Do not commit the error, common among the young, of assuming that if you
cannot save the whole of mankind, you have failed. -Jan de Hartog,
playwright and novelist (22 Apr 1914-2002)
Thank you for your card! It made us laugh, a welcome event after a very sad week here. I know you haven’t been hiking so here are some spring scenes. Hope your shoulder is healing and you will soon be out hiking and cycling. Happy Easter Colleen

Friends, Rosemary and Andre, along with Flamin' and Sarge, [all here for weekend], will all head back to Vancouver, in separate vehicles, today, so Lady Dar and I plan to have lunch at Burrowing Owl and do more wine-tasting along Black Sage Road and then spend a quiet evening after all the busy nights of last few days. Must away as it is time to have breakfast. Stay well. Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling to you, Colonel. Cheers, Patrizzio! Thank you Pentictonians. Happy Easter Monday! Bruno Good evening Corinne and Patrick, We really enjoyed our two stays with you. Both decided to have an alcohol free today after so much excess. Journey back was long - over six hours driving time due to excessive traffic on a holiday weekend. André did find the dirt trail over the mountains from Oliver so this made him happy.
Tomorrow is full of lawyers and my banker - been spending the evening catching up on paperwork in preparation - not much fun but necessary. Look forward to hearing news of Chloë’s well-being and your trip to Europe. I will certainly let you know when we or maybe just Andre will be back in Vancouver sorting out our new apartment. Take care my friends. Good luck with the physio Patrick - just make sure you don’t get addicted to Val’s cookies! Much love to you both, Rosemary Xxxx
Hi Rosemary! Pleased you made it back to Vancouver in spite of heavy traffic. Always a trial. Glad Adventurer Andre found his sought after route. Was pretty quiet after you and Sutherlands left but we did enjoy reading and otherwise just relaxing. Watched an interesting film, The History of Love, with Derek Jacobi. I have always liked him and thought his role was extremely well done. Elliot Gould was also in the film and had not seen him for donkey's! Trust all went well with your various professionals. Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling to you, Rosemary. Travel safely. Best wishes and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Easter weekend orgy and more!
This is really quite funny! Mad dogs and English men Aart!!!! Brexit perfectly explained by a good Scot Martin Thank you Matt No, Thank You! Hi Glasgow! Takes a Scot to provide the perfect explanation! Cheers, Patrizzio We had a lovely Easter weekend at Spirit Ride. Spent it with friends, Rosemary and Andre, visiting from London, as well as Clan Sutherland, with their children and grandchildren, [Kamloops, Penticton], along with Chloë. See my specialist Thursday afternoon so hope I'll be back cycling and hiking soon. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello friends, I'm hoping you'll be able to visit me at Artists in our Midst 2019. I will be at the Roundhouse Thurs May 9 7-9pm and Sat-Sun May 11-12 11am-5pm 3520 West 13 (note change of address!) Lynn Hi Roundhouse Woman! Would love to attend the show but, unfortunately, for us, will be in Vancouver, on a whirlwind visit, the weekend before. I'm sure it will be a wonderful affair. Trust you are well. Cheers, Patrizzio! Thanks so much! And thanks for continuing to send email greetings and news. Lovely day today. Lynn
Thanks for the lovely thoughts! Big Hugs, O Susannah! EASTER MONDAY Easter came and went, time marches on too fast. The weather was fair, the Easter egg hunt with the 2 little ones, Mica, ( a girl), and Sebastian, was a success. I had dinner with young family of Roman Trubka, his sister Radana and her family. Mica is her daughter, (2 1/2), and adorable. Sebastian is a very lively and entertaining little fellow. Most of the time I looked after Theodor, as you know, he has Down syndrome, and Masha is a bit on the odd side with that little fellow. He is here and we have to love him and give him the best we can.
[Krissy and her daughter Any name? Did she have a c-section.? Mom]
We can both see the future just have to take each step and move on. Roman, (the father), has a very difficult time, but he needs his own way of healing. Tessa is much more compassionate since Theodor came into the world. But mind you Patrizio the emotionelle pain is deep in both parents. And is hurts me to see the hurt in Roman's eyes, he trying so very hard to accept the situation, but it has its moments and I have to let him be. Until he is ready.
Today is a shitty one, it does not stop coming down in buckets. It is wet and miserable, good time to read a book, have tea and be lazy. I hope you had a pleasant Easter, with people dashing in and out of your place. Take care my good friend and keep well. Always GiselaWe can both see the future just have to take each step and move on. Roman, (the father), has a very difficult time, but he needs his own way of healing. Tessa is much more compassionate since Theodor came into the world. But mind you Patrizio the emotionelle pain is deep in both parents. And is hurts me to see the hurt in Roman's eyes, he trying so very hard to accept the situation, but it has its moments and I have to let him be. Until he is ready.
Hi Amica Mia! Sorry to hear about your very wet weather, Gisela! Gorgeous, sunny weather for most of the weekend but a bit overcast today, although no wind. Was quite breezy on Friday and Saturday. I know your Easter celebration was difficult under circumstances. Stay well. Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling to you, Gisela. Best wishes and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Saying goodbye to Rosemary and Andre; planning trip, end of August, to Europe, landing in Vienna to start.
Hello Recently Re-minted Cornish Grandparents! Must apologize for not sending along congratulations to you both, and to Krissy, of course, sooner. From reports we received from Chloë, poor Krissy did not have an easy time of things. So pleased for everyone that all, eventually, went well. Looking forward to seeing you whenever you have a chance to visit. Hope we can go hiking, along with wine-tasting, of course! Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling to you both. Travel safely. Best wishes and Cheers, Patrizzio!
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