Diversity is being invited to the party; inclusion is being asked to dance. -Verna Myers, author and speaker (b. 5 Apr 1960)
Hi Lynne and Peter! Just a quick note to
thank you both for such a phenomenal evening. It goes without saying
that the food was almost beyond belief and paired with endlessly
flowing, fabulous wine. Please send our thanks to Lisa and John for
everything. Stay well and let us know when you'd like to chat about yard
sale. Once again, thanks so much for the party beyond parties! Cheers,
Patrizzio! Hi Patrick, It
was our pleasure to have all our good friends in attendance. Thanks
for the photos. Yard sale is under review, will keep you posted. Cheers, Peter
Lady Dar is at her volunteer shift at the hospital this morning and this evening we have been invited to celebrate Lynne's 75th birthday at the Front Street Brasserie. Looking forward to this as it is one of our favorite spots. We will help Lynne with their yard sale at the end of this month, in part, because Peter will be away, somewhere in Africa, I believe. Should be fun as I'm sure all their stuff is pretty high-end! Must away to log my 90 minutes before I stroll down to the bank to pick up a bank draft for deposit for the solar panels. I'm pretty sure that I will win tonight's lottery so I'm not at all worried about my ever dwindling bank account! "Hang the expense" as someone used to say!
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Illustration: Dylan Thurgood |
Hi Southside! The bank draft is now ready and waiting so any time that is convenient will be fine. We will be out after 5:00 pm this evening, at the Front Street Brasserie, here in town, for much of the evening, at a private party, so if you want you could pop by there if you can't make it to our house before we leave. Tomorrow, we'll be home for most of the day so let us know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio! Patrizzio Have a wonderful evening. I’ll call you tomorrow afternoon on my way back from Oliver. We have solar event at Burrowing Owl. Cheers Southside Jonny
Hi Burrowing Owl Boy! Trust event goes well. Just to let you know, we will probably be going out by 6:00 pm tomorrow evening. Give us a shout and we'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Patrick, I am confirming your reservation for the 11am time slot, we will see you on April 20th! Cheers, Eliana ROCHE WINES Hello The Sisterhood! I have confirmed reservations for two people at the 11am time slot, at Roche, for a tasting and nibbles, on Saturday, April 20th. If you decide to go, [Let me know so that I can plan accordingly.], please mention that Lady Darjeeling and Patrizzio, [wine club members], had to cancel at least minute, due to Spirit Ridge something or other! Cheers, "Never Tell The Truth When a Lie Works Better", [Which I learned from Chloë, by the way! Tell Andrea about Kismet's Masala!], Patrizzio!

Hi Patrick: That's terrible about Flamin's head, I think a broken leg is better, not much, but a little. It sounds like you are getting a lot of viewing time on the TV while riding; maybe you will give up riding outdoors! I hope we can ride together when I come visit . While I am on the topic, I am arriving around noon on June 25th and I leave 7:00 pm on June 27th. I hope I am not overstaying my welcome. We have to visit at least 2 wineries, that is, if you are not tired of going to them. Try not to overdo it until I get there.
Now, I am off to a musical called Island Girls at the Savoy Theatre. It has Heather Rankin, Bette MacDonald, Lucy McNeil (one of the Barra McNeils) and Jenn Shephard. I have heard it is really good. It is a ladies night, Ron has to stay home and walk the dog. This is just one of the many theatre outings available in CBRM. lol I will send you a detailed itinerary for my visit. Take care
Rhoda Hi Theater-going Gal! Trust your Island Girls was fun. Sounds like it would be! For our part, we had a simply wonderful time, this evening, at the Front Street Brasserie, at a private function, a 75th birthday party, for close friend, Lynne Lighthall, arranged by her husband, Peter. Lynne and Lady Darjeeling were in the same Library School class and I was a year ahead of them. They moved from Vancouver to Naramata about 10 years ago. They sold their incredible home, designed by a local architect, Rob McKenzie, [chap between two women, in album below], at the beginning of January and will move to Victoria at the end of May.
are certainly not overstaying your welcome. In fact, it would be great
if you could stay longer but I know your time is tight. We never tire of
wine tasting so don't worry about only visiting two wineries! Will be
collecting our spring release from Black Widow tomorrow afternoon and that evening
we are off to a house warming for Lady Darjeeling's yoga teacher. Look
forward to receiving your detailed itinerary so that we can have the red
carpet ready. Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling to you and the Great
Renaldo. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Young Patrick, Good to hear from you. Gosh, I hope that shoulder isn't on your Scotch tasting arm or Brexit will be Theresa May's second biggest concern.
Knee replacements seem to be one of the worst. My left was replaced 22 years ago and has never been a success. I am at the top of the list for my right hip, but until they can determine what else I have going on, it is a wait and see. I see my oncologist next week to get the results of a PET scan..
here's hoping have some flowers up outside my back door including a single tulip. The deer have killed off all the other ones..and the flower from this one will disappear as soon as it starts to open. Thankfully they don't like daffodils and I have a bunch or those, as well as Irises well above ground. We are expecting some snow next week.. but that should be short and quickly gone. I don't read anymore as I find it taxing with my eyesight. I often see book reviews that spark interest, but from past experience, I know I would new get around to them.. Thank God for TV.. i go Monday for my Lucentis shot. It seems to still be working. Please send my best to Corinne and Chloe as well as Bill Gross and Mike Carter. Is Andrew Hobbs still playing squash? All 3 of those guys were always good to me. Your trip sounds great, I hope you have a wonderful time.. Cheers.. Bill
New car looks great.. our gas is at 129.5.. but they keep inching it up. I still don't understand why they have to collect the carbon tax if they are going to give most of it back. The 122.00 they gave my will be burned in my furnace or car in no time??? Hi Carbon Tax Boy! Sorry to hear about your knee. I didn't know about it. The way my joint replacement is going, perhaps my knees will be next! We are lucky here as although we have plenty of deer right in town, often walking down our street, they have never bothered our plants or vegetables. In the snaps of the planter I sent those are the shoots of the bulbs that originally came from Corinne's father's garden in Falcon Lake, Manitoba.
Mick and Ray Banks have taken up pickleball. Don't think Andrew is playing squash anymore but he and Mick are avid golfers, as is Richard Martin, from Evergreen. Andrew and his wife, Anne, were up here a couple of years ago as he often drives his antique, convertible MG to a vintage car show in Osoyoos. Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling and Chloë, [She is coming for dinner on Sunday and when I talked to her yesterday and passed along your wishes she asked me to do the same.], to you, William. Stay well, Wild Bill. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Are u the only guy in 📚 club? I read but only easy reading, nothing exciting or deep enough to discuss. I do like watching tv series. Our ladies’ group is up to date on Outlander & Poldark. We’re watching Victoria now. The next is up for discussion. We might take on Downton Abbey.
Hi TV series Gal! Sorry to hear about the osteo in your knee and your collapsed arch. I didn't know about latter. The way my joint replacement is going, perhaps my knees will be next! I can tolerate opioids but resulting constipation was far worse than pain of post-surgery so I've never taken them since I first had an anterior-cruxiate repaired. We have finished Outlander and Downtown Abbey. Never started Poldark but it looks interesting. Still have Victoria to finish. Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling to you and Francesco. Stay well, Steel Magnolia! Cheers, Patrizzio! 👍 Osteo in other hip not knee but not bad. Foot is problem! Doing okay! Cheers! M
The two red loose leafs......which you loaned me when I was putting together the Scrapbook have turned up in a closet. I know they should be residing among your treasures instead of their current dark and unfamiliar abode. Are you planning a a visit to the coast during the spring/summer? If so we could arrange a get-together in order that the four of you could be happily reunited. Hope all is well. Anne and I are currently experiencing downsizing in order to leave Port Moody and are planning a move into a seniors' residence in Kitsilano, closer to family. What a terrible job it is! For one thing, someone should have warned me how hard it is to dispose of books these days.
Few people seem to want them anymore. We did deliver three cars-full to VPL branches for their annual downtown book sale. And it did cheer me up somewhat contemplating how they might make a little money for the library as well as bring some cheer to new readers. Now my challenge is finding a home for my popular music collection (10 ft!)...Any thoughts? Hi to Corrine. Here is my phone number if you want to chat. Stompin' Hi Stompin'! Trust all goes well with you in spite of your downsizing woes! Lovely to hear from you, of course and we wish you well with finding a comfortable spot in Kits. While I won't be in Vancouver for the next little while Lady Darjeeling is planning a trip at the end of the month to take in her book club's next discussion. Perhaps we could arrange for her to collect the binders at that time. Let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly.
Lady Darjeeling has been at me for ages to weed our bookshelves but I resist to her increased annoyance. I have made some slight inroads, taking a bag of books at a time, to the Book Shop, here in town, for credit on future purchases. One small step for Patrizzio, not nearly enough for Lady Darjeeling! Have you thought of approaching school music programs or various choir groups about your popular music collection? A number of close friends belong to The TuneAgers, here in Penticton and I know that sheet music is a concern given their limited budget. You and Anne could make a trip here to go wine tasting with Lady Darjeeling and I The TuneAgers unload your semi! Fondestos from her to you and Anne, Stompin'. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio, The One-armed Bandito of the Go Green Garlic Planter, soon-to-be Solar Farm Magnate, also known as Daddy Heliobucks, proud owner of an eKona which he is unable to drive for the next month! Pics: Olivia Rose, with great-grandmother; grandmother, (Ayn), and father; at one month!
Few people seem to want them anymore. We did deliver three cars-full to VPL branches for their annual downtown book sale. And it did cheer me up somewhat contemplating how they might make a little money for the library as well as bring some cheer to new readers. Now my challenge is finding a home for my popular music collection (10 ft!)...Any thoughts? Hi to Corrine. Here is my phone number if you want to chat. Stompin' Hi Stompin'! Trust all goes well with you in spite of your downsizing woes! Lovely to hear from you, of course and we wish you well with finding a comfortable spot in Kits. While I won't be in Vancouver for the next little while Lady Darjeeling is planning a trip at the end of the month to take in her book club's next discussion. Perhaps we could arrange for her to collect the binders at that time. Let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly.
Lady Darjeeling has been at me for ages to weed our bookshelves but I resist to her increased annoyance. I have made some slight inroads, taking a bag of books at a time, to the Book Shop, here in town, for credit on future purchases. One small step for Patrizzio, not nearly enough for Lady Darjeeling! Have you thought of approaching school music programs or various choir groups about your popular music collection? A number of close friends belong to The TuneAgers, here in Penticton and I know that sheet music is a concern given their limited budget. You and Anne could make a trip here to go wine tasting with Lady Darjeeling and I The TuneAgers unload your semi! Fondestos from her to you and Anne, Stompin'. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio, The One-armed Bandito of the Go Green Garlic Planter, soon-to-be Solar Farm Magnate, also known as Daddy Heliobucks, proud owner of an eKona which he is unable to drive for the next month! Pics: Olivia Rose, with great-grandmother; grandmother, (Ayn), and father; at one month!
Hi Pat, Thanks for your news-filled letter. Congratulations on being great-grandparents now, something that hasn't happened to us yet. Your shoulder issues were unknown to me. What a challenging time you've been having. I'm glad the surgery is behind you now and that you are well on the mend. Even contemplating cycling again! I can assure you I wouldn't be so inclined myself. Re the looseleafs: I could take the Skytrain from Port Moody into Commercial, hop on a bus to Broadway & Granville where Corinne and I could meet at the Chapters store. What better place for bibliophiles? It would save me driving to and fro town and avoid more complicated places to connect. Perhaps If she phoned me when she's available we could set something up. All the best, That Old Reincarnated Hockey-Night-Tonight Guy
Reincarnated Stompin'! It turns out that we will be coming to Vancouver
to attend a friend's surprise 65th on May 4th, in Gibsons. Lady
Darjeeling is driving down a few days before this to attend her book
club. I will catch a lift with Chloë, on Friday, May 3rd. Not quite sure
of our schedule over the weekend but we plan to return to Penticton on
Sunday, May 5th so if you are around then perhaps we could pop by for a
short visit and collect the invaluable Red Binders! As soon as I have
talked to both Chloë and Lady Dar, I'll give you shout and we can work
out the details. Should that weekend not work, I'm sure Lady Darjeeling
would be more than happy to meet you at Chapters. At any rate, I'll be
in touch, one way or another. However, I do hope we will have a chance
to visit no matter how brief. Fondestos
from Lady Darjeeling to you, Stompin'. Cheers, Former Impresario

Hello Netherlands Bound Folk! Thanks so much for the wonderful albums. Really appreciate the "virtual tour"! Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling to you both. Bon Voyage. Travel safely. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Ciao Fotografo Belle Immagini Di Vita, Lovely photos. We of course know Lynne & Peter through you, but obviously not good enough to understand why in the world they would move to Victoria from the Okanagan!? I am more intrigued to know who the woman to the left of the architect is!? Big hugs for you from your good friends A&J, off to the lowlands :-)8-) Hi again, Lowlanders! Peter has quite a few relatives in and around Victoria and Lynne has many library related connections there as well. The house and property were simply becoming harder and harder to maintain with Peter being away so often on business trips. Lynne was never interested in gardening or the vineyard and I think she felt increasingly isolated living where they did. That being said, I would never choose the Island. Wendy is Rob's wife. Carol is the older looking woman. All the best and enjoy the tulips. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Old Farts Aart is away, I am not available and the usual suspects I have asked to lead Monday’s hike have not got back to me. So here is the chance for one of you to step up and take the reins for Monday – it does not need to be a new or challenging adventure or to explore the wilderness. Please get back to me as soon as you can, and I will send out a notice. Hoping to hear from you Ciao Fotografo Belle Immagini Di Vita, Lovely photos. We of course know Lynne & Peter through you, but obviously not good enough to understand why in the world they would move to Victoria from the Okanagan!? I am more intrigued to know who the woman to the left of the architect is!? Big hugs for you from your good friends A&J, off to the lowlands :-)8-) Hi again, Lowlanders! Peter has quite a few relatives in and around Victoria and Lynne has many library related connections there as well. The house and property were simply becoming harder and harder to maintain with Peter being away so often on business trips. Lynne was never interested in gardening or the vineyard and I think she felt increasingly isolated living where they did. That being said, I would never choose the Island. Wendy is Rob's wife. Carol is the older looking woman. All the best and enjoy the tulips. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Cheers Tony OK Old Farts, there will be a hike this Monday (April 8), led by the Al, the bushwack king! His note to me reads: I will be going hiking, as usual, on Monday. I usually go alone, but if the troupes don't mind going slowly and make it short, max. 3hrs, I can take them along where I plan to go. My plan is to start in Willowbrook and head E until I bump my nose to the W escarpment of Keogan, then follow it S, as long as the time end my energy allow, not farther than Rattlesnake Lk. From there an easy way back. Al asks that people bring a toonie to support the Willowbrook parks protection group. So, meet to carpool as usual, 0840 at Summerland IGA and 0900 at Penticton HH. And make obeisance to Al (and also Chuck and Kilian who had offered to step in if no one else would do it). Enjoy your hike Cheers Tony
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