In the mountains of truth you will never climb in vain: either you will
get up higher today or you will exercise your strength so as to be able
to get up higher tomorrow. -Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, philosopher (15
Oct 1844-1900)
Hi, Patrick: Good to hear from you (always!). Yes, I got back in the late-afternoon on Wednesday from Berlin (with change in Munich). Trip was a QUALIFIED success. Really, it was very good, but there were some minor mishaps along the way -- missed flight in Frankfurt due to unGerman-like airport operations schmozzle, broken glasses, trip-and-fall in Croatia (grazed knees) and a nasty wasp sting.
Also -- and this is not a mishap, but somewhat comically memorable -- the shower wasn't working in my hotel room in Split, Croatia and the manager suggested that I pad down the hall (like a university dorm!) to shower in another room while keeping the initial one. NO! So they gave me another room, where the air conditioner was rattling loudly, and finally, I ended up in a third. Then had to back-and-forth from one floor to another, shuttling stuff from original to new room -- all while dressed in hotel terrycloth bathrobe. It was around 11 p.m., so not many others about, but my heart sank
when the elevator went in the other direction and a guy got on. Felt a bit self-conscious to say the least.
Now, in recounting the above, I have to acknowledge that what I experienced was really just minorest of blips compared to what YOU went through in Europe, so I guess I should stop whingeing. Speaking of your European experiences, I passed by the Charité hospital a few times last week, while travelling around Berlin on the trams, and thought of you. Hope your more recent medical issues are resolving well . . . and am glad to hear that you've been able to make good use of the ALU trainer. I was quite keen when I bought it originally, but it just did not work in my space, and it's great that it's found a good home.
The other thing I have to say about this trip is that for the first time, I found the crowds, noise and traffic in London a bit overwhelming. It was my fourth short-stay in the city in as many years, though the first time that it occurred at the beginning, rather than the end, while I was still quite jet-lagged etc. I did some great stuff while I was there -- still, I might have scratched-the-London-itch enough for awhile.
I liked the Balkans very much (Slovenia and Croatia, with quick jogs into Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro). Saw varied and interesting things, from Roman ruins to modern Croatian naive art. Also drank quite a bit of Slovenian and Croatian wine. More details in blog ( -- hope you'll be able to read it it soon. I also wasn't really expecting the massive crowds of tourists in the Balkans, albeit I was one of them. It has been DISCOVERED by Asians . . . and others too, of course (in Dubrovnik, I think I heard as much English on the streets as Croatian) . . . but the large number of package-tour selfie-stick brandishing visitors from Japan, Korea and China was very conspicuous.
Anyhow, after London and the Balkans, Berlin was a relief. I mean, there are lots of people there, and lots going on, but it is much less densely populated (following the devastation of WWII) . . . I heard that it is about the same size as London, but with only about 1/3 the population. The difference is really noticeable. I like Berlin a lot, and even though I've only been twice, feel a certain level of comfort/familiarity. Among other things, I went to KaDeWe department store and its amazing food floor, where I bought insanely expensive speciality vinegar, not available in Canada, which Karen had discovered on a Rhine cruise last year. It is so pricey that I actually sip it straight, in small spoonfuls. Health benefits are claimed but uncertain. However, it is really delicious. Karen will be getting a bottle for Christmas and another for her birthday.
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Paringa Silo Art |
Sandy is arriving tomorrow -- attending work-related conferences this week and next week, but with the weekend free in between, so that's nice. She'll actually be here on the 23rd and 24th (leaving in the evening on the 24th) but I think that she'll be busy with work on those days. So prospects are good for a get-together either day. If the weather is good, do you have any interest in Van Dusen Gardens? I have passes to use by the end of this month. And there's a nice coffee shop there now too. Look forward to seeing you soon. All the best,
Hi Rabbit Hole Alice! Welcome Home, again! Trust you are over your sinus problems. You seem to have had your fill of mishaps on this trip so glad nothing overly serious. On the other hand, had to laugh, (although not funny at the time, I'm sure), at your droll description of the hotel room debacle. I know what you mean about crowds, noise, etc., but I feel that way in Vancouver now, not London. I know you covered much more of the Balkans than I did, with Chloë and Branko in October, 2007, so I'd like to return with Lady Dar, to see more, next time. As you obviously discovered, the Charité is very close to the Berlin Hauptbahnhof. You should have popped in to see where I spent a week! On our first visit, in August, 2010, we stayed reasonably close to KaDeWe. Had a marvellous time with all the museums and art galleries. Took an afternoon cruise on the Spree and saw quite a bit of the city, particularly East Berlin. We would both certainly like to return for a week or more.
Great that Sandy will be visiting. Be lovely to see her but timing probably won't work, given her busy schedule. Thanks very much for the invitation to Van Dusen. I'm hoping to arrive in Vancouver in the early afternoon on Tuesday, the 23rd, so if that might work, let me know. If not, then around 10:00-11:00 am next morning. I see my dermatologist at 1:45 pm, near VGH. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you, Janet. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello to Our Favourite Naramatians! Thank you both so much for the simply wonderful, wonderful appetizers, dinner and dessert! Not to mention the lovely wine! Jugos Dom Pedro, thank you for sharing your delicious Port! As well, thanks for the buckets and buckets and buckets of apples. Lady Dar took one to Soupateria this morning and it was very well received so the wider community appreciates your generosity. I have half a bucket in dehydrator as I scribe and Oasis is keen to have some of the fruit as well. Thanks again, Johnny Appleseed! Almost forgot the giant zucchini which I plan to take to my GP for a sex counseling aid!
Rosita would like to stay with you for the remainder of her visit so I will drop her off later this afternoon! Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Michelin Five * dinner on the Bench! Lady Dar's Hydrangeas! Hi Patrick, It was our pleasure having all you Dunn-Durstons to dinner. Great photos. Enjoy the fabulous fall weather while it lasts. Peter
Hi Patrick, Thanks for the film suggestions -we’ll check them out in due course. We are still working our way through Line of Duty. As regards your trip down here -great -we are around both those days and would love to see you. What about lunch at either a restaurant or here at the house and is the Lady with you? Don’t they have dermatologists up there or is your derm here as pretty as mine!? cheers old boy, Bill.
Hi Kits Folk! Trust all goes well. No, Lady Dar isn't coming along as her Mom is here for a month. Thanks very much for lunch suggestions but perhaps a java at your place, or elsewhere, might be best for me. My dermatologist, Brian Kunimoto, is handsome, rather than pretty! I started seeing him when still in Vancouver, obviously, and have thought of trying to find a specialist hereabouts, closest is in Kelowna. I plan to ask Brian if he has any pull as my GP said it might take years to get in, otherwise. Talked to another friend, a few weeks ago and he goes to the one in Kelowna and he says he looks forward to his appointments as she is so gorgeous! Maybe a sister! Let me know what time might best work for you. Thanks. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Happy Thanksgiving to you as well. We just got back from Spain - so plan to have a belated turkey dinner this coming Sunday. Will write a note later.
Cheers! Roma & Leonard Hi Roma and Leonard! Welcome back! Trust all goes well. Lady Dar's Mom, Rosie-the-Riveter, (aka Clara!), arrived last week. She'll be staying for a month. Chloë was back in Winnipeg for Thanksgiving and she accompanied her grandmother to Penticton, as Clarisse isn't all that comfortable flying alone, at 93. Otherwise she's in remarkable health, both mentally and physically. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick, Clara looks great and I'm sure her bridge is as sharp as ever. We spent the last few days closing up the cabin. The weather was incredible.
We treated ourselves to two great rounds of golf with two different sets of guys from Kamloops one day and from Alberta the next day. We then went to work on various projects around the cabin. It was most enjoyable as it was sunny the whole time. However, a bit cool in the a.m., but by the afternoon it was very balmy. We went for a very nice boat ride around the lake. I got my
boat license this year and am enjoying being able to take people for rides, however, my finesse at parking needs some work. Ruth
Hello Mon Capitain! Congratulations on your new ticket, Little White. Watch-out docks everywhere! Glad you had a terrific time closing up cabin and golfing as well. Know we'd have loved to join you as your spot is quite a slice of paradise, not to mention the Top Drawer Owners!
There was a bridge pot-luck farewell party for Gilliana and Phillipo, off to Sedona for the winter, this coming Thursday, lthis evening. Had two tables and loads of fun. Lady Dar contributed a wonderful crock-pot stew. Rosita didn't want to join us as she claimed it would be too, too noisy and she would have trouble hearing with the din. In fact, it was rather quiet so am sorry she didn't come along as she would really have quite enjoyed herself. Stay well. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Bridge Gang. Lady Dar had a meeting so had to leave after pot-luck.
Hello Biker Patrick, Remembrance Day weekend is good for us too. Cheers,
Tom & Carol Hello Trina's Troup! Tom and Carol are available on the Remembrance Day weekend, so I suggest either Friday or Sunday night for dinner, here at Burns Street. Summerlanders, please let me know if this weekend suits you and, if so, which night you'd prefer. Had a wonderful evening tonight, bridge pot-luck farewell party for Gilliana and Phillipo, off to Sedona for the winter, this coming Thursday. I understand Carol is a mutual friend. Chat soon. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Spiller Road send-off: Josinta, (a fellow, slip-slidin' away Summerlander!), Gilliana and Lady Dar; Phillipo, Gillliana, Olga Polga, (another hoity-toity, uppity Summerlamndian), Josinta and Spamela, a Naramatian; Josinata and Michaelo, yet another Summerlander; Carolina, Susannah and Diana; Judy French, finally a Pentictonite, in middle of group.
Hi Patrick, the Friday night is our preference. Tom & Carol sounds awesome Patrick, sorry just read email now. I am late to respond. Let Lady Dar know and what she would like us to bring. Looking forward to seeing you!!
Hi All, Rick is still away but will be back in time to lead the OF hike this Thursday. The destination will be in the area near Parker Mountain. It promises to be a warm sunny day and the aspen leaves should be in full colour by then.. Details: - Meet at the Penticton Home Hardware parking for a 9:00 AM carpool departure.- Summerland people meet in the SE corner of the IGA parking lot for carpooling to Penticton. ( if no one else shows up please be prepared to make your own way to Penticton)- Carpool to the starting point, Tim Philcox's place, about 3 KM past the White Lake Observatory along the White Lake Road towards Twin Lakes. Southerners can meet there at about 9:20 if that is more convenient. - Hike towards one of the peaks through the aspen groves to view the beautiful fall colours. - At the end of the hike retire to a yet to be determined destination for liquid refreshments . Expected donation to carpool drivers - $5.00. Please let Rick or me know if you are coming. Peter
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