The funny thing about regret is that it's better to regret something you have done than to regret something you haven't. -Gibby Hayes
Awake but a few minutes before alarm went off at 5:30 am to zap my java and have a quick shower before Lady Dar roused herself. Sarge had very kindly offered to drive us to the airport so we had plenty of time to finish last minute packing and tidy up the place as best we could, (Put sheets in washer and they were done before we left so popped them into the dryer just before we walked out the door. Even had the towels going in washer so Sarge said he would take care of them once he was back home.]
[Sylvie Roy Tante Rita nous te saluons xxx

Aunt Rita we salute you xxxxx

Hi Ragin"! Sorry I wasn't in touch beforehand BUT! At any rate, you will notice, at some point that our car is in front of your place. Sarge took us to airport and he will collect us on Friday as well but thanks for your offer. He has a key to the vehicle so if, for some reason, car needs to be moved, [Street work, accident, etc.], please call him and he'll either pop by with key or move it himself. Have to run. Will be in touch once we are settled in Manitoba. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick and Corinne, very sorry to hear of Dusty's passing. Kimberlee read us what Ayn had said on face book so that is how we heard. Anyhow we are having friends over for Mother's Day Shannon's mom passed away a couple of years ago and her only daughter lives in Ottawa so she finds Mother's Day hard, so Darcy and Shannon are here now so must go stay well and we'll talk soon. Hi Dallas! Thank you for your condolences. Much appreciated. Hello to one and all. Greetings from Lady Dar. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello, Patrick! Ann Hughes has just informed me of the very sad news about Corinne's father, so just wanted to pass on my deepest sympathies at this time. As I understand it, he did not suffer unduly, so hope both you and Corinne can take comfort in that as well as the many warm memories you have of him. Deborah Hi Deborah! Thank you for your kind words and condolences. Please say hello to Ann when you see her next. Two of the three rides I've managed to take since being here have taken me past Ann's Mom's place on the south shore of Falcon Lake. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Corinne and Patrick, Enjoy your special day. Hope all is well. Take care.
Much love, Rosemary XXX Hi Rosemary, At airport waiting to fly to Winnipeg for my fathers funeral. He died on may 5. Had my 40th reunion class of 1977 from ubc Library school this past weekend in Vancouver and it was Wayne's 60th birthday celebration last night. All in all a busy time. Thanks for the anniversary wishes! Hugs Corinne
Hi Corinne, So sad to hear about your father - my thoughts are with you at this difficult time. The good news is you made it to your class reunion and Wayne's 60th birthday party so managed to fit in really important dates in your own life before returning to your past. Look forward to catching up when you return to Penticton and we can find a mutually convenient time to talk. Safe travels and take care. Much love as always, Rosemary XXX
Hi Rosemary! Thank you for both your anniversary wishes and kind condolences. Much appreciated. I trust we will be able to arrange another visit, at some point, with you and Andre. Do you know if I answered all his questions about his friend using my bike? I've not heard back from him since I sent the message he'd asked Corinne to ask me to send. Not worried but just wanted to make sure he did receive message. Fondestos from Lady Dar. Cheers, Patrizzio!
I can Play on the 25th of May and am also willing to host....Happy Mothers day to all Mothers in the group!!!! Judy We can play 25th and as I said before we will host as not done in a while. Gill and Phil Hello all, I am available to play Thursday, May 25. Happy Mothers' Day to you Mothers! Pam Works for us as well. Corinne
Hello Bridge Folk! Thanks to both Judy Blue and Spiller Road Folk for offering to host. I will make an executive decision and suggest we gather at the home of Jack Rabbit and Phillipo as we met fairly recently at Judy Blue's place. Please let the group know if this is not to be the case, otherwise see you on Spiller Road, at 6:30 pm, on Thursday, May 25th. Judy Blue, you are welcome to ride with us. 6:10 pm, as usual? I count six confirmed players as of this writing. Any Summerlanders? Michaelo, are you back? Let me know and we'll plan accordingly. Fondestos from Lady Dar. See everyone soon. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Alan Waldron to Patrick James Dunn Hi Patrice, I think this is a product for you my friend! Hi Big Al and Marilyn! Thanks you for link to the spiffy bike helmet! Does it include a stanchion alert as well? Thanks again for all your kind words and condolences. Much appreciated. Chat soon. Cheers, Patrizzio!
At any rate, Sarge drove us to YVR yesterday morning and we had a good flight to Winnipeg. Grogg, Spumoni's husband collected us and we drove out to Falcon, arriving around 5:00 pm, after a few errands in town, mainly buying two cases of wine at Grant Park!
Hi Old Farts, This Thursday, we are planning to visit Eagle Bluff, to the east of Vaseux Lake. Hopefully, we will be treated to some beautiful fields of balsam root. We will: -meet at 0900 at Home Hardware north parking lot in Penticton (0840 at IGA in Summerland). -carpool and drive to the SORCO owl rehab centre, where we have permission to park. -hike around the eastern side of Eagle Bluff and ascend it from the north. -return to SORCO, probably around the north and west sides of Eagle Bluff. -find a suitable place for refreshment and reflection. Please make sure you have good hiking boots as there are some challenging portions on this hike. The weather report for Thursday looks ok. I look forward to seeing a few of you there. Cheers, Jim
Hello hikers Phil had sent me this message and it went to an email address I seldom use. So apologies for a late notice. Tony Hi OF's, Things are desperate as I've been called upon to assemble the interested and head them out into the bush, tomorrow Monday May 15. Desperate times call for desperate measures so the hike will be into the Kaledan hills, north of the Weigh Scales by the junction of Hwy's, 97 and 3A. I'm guessing it could well rival last Monday's for tick harvesting as it's also a no-trail hike! It's a loop and should take less than 4 hours.
Per usual, meet 9am at Home Hardware for car pooling, 8:40 at IGA to carpool
to Penticton and Southerners can meet up at the Weigh Scales parking area -
the group should make it there by 9:20 ish. If you're coming, see you tomorrow. Cheers. Phil
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