When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to
everything else in the universe. -John Muir, naturalist, explorer, and
writer (1838-1914)
Chloe Alexis Dunn 14 March 2015 Look at this cute couple...90 years old and coming up to there 70th wedding anniversary!! My grandparents are amazing and look at the cherry blossoms

We all enjoyed the Farmers' Market this morning, visiting with friends we bumped into as well as many of the vendors we have come to know. I left The Sisterhood there to go for a ride. Afterwards, they were off to Kaleden to take a look at the used jewelry sale Lady Dar had helped to organize as a fund raiser for Grandmothers For Africa. For my part I wanted to take Green Mountain Road towards Apex as I'd not ridden it since last summer. Great climb, starting almost as soon as one turns off 97 to cross the bridge over the tubing channel. According to the weather report, the wind was out of the NNE at 17 kph but although I was riding almost due west on GMR it seemed as if I was bucking a headwind all the way to the top of the climb. I can only assume there is some sort of wind tunnel effect, but until I hit some open stretches, near Shingle Creek, I was relatively protected from the icy blasts and gusts, up to 29kph.
At the time, given that I had had to battle the unrelenting head wind all the way to the turn-off to Apex itself, I thought I'd have the wind behind me on descent but soon discovered that this was not to be. Furthermore, the temperature, cool at the start of the ride, had dropped on the climb and then whizzing downhill, [One really doesn't appreciate the grade on the way up, as it seems fairy gradual. However, coming down you can certainly tell what a grind it had been as basically, one doesn't need to pedal at all, except on flat stretches near Shingle Creek, in the lovely, lovely valley there.], I felt chilled and my finger tips were almost blue by the time I was back, crossing onto 97.
Didn't really thaw out until I was dipsy-doodling on the side streets off Power. Back in Penticton the sun was gloriously warm and cycling on the flat required no effort at all compared to the earlier climb. Not particularly pleased with 18.8 kph AVG so hope to do better in subsequent "attacks" on the south face of Apex! Map and Stats for ride:
Patrizzio, Well, one thing that is pretty well for sure, it is unlikely I will be residing in Vancouver when the time comes. I can get so much better value w.r.t. living space, workshop, guest facilities, etc. not to mention giving the kids some cash, just about anywhere else. Even a pigeon hole in Vancouver is just not economically reasonable, … well maybe this 47’ Ketch moored somewhere up the Fraser … what a beauty. Steel hull. Goes “Bonk” (not “crunch”) if you hit a dead head (or an iceberg). If I get my heart fixed, I still fantasize about the North West Passage … I digress.
Despite your <<insert word for 'incredible negative passion' here>> re: BC ferries, the Sunshine Coast does have a lot of draw for me. Rainy winters (I’m used to that) and proximity to the sea, where I can sit in a boat and drink beer all day (oops, I mean go fishing!) and a bit of space around my abode. I like people, but I don’t particularly want to hear my neighbour’s stereo or his chickens clucking ... if I do, I may adopt a coyote ...
The big Island is pretty well out, (I share your concern for the ferry issue on that one), so other options? Well, I have thought seriously about Croatia. I was born there. I still remember the first time I visited. Even as the airplane wheels hit the ground, I felt at home in a way I had not experienced before. Almost scary. Impossible to describe this feeling of belonging, of feeling at home. But … my kids are here, my friends are here, …butttt caveat !!!
Rebecca is working on her Croation Citizenship … (she loves her Croation cousins and wants an EU passport) A bit of a challenge as she needs to learn a bit of Croation - enough to past the test - but she is a determined and smart kid. She will be in Croatia all next month, WHICH MEANS … Juno the Pooch will be residing in Kits all June! Maybe we can drop by for a few days and Meet the Fockers (oops, I mean the cats!). Juno can do the final inspection on the shelves.
Oh, btw, not only did I get get a flat on my bike, … I got flat on my car!!! Not sure I can blame Penticton, but the coincidence is suspect! And finally, after watching that movie “I, Daniel Blake”, on my trip home, I recalled a quote from senator Eugene Joseph McCarthy - this is not the same McCarthy known for “McCarthyism” although they both shared the name “Joesph”. “The greatest threat to our freedom, is an efficient bureaucracy”
In spite of the fact that the term "efficient bureaucracy” is an oxymoron, it is by way of its inefficiency extremely effective in really screwing things up. I am experiencing this very phenomenon, trying to take care of my Dad. In particular, getting the Government to give money directly to people, or their family support, who do not get paid, hence the money goes further, there being no Corporation in the middle (note the cap “C”) whose bottom line is profit, *not* quality of home care, … but hey, I come from the “Old Country” … I understand.
See you when you are in Gridlock Central, … and hope to drop by with my girlfriend (the furry one with the big ears and cold nose) sometime in June. Pic: pigeon hole // Arctic Explorer Branko
Hi Arctic Explorer, aka Ragin' The Inveterate Dreamer! Some very sad news yesterday as Dusty died. Two days after his 93rd birthday so he had a pretty good kick at the can! Thanks again for your dinner invitation. If it is convenient, Wednesday evening would be best for us so let me know if that works and we'll plan accordingly. I'll wait until then to convince you to move to the Okanagan. Look forward to a June visit, with Juno, [Etta and Duke can hardly wait!], would be great but sojourn will need to be before the last week in the month as I'm off to LA then, driving with Sarge, as it turns out. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Farmers' Market collage.
Hi there: Kevin mentioned getting together for a drink so that I can get to know your babies before I move in. Sunday or Tuesday night works for me. i have a wrap up board meeting on Monday night with Musaic. Judi Hi Judi, Sunday would work best for us. Come over around 5. Best Corinne
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