Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later. -Fred Brooks, computer scientist (b. 19 Apr 1931)
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Happy 🐣 Easter! |
Hi, Patrick! Thank you for your emails! Wonderful to hear that your surgery went well!! And it's great that Corinne is back after meeting lovely great grandaughter, Olivia Rose. Once again, thank you so much for your time and warm hospitality while I was in Penticton. I enjoyed the every minutes of my visit, meeting you and Chloe. And meeting Greg, Cody and Dustin. Please say hello to them for me.
Sorry it takes a while to get back to you. I have seminars, events and business trips since I got back to Japan. I went back home to take my mom and my aunt, Yukiko, to their hospital 2days ago and yesterday. And their test results of the hospital after operation has been great! They are recovering well, and we are relieved and happy about that. My mom and Yukiko said hello to you. Like she said to you, she would like to visit you in Canada again!
[Olivia wishes all of her Canadians a very happy Easter!! With love from Los Angeles where it is cupcake central today getting ready for tomorrow's feast at Sam's sister's home! Omg! She’s is the absolute cutest! And she will have another baby in the fam soon to play with :))) what a an amazing year! Xoxoxo love you all❤️❤️❤️CarlyLove you too Carly!
We are very excited for the future xoxo!]
Thank you for forwarding message from Shana, at Upper Bench. Their wines are very popular among my friends. Of course I remember her and the talk about her daughter coming to Japan. Please forward my phone number and email address or facebook messenger.
I would be happy to see her and show her some places in Tokyo! Unfortunately, I will be in China on business from April 22nd to April 25 at night. But Chloe is welcome to stay at my place from 26th or 27th to 29th if she wants. I have to work, but we can arrange something together. Please say hello to Shana and Chloe. Looking forward to contact and see Chloe in Japan. I get back to you again soon. Love, Toshiko
Hi Shana! Lovely to hear from you. Trust you and Gavin are both well. Funnily enough we thought of you on Monday night as we enjoyed your You and Me Brie when I hosted bridge. I just had a message from Toshi and she would be absolutely delighted to be in contact with "your" Chloe! [Ours is Chloë, as you might know.] In fact, when I took her to the airport the day she flew back to Vancouver, en route to Tokyo, she reiterated that if your daughter decided she'd like to be in touch she would be more than happy to be her contact, and gave me permission to give her email address to any of our friends/acquaintances who might be travelling to Japan.
Her full name is Toshiko Takagaki , [We call her Toshi, as you will already know.], here is her local cell number, [Chloe will have to figure out how this works, in country, as phone technology, of almost any sort, in foreign countries, is often beyond Little Old Luddite Me!], and her email address. Facebook is also possible as she is often in touch this way. As mentioned, on phone, if you pass along Chloe's email address to me I will send it to Toshi and then they can communicate directly after that and make their own arrangements.
We are both well. I underwent right shoulder replacement surgery on March 12th and couldn't be more pleased with result. Not a shred of pain or discomfort, [Only Upper Bench wine to dispel soreness!], so I feel incredibly fortunate that this has been the case. Lady Dar has become Nurse Ratched and is looking forward to me slinging my sling away more than I am! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Toshi! Lovely to hear from you, in spite of your incredibly busy schedule! Wow! More than delighted to hear that the test results for both your Mom and Yukiko were so wonderful. Please give them our best wishes and tell them we are waiting to have them stay here on Burns Street!
Thank you for being so generous with respect to Chloe. However, she will be visiting Tokyo from May 22nd to May 29th, not in April, as you mentioned. I don't know if this makes any difference, to you, with respect to work and family obligations. At any rate, I have forwarded your contact information to Shana so you may well have a message from Chloe in the near future. I will let you two work out details.
Sorry for the short note but must away as we are off to Spirit Ridge for Easter and need to pack car as we are leaving this morning. Happy Easter to you, your Mom and Yukiko. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi, Patrick! Thank you for offering them to stay on Burns Street! They would be delighted and look forward to get better and better!! About the Chloe to come to Japan, excuse me for mistaking the month. May would be much better for her. We have Golden week, long holiday from the end of April to the begging of May. Especially this year we have 10 days holiday because of the change of Emperor from May. Many places would be very clouded and be expensive during the holiday. And for me, we have seminars and events during the holiday.
From May 22nd to 29th, I would be more flexible than April. I have a big event to organize on June 1 to June 2, but I will be happy to support her. She can stay our place (me and my roommate) for a couple of days if she wants. If she prefer staying in a hotel or would like to visit some places, I can support her. Please feel free to contact me anytime. If I'm busy, I tell her and we can figure something out together, so please don't worry! I keep you updated! Love and hugs, Toshiko
Hi Patrick and Chloe! Thank you so very much. I am sure Chloe will appreciate having a contact in Japan, Toshi seems like a wonderful person. Glad surgery went well! Listen to Nurse Ratched now Patrick! Heal well & we will see you both soon. Shana Miller
We enjoyed a wonderful meal last night, hosted by Clan Sutherland, as they have six grandchildren, plus parents, staying with them and in a near-bye suite, for most of the weekend. Ryan, eldest son, and Megan, his wife, brought incredible steaks, part of the half cow that they buy every year with Megan's family ranch connections. Lady Dar made a wonderful avocado/asparagus/hard-boiled egg salad while Flamin' a zucchini, (spiralized), cherry tomatoe and green bean one. Before dinner I had a chance to visit Rebecca, the officer who dealt with Penticton shooter when he turned himself in to RCMP detachment. Along with what he told her, and other officers, quite a cold-blooded picture emerged. When he went outside that morning he saw one of his former neighbours working on a sprinkler system across the road so he went inside and came back with one of his rifles, shooting the man in the head. Rebecca didn't know if victim even knew, perhaps a terrible blessing. Then, after loading his firearms into his car he drove directly to a bank to withdraw money as he was going to have his tires changed that afternoon! [Whether he ever made that stop, Rebecca didn't know. Not likely, given rest of what happened.]
then drove to where he used to live and found the neighbours with whom
he and his estranged wife, [They remained good friends and had dinner
together the night before.], had had many altercations, over the years,
painting their garage and shot them both. Next he knocked on the door of
the house of the first man he had killed, planning to shoot his wife as
well. By chance, she wasn't home so nobody came to the door. Then he
went to the next house and shot the 75 year old woman who lived there
when she answered the knock. I may not have some of the exact details
and/or timing absolutely correct but that is the gist of what happened.
Hard, if not impossible, to fathom his mental state and reasoning. Gorgeous sunset, seen from the balcony, so some things are still working in the Universe!
. . . And thank you once again for your hospitality in Penticton. Hope you are all enjoying your and the the Sutherland’s Easter celebrations, including tonight’s family dinner. I have booked a reservation for a formal tasting at 2 pm at Culmina on Sunday for six people, as we proposed. If your plans have been altered and you would like to change this time or even date (Saturday?) please let me know. The “experience” lasts an hour.
Looking forward to joining you all at Spirit Ridge tomorrow afternoon. I will call you early afternoon to find out what is going on and when you propose we arrive. We plan to visit Ikea and other big box stores looking for ideas for our new home on the way back from here. Much love as always, Rosemary XXX
Hi Rosemary Anytime in the afternoon is fine. Will probably be in the pool. Will watch for your call so can show you where to park and up to the suite, Sunday is fine for Culmina. Hugs, Corinne We are so glad that you were not involved in the murder certainly put Penticton back on the map. We are packing up and heading to the cabin this morning once we can our lazy ass boys out of bed. I usually end up smoking a joint and sitting in the truck waiting for everyone as I get a tad impatient waiting for them all to get their crap together. Nonetheless we look forward to a lovely sunny weekend.
My parents, my mom's sister Lisa who has just arrived from Ireland, and my sister Maureen are coming up tomorrow to spend the night and to enjoy a wonderful ham and scalloped potato feast. Lisa, a retired nurse, arrived a couple days ago to spend some time with Mom. We are still in a holding pattern regarding her condition and awaiting test results which will determine what type of cancer she has ( large cell or small cell ) and if it can be treated. Fingers crossed that the cancer can be slowed down somewhat to allow Mom to have the best quality of life possible. At this point Mom has had a tube placed in her left lung and a nurse is coming by 3 x week to drain out the rapidly accumulating fluid that has been building up there. At this point Mom is not feeling terrible, her shortness of breath has really slowed her down for the time being and she was very sore after the shunt insertion last week.
I am really glad that they are all coming up as we are trying to spend as much quality time together as possible and my parents really enjoy spending time at the cabin. My aunt has not been out West for 23 years so it will be her first time to Hope and beyond. Her husband and daughter stayed back in Ireland for now but depending on the outlook they may arrive next month....Lisa has purchased a one way ticket.
I am very pleased to hear about your shoulder and it's progress. You really are unstoppable Patricio and thank god modern medicine can help keep you young and able for many decades to come!!! Wishing you and your cute little acrobats a wonderful Easter weekend. Send my love to Corinne and Chloe.
. . . And thank you once again for your hospitality in Penticton. Hope you are all enjoying your and the the Sutherland’s Easter celebrations, including tonight’s family dinner. I have booked a reservation for a formal tasting at 2 pm at Culmina on Sunday for six people, as we proposed. If your plans have been altered and you would like to change this time or even date (Saturday?) please let me know. The “experience” lasts an hour.
Looking forward to joining you all at Spirit Ridge tomorrow afternoon. I will call you early afternoon to find out what is going on and when you propose we arrive. We plan to visit Ikea and other big box stores looking for ideas for our new home on the way back from here. Much love as always, Rosemary XXX
Hi Rosemary Anytime in the afternoon is fine. Will probably be in the pool. Will watch for your call so can show you where to park and up to the suite, Sunday is fine for Culmina. Hugs, Corinne We are so glad that you were not involved in the murder certainly put Penticton back on the map. We are packing up and heading to the cabin this morning once we can our lazy ass boys out of bed. I usually end up smoking a joint and sitting in the truck waiting for everyone as I get a tad impatient waiting for them all to get their crap together. Nonetheless we look forward to a lovely sunny weekend.
My parents, my mom's sister Lisa who has just arrived from Ireland, and my sister Maureen are coming up tomorrow to spend the night and to enjoy a wonderful ham and scalloped potato feast. Lisa, a retired nurse, arrived a couple days ago to spend some time with Mom. We are still in a holding pattern regarding her condition and awaiting test results which will determine what type of cancer she has ( large cell or small cell ) and if it can be treated. Fingers crossed that the cancer can be slowed down somewhat to allow Mom to have the best quality of life possible. At this point Mom has had a tube placed in her left lung and a nurse is coming by 3 x week to drain out the rapidly accumulating fluid that has been building up there. At this point Mom is not feeling terrible, her shortness of breath has really slowed her down for the time being and she was very sore after the shunt insertion last week.
I am really glad that they are all coming up as we are trying to spend as much quality time together as possible and my parents really enjoy spending time at the cabin. My aunt has not been out West for 23 years so it will be her first time to Hope and beyond. Her husband and daughter stayed back in Ireland for now but depending on the outlook they may arrive next month....Lisa has purchased a one way ticket.
I am very pleased to hear about your shoulder and it's progress. You really are unstoppable Patricio and thank god modern medicine can help keep you young and able for many decades to come!!! Wishing you and your cute little acrobats a wonderful Easter weekend. Send my love to Corinne and Chloe.
Dear Friends: It is an honour and privilege to follow Jim’s daughter Heather’s suggestion to forward her Update e-mail to you. I am doing it gladly, but with a deep sorrow in my heart, because, as you will read, the news is not good. I think Heather’s suggestion that we send some pictures, particularly of the outdoors, is very good. I can imagine that it would be something with a potential to cheer him up, at least for a while. A brief e-mail, likewise, would be a good idea. Jim is going through some very difficult times and that is an understatement. Let’s rally behind him in our thoughts, (and for those to whom it means something, in our prayers), and send him all our individual and collective positive energies and wishes of strength and perseverance. Sincerely yours, Al
Dear Jim and Al,I hope you are well! I can image what a beautiful time of year it isin the Okanagan right now, with balsam root and Saskatoon flowers blooming.We wanted to send an update that Dad's lymphoma has unfortunately progressed rapidly in the last few weeks. He is suffering from openlesions (tumours that have broken open) that cover most of his body, and the cancer has invaded his lymph nodes. He is still trying as hard as he can to cope and is as sweet, gentle, and patient as ever. Up until last week he was still getting out for short walks, hiking polesin hand in true Old Fart spirit. We're feeling lucky that he is still at home and that we are together at our family's property in Victoria, thanks in large part to Mum and Rosemary's amazing dedication.
Dad was hoping to make a trip back to the Okanagan, but unfortunately isn't up to the journey. Would you be willing to pass on this news to friends you think might like to stay updated? Dad is having trouble with his voice due to a tumour over his trachea, so talking on the phone is challenging right now, but we would be happy to read notes or show him pictures if friends would like to send him a message. We will try to respond to emails, but it may take us some time to do so. We're grateful for all of your love and support and are thinking of you all. Warm wishes, Heather, Rosemary, and Anthea
Hi OF Hikers This Monday, Kilian will help you lose some of those calories from Easter over-eating! The hike will be on either Conkle or Cartwright Mtn – 3 to 3.5 hours. As usual, meet to carpool at HH Penticton at 0840, and IGA Summerland at 0900. You may need shorts and sun-bonnets this Monday – it looks to be a warm one. Cheers, Tony
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