I should dearly love that the world should be ever so little better for
my presence. Even on this small stage we have our two sides, and
something might be done by throwing all one's weight on the scale of
breadth, tolerance, charity, temperance, peace, and
kindliness to man and beast. We can't all strike very big blows, and
even the little ones count for something. -Arthur Conan Doyle, physician
and writer (22 May 1859-1930)
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“Gemütlich ist Beisammensein”
(The comforts of being together)
Art: August von Rentzell (1810-1891)
Dear Patrick, Just finished the Tami Hoag book you kindly left for me in October 2013 - most enjoyable read. Thanks for the update on Corinne's father's funeral - a sad affair but thankfully he did have a very good innings.
Not sure if Andre's dentist friend will be using your bike this summer but will let you know if he wants to. All a little vague (typical Andre!) about his timings and length of stay but suspect nothing regarding the bike will happen. We have friends we met in Barbados arriving tomorrow - she is French and he is Belgian plus twins aged ten so getting ready for them. The day after they leave we return to London and then Andre is back to Vancouver next Wednesday. A very brief visit! His challenge of renewing his driving license has turned into a major stress point in my life. He apparently has to get back into the Canadian medical system before they will allow this to happen so he is spending a lot of time in BC until he is allowed to re-register. Messed up all my summer plans but he claims this is the only solution - no doubt you have heard all about it.
I look forward to seeing you both in the autumn and beforehand let us at least organise a call to catch up with each other's news. I am free and on my own from May 31st so let me know when would be a good time for me to call via Skype/FaceTime or just your plain vanilla telephone. In the meantime, take care and much love, Rosemary XXX
Hi Rosemary! Lovely to hear from you. While you are readying yourselves for visitors, we just waved goodbye to ours yesterday. Pat and Amos were actually at Burns Street, and abed, when we arrived from Winnipeg/Vancouver. George, Cora Lee's brother, drove us into city, from Falcon, on Friday afternoon and dropped us at the airport there. [Thanks so much, Uncle Giorgio!!!!] Sarge collected us at just after 6:00 pm and then drove us to our car, parked outside friend's house in Kits while we were away. Left Vancouver by 7:00 pm and taking Coquihalla, [No snow, thank goodness, although there was some earlier in week! Just heard, on news, it is closed, not far from Merritt, due to a serious accident!], we pulled into our driveway at 11:30 pm.
I attended a tasting at Black Widow, [Neither Pat nor Amos drink wine, Pat no alcohol at all, Amos only beer! Unfortunately Lady Dar was/is still fighting a nasty cold/cough she came down with at Falcon.], at 9:45 am on Saturday morning and then we all strolled down to the Farmers' Market when I was back. I left the others on Main to go for a ride. Lynne and Peter had invited us to pop by that afternoon. [Lynne, as well, is suffering from a nasty sinus infection so she had cancelled the dinner we were to have with them that evening.] Since we were to be in Naramata anyway, I rode there and met the others at the Lighthall's home.
Had a lovely visit and then I took off to ride home. Lady Dar bbq'd once back at Burns and we enjoyed chatting around the fire-pit after dinner. Pat and Amos left after breakfast next morning as they were driving south to cross into US at Osoyoos. They needed to be back in Walnut Creek, [near San Francisco if you are not familiar with the Bay Area.], by Friday and were stopping, en route, in Wenatchee, Washington, and Portland, Oregon, to visit other friends. They were up to attend the Library School reunion which took place the weekend before we left for Winnipeg. The reunion was loads of fun and Lady Dar has received many compliments on its organization.
Shortly after our guests left, Lady Dar went to church and I set about unpacking! Simply hadn't had time beforehand. When The Marriage Officiant was back we moved the new shelving units away from the wall to which they will eventually be affixed and Lady Dar started painting. Ever helpful, I went for a wonderful ride! Up at 6:45 am this morning as even the usually early rising kittens were happy to sleep-in on the long-weekend. Another glorious day so once I've managed to pull out the aluminum ladder, [It is against the outside wall of the Rumpus Room but is behind much of the lumber I've scrounged from neighbours!], for Lady Dar, [She needs it to paint the top portion of the Rumpus Room wall. The two other step-ladders we own are simply not tall enough from which to to reach, comfortably, just below the ceiling.], I want to go for a Victoria Day ride!
Trust all goes well with Andre's attempt to renew his driver's license. Again, I'm happy to allow his friend to ride my bike if this transpires. Sorry to hear that your summer plans have been disrupted. Could be worse as we could send over Etta and Duke and then you would really be miserable with your allergies! Will let Lady Dar reply regarding the best time to connect. She is planning to use FaceTime with her Mom so perhaps she can do the same with you. At the rate things are going it will soon be Autumn and you'll be back! Until then or until we next chat, take care of yourself. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Farewell at Falcon; Farmers' Market; Amos and Pat with Leigh, [Balsamic Bliss Lady, Pam! Corinne's sister was here a number of weeks ago and she bought some of this product. At Falcon she mentioned that she wants more. Lady Dar will be in touch, Spumoni!]; Tasting at Black Widow; Gluten-free rhubarb crisp Lynne served on Saturday afternoon; Grumpy Rumpus Room Painter!
Hi Pat and Corinne, Thanks very much for the book and clothes! Love the Canadian theme of the book. We really appreciate it. Scott, Kaitlyn and Kellan
Hi Kaitlyn! Lovely to hear from you and glad you liked the book. Sorry that we missed seeing you in person but understand how busy and unpredictable things can be. Look forward to meeting Kellan at some point in the not too, too distant future. Until then, all the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Map and Stats for ride:
Hi all, The weather has been our friend for a couple of great hikes….let’s try for one more. This Thursday, we will visit Kilpoola Lake and the grasslands to the south. This trip requires a bit more driving to get there (west of Osoyoos), so we will meet at an earlier time. We will: -meet at Home Hardware north parking lot in Penticton at 0800 (again, please note), or at 0740 at IGA in Summerland -carpool and head for the Kilpoola Grasslands (south to Osoyoos, northwest to Spotted lake, and then south on Kruger Mountain Road). -hike around the grasslands (there is certainly a possibility of hikes of differing lengths and difficulties ) -find a place afterwards for refreshment and debriefing.
Are you interested? If so, I ask you to send me a note so that I know our numbers. I doubt we will need to put a cap on numbers, but it is possible. Looking forward to seeing some good folks there. Don’t forget the earlier start time! Cheers, Jim
Are you interested? If so, I ask you to send me a note so that I know our numbers. I doubt we will need to put a cap on numbers, but it is possible. Looking forward to seeing some good folks there. Don’t forget the earlier start time! Cheers, Jim
dear pat and Corrine just a quick note , I wrote a month ago and never
heard from you so we were wondering if you are o.k.cheers bev and kev Hi Bev and Kev! Trust you are both well. Sorry, I thought I'd replied to your last message but may well not have done so as life has been pretty hectic, particularly of late. On a
very sad note, Dusty, Corinne's Dad, died,
two days after his 93rd birthday, on May 5th. Consequently, we flew to Winnipeg, on Sunday, May 14th, for funeral on Wednesday. Must
away as I want to put first few fastening screws into the new shelving units I built with a friend a few weeks ago now.
Where is Mr Fixit, aka Kevin, when you need him? Fondestos from Lady Dar,
to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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