A strong nation, like a strong person, can afford to be gentle, firm, thoughtful, and restrained. It can afford to extend a helping hand to others. It is a weak nation, like a weak person, that must behave with bluster and boasting and rashness and other signs of insecurity. -Jimmy Carter, 39th US President, Nobel laureate (b. 1 Oct 1924)
Thank you Patrick. You really love your beautiful cats. I had a lovely time enjoying your and Corinne's company, wine and fire. And what a kitchen! See you tonight. Dianne
Hello fellow reading enthusiasts: It must be the drugs.... I did not realize that the date we were looking for our November meeting. The October meeting will be held as scheduled - October 18th, Thursday, 7:00 at my place. The book we are reading "7 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle" Short write up on this book in this month's Canadian Living. Wine and Cheese evening if that is still OK with everyone. RSVP please and I promise to keep it straight this time. Judi I will be there. Thanks Corinne Hi Dame Judith, aka The Pain-Killer Kid! I'll be there as well. Thanks, Patrizzio! Judi, Thank you for hosting. I will be there. Regards, Pamela Will try, harvest Thanks Senka Sounds great. Thanks Judi I’ll be there. Michelle Thanks Judi , will try however it is harvest time.

We are hosting two tables of bridge this evening so looking forward to that. Flatlander friend, Dianne, popped by yesterday afternoon to
see kitchen and we had a most enjoyable time, sipping wine, nibbling
and chatting in front of our first fire of the season. She is keen to
play bridge so will come for dinner and join group tonight. As well, she
would like to join our book club so terrific that numbers are beginning
to grow with both groups. Must away as Lady Dar has just ordered
another cosy fire and the scullion is allowed a wee dram of malt after
laying it and making a salad for tonight's dinner. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both.
Cheers, Patrizzio!
On our way back from Alberta. Booked the Days Inn. Hope it isn't a hole. Leaving Banff that morning, so not sure when we will arrive. Hi again, Colin!
Days Inn should be fine. We were at a SOWTS malt tasting there a week ago this past Sunday, as well as another last year. At that time we went back to a friend's room afterwards and it seemed comfortable enough. Not all that far form our place either.
On our way back from Alberta. Booked the Days Inn. Hope it isn't a hole. Leaving Banff that morning, so not sure when we will arrive. Hi again, Colin!
Days Inn should be fine. We were at a SOWTS malt tasting there a week ago this past Sunday, as well as another last year. At that time we went back to a friend's room afterwards and it seemed comfortable enough. Not all that far form our place either.
Depending on when you leave Banff, trip should take around 7 hours, traffic allowing of course. Please plan to come for dinner whenever you hit town. Give us a shout when you leave Kelowna and we'll adjust preparations, etc. You might wish to check-in first and if you do, call from motel. Don't worry about timing as we don't have to eat at a certain time. Travel safely. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Wonder Woman! Your fabulous parcel arrived today! Thanks so much for thinking of us! What a hoot! I haven't really seen such pennants since the early fifties when in Cyprus. Our next door neighbour's daughter had similar ones of Seattle and Spokane as father was from Washington. At the time, I thought how exotic were the names! At any rate, they are wonderful and I know Chloƫ will be tickled to have one. So thanks again. You now MUST visit to cut the ribbon when we put them up! Must away as have to ready myself for dinner. Fondestos from Her Imperiousness to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patrizzio, Thanks for the bottles - they will be soaked labelled and refilled... sometime in the next few months, and I shall have a libation for you! We, too will go to Orofino. At 1:00 there is a one hour vineyard tour. Will you and Corrine be on the tour? Billy Boy Laven Hi Billy Boyo! Yes, we've signed up for the tour so we'll be there at 1:00 pm. If time allows, hoping to make it back home to go to barrel tasting at Roche as well. Too, too many things happening all at once! Life in the Okanagan! Thanks again for wonderful Kirsch! I had a snort last night after our bridge group left and it was formidable! Onward! Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Two-Tablers! Great evening tonight! Please welcome Dianne Knight to the group. She certainly held her own and is a more than welcome addition.
Has been decided that Wednesday, (October 10th), or Thursday, (11th), of next week will be the evening for the game so please let me know which night suits you best and we'll plan accordingly. Following week , (Monday, October 15th), it will be a Bridge/Pot-luck/Farewell to soon to be Sedona bound Spiller Folk, at their place, starting anytime after 4:30 pm. Jack Rabbit Gilliana will do a bean chili with rice so she'd like to know how much to make to serve all the famished Four-No-Trumpers. Please let group know what you'd like to contribute in terms of appetizers, salads, desserts and the like, so that menu is somewhat balanced. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Phillipo still thinks he's in Grade Three!
Hi Wonder Woman! Your fabulous parcel arrived today! Thanks so much for thinking of us! What a hoot! I haven't really seen such pennants since the early fifties when in Cyprus. Our next door neighbour's daughter had similar ones of Seattle and Spokane as father was from Washington. At the time, I thought how exotic were the names! At any rate, they are wonderful and I know Chloƫ will be tickled to have one. So thanks again. You now MUST visit to cut the ribbon when we put them up! Must away as have to ready myself for dinner. Fondestos from Her Imperiousness to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Two-Tablers! Great evening tonight! Please welcome Dianne Knight to the group. She certainly held her own and is a more than welcome addition.
Has been decided that Wednesday, (October 10th), or Thursday, (11th), of next week will be the evening for the game so please let me know which night suits you best and we'll plan accordingly. Following week , (Monday, October 15th), it will be a Bridge/Pot-luck/Farewell to soon to be Sedona bound Spiller Folk, at their place, starting anytime after 4:30 pm. Jack Rabbit Gilliana will do a bean chili with rice so she'd like to know how much to make to serve all the famished Four-No-Trumpers. Please let group know what you'd like to contribute in terms of appetizers, salads, desserts and the like, so that menu is somewhat balanced. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Phillipo still thinks he's in Grade Three!
Thanks Patrick and Corinne for a delicious dinner and fun evening. I will join you at Gill's. Dianne Hi Dianne Hi again, Dianne! Glad you enjoyed the evening. Also delighted you'll join gang at Spiller Road. Do you need a ride? If so, let us know and we'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio! Thanks Patrick. I think Susan will give me a ride. See you then. Dian Hi, all, I am available either Wednesday or Thursday – whatever majority rules. For the 15th I will bring carrot cake. And, carpool with Dianne K.
Cheers, Susan On the 15th for potluck at gills and phils I will bring an appetizer Judy Patrick, I am in Vancouver next week...Argonauts football game and then VIFF. I plan to attend the potluck on Spiller Rd on Oct 15. I’ll bring a dessert.
Buona Sera Arrivederci Kids! Just thought I'd send out an update to pot-luck on Monday, October 15th. As of this writing there are two desserts, (Thanks Susannah and Spamela), and an appetizer from Dame Judith Blue. Lady Dar plans to bring another main, of some sort, bbq'd, endangered Marmot, I believe, stuffed with prickly pear, so please bring your cast iron stomachs! This being the case, I suggest salads, (green or otherwise), vegetable dishes or appetizers would add nicely to menu as it is spontaneously unfolding. Hootch of any kind, is always welcome as Phillipo, in particulare, doesn't eat with his meals! Cheers, Palate Friendly Patrizzio! I will bring an appetizer to the feast
Judy Hi All, I will bring an appetizer to the table. Carol
Hi all. I will bring a salad. Dianne Kalimera bridge friends, Being inspired and enjoying Greek food and drinks I might bring something Greek to the table.
jassus, Jos Sorry but Wed or Thurs next week not good for Phil and I. If you need an extra person I might be able to do the Thursday. Please let me know. Gill AARTUROS, Wednesday or Thursday next week works for me. Cheers Carol
I can play on Wednesday night as I have already agreed to spare for Thursday evening curling.... so I hope we play on Wednesday! Hugs, Olly
I can play on Wednesday night as I have already agreed to spare for Thursday evening curling.... so I hope we play on Wednesday! Hugs, Olly
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