There are three reasons for breast-feeding: the milk is always at
the right temperature; it comes in attractive containers; and the cat
can't get it. Irena Chalmers
Milk Happy Rowan! |
Hello again, Dear, Dear Friends! Thank you all, so very, very much, for the extremely warm wishes and expressions of love and congratulations sent to Chloë and Rowan James, and to both Corine and I. [I trust, as time allows, that I will be able to send everyone an individual message, in the not too, too distant future. To better facilitate this I plan to hire Rowan James as my Secretary!]
Many of you know that it has really been quite a remarkable, remarkable pregnancy and safe birth, given the fact that it seemed, over a year ago, that it would not be possible for Chloë to conceive.
And yet, Rowan James is now living proof of the exciting new life we have been fortunate enough to be blessed with. Both Corinne and I congratulate Chloë for her strength and perseverance over the course of her pregnancy, one which, due, primarily, to her age, was not always easy or without concern. Yet she always remained strong and ever optimistic and did what ever was required to ensure the health of her unborn child. For They Are Jolly Good Fellows! Hip Hip Hooray!!!
All of the pictures, but one, were taken by Katie, one of Chloë's marvelously supportive friends, Tuesday evening, November 26th, about an hour or two after Rowan James was delivered. The last one shows a very sleepy lad, in a milk stupor, after finally figuring out how to latch, this morning! Of course, this has been critical, and now that the process seems to be understood, and acted upon, we look forward to taking both mother and child home, probably this coming Saturday. Given the fact that Chloë underwent a Caesarean, she is, quite understandably, sore and tender, and staff want to make sure that healing goes well, in this regard, before she is discharged.
All of us couldn't be happier with Rowan James and are grateful for his safe delivery and healthy condition. I know I speak for Chloë and Corinne when I reiterate our thanks to everyone for the best wishes and affection you have so generously offered and expressed. Must away as I've been charged with preparing a large salad for Chloë, when I head back to the hospital shortly. Apparently I don't have to worry about Rowan James now as he has signed up for Meals on Heels! As Irena Chalmers observed: There are three reasons for breast-feeding: the milk is always at the right temperature; it comes in attractive containers; and the cat can't get it. Fondestos and Cheers, Poppa "Hemmingway" Patrizzio! Pics: Tuesday evening; Milk Bar Boy!
Clo's address please, Maya, Have you had the DTAP shot for diptheria and whooping cough? thanks Corinne Hi Kids! With the birth of Rowan James, Lady Dar is staying with Chloë, in the hospital, probably until Friday, as she delivered by Caesarean. This being the case I have a ticket for today's showing, at the Landmark. If any one is interested or knows of someone who can use ticket, let me know and I'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Kids! Here is link to video I took this afternoon! Must away to pick up Sushi! Cheers, Burns Street Take-Away Driver! Link: What a great video I've never seen Chloe looking more beautiful and Rowan is simply wonderful!! I've watched this ten times Lol Hi Ms Tinsel Town! Thanks for the glowing endorsement as I was severely chastised for posting because Rocky's Kranky Mom hasn't done so yet!
Palooka Joe, [I adore the mittens you sent as I think they are perfect boxing gloves for the Feather Weight Class he qualifies for right now!], was in fine form this evening, complaining loudly as he was nekkid and left all alone on hospital bed while we had a feast of food from Sushi Heaven and he only had stinkin' formula beforehand! Word of Advice: I think I'd wear a HazMat suit when next changing him as he might well give The Sisterhood a little squirt as a way to let them know he was not amused! Kid's cajones are bigger than mine so watch out, peoplages!
Many of you know that it has really been quite a remarkable, remarkable pregnancy and safe birth, given the fact that it seemed, over a year ago, that it would not be possible for Chloë to conceive.
And yet, Rowan James is now living proof of the exciting new life we have been fortunate enough to be blessed with. Both Corinne and I congratulate Chloë for her strength and perseverance over the course of her pregnancy, one which, due, primarily, to her age, was not always easy or without concern. Yet she always remained strong and ever optimistic and did what ever was required to ensure the health of her unborn child. For They Are Jolly Good Fellows! Hip Hip Hooray!!!
All of the pictures, but one, were taken by Katie, one of Chloë's marvelously supportive friends, Tuesday evening, November 26th, about an hour or two after Rowan James was delivered. The last one shows a very sleepy lad, in a milk stupor, after finally figuring out how to latch, this morning! Of course, this has been critical, and now that the process seems to be understood, and acted upon, we look forward to taking both mother and child home, probably this coming Saturday. Given the fact that Chloë underwent a Caesarean, she is, quite understandably, sore and tender, and staff want to make sure that healing goes well, in this regard, before she is discharged.
All of us couldn't be happier with Rowan James and are grateful for his safe delivery and healthy condition. I know I speak for Chloë and Corinne when I reiterate our thanks to everyone for the best wishes and affection you have so generously offered and expressed. Must away as I've been charged with preparing a large salad for Chloë, when I head back to the hospital shortly. Apparently I don't have to worry about Rowan James now as he has signed up for Meals on Heels! As Irena Chalmers observed: There are three reasons for breast-feeding: the milk is always at the right temperature; it comes in attractive containers; and the cat can't get it. Fondestos and Cheers, Poppa "Hemmingway" Patrizzio! Pics: Tuesday evening; Milk Bar Boy!
Clo's address please, Maya, Have you had the DTAP shot for diptheria and whooping cough? thanks Corinne Hi Kids! With the birth of Rowan James, Lady Dar is staying with Chloë, in the hospital, probably until Friday, as she delivered by Caesarean. This being the case I have a ticket for today's showing, at the Landmark. If any one is interested or knows of someone who can use ticket, let me know and I'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Kids! Here is link to video I took this afternoon! Must away to pick up Sushi! Cheers, Burns Street Take-Away Driver! Link: What a great video I've never seen Chloe looking more beautiful and Rowan is simply wonderful!! I've watched this ten times Lol Hi Ms Tinsel Town! Thanks for the glowing endorsement as I was severely chastised for posting because Rocky's Kranky Mom hasn't done so yet!
Palooka Joe, [I adore the mittens you sent as I think they are perfect boxing gloves for the Feather Weight Class he qualifies for right now!], was in fine form this evening, complaining loudly as he was nekkid and left all alone on hospital bed while we had a feast of food from Sushi Heaven and he only had stinkin' formula beforehand! Word of Advice: I think I'd wear a HazMat suit when next changing him as he might well give The Sisterhood a little squirt as a way to let them know he was not amused! Kid's cajones are bigger than mine so watch out, peoplages!
Chloë, and her entourage, will probably be discharged tomorrow so action will shift to Winnipeg Street. Staff at PRH have been extremely attentive and helpful so Chloë is well prepared. Of course Super G-Nana will be there for continuing help and emotional support, although I must say that one of the nurses, Erin, [lovely, lovely young woman, with four children, (two are twin girls), who lives in Sendero Canyon, close to townhouse where Chloë used to live!], had to show her how to hold the Boxer, more appropriately, when feeding him. That being said, her diaper changing skills are still top drawer!
Must away to attack a bottle of malt that has been crying out from the cabinet since well before Rowan James made the scene. Happy Thanksgiving to one and all. Much Love and Affection, Burns Street Bistro Grossly Underpaid Food Delivery Driver, Über-Grandpère Patrizzio! Pics: From this afternoon and then, last two, this evening; What Rowan James will look like in ten months!
Hi Kjell! Thanks for the best wishes and
congratulations. I do deserve to be severely admonished as I had fully
intended to reply to your earlier request for contact information, etc.
No excuses but plenty of reasons, mainly that the business of every day
life somehow seemed to come between me and my good intentions. At any
rate, FaceTime, if you desire live contact, is probably best way to
communicate, using my email address. I seem to have some sort of trouble
with my Skype account. Not sure why but is isn't working, at the
moment. Here is our home number while this is the one for my cellulare.
back from the hospital. I had picked up Japanese take-away beforehand
as The Sisterhood had decided that was what they wanted. Trust you are well. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Elaine! Thanks for the glowing endorsement of red heads! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
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Pat, thanks for the txgiving wishes! Laury and Nora |
Mankind’s toughest trials lie straight ahead. And if we fail, our species ends up dead Pure suicide: How we divvy up our wealth Bears no relation to our planet’s health.
Could anything be more clear? We cannot any more Mindlessly make weapons and wage our endless war There has to be international cooperation To keep a habitable world in operation. Our very survival hinges on our making peace- Fair play and trust can provide the needed grease.
Behold our buoyant clouds, deep rivers and dark woodsThe light, the blossoms, nature’s myriad moods: No world more beautiful exists!
Can we not change our patterns and thereby persist? It’s up to us or, poof, humans go extinct- A possibility, alas, now far too distinct.
But let’s give thanks because, imperiled, we’ve still got a chance. If not? Our sweet dear molecules re-join the cosmic dance. But enough with these rough, recondite ruminations! It’s time for us to feast with copious libations! -David Kessler
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