A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if
he is to be ultimately at peace with himself. What one can be, one must
be. -Abraham Maslow, psychologist (1 Apr 1908-1970)
Good morning Dunn Family, What great news to receive walking into the shop this Monday morning. We are very excited to take this next step! We will work on the Net Metering Agreement and submit that on your behalf, (and I will also send you a copy.) In regards to using a credit card, which we are happy to do so. We just starting taking credit cards a few months ago and have a 3% charge attached to it. Normally we take cheques/E-Transfers or if your credit card company allows you to some form of Visa Check or Mastercard Check.
Dave and I would still like to have a short conversation with you. We are starting a ground array and doing a couple of site visits but if there are two times that work for you. We can do our best to have a short call at that time.
Sincerely, Jonathan Hi Southside Jonny! I'm home all day so you can give me a call most anytime. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
We were both most impressed with the coverage that Maggie's creations received in the Globe and Mail. Congratulations indeed to her. Lady Darjeeling is wondering if she has any free samples she might send her way! Unfortunately, for you, however, this means that we must charge you the rates we have for the Rich and Famous when you visit in June!
Those dates are terrific so be in touch when you have flight times and such. Will be simply
wonderful to see you! I have already ordered the most expensive bicycles
at Freedom, my local bicycle shop, so that we can traverse the KVR in
style. [Please include your Visa card number when you reply so that I
can hold your reservation and pay for the high-end bikes!] I trust I will be in cycling form when you swoop into town as I have my right arm in a sling at the moment. I underwent to
complete right shoulder replacement on March 12th. Stay well. Travel
safely. Fond regards to you, Ski, and the Great Run Alto, [Lost in
automatic dictation, also known as the Great Ronaldo!] Cheers from
the Go Green Solar Panel Farm on Burns Street and Patrizzio, the
One-armed Bandito!
Hi Pat: Well aren’t we the pair! I am hoping I’m riding and walking without any issues in June. I am 7 weeks post surgery and I can bend my leg to a 90 degree angle. I am trying to accept it and just keep working at improving it every day. 😩 Pretty cool about Maggie-all that fame gets you a free night at a hotel in Toronto and a lot of attention. That’s a bit harsh but we are still helping her buy her inventory and hopefully will see some of that money back. She works hard, but there is no pay cheque every weeks. She likes the creativity and likes the business but there are so many unknowns that it’s difficult to know all the issues that will happen from start to finish of a line of clothing. I forgot to tell
you, I’m a grandma!! Sam and Kayla had a baby boy. March 26th, Benson, Aaron MacCormick. Pretty cute huh? I’m off to the dentist and then I’ll check out flights and see what I can book. Take care Rhoda
Hi Corinne, I'm delighted that you two can come for this special long pants occasion. No requests that I can think of yet. Cheers, Peter Hi Sneaky Pete, or should I say Smooth Operator! Slipping in dress code for Lynne's gala affair was very slick, indeed! We thought of you both yesterday evening as we walked to the Dream Café to hear Ben Caplan with Geoff Berner. At any rate, looking forward to Friday's party. Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling to you both and Cheers from Great Granddaddy Long"Pants"Legs! Pics: Dream Café, without flash.
Hi Pat: Well aren’t we the pair! I am hoping I’m riding and walking without any issues in June. I am 7 weeks post surgery and I can bend my leg to a 90 degree angle. I am trying to accept it and just keep working at improving it every day. 😩 Pretty cool about Maggie-all that fame gets you a free night at a hotel in Toronto and a lot of attention. That’s a bit harsh but we are still helping her buy her inventory and hopefully will see some of that money back. She works hard, but there is no pay cheque every weeks. She likes the creativity and likes the business but there are so many unknowns that it’s difficult to know all the issues that will happen from start to finish of a line of clothing. I forgot to tell
you, I’m a grandma!! Sam and Kayla had a baby boy. March 26th, Benson, Aaron MacCormick. Pretty cute huh? I’m off to the dentist and then I’ll check out flights and see what I can book. Take care Rhoda
Hi Corinne, I'm delighted that you two can come for this special long pants occasion. No requests that I can think of yet. Cheers, Peter Hi Sneaky Pete, or should I say Smooth Operator! Slipping in dress code for Lynne's gala affair was very slick, indeed! We thought of you both yesterday evening as we walked to the Dream Café to hear Ben Caplan with Geoff Berner. At any rate, looking forward to Friday's party. Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling to you both and Cheers from Great Granddaddy Long"Pants"Legs! Pics: Dream Café, without flash.
Hello Summerland Seven No Trumpers! I have
heard back from everyone except Carolina. If you can play, Chooch,
please contact Lady Dianna, as she has very kindly offered to drive
carpool wagon. Dame Judith and Taffy have bowed out, so at the very
least, if CC Rider does not play, we will have seven. Lady Darjeeling
and I will make our own way in our new Hyundai Kona which we will be
picking up at the dealership later this afternoon.
Josefantina please have Aarturos prepare a charging station for our new electric vehicle. I assume we can use the outlet you use for your eBikes! Fondestos from Lady Dar and Patrizzio, Go Greeners from Burns Street! PS: Future hosts, please note that bridge prizes must be sustainable from now on!
Colin is going to catch a ride with me. Do you and Corinne want to come as well. I will have Kevin's car. For both evenings if you wish. Dame Judith Hi Driving with Dame Judith! Both evenings will be fabulous. Since book-club is around 7:00 pm when would you collect us on Thursday? About 15 minutes from our place. On Monday, it turns out Lady Dar has a church leadership seminar so she won't be playing and, this being the case, I really will need a ride. I don't have all the responses yet so I'll contact you when I do and we can plan accordingly then. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
How about around 630ish. Taffy is always a few minutes late so if we say 630 we would have time if he is late. I will ask Evi to drop him at your place Dame Judith. Hi Dame Judith! That will be de-loverly! Has Lady Dianna contacted you? We saw her at Lens on Lent last night and she was hoping to catch a ride with you as well. Do you have room for all of us? Let us know what you think. On another matter, we know someone who might be interested in the Master Tasting Class. Is she able to purchase tickets if she is not a SOWTS member?
Josefantina please have Aarturos prepare a charging station for our new electric vehicle. I assume we can use the outlet you use for your eBikes! Fondestos from Lady Dar and Patrizzio, Go Greeners from Burns Street! PS: Future hosts, please note that bridge prizes must be sustainable from now on!
Late this afternoon we collected our new Hyundai Kona. Earlier on two chaps
from dealership came over and removed the bicycle rack from the Equinox
and drove Lady Darjeeling's VW bug away, destined for the scrap yard as
part of the Junk It buy-back program. I plan to affix the bike rack to
the Kona. However, must wait a few weeks until it hitch people have
ordered the necessary model to accept the bike rack. Not a big deal as I
won't be riding for sometime yet. Solar panels are to be installed at
the beginning of May.
Happy Bridgeplayers...Enjoy, and keep bidding.....Cheers, Jos Dear Josefinita and Official Bridge Photographer, Aarturosino! Thank you for the wonderful, wonderful hospitality over the course of the full two table evening. Thanks as well to The Optical Bard of the Summerlandia for capturing the night with all of the very, very grumpy not to mention ultra-sullen, more than disgruntled, irate participants, sans sustainable bridge prizes. Nevertheless, the empty-handed guests agreed that next Monday, April 8th, [Arrivederci Jos and Aarturos. Travel safely!], will be the next game. Olga Polga has very kindly agreed to host, [Thanks Rolly Polly!], so please let me know who will play and I'll try to arrange car-pooling from Penticton. Cheers, Go Green Patrizzio! Pics: Lady Darjeeling's garlic shoots! Thanks Patrick. I would like to play next Monday. Dianna Next Monday works for me, Patrizzio. I can host if that's okay with everyone. Hugs, Olly Monday is a good night for me as well Hope to see everyone and remember what you have! Carol Hi again Patrizzio, You are able to pick some of those Takis up at Safeway, Save on Foods or Walmart. Enjoy, Olly Next Monday is good for me, too. Susan
Hi Takis People! Thanks for the locations, not to mention hosting next Monday. Cheers, Patrizzio! I will be there-
where does Ollie live? Dame Judith Hi Dame Judith: Polga lives in Summerland. Here is her phone number. I chatted
briefly with Taffy on Sunday. Will you be catching a lift with him? We
will probably need two cars from Penticton. With
respect to book club how are you getting to Pamela's place on Thursday?
With Collin? Anyway, both of you, think about both gatherings and let
me know what might work for you. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: Whose email address was that in your last message?
Hi Pat and Corrine: How do you have time to write so much? I am So impressed with your writing! I’m just getting him home from a night of celebrating with one of Ron’s oldest friend’s (56 years of friendship) 66th birthday. Roast beef dinner, mashed potatoes, roasted asparagus and Yorkshire pudding (yum) and a delicious salad -pear, bluecheese, roasted pecans, romaine lettuce (no salmonella ) lol lots of wine too! The great grandchild is sweet, just had to outdo us having our first grandchild !!!
Happy Bridgeplayers...Enjoy, and keep bidding.....Cheers, Jos Dear Josefinita and Official Bridge Photographer, Aarturosino! Thank you for the wonderful, wonderful hospitality over the course of the full two table evening. Thanks as well to The Optical Bard of the Summerlandia for capturing the night with all of the very, very grumpy not to mention ultra-sullen, more than disgruntled, irate participants, sans sustainable bridge prizes. Nevertheless, the empty-handed guests agreed that next Monday, April 8th, [Arrivederci Jos and Aarturos. Travel safely!], will be the next game. Olga Polga has very kindly agreed to host, [Thanks Rolly Polly!], so please let me know who will play and I'll try to arrange car-pooling from Penticton. Cheers, Go Green Patrizzio! Pics: Lady Darjeeling's garlic shoots! Thanks Patrick. I would like to play next Monday. Dianna Next Monday works for me, Patrizzio. I can host if that's okay with everyone. Hugs, Olly Monday is a good night for me as well Hope to see everyone and remember what you have! Carol Hi again Patrizzio, You are able to pick some of those Takis up at Safeway, Save on Foods or Walmart. Enjoy, Olly Next Monday is good for me, too. Susan

Hi Pat and Corrine: How do you have time to write so much? I am So impressed with your writing! I’m just getting him home from a night of celebrating with one of Ron’s oldest friend’s (56 years of friendship) 66th birthday. Roast beef dinner, mashed potatoes, roasted asparagus and Yorkshire pudding (yum) and a delicious salad -pear, bluecheese, roasted pecans, romaine lettuce (no salmonella ) lol lots of wine too! The great grandchild is sweet, just had to outdo us having our first grandchild !!!
Colin is going to catch a ride with me. Do you and Corinne want to come as well. I will have Kevin's car. For both evenings if you wish. Dame Judith Hi Driving with Dame Judith! Both evenings will be fabulous. Since book-club is around 7:00 pm when would you collect us on Thursday? About 15 minutes from our place. On Monday, it turns out Lady Dar has a church leadership seminar so she won't be playing and, this being the case, I really will need a ride. I don't have all the responses yet so I'll contact you when I do and we can plan accordingly then. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
How about around 630ish. Taffy is always a few minutes late so if we say 630 we would have time if he is late. I will ask Evi to drop him at your place Dame Judith. Hi Dame Judith! That will be de-loverly! Has Lady Dianna contacted you? We saw her at Lens on Lent last night and she was hoping to catch a ride with you as well. Do you have room for all of us? Let us know what you think. On another matter, we know someone who might be interested in the Master Tasting Class. Is she able to purchase tickets if she is not a SOWTS member?
Thanks and
Cheers, Patrizzio!
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