After you have exhausted what there is in business, politics,
conviviality, and so on -- have found that none of these finally
satisfy, or permanently wear -- what remains? Nature remains. -Walt
Whitman, poet (31 May 1819-1892)
Since I wanted to go for a ride before going to see All Together Now, documentary at Shatford Centre just a few blocks away, [Unfortunately, for her, Lady Dar has a Grandmothers For Africa meeting so she can't go.], I left the house at around 10:30 am. Not as warm today as yesterday and with the slight wind, out of the North at around 8 kph, it was a most pleasant outing. Had decided I'd ride to first cattle guard, towards Chute Lake, but beforehand wanted to log a bit of distance so did the PTC/Lakeshore/Riverside Loop, [When riding along Lakeshore city workers were unloading pallets of sandbags as lake is still rising!], before heading back to the start of the KVR.
Route I often take crosses a bridge over Penticton Creek and three city workers were there evaluating stream flow, at that point, as I asked if that was what they were doing. Kept going and then turned around just before the intersection of Eckhardt/Haven Hill Road and Pickering Street and to head back to PTC as I wanted to climb Vancouver Avenue instead of the more gradual climb on the former rail bed. Back near the bridge I saw the three same workers and asked what they thought. One of the men simply shrugged his shoulders as I think everything depends on the weather and how quickly snow-pack will melt. Last night's heavuy rain did not help either, as you can well imagine.
Once back at PTC I noticed work is still on-going on breakwater which arcs around the marina. Couple of heavy equipment rigs and a dumptruck, loaded with large boulders for the breakwater. By this time I had close to 15 km on the clock and was really looking forward to hitting Naramata Road. Dad to say, Dear Reader, this was not to be as just before the roundabout, near the marina, my front tire went flat! Annoyed as hell but what can one do? Only thing for it was to walk bike to Freedom and hope they could repair it right away and then I might still have enough time to complete my basic 51 km.
For much of the trip there I walked along the pathway which parallels Penticton Creek and it is a raging torrent, let me tell you. Crossing the bridge, opposite the Art Gallery I noticed what seemed to be rapids until I realized it was back-up caused by the sheer volume of water not being able to flow easily into Okanagan Lake. Due to due to rise in lake's level there is simply nowhere for water to go. Further up the channel the water is either even with the the concrete sides which form part of the spillway here or else close to its lip. I wouldn't be overly happy if I lived in any of the houses which are situated close by, even if they are up a shallow bank. Next, close to where Taco del Norte is located, there is a bend in the channel and water was well over the concrete retaining wall, on the west side, as the volume of racing water cannot negotiate the turn without spilling up onto the bank. Cannot even begin to imagine what the engineering implications will be for the integrity of the channel, especially if more rain drenches the surrounding hills.
Once back at Freedom, Zach was able to change my tire. He found a small tack in the tire itself. When he told me that the head was protruding I realized I had heard it when I was heading to PTC the second time. I thought I had a small pebble stuck in the tread. Oh that this had been true! Anyway, thanking Zach for the speedy repair I took off just before noon. Knew i could not make for Naramata now, at least if I wanted to be on time for the film so I determined best option was to gerbalize myself on the Riverside/Power Loop. Did just that and 24 circuits later I had the distance I needed to achieve my basic ride requirements. In addition, due to riding on the flat I was able to push my AVG up a notch, on each successive loop, so that when I was making for Ellis I had and AVG of 22.3 kph. With wind at my back I was able to hold this until I pulled into our driveway at 1:35 pm! Map and Stats for ride:
Rushed inside to have a quick shower and change of clothes and, saying hello and goodbye, to the assembled GFA, I hopped into the MarriageMobile and drove the short distance to the Shatford with five minutes to spare! Dropped my donation into ticket box and snagged a mug of java and three goodies: two mini-cinnamon buns and a small butter-tart! Fabulous fare and shortly thereafter the film started. I didn't know much about All Together Now: "It is a feature-length documentary that chronicles the making of The Beatles and Cirque du Soleil collaboration project Love. The film is dedicated to the memory of Neil Aspinall, a former assistant to the band and eventual head of Apple Corps. All Together Now recounts how the Love project came into being, borne from the personal friendship between George Harrison and Cirque du Soleil founder Guy Laliberte. George saw how the twin talents of Cirque’s artistry and The Beatles’ music could be fused into something new and totally original." Absolutely fascinating and because it was such a risky financial, ($180 million to produce!), and creative endeavour, (Producer had to balance the interests of Apple Corps, Cirque, Yoko Ono and Olivia Harrison), it possessed a terrific element of suspense, in addition to the music which is now part and parcel of our lives. It was particularly interesting to listen to both Paul and Ringo recount many moments of the band's creative efforts. I can still remember when I went to Polo Park, in Winnipeg, in June 1967 to buy Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Say it 'ain't fifty years ago!
Thanks, garden pics are v impressive. Middens make good composts, and food scraps like being at a seance. Thanks for bike report - I seriously ought to get backon, Wayne H is at me repeatedly to ride, he even offers to downgrade to Road No 1 and lunch at Steveston-careful-of-the-sealions.
Thanks too for travel suggestions. You probably know the 17th is date of G and F's Twits weekend, but I'll be back in time to join C and you for return to Penti. Let's make that firm. Returning as you elide to TTown would be good too - can you stand a deconstructed non-alcoholic, cerebrally loose lousy bike rider for that long? I can always get the bus. I bought new earbuds yesterday. Off to LA n SD tomorrow, 0500 start. Love. S I hammered up some flyers round the hood, give you some idea what I can do Stephen Carthew
Hi Harcourt North Handyman and Newly Minted, Proud Grandmother! No wonder you can pay for world travel! Surprised you have time to time to hit the road with all the work your splendid flyer obviously brings in! Your are booked for passage back to Burns Street on June 20th, first day of Summer, at least here in the Northern Hemisphere! However, bit confused about Tinsel Town. Do you want to join Sarge and I, on our road trip there, at the end of June? You are welcome, it goes without saying, but as I understand it, you will already have been. Let me know so that we can plan accordingly. Fondestos from The Marriage Officiant to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
EARLY THOUGHTS FOR BIKE RIDES: We have been looking at flights to Europe for us for next year and it seems we are going to have to book early to get premium economy to Munich and return for June 2018. So we are going to go ahead with the idea that we will be doing the Munich to Vienna ride most likely around with an arrival in Munich sometime about 7 to 14 June what suites best for you guys Planning for 4 days in Munich to have a look around and perhaps have a few ales and then ride to Vienna 10 days per the previous itinerary four days in Vienna for recovery and look about Claire wants to do the opera and other cultural things. I have sent an email to the tour company to find out what days this tour leave Munich so we can plan a bit better.
It is great that you are all so keen, how exciting. Michelle, the dolomites trip from Innsbruck to Venice is all downhill and should be very spectacular, so don’t be concerned about it being too difficult. The breaks will probably get a better workout, trying to slow us down, than we will. I decided on my last bike trip that it is silly to restrict ourselves to flat country when the views are not so much better in the hilly places and that the worst that can happen is that I get off and walk up a hill if it is too steep. Everyone else can stop and look at the view. Anyway we will copy the page and send it to you with the picture of the beautifully down-hill route.
Our thought currently is to arrive in Munich in the first week of June, spend a few days, maybe 4, in Munich sampling beer and then go on the bike trip to Vienna. Stay a few days in Vienna, another 4 maybe, and then do the Innsbruck to Venice leg. Greg and I have visited Venice quite recently and it isn’t our favourite spot, so we will probably call it quits at Maestre train station and take a train back to Munich for our flight home.
We will need to book our flights at the end of June because there are always very limited premium economy flights from Oz to Europe and travelling economy is rather daunting these days. Love to all, sounds as if you are busy and productive! Keep talking…Cheers Claire
Hi guys and gals, See below there are no specified days for departure so we can head off from Munich on any given day and similarly with the Innsbruck to Venice trip if you want to go on that one as well.
We are now looking at the first week in June 6, 7 or 8th to depart the land down under and then 3 to 4 days in Munich before the ride to Vienna and will probably use the bike company to book the hotels both and to save packing and un packing. Will let you know the dates we can get when the airline booking become available. Cheers Greg and Claire
We are interested in this tour and need to know what days it would nominally depart from Munich i.e. Monday or Friday, Saturday etc. Reading the tour information there does seem to be a specific day/days nominated for departures from Munich. If this is the case it makes our planning simpler if it's any day. Also would it be possible to arrange 4 extra days in Munich prior to departure and four in Vienna after arrival. We are planning for June 2018 and I realize we cannot book yet however we do need to book airline tickets for preferred departure dates from Brisbane and return from Munich. Hoping you can give some guidance at this point we are planning on a group of 5 to six riders. Cheers Greg C
Good day Greg, Thank you so much for your interest in our bike tours. The Munich to Vienna Austria, Germany Bike Tour, tour dates are possible to start any days from May 5 to September 5, in 2018. Yes, you can request Extra nights (as many you prefer) in Munich and in Vienna just make sure to let us know in the reservation form. We should have the prices for 2018 by the end of this summer. I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Thanks in advance.
D, Could you please if you have a second between sorting books send me pictures of you on your bike pre or post fondo or just bike shots? If you are ok with it, AL’s web site will be adding your fundraising event to our description of 3rd party events? Thank you, Chloë Hi Chloë! Am happy to supply any and all the snaps I have. First set is from 2014, my first GF. Second set is 2015 when I rode for AL and then third, last year when I rode for GFA. Heard a great interview with Bonnie Raitt this morning, on Q, with Tom Power.
On other matters, Tom, our new neighbour across back lane, house on corner, came over, last night, around 9:30 pm, to borrow our large aluminum ladder. [We had just finished watching Dark Angel, with Joanne Froggatt, better known as Anna, "the loving and resilient lady's maid on Downton Abbey. Dispensing death from the spout of a warm teapot, Froggatt plays the notorious poisoner Mary Ann Cotton." Coincidentally, disturbingly, the news, over the last few days has had numerous clips covering the courtroom proceedings in which Elizabeth Wettlaufer is expected to plead guilty to eight counts of murder.] He is up from Vancouver to finish working on the house and he brought the set of car keys that didn't have house keys on them! I also gave him a small, collapsible step ladder we inherited from Dusty and Clara when we moved. He put it through one of the second story windows after he had removed the screen, so it was easier to clamber into the room. Fortunately, he had left the windows open, to air out the place, after painting, when they left two weekends ago.
I held the ladder until he was inside and then he helped me carry both back, once he was back on the main floor. That task accomplished, he asked me if I would witness the eviction notice he was going to serve on the tenants in the front suite as he needed to give them a month's notice. I was happy to oblige, [We had the kittens locked out of the Rumpus Room as they desperately want to help!], and once he'd completed the paperwork I accompanied him back to serve notice. Place had been rented to two people, originally, but he soon discovered that they had at least six others sleeping in the basement.
Sad to say, they seem to be a sorry collection of juiceheads and junkies so understand why the situation has deteriorated to the extent that it has. Don't think they are hardened criminals but the front yard is littered with torn-down bicycles so Tom thinks they are stealing to support their habits. When we went over there were four of them on the covered porch, obviously high or drunk, or both. Not aggressive, at all, but mostly just "out of it"! When Tom was last up he was cutting the grass and a woman came by, asking for one of the tenants. Tom said he was out and she replied that that was fine as she was just coming by to do her laundry! He assumes that they might be charging people to use laundry facilities as such expenses are included in their rent.
Eventually Tom and his wife, Helena, hope to retire here and the front suite will be for his ex-wife, who has, apparently, suffered from serious side-effects following brain surgery. I don't know much of this backstory but until the move from the Lower Mainland, they would like main part of the house as a summer retreat and rent out the suite to tenants who will not turn it into a Victorian slum. Still, does not really address the plight of current unfortunates, everywhere in the region. There is little if any rental accommodation in Penticton, as it is, and even empathetic landlords are understandably reluctant to rent to those on the margins, given what is likely to happen.
say that we have never experienced any sort of problem or anti-social
behaviour, other than the occasional cigarette butt on our driveway, and
we both feel quite a social responsibility for their well-being, in
terms of addiction treatment opportunities and non-sub-standard housing.
Think it is time to become more active in pressuring local politicians
into addressing these pressing issues. We have met Tarik Sayeed when he
ran, unsuccessfully, as the NDP candidate, in the provincial election.
He is a City Councillor so we will start with him. As well, we know Dick
Cannings, our MP, NDP, so I would like to have his advice on how to
proceed in this matter. He is extremely approachable and I have the
greatest respect for him.
Let me know if you need any more snapolas. I have some of scenery if that is of interest. Love, Dad Pics: 2014: Pre-race meal! Last leg of GF, from Kaleden, training run a few days before race; post-race with a GF Groupie at Gyro Park! 2015: pre-race and finish line! 2016: post-race with friend Phantom Fantini!
Patrick, I found out after I got home from Bridge last night that good friends from Calgary are coming to visit us next week. They are staying from June 4-7. All this to say that I can’t make the potluck dinner on Tuesday. Have fun! Pamela
Since I wanted to go for a ride before going to see All Together Now, documentary at Shatford Centre just a few blocks away, [Unfortunately, for her, Lady Dar has a Grandmothers For Africa meeting so she can't go.], I left the house at around 10:30 am. Not as warm today as yesterday and with the slight wind, out of the North at around 8 kph, it was a most pleasant outing. Had decided I'd ride to first cattle guard, towards Chute Lake, but beforehand wanted to log a bit of distance so did the PTC/Lakeshore/Riverside Loop, [When riding along Lakeshore city workers were unloading pallets of sandbags as lake is still rising!], before heading back to the start of the KVR.
Route I often take crosses a bridge over Penticton Creek and three city workers were there evaluating stream flow, at that point, as I asked if that was what they were doing. Kept going and then turned around just before the intersection of Eckhardt/Haven Hill Road and Pickering Street and to head back to PTC as I wanted to climb Vancouver Avenue instead of the more gradual climb on the former rail bed. Back near the bridge I saw the three same workers and asked what they thought. One of the men simply shrugged his shoulders as I think everything depends on the weather and how quickly snow-pack will melt. Last night's heavuy rain did not help either, as you can well imagine.
Once back at PTC I noticed work is still on-going on breakwater which arcs around the marina. Couple of heavy equipment rigs and a dumptruck, loaded with large boulders for the breakwater. By this time I had close to 15 km on the clock and was really looking forward to hitting Naramata Road. Dad to say, Dear Reader, this was not to be as just before the roundabout, near the marina, my front tire went flat! Annoyed as hell but what can one do? Only thing for it was to walk bike to Freedom and hope they could repair it right away and then I might still have enough time to complete my basic 51 km.
For much of the trip there I walked along the pathway which parallels Penticton Creek and it is a raging torrent, let me tell you. Crossing the bridge, opposite the Art Gallery I noticed what seemed to be rapids until I realized it was back-up caused by the sheer volume of water not being able to flow easily into Okanagan Lake. Due to due to rise in lake's level there is simply nowhere for water to go. Further up the channel the water is either even with the the concrete sides which form part of the spillway here or else close to its lip. I wouldn't be overly happy if I lived in any of the houses which are situated close by, even if they are up a shallow bank. Next, close to where Taco del Norte is located, there is a bend in the channel and water was well over the concrete retaining wall, on the west side, as the volume of racing water cannot negotiate the turn without spilling up onto the bank. Cannot even begin to imagine what the engineering implications will be for the integrity of the channel, especially if more rain drenches the surrounding hills.
Once back at Freedom, Zach was able to change my tire. He found a small tack in the tire itself. When he told me that the head was protruding I realized I had heard it when I was heading to PTC the second time. I thought I had a small pebble stuck in the tread. Oh that this had been true! Anyway, thanking Zach for the speedy repair I took off just before noon. Knew i could not make for Naramata now, at least if I wanted to be on time for the film so I determined best option was to gerbalize myself on the Riverside/Power Loop. Did just that and 24 circuits later I had the distance I needed to achieve my basic ride requirements. In addition, due to riding on the flat I was able to push my AVG up a notch, on each successive loop, so that when I was making for Ellis I had and AVG of 22.3 kph. With wind at my back I was able to hold this until I pulled into our driveway at 1:35 pm! Map and Stats for ride:
Rushed inside to have a quick shower and change of clothes and, saying hello and goodbye, to the assembled GFA, I hopped into the MarriageMobile and drove the short distance to the Shatford with five minutes to spare! Dropped my donation into ticket box and snagged a mug of java and three goodies: two mini-cinnamon buns and a small butter-tart! Fabulous fare and shortly thereafter the film started. I didn't know much about All Together Now: "It is a feature-length documentary that chronicles the making of The Beatles and Cirque du Soleil collaboration project Love. The film is dedicated to the memory of Neil Aspinall, a former assistant to the band and eventual head of Apple Corps. All Together Now recounts how the Love project came into being, borne from the personal friendship between George Harrison and Cirque du Soleil founder Guy Laliberte. George saw how the twin talents of Cirque’s artistry and The Beatles’ music could be fused into something new and totally original." Absolutely fascinating and because it was such a risky financial, ($180 million to produce!), and creative endeavour, (Producer had to balance the interests of Apple Corps, Cirque, Yoko Ono and Olivia Harrison), it possessed a terrific element of suspense, in addition to the music which is now part and parcel of our lives. It was particularly interesting to listen to both Paul and Ringo recount many moments of the band's creative efforts. I can still remember when I went to Polo Park, in Winnipeg, in June 1967 to buy Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Say it 'ain't fifty years ago!
Thanks, garden pics are v impressive. Middens make good composts, and food scraps like being at a seance. Thanks for bike report - I seriously ought to get backon, Wayne H is at me repeatedly to ride, he even offers to downgrade to Road No 1 and lunch at Steveston-careful-of-the-sealions.
Thanks too for travel suggestions. You probably know the 17th is date of G and F's Twits weekend, but I'll be back in time to join C and you for return to Penti. Let's make that firm. Returning as you elide to TTown would be good too - can you stand a deconstructed non-alcoholic, cerebrally loose lousy bike rider for that long? I can always get the bus. I bought new earbuds yesterday. Off to LA n SD tomorrow, 0500 start. Love. S I hammered up some flyers round the hood, give you some idea what I can do Stephen Carthew
Hi Harcourt North Handyman and Newly Minted, Proud Grandmother! No wonder you can pay for world travel! Surprised you have time to time to hit the road with all the work your splendid flyer obviously brings in! Your are booked for passage back to Burns Street on June 20th, first day of Summer, at least here in the Northern Hemisphere! However, bit confused about Tinsel Town. Do you want to join Sarge and I, on our road trip there, at the end of June? You are welcome, it goes without saying, but as I understand it, you will already have been. Let me know so that we can plan accordingly. Fondestos from The Marriage Officiant to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
EARLY THOUGHTS FOR BIKE RIDES: We have been looking at flights to Europe for us for next year and it seems we are going to have to book early to get premium economy to Munich and return for June 2018. So we are going to go ahead with the idea that we will be doing the Munich to Vienna ride most likely around with an arrival in Munich sometime about 7 to 14 June what suites best for you guys Planning for 4 days in Munich to have a look around and perhaps have a few ales and then ride to Vienna 10 days per the previous itinerary four days in Vienna for recovery and look about Claire wants to do the opera and other cultural things. I have sent an email to the tour company to find out what days this tour leave Munich so we can plan a bit better.
I have attached the itinerary for Innsbruck to
Venice we are going to get the scenic railway from Vienna to Innsbruck
and arrive there the day before we head off so we have a chance to have a
look around. Then off to Venice we are going
to book an extra night in Mestre as well and then fly back to Munich
from Venice and home all up about 30 days. The Innsbruck to Venice trip
can be any day if we 5 riders.
Sorry about the overload but unfortunately
Australia has a lack of flights to Europe compared to the US and Canada
so we have to plan way in advance to get seats we want. Cheers Greg and Claire
Our thought currently is to arrive in Munich in the first week of June, spend a few days, maybe 4, in Munich sampling beer and then go on the bike trip to Vienna. Stay a few days in Vienna, another 4 maybe, and then do the Innsbruck to Venice leg. Greg and I have visited Venice quite recently and it isn’t our favourite spot, so we will probably call it quits at Maestre train station and take a train back to Munich for our flight home.
We will need to book our flights at the end of June because there are always very limited premium economy flights from Oz to Europe and travelling economy is rather daunting these days. Love to all, sounds as if you are busy and productive! Keep talking…Cheers Claire
Hi guys and gals, See below there are no specified days for departure so we can head off from Munich on any given day and similarly with the Innsbruck to Venice trip if you want to go on that one as well.
We are now looking at the first week in June 6, 7 or 8th to depart the land down under and then 3 to 4 days in Munich before the ride to Vienna and will probably use the bike company to book the hotels both and to save packing and un packing. Will let you know the dates we can get when the airline booking become available. Cheers Greg and Claire
We are interested in this tour and need to know what days it would nominally depart from Munich i.e. Monday or Friday, Saturday etc. Reading the tour information there does seem to be a specific day/days nominated for departures from Munich. If this is the case it makes our planning simpler if it's any day. Also would it be possible to arrange 4 extra days in Munich prior to departure and four in Vienna after arrival. We are planning for June 2018 and I realize we cannot book yet however we do need to book airline tickets for preferred departure dates from Brisbane and return from Munich. Hoping you can give some guidance at this point we are planning on a group of 5 to six riders. Cheers Greg C
Good day Greg, Thank you so much for your interest in our bike tours. The Munich to Vienna Austria, Germany Bike Tour, tour dates are possible to start any days from May 5 to September 5, in 2018. Yes, you can request Extra nights (as many you prefer) in Munich and in Vienna just make sure to let us know in the reservation form. We should have the prices for 2018 by the end of this summer. I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Thanks in advance.
D, Could you please if you have a second between sorting books send me pictures of you on your bike pre or post fondo or just bike shots? If you are ok with it, AL’s web site will be adding your fundraising event to our description of 3rd party events? Thank you, Chloë Hi Chloë! Am happy to supply any and all the snaps I have. First set is from 2014, my first GF. Second set is 2015 when I rode for AL and then third, last year when I rode for GFA. Heard a great interview with Bonnie Raitt this morning, on Q, with Tom Power.
On other matters, Tom, our new neighbour across back lane, house on corner, came over, last night, around 9:30 pm, to borrow our large aluminum ladder. [We had just finished watching Dark Angel, with Joanne Froggatt, better known as Anna, "the loving and resilient lady's maid on Downton Abbey. Dispensing death from the spout of a warm teapot, Froggatt plays the notorious poisoner Mary Ann Cotton." Coincidentally, disturbingly, the news, over the last few days has had numerous clips covering the courtroom proceedings in which Elizabeth Wettlaufer is expected to plead guilty to eight counts of murder.] He is up from Vancouver to finish working on the house and he brought the set of car keys that didn't have house keys on them! I also gave him a small, collapsible step ladder we inherited from Dusty and Clara when we moved. He put it through one of the second story windows after he had removed the screen, so it was easier to clamber into the room. Fortunately, he had left the windows open, to air out the place, after painting, when they left two weekends ago.
I held the ladder until he was inside and then he helped me carry both back, once he was back on the main floor. That task accomplished, he asked me if I would witness the eviction notice he was going to serve on the tenants in the front suite as he needed to give them a month's notice. I was happy to oblige, [We had the kittens locked out of the Rumpus Room as they desperately want to help!], and once he'd completed the paperwork I accompanied him back to serve notice. Place had been rented to two people, originally, but he soon discovered that they had at least six others sleeping in the basement.
Sad to say, they seem to be a sorry collection of juiceheads and junkies so understand why the situation has deteriorated to the extent that it has. Don't think they are hardened criminals but the front yard is littered with torn-down bicycles so Tom thinks they are stealing to support their habits. When we went over there were four of them on the covered porch, obviously high or drunk, or both. Not aggressive, at all, but mostly just "out of it"! When Tom was last up he was cutting the grass and a woman came by, asking for one of the tenants. Tom said he was out and she replied that that was fine as she was just coming by to do her laundry! He assumes that they might be charging people to use laundry facilities as such expenses are included in their rent.
Eventually Tom and his wife, Helena, hope to retire here and the front suite will be for his ex-wife, who has, apparently, suffered from serious side-effects following brain surgery. I don't know much of this backstory but until the move from the Lower Mainland, they would like main part of the house as a summer retreat and rent out the suite to tenants who will not turn it into a Victorian slum. Still, does not really address the plight of current unfortunates, everywhere in the region. There is little if any rental accommodation in Penticton, as it is, and even empathetic landlords are understandably reluctant to rent to those on the margins, given what is likely to happen.
![]() |
Brexit (British + Exit)
Jeff Djevdet
Let me know if you need any more snapolas. I have some of scenery if that is of interest. Love, Dad Pics: 2014: Pre-race meal! Last leg of GF, from Kaleden, training run a few days before race; post-race with a GF Groupie at Gyro Park! 2015: pre-race and finish line! 2016: post-race with friend Phantom Fantini!
Patrick, I found out after I got home from Bridge last night that good friends from Calgary are coming to visit us next week. They are staying from June 4-7. All this to say that I can’t make the potluck dinner on Tuesday. Have fun! Pamela