thanksgiving Day today. May the food be delicious and the company delightful! Thank you too, for the very artistic greeting. Missed seeing you this summer. I'll call soon. Erika Hi Absentee Landlady! Thanks for best wishes. We also missed seeing you. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you, Erika, and Amy. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: The Double AA, Double Trouble Goils, with their parents; Linda and Terry; Lexi, Corey's new police dog puppy in-training. Thank you for the lovely card, Happy Thanksgiving to you and Corinne and family! Hanneke and Doug
Nice to see the pictures. Very hygge, or something like that, anyways “comfortable as you two always make a home. ” Good to see Corinne reading, expect that’s what she loves to do. And the pussycats as well. A quiet Thanksgiving here, due to my long awaited and belated tooth extraction last Thursday. I won’t intimidate you with sending you a picture of the result sans tooth. We had to give this holiday a pass, though had company with Susan and Marnie to our Jewish New Year celebration last month. Think you would have enjoyed the noodle kugle.It also happened to be Robin’s birthday so it was a celebration. Susan’s doing well, renting a penthouse apartment in Kerrisdale and seems happy. Love to all, Nancy
Hi Danish Woman! I'd never heard the word "hygge" before so thanks for the tip! Trust you are recovering from your tooth extraction. I'm sure it was uncomfortable, to say the least, if not worse. Glad to hear that Susan seems to be doing well. In fact, she will be joining us for bridge when I'm in town towards the end of the month to see my dermatologist for an annual check-up. Love from Lady Dar to you, Nancy, and David. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Have a lovely Thanksgiving Day today. May the food be delicious and the company delightful! Thank you too, for the very artistic greeting. Missed seeing you this summer. I'll call soon. Erika Hi Absentee Landlady! Thanks for best wishes. We also missed seeing you. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you, Erika, and Amy. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: The Double AA, Double Trouble Goils, with their parents; Linda and Terry; Lexi, Corey's new police dog puppy in-training. Thank you for the lovely card, Happy Thanksgiving to you and Corinne and family! Hanneke and Doug
Nice to see the pictures. Very hygge, or something like that, anyways “comfortable as you two always make a home. ” Good to see Corinne reading, expect that’s what she loves to do. And the pussycats as well. A quiet Thanksgiving here, due to my long awaited and belated tooth extraction last Thursday. I won’t intimidate you with sending you a picture of the result sans tooth. We had to give this holiday a pass, though had company with Susan and Marnie to our Jewish New Year celebration last month. Think you would have enjoyed the noodle kugle.It also happened to be Robin’s birthday so it was a celebration. Susan’s doing well, renting a penthouse apartment in Kerrisdale and seems happy. Love to all, Nancy
Hi Danish Woman! I'd never heard the word "hygge" before so thanks for the tip! Trust you are recovering from your tooth extraction. I'm sure it was uncomfortable, to say the least, if not worse. Glad to hear that Susan seems to be doing well. In fact, she will be joining us for bridge when I'm in town towards the end of the month to see my dermatologist for an annual check-up. Love from Lady Dar to you, Nancy, and David. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!
We wish you a Happy, Healthy Thanksgiving Weekend! Ruthless and Ricardo!
Thanks for the Thanksgiving greetings. I hope all is well with you guys. Is your construction finished? Ours won't be until next year - but we have moved in - living with plywood floors and no doors - but it's still beautiful in here - We moved in this weekend - so much to be thankful for... take care - hugs... Louise and Henryk Hello Hard Hat People! Thanks for best wishes. You are lucky, having plywood floors. Don't have to worry about mopping up spilled gravy! Anyway, Buona Fortuna with rest of construction. Most happy with our latest project. See below! Fondestos from Lady Dar to you, Louisa and Rum Man! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi TV Critic! Thanks for latest titles. Not sure if Killing Eve is available here yet but think The Bodyguard is on our Netflix subscription, so appreciate knowing about them. Rained extremely heavily last night but seems to be brightening up and drying out now so am hoping I might even go for a ride later on. Hello to Hard Boiled Mad Cap. Fondestos from Lady Dar, just off for a nap, to you both! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick, Thanks for your Thanksgiving greetings. Trust you had a sumptuous feast. Lynne and I arrived home last night (Monday) quite exhausted, so no celebrations. We were well fed and wined on our Douro River tour. See you soon, Peter Hi Douro Folk! Welcome home! Sorry that your Thanksgiving wasn't as enjoyable as ours! However, can certainly understand jet-lag, etc. Missed having you join us at Orofino for their Fall Release Pick-up Party, this past Saturday. Had planned to invite you had you been here instead of swanning around Portugal! Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Hope we can arrange a time for you to see Rosita. Give us a call when you are rested. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Patrick and Corinne, Thank you for the Thanksgiving ecard. Trust you had a good weekend. We were in Powell River with kids and grandkids. Had a great trip up complete with viewing of three humpback whales on the Earl's Cove to Saltery Bay ferry. Sunday and Monday were showery there but bookended by lovely autumn sunshine. Stay well. Greetings from Bruni and Tony Hi Whale Watchers! Glad you enjoyed the card. Seems as if your Thanksgiving was as enjoyable as ours! Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patrick, thanks for the colourful description of a weekend in the life of. Kitchen looks fabulous.
Cheers, Bruni Hi All, This week's hike takes us back to Summerland where we will do an old favorite. The planned excursion starts from the Rifle Range on Wildhorse Road north of Summerland. From there we will do a triangular route encompassing Wildhorse and Rattkesnake mountains before returning to the rifle range by a lower route. About 4 hrs followed by a beverage at a location to be decided by popular vote. Carpool leaves Summerland IGA at 9:00 sharp. Penticton and south people meet at Home Hardware at 8:45 for carpooling to Summerland . Would appreciate advance notice if you are planning to attend (but not mandatory). Peter Thanks Peter. See you there. Lou
Hello Little Shuswap People! Thanks for best wishes. We also missed seeing you, not to mention bridge! Fondestos from Lady
Dar to all The Squamoids. Cheers, Patrizzio! Thank you so much for this lovely card! Hope you are enjoying a great Thanksgiving! As ever Jo-Anne and Colin Hi Marps! Glad you enjoyed the card. Thanks for best wishes. Fondestos from Lady
Dar to you, Jo-Anne, and Colin. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio! Ah the bountiful of harvest. Happy Thanksgiving. Thank you. Hope all goes well. Hi Glasgow! Thanks for best wishes. Trust your Thanksgiving was as enjoyable as ours! Fondestos from Lady
Dar to you and Catherine. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello you two, Thank you for the nice Thanksgiving wishes, Patrick. Glad to hear we have not totally disappeared from your radar! Both of us have not been very forthcoming in staying in touch lately. My apologies, I have never been that good staying in touch anyway, but this year has been a little unusual for me. Lots of downtime and health issues, yes: for healthy me, or so I thought. Heart and colon stuff. Heart is fine (have a stent), colon is gone (no cancer), spent 4 colon related weeks in the hospital in July, but am pretty much back to normal again now. And am now a bag lady. I hope both are you are doing great and are enjoying good health. Something is to be said for that, ha-ha! Love to you both, also to Chloe and your pussycats :>) Yda, Arni and Bogart
Hello you two, Thank you for the nice Thanksgiving wishes, Patrick. Glad to hear we have not totally disappeared from your radar! Both of us have not been very forthcoming in staying in touch lately. My apologies, I have never been that good staying in touch anyway, but this year has been a little unusual for me. Lots of downtime and health issues, yes: for healthy me, or so I thought. Heart and colon stuff. Heart is fine (have a stent), colon is gone (no cancer), spent 4 colon related weeks in the hospital in July, but am pretty much back to normal again now. And am now a bag lady. I hope both are you are doing great and are enjoying good health. Something is to be said for that, ha-ha! Love to you both, also to Chloe and your pussycats :>) Yda, Arni and Bogart
Dearest Evita! Thanks for best wishes.
both of us were very distressed to learn about your pretty significant
health issues. Close friend from Parksville, [We were at university
together, in Winnipeg, in the '60's.], replied to my Thanksgiving card
and informed me she ended up in hospital, in Nanaimo, Friday of
Thanksgiving weekend, after suffering a heart attack, necessitating
three stents! Grogg and Lurch stayed with us for two nights, about a
month ago now. He seems to be doing extremely well with his "bag" so
trust same will hold true for you. Fondestos from Lady
Dar to you, Little Evita and The Imperiales, Arni and Bogart. All the
best, my Darling. Take care of yourself. Onward!! Fight!!! Cheers,
Thanks for the Thanksgiving greetings. I hope all is well with you guys. Is your construction finished? Ours won't be until next year - but we have moved in - living with plywood floors and no doors - but it's still beautiful in here - We moved in this weekend - so much to be thankful for... take care - hugs... Louise and Henryk Hello Hard Hat People! Thanks for best wishes. You are lucky, having plywood floors. Don't have to worry about mopping up spilled gravy! Anyway, Buona Fortuna with rest of construction. Most happy with our latest project. See below! Fondestos from Lady Dar to you, Louisa and Rum Man! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi TV Critic! Thanks for latest titles. Not sure if Killing Eve is available here yet but think The Bodyguard is on our Netflix subscription, so appreciate knowing about them. Rained extremely heavily last night but seems to be brightening up and drying out now so am hoping I might even go for a ride later on. Hello to Hard Boiled Mad Cap. Fondestos from Lady Dar, just off for a nap, to you both! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick, Thanks for your Thanksgiving greetings. Trust you had a sumptuous feast. Lynne and I arrived home last night (Monday) quite exhausted, so no celebrations. We were well fed and wined on our Douro River tour. See you soon, Peter Hi Douro Folk! Welcome home! Sorry that your Thanksgiving wasn't as enjoyable as ours! However, can certainly understand jet-lag, etc. Missed having you join us at Orofino for their Fall Release Pick-up Party, this past Saturday. Had planned to invite you had you been here instead of swanning around Portugal! Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Hope we can arrange a time for you to see Rosita. Give us a call when you are rested. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Patrick and Corinne, Thank you for the Thanksgiving ecard. Trust you had a good weekend. We were in Powell River with kids and grandkids. Had a great trip up complete with viewing of three humpback whales on the Earl's Cove to Saltery Bay ferry. Sunday and Monday were showery there but bookended by lovely autumn sunshine. Stay well. Greetings from Bruni and Tony Hi Whale Watchers! Glad you enjoyed the card. Seems as if your Thanksgiving was as enjoyable as ours! Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patrick, thanks for the colourful description of a weekend in the life of. Kitchen looks fabulous.
Cheers, Bruni Hi All, This week's hike takes us back to Summerland where we will do an old favorite. The planned excursion starts from the Rifle Range on Wildhorse Road north of Summerland. From there we will do a triangular route encompassing Wildhorse and Rattkesnake mountains before returning to the rifle range by a lower route. About 4 hrs followed by a beverage at a location to be decided by popular vote. Carpool leaves Summerland IGA at 9:00 sharp. Penticton and south people meet at Home Hardware at 8:45 for carpooling to Summerland . Would appreciate advance notice if you are planning to attend (but not mandatory). Peter Thanks Peter. See you there. Lou
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