If a book be false in its facts, disprove them; if false in its
reasoning, refute it. But for God's sake, let us freely hear both sides
if we choose. -Thomas Jefferson, third US president, architect, and
author (1743-1826)
Hi Senka! [Off, momentarily, to exercise our franchise. I've left the book in our mailbox.] Just back from voting, (At 9:30 am didn't have to wait a moment as plenty of people free to take one's info, etc.), and then straight to Front Street to park and wander Farmers' Market. We picked up field tomatoes and celery to make ripe tomatoe pickle in a few days. Yesterday, en route to Summerland, to collect books from René, we picked up about 25lbs of beets and a few minutes ago Lady Dar and Rosita readying themselves to start production line for pickled beets.
Rosita, resident expert , is in charge of entire process! They just put three large pots on to boil, preparatory to readying them for pickling. I'll be helping peel them once they are cooked. Once my chores are discharged I plan to hit the road on my Trek. [Nurse, from PGH, phoned yesterday afternoon to inquire how I was doing, post-surgery!] Fondestos from Lady Dar and Rosita, rattling jars in the kitchen! Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Just so you know, Kelsey is staying at our house until/if she finds a job elsewhere, so you might encounter Kelsey and Nala at 1185. She has been forewarned of your logging intentions! Cheers. Phil Hello South Bound Folk!
Thanks for letting me know about fierce guard pooch! Trust drive is going well.
Fondestos from Lady Dar and Rosita! Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio! Map and Stats for ride:

Hi again, Al! I mentioned, in my earlier message, that I will be back in Penticton on Thursday, October 25th so I would be available to volunteer until about 1:00 pm on Friday, October 26th. We are off to Spirit Ridge for the weekend, later that afternoon. Trust this helps. Please pass along best wishes to both Jim and Anthea. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Bridge Folk! Just a quick note to say hello and confirm that everything is in place for our bridge pot-luck. I assume we will congregate at The Bull Ring anytime after 6:30 pm, the Penguin a tad later. Looking forward to seeing The Sisterhood soon, Ragin' I can take or leave! Fondestos from Lady Dar and Rosita, rattling jars in the kitchen! Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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