A lexicographer's business is solely to collect, arrange, and define the
words that usage presents to his hands. He has no right to proscribe
words; he is to present them as they are. -Noah Webster, lexicographer
(16 Oct 1758-1843)
Hello Penticton! Where does the time go? Been meaning to respond to your welcomed email but the days just seem to go by so quickly. OK I admit I’m just plain lazy! Sounds like you had a very enjoyable Thanksgiving. Gayle always does a Thanksgiving dinner but, as you probably know, the English don’t celebrate Thanksgiving. The closest is Harvest Festival but this is more a religious thing rather than a family event and, unless you are a churchgoer, Harvest Festival just pass you by! Hope you are now well recovered after your hernia operation. You have been through the wars since leaving Cornwall! See you have been absorbed with some British TV fayre (Silent Witness and Strike). Both enjoyable programmes. Tom Burke from Strike has just started a production company. He is quite passionate about regional theatre and is, himself, a very good theatre actor.
[Apples being crushed.] As for us we have recently had my cousin and her husband here from Southampton. Alan was celebrating his 80th birthday although he certainly dose not look 80! His hair is still black and, no, he doesn’t dye it! Some friend from Stoke on Trent were visiting the same week. Jean used to work for Gayle at the Bank of Montreal in Ottawa. We have also been volunteering at Trelissick for their apple weekend. They grow a lot of very old Cornsih apple varieties and over the weekend crush them in a very old apple crusher to make a delicious tasting apple juice from the blend of all the various varieties. Gayle and I were serving Callestic Cornish Ice Cream and must have served 200 ice cream cones on the Sunday. My arm muscle felt like Popeye’s after scooping out frozen ice cream all day! Lots of fun though!
[Our ice cream van!] On a sad note we had to have Spud put to sleep a couple of weeks ago. We were devastated having to do it. The boy has been with us for 18 years and was so much part of our daily routine. It’s dreadful coming home to an empty house but we are resisting getting another pet at the moment since we can now go away without having to worry about getting a cat sitter. Maybe in a few years we will re evaluate and possibly get an older rescue cat. On a more positive note we are arranging to meet Gayle’s brother Peter in Calgary next June. We plan on spending a few days in Calgary with Pete and his daughter Debbie as well as Gayle’s cousins who live in Calgary and Edmonton.
[At dinner Maur, Audrey, Bill and cousins Alan and Sally.]
From there we will fly out too Vancouver to visit Krissy and some friends on the Island. If you are around in June we may rent a car and head your way for a few days. Have never been to Penticton so would be happy to have a look around and maybe visit some vineyards. The summer has been so fantastic here that all the vineyards in England have increased their yields fourfold this year. What the quality is remained to be seen. Krissy is heading to Costa Rica for a couple of weeks in November to visit Russell. She was going to go for a month but may be returning again in December with Russel’s two boys. Now that she won’t be there this winter we will abort our planned visit to Costa Rica. We are taking the Queen Elizabeth over to Bruges in December with Maur and Bill and will probably visit Ghent which is supposed to be a very beautiful Medieval town. (Perhaps you have been there) Must be away. A few picture below to bore you! Cheers Derek
[Banana plants at Heligan Garden.] Gayle and Maur coming back from the spa at a recent weekend in York. One of the orchards at Trelissick. Dahlias at Heligan gardens. Outside Harry Potter shop in York
Must away as we have to return to SPCA. Seems as if poor Duke was in another fight as his right cheek is quite swollen. Looks like a little chipmunk with his pouches full. Otherwise, he seems quite lively. Bit of tearing from his eye so feel he has an infection of some sort. As well, Etta is limping! Can't seem to put any weight on her right back leg. Noticed it on Sunday but yesterday she seemed fine. Today, however, she was back to limping. SPCA couldn't see both as they are so busy so we have an appointment for her tomorrow. Off to see A Star is Born at 6:30 pm with The Sisterhood so looking forward to that.
[Art exhibition at Buckland Abbey] Many thx for the lovely Fall & Thanksgiving card from you & Lady Dar. Paul & I were away in Leavenworth right after Thanksgiving for 3 days celebrating our 20-yr anniversary. Huge milestone for us since being with Paublo can be challenging at times π - LOL :-) We enjoyed a fabulous Thanksgiving with 10 of our
biking friends. Hope you & Corinne are enjoying spending time with her Mom. I'm off to ON tomorrow for a month to see Mom & Dad and friends and take care of some house & health issues for my parents. Then I have retinal eye surgery to repair a macular hole in my L eye. No partying or dancing this Xmas or New Years for me. Take care & hope you recuperated well from your hernia surgery. Cheers!! Mary Lee Happy Belated 20th Anniversary Kids! Congratulations indeed. Too, too bad that your Mom cannot travel to Penticton like Lady Dar's Mom. We are certainly enjoying her company. Thanks for best wishes on my surgery but let me offer you the same for your coming eye surgery. You have really been through the ringer! Travel safely. Stay well. Fondestso from Lady Dar, [Life can be challenging with her as well.], to you, Ever-Ready Girl, and Paolo. Cheers, Patrizzio!
[Gayle, and Paul, Marg and Barry.] Good Morning Patrick and Corrin: Didn’t make it last night…………I know it would have been a lot of fun. Hope all went well and Phil and Gil got a great send off. I will be at Judy’s on Thursday although I’m still ploughing through the Book. It was a great Monday Hike yesterday through Ellis Canyon up Carmi. The colors were pretty stunning. Have a great day………….see you soon. Hugs from Von Bingen πππ Hi Patrick. So glad everyone enjoyed the cake. Check the recipe though. If I wrote 1 tsp. baking soda – change that to 2 tsp. For the icing, make sure I included 1 tsp. vanilla. It was a nice evening. Cheers, Susan

Hi Susan! Yes, indeed, cake was simply fabulous. Unfortunately, I left the recipe at Spiller Road. I realized this once I was home! Sorry to trouble you again but I would appreciate another copy, perhaps at next bridge gathering. I will be sending out a message shortly to see when people might like to play. Thanks again. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hello Farewell Five-No-Trumpers! Thanks to everyone for all the fabulous food this past Monday. As I said, a tthe time, Gilliana and Phillipo should go away more often! I'm sure I speak for one and all, wishing them safe travels and a most enjoyable stay over the winter while we are snowshoeing and bidding! Speaking of bidding, Lady Dar is free every night next week but I can only play on Monday or Thursday evening. With Rosita here we prefer to play at Burns if that is fine with everyone. Let me know who is interested and available on which nights. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Spiller Road Farewell!
So sorry to hear about Duke, I hope he recovers quickly. I can remember how Cyrene used to have to fight off other cats for territory in his own yard when we first arrived in Squamish. By the way, the picture of your new kitchen looks great. I can't wait to see it in person. Also, you'll love to hear how I've been acting as a Librarian at a nearby school for the last week and a half. I love
sharing different books with the kids. It's great fun! Who knows, maybe I missed my calling. Ruth!
[Dahlias at Heligan gardens.] Hi Teacher-Librarian! Wonderful to hear that you enjoyed your time in the library. I'm sure you would have made a great librarian, or a professional bridge player, anything you chose to turn your more than capable hands to, Little White! Cyrene was certainly a wonderful, wonderful cat.
I plan to bring a number of boxes of apples into Vancouver next week so I could leave a box for you, at Harbour Terrace, with Flamin' and Sarge, if you'd like and might be in town over next little while to collect them. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you Ruthless, and Mr Γber Grumpy! Cheers, Patrizzio!
[Outside Harry Potter shop in York]
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