When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece. -John Ruskin,
author, art critic, and social reformer (8 Feb 1819-1900)
26k walk❤️❤️ Hi Teens! Trust you are exceedingly well, especially after your 23.74 km walk! Bravo! For our part, bit of an overcast day and rain is forecast for the weekend. Must away to prepare my brunch for a base for today's beer tastings at Fest of Ale. We are collecting Flamin' around 1:00 pm, aftre she watches Avery play soccer. Stay well. Happy Easter to you and Trevorino. Cheers, Patrizzio!
And, how are you recovering from your surgery? Kjell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQfaRSeaMZQ Hi Tom Lehrer Fan! Trust you are well. Enjoyed the clip immensely so thanks for sending it along. Fondestos and Bestestos from Lady Darjeeling to you and Salish Sea Woman. Cheers, Patrizzio!
GREETINGS FROM A COLD WET SALT SPRING ISLAND Good morning Corinne and Patrick, Hope all is well and your shoulder is back in full working order Patrick. Just a quick update to report our plans. We return to Vancouver on Monday morning and meeting up with Andre’s lawyer in the afternoon. Still hoping to drive up to you the next day. Any changes I will let you know. Planning to arrive in the afternoon, in time for dinner together and time to catch up with all your news.
Tentatively agreed to meet up with Andre’s friend in Kelowna on Thursday and stay with them for two nights before driving down to Spirit Ridge on Saturday morning. Returning to Vancouver again on Easter Monday. Looking forward to seeing you both again - it has been eighteen months - far far too long. Much love, Rosemary XXX Hello Saltspring! Lovely to hear from you. Trust you are well, in spite of weather. Stay well. Fondestos to you, Salish Sea People, from Lady Dar. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Good to be back and look forward to seeing all the bridge buddies. However this Monday 15th won't work unfortunately. Maybe if you have to cancel the 15th the following Monday would be okay? I've been told it's longer on Bell's wait list and no hip replacement till after October now. Phil still not good with his knee so we've been doing a lot of biking. I only missed a few days in Sedona when I didn't bike as it was snowing or on my backpack. Catch up with you soon hugs from Gill
Hi Jack Rabbit and Phillipo! Grand you are back but sorry to hear that Phil's knee is not doing well and that your hip replacement is put of until after October. Sorry to hear you cannot make bridge on Monday. We'll probably only have one table. We have been playing on Mondays, for much of the time, so hope you can join following week. Stay well. Chat soon. Fondestos to you both from Lady Dar. Cheers, Patrizzio!Good to hear all your news and that your surgery and recovery is going well. We'll keep in touch and possible for next Mon 22 bridge bye for now Gill
Colleen Trimble Schneider's riding to fight kids' cancer! Hi, This June, I am taking part in the Great Cycle Challenge to fight kids' cancer! My goal is to pedal 500 kilometres throughout the month. Why am I doing this? Because cancer is the largest killer of children from disease in Canada. Over 1,400 Canadian children are diagnosed with cancer every year. It's awful to think so many young lives are lost to this terrible disease. Kids should be living life, not fighting for it. To show my support, I am taking on this 30-day challenge to support cancer research and give these kids the brighter futures they deserve. It will be tough, but it's nothing compared to what these brave kids face every day as they battle this disease and fight for their lives. So today, I'm asking for your support. Please make a donation through my fundraising page to support my challenge and join me in the fight to save little lives. greatcyclechallenge.ca/Riders/ColleenTrimbleSchneider All funds raised will support SickKids Foundation in their work to develop treatments and find a cure for all childhood cancers. Thank you so much. Colleen Colleen Thank you Patrick, I will need encouragement for the month of June.
Good morning Canada on Dutch time! Trust all is well in Summerland. All good here, great
time with family & friends, beautiful weather so far, but cold Dutch
wind. Photo attached.
Hugs, Aart & Jos
Hello Cold Dutch Wind People! Thanks for lovely photo. Not quite sure how life goes in Summerland but here in Penticton all goes extremely well. Stay well. Travel safely. Enjoy your time with friends and family. Fondestos, Bestestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Jealous!! Wij willen ook appelflappen eten en koffie drinken in Nederland ☕😀
Have a fantastic time in Holland and we have to get together when you are back! Time for some healthy and upbeat laughs again!! Dikke kussen, Harry en Edith
Hi Old Farts This Monday Chuck will lead us in the Trepannier Creek area in Peachland. The weather forecast looks good and there should be flowers – I saw balsam-root flowers just coming out on Drought Hill this week.

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