Maybe all one can do is hope to end up with the right regrets. -Arthur Miller, playwright and essayist (17 Oct 1915-2005)
Hi Cyclisti Amici! Wonderful that Friday, November 9th will work for everyone. We live at 611 Burns Street, second house on west side of street, just up from White, between Eckhardt and White, for the Summerlanders, 250-493-0092, just in case you cannot find us. Anytime after 6:00 pm and please just bring your appetites. Cannot remember, from the bike trips, if anyone has special dietary needs. Lady Dar is gluten, (and Patrizzio-phobic), intolerant so she might use gluten-free products, depending on what others might require as well. Let me know and we'll plan accordingly. Looking forward to seeing everyone. Happy voting! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Patrick We are just about to leave Banff. It is a beautiful day. We will embark upon a leisurely drive to your part of the world. Will call when we arrive in Penticton. Hoping we can plan to get together this evening if that will work for you. We have been enjoying a great trip so far and we look forward to catching up with you and Corinne and Chloe if she is around. Best, Jo-Anne
Hi Banff Springs People! Lovely to hear from you. Trust your trip has gone well so far. We are still planning to have dinner waiting whenever you arrive, if that suits you. Do call once you've checked in. Lady Dar's Mom is here so you'll have a chance to visit with Rosie-the-Riveter as well. Not sure about Chloë's work schedule this evening but if she cannot join us for dinner she should be able to drop by after chairing an AGM or some such. Must away as we are off to pick free apples form a friend who owns orhcrds/vineyards between Upper Bench and Middle Bench Roads. Last Fall, Chloë first me Bill as a client of Pacific Quorum and they discovered they both have Winnipeg roots. Ever since he has been very generous with apples, peaches and cherries, when in season. Had three buckets of gorgeous apples from Peter this past Sunday and just finished taking secong batch out of dehydrator this morning. Had to package them quickly as Rosita loves them and ate half a rack before I could snatch them away from her! Travel safely. Look forward to seeing you both. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Kids! Forgot to attach Duke's snaps! Cheers, Patrizzio!
We are in Vienna from Aug 31st to Sept 7th and then in Croatia from the 7th to the 14th finishing in Tuscany from the 14th to 21st of Sept would be great to meet up with you somewhere Wayne Thanks Wayne,
From what you are saying is that you leaving to go home on 21 September and we will only just be leaving Amsterdam on or about 20 September to go to at this time through Brussels Luxemburg and then Nuremberg to potentially to head back to Amsterdam on 29 September for our lazy 26 hour flight home. Not quite sure where and how we can catch up. Cheers From the other side of the planet. Hello from the Top Side of the Planet! Sorry everyone's schedule is so complicated! Keep planning for a connection! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi everyone, Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Doing well here. Just wanted to share an amazing thing we found out about this past weekend. I thought raising $33k for the CIBC run was unbelievable but this is just the icing on the cake!
Our dear friend Ryan MacFadyen (aka Big Daddy for those who know him) decided to write a children’s book dedicated to me. He worked on it himself and had his wife Heather and our friend Kori act as editors. He then reached out to a work colleague Ashleigh who is artistic and asked her to illustrate it for him. (Ashleigh is the daughter of a Girl Guide lady that mom and I have known for many years.) The result is the book “My Magical Moon” available now on Amazon! All the proceeds will be split between Cancer Care Manitoba Foundation and Girl Guides of Canada!!
Here’s the link for anyone who would like to check it out: Hoping that the book becomes a best-seller! Love, Mar xoxo Good morning Marlo :) What a wonderful idea, this will be the first book I purchase for little Olivia Prince xoxo! Ordering today! I've ordered it as well. Thanks for letting us all know about it. What a wonderful friend. Love Corinne
Hi, Patrick. Let's plan on next Tuesday (23rd). I'll set aside the afternoon. Do you want to come directly to mine? I can plan to be here from, say, 1 p.m. (understanding of course, that it may not be until sometime after that
that you make your appearance). :-) Janet Hi Van Dusen Woman! Sorry I didn't reply sooner but it was a hectic day today, what with taking Etta to the SPCA, (Vet couldn't find anything causing her to limp on her hind, right leg, so has suggested we keep her in the house for a week to rest what might be a muscle strain! Not sure how we will manage this!), and then spending much of the rest of the day helping Clarisse prepare courgette/zucchini for dinner. Jo-Anne and Colin came for dinner. They were on the return leg of trip to Edmonton to visit family. Had a wonderful time catching-up as last time we were in Vancouver we couldn't manage to connect with them.
With respect to my coming visit, Tuesday afternoon would be grand. Should I phone as soon as I've checked in Harbour Terrace and we can decide how to meet. Is there plenty of parking at Van Dusen or could I impose on you to collect me. Let me know and I'll plan accordingly!
On another matter, yet another reason for busy day was that Lady Dar and I picked six boxes of apples in the morning. Absolutely gorgeous fall weather so it was more than a delight. Jo-Anne and Colin took a large bag when we said goodnight. I plan on bringing a number of boxes into town so we'd be more than happy if you would like one. Rosita made, (along with stuffed courgette), an absolutely delicious apple crisp for dessert and I have dehydrated two batches already. Anyway, I'll have plenty to distribute so you can decide how many Galas you'd like. Fondestos from Lady Dar. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Apple pickin' time with Upper Bench Bill, Lady Dar and Barrow Boy Patrizzio! Rosita's crisp and courgette, boiled for ten minutes, prior to adding stuffing, topped with grated cheese. Duke at SPCA on Tuesday, with cheek, we suspect as a result of a fight! Snap shows him after vet shaved his cheek and withdrew a large syringeful of liquid. Swelling is going down so trust another visit will not be required. Some people's cats!
Hi Patrick and Corrin: Change of plans for me……….SO SORRY…..I WON’T MAKE THE BOOK CLUB TOMORROW. I WILL EMAIL JUDY AS WELL. AND CAN YOU PLEASE EMAIL ME YOUR PHONE NUMBER…..I CAN’T SEE IT IN THE BOOK. My Oliver cousin has been diagnosed with Cervical Cancer and I’m taking her to Kelowna for an appointment. So don’t know If I would be back in time. It’s an afternoon appointment I just found out yesterday. Say hello to EVERYONE FOR ME OK. Or give me a call Hi Hildi! Terribly sorry to learn of your cousin's very difficult diagnosis. Hope all goes as well as possible in Kelowna. Of course we will relay your regards to rest of book club. Here is our home number for future reference. Take care of yourself and your cousin. All the best, Corinne and Patrizzio!
Four apples to save you money and More! Hi Chooch! Sorry I didn't reply sooner but busy life kept getting in the way. Fondestos from Lady Dar. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Patrick, appreciate for the artistic Thanksgiving card. I hope you and yours had a fine celebration of the OK harvests. Thanks be that wildfire season is over - and fall weather is great for now. I finally got out on the bike for shopping, also doing circuit training for PCa survivors, lots of marine magazine writing. Nancy is mostly well. See you next month in Vancouver?
Jim French is much better at organising these types of events, but he is away, so I will try to blunder my way through. It is likely that the Bryans will be back around Oct 21, maybe only Jim, and I do not know for how long. If and when he comes, there would be a work party to do some pine needle raking and possibly some other yard work. This is all only tentative, further info to come. If you would like to join the group and do a couple of hours of light yard work, please STAND BY. Please, drop me a note and I will send you the details as soon as I have them. Both, Jim and Anthea are going through some rough times with serious health issues. Let's keep our collective fingers crossed, so the situation improves. Al Hi Al! Very distressed to learn about Anthea and Jim. I'm more than happy to offer to help. However, I'm off to Vancouver, reasonably early on Tuesday, October 23rd, back on Thursday, the 25th. At any rate, please pass along heartfelt thoughts to both Anthea and Jim and let me know what plans are afoot once you know schedule. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick, appreciate for the artistic Thanksgiving card. I hope you and yours had a fine celebration of the OK harvests. Thanks be that wildfire season is over - and fall weather is great for now. I finally got out on the bike for shopping, also doing circuit training for PCa survivors, lots of marine magazine writing. Nancy is mostly well. See you next month in Vancouver? Hi Recumbent Man!
Unfortunately I won't be along when Lady Dar visits Vancouver in November. In fact, I'll be driving into town this coming Tuesday as I have an annual check-up with my dermatologist. Just a quick visit so I won't even have time to pop by to say hello to you and Naughty Nancy! Fondestos from Lady Dar. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Goodie-Two-Shoes! Sounds like you are a very busy chauffeur! For our part we are delighted to have Rosita with us, until late November. Great to have her here and we've been doing all sorts of cooking together, as well as playing bridge.
Unfortunately I won't be along when Lady Dar visits Vancouver, to put her Mom on plane back to Winnipeg, on November 23rd. I think they will be there on Monday, November 19th so perhaps you might be able to connect before you fly to the US. If you send along a phone number I could give you a ring, when I'm in town next week, and perhaps we could have a quick visit if timing works out for both of us. Fondestos from Lady Dar. Hello to Marcus and Stefano. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Cyclisti Amici! Wonderful that Friday, November 9th will work for everyone. We live at 611 Burns Street, second house on west side of street, just up from White, between Eckhardt and White, for the Summerlanders, 250-493-0092, just in case you cannot find us. Anytime after 6:00 pm and please just bring your appetites. Cannot remember, from the bike trips, if anyone has special dietary needs. Lady Dar is gluten, (and Patrizzio-phobic), intolerant so she might use gluten-free products, depending on what others might require as well. Let me know and we'll plan accordingly. Looking forward to seeing everyone. Happy voting! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Patrick We are just about to leave Banff. It is a beautiful day. We will embark upon a leisurely drive to your part of the world. Will call when we arrive in Penticton. Hoping we can plan to get together this evening if that will work for you. We have been enjoying a great trip so far and we look forward to catching up with you and Corinne and Chloe if she is around. Best, Jo-Anne
Hi Banff Springs People! Lovely to hear from you. Trust your trip has gone well so far. We are still planning to have dinner waiting whenever you arrive, if that suits you. Do call once you've checked in. Lady Dar's Mom is here so you'll have a chance to visit with Rosie-the-Riveter as well. Not sure about Chloë's work schedule this evening but if she cannot join us for dinner she should be able to drop by after chairing an AGM or some such. Must away as we are off to pick free apples form a friend who owns orhcrds/vineyards between Upper Bench and Middle Bench Roads. Last Fall, Chloë first me Bill as a client of Pacific Quorum and they discovered they both have Winnipeg roots. Ever since he has been very generous with apples, peaches and cherries, when in season. Had three buckets of gorgeous apples from Peter this past Sunday and just finished taking secong batch out of dehydrator this morning. Had to package them quickly as Rosita loves them and ate half a rack before I could snatch them away from her! Travel safely. Look forward to seeing you both. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Kids! Forgot to attach Duke's snaps! Cheers, Patrizzio!
We are in Vienna from Aug 31st to Sept 7th and then in Croatia from the 7th to the 14th finishing in Tuscany from the 14th to 21st of Sept would be great to meet up with you somewhere Wayne Thanks Wayne,
From what you are saying is that you leaving to go home on 21 September and we will only just be leaving Amsterdam on or about 20 September to go to at this time through Brussels Luxemburg and then Nuremberg to potentially to head back to Amsterdam on 29 September for our lazy 26 hour flight home. Not quite sure where and how we can catch up. Cheers From the other side of the planet. Hello from the Top Side of the Planet! Sorry everyone's schedule is so complicated! Keep planning for a connection! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi everyone, Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Doing well here. Just wanted to share an amazing thing we found out about this past weekend. I thought raising $33k for the CIBC run was unbelievable but this is just the icing on the cake!
Our dear friend Ryan MacFadyen (aka Big Daddy for those who know him) decided to write a children’s book dedicated to me. He worked on it himself and had his wife Heather and our friend Kori act as editors. He then reached out to a work colleague Ashleigh who is artistic and asked her to illustrate it for him. (Ashleigh is the daughter of a Girl Guide lady that mom and I have known for many years.) The result is the book “My Magical Moon” available now on Amazon! All the proceeds will be split between Cancer Care Manitoba Foundation and Girl Guides of Canada!!
Here’s the link for anyone who would like to check it out: Hoping that the book becomes a best-seller! Love, Mar xoxo Good morning Marlo :) What a wonderful idea, this will be the first book I purchase for little Olivia Prince xoxo! Ordering today! I've ordered it as well. Thanks for letting us all know about it. What a wonderful friend. Love Corinne
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Image: Picclick |
Hi, Patrick. Let's plan on next Tuesday (23rd). I'll set aside the afternoon. Do you want to come directly to mine? I can plan to be here from, say, 1 p.m. (understanding of course, that it may not be until sometime after that
that you make your appearance). :-) Janet Hi Van Dusen Woman! Sorry I didn't reply sooner but it was a hectic day today, what with taking Etta to the SPCA, (Vet couldn't find anything causing her to limp on her hind, right leg, so has suggested we keep her in the house for a week to rest what might be a muscle strain! Not sure how we will manage this!), and then spending much of the rest of the day helping Clarisse prepare courgette/zucchini for dinner. Jo-Anne and Colin came for dinner. They were on the return leg of trip to Edmonton to visit family. Had a wonderful time catching-up as last time we were in Vancouver we couldn't manage to connect with them.
With respect to my coming visit, Tuesday afternoon would be grand. Should I phone as soon as I've checked in Harbour Terrace and we can decide how to meet. Is there plenty of parking at Van Dusen or could I impose on you to collect me. Let me know and I'll plan accordingly!
On another matter, yet another reason for busy day was that Lady Dar and I picked six boxes of apples in the morning. Absolutely gorgeous fall weather so it was more than a delight. Jo-Anne and Colin took a large bag when we said goodnight. I plan on bringing a number of boxes into town so we'd be more than happy if you would like one. Rosita made, (along with stuffed courgette), an absolutely delicious apple crisp for dessert and I have dehydrated two batches already. Anyway, I'll have plenty to distribute so you can decide how many Galas you'd like. Fondestos from Lady Dar. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Apple pickin' time with Upper Bench Bill, Lady Dar and Barrow Boy Patrizzio! Rosita's crisp and courgette, boiled for ten minutes, prior to adding stuffing, topped with grated cheese. Duke at SPCA on Tuesday, with cheek, we suspect as a result of a fight! Snap shows him after vet shaved his cheek and withdrew a large syringeful of liquid. Swelling is going down so trust another visit will not be required. Some people's cats!
Hi Patrick and Corrin: Change of plans for me……….SO SORRY…..I WON’T MAKE THE BOOK CLUB TOMORROW. I WILL EMAIL JUDY AS WELL. AND CAN YOU PLEASE EMAIL ME YOUR PHONE NUMBER…..I CAN’T SEE IT IN THE BOOK. My Oliver cousin has been diagnosed with Cervical Cancer and I’m taking her to Kelowna for an appointment. So don’t know If I would be back in time. It’s an afternoon appointment I just found out yesterday. Say hello to EVERYONE FOR ME OK. Or give me a call Hi Hildi! Terribly sorry to learn of your cousin's very difficult diagnosis. Hope all goes as well as possible in Kelowna. Of course we will relay your regards to rest of book club. Here is our home number for future reference. Take care of yourself and your cousin. All the best, Corinne and Patrizzio!
Four apples to save you money and More! Hi Chooch! Sorry I didn't reply sooner but busy life kept getting in the way. Fondestos from Lady Dar. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Patrick, appreciate for the artistic Thanksgiving card. I hope you and yours had a fine celebration of the OK harvests. Thanks be that wildfire season is over - and fall weather is great for now. I finally got out on the bike for shopping, also doing circuit training for PCa survivors, lots of marine magazine writing. Nancy is mostly well. See you next month in Vancouver?
Jim French is much better at organising these types of events, but he is away, so I will try to blunder my way through. It is likely that the Bryans will be back around Oct 21, maybe only Jim, and I do not know for how long. If and when he comes, there would be a work party to do some pine needle raking and possibly some other yard work. This is all only tentative, further info to come. If you would like to join the group and do a couple of hours of light yard work, please STAND BY. Please, drop me a note and I will send you the details as soon as I have them. Both, Jim and Anthea are going through some rough times with serious health issues. Let's keep our collective fingers crossed, so the situation improves. Al Hi Al! Very distressed to learn about Anthea and Jim. I'm more than happy to offer to help. However, I'm off to Vancouver, reasonably early on Tuesday, October 23rd, back on Thursday, the 25th. At any rate, please pass along heartfelt thoughts to both Anthea and Jim and let me know what plans are afoot once you know schedule. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick, appreciate for the artistic Thanksgiving card. I hope you and yours had a fine celebration of the OK harvests. Thanks be that wildfire season is over - and fall weather is great for now. I finally got out on the bike for shopping, also doing circuit training for PCa survivors, lots of marine magazine writing. Nancy is mostly well. See you next month in Vancouver? Hi Recumbent Man!
Glad to hear you are back in the saddle again. Pleased you
enjoyed the card. Yes, we did enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend, as
did Chloë, back in Winnipeg for holiday. She brought Rosie-the-Riveter
back with her and Rosita will be with us until late November. Great to
have her here and we've been doing all sorts of cooking together, as well as playing bridge.
Unfortunately I won't be along when Lady Dar visits Vancouver in November. In fact, I'll be driving into town this coming Tuesday as I have an annual check-up with my dermatologist. Just a quick visit so I won't even have time to pop by to say hello to you and Naughty Nancy! Fondestos from Lady Dar. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick, Thanks for responding. I was waiting for Mark to confirm his dates that he is going to New York. Unfortunately The dates correspond with you being in Vancouver and I have to be on hand with taking the other two girls to and fro school as well as their activities. Stephen is due to fly in on the 3rd November and we are still here for another two weeks then before we head to the States. We are planning to go away for the long weekend after he arrives so wondered if you were down in Vancouver during his stay for a catch-up over coffee or lunch. Looks like you all had a good Thanksgiving. Your table looked splendid. Meanwhile hope all goes well with your appointment. Kind regards to you both. Gudrun xxx
Hi Goodie-Two-Shoes! Sounds like you are a very busy chauffeur! For our part we are delighted to have Rosita with us, until late November. Great to have her here and we've been doing all sorts of cooking together, as well as playing bridge.
Unfortunately I won't be along when Lady Dar visits Vancouver, to put her Mom on plane back to Winnipeg, on November 23rd. I think they will be there on Monday, November 19th so perhaps you might be able to connect before you fly to the US. If you send along a phone number I could give you a ring, when I'm in town next week, and perhaps we could have a quick visit if timing works out for both of us. Fondestos from Lady Dar. Hello to Marcus and Stefano. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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