A man said to the universe: "Sir, I exist!" "However," replied the
universe, "The fact has not created in me a sense of obligation."
-Stephen Crane, writer (1 Nov 1871-1900)
Thank you Patrick and Lady Dar...Happy Hallowe'en to you both as well 👻🕷
I enjoyed the event very much here in Santa Barbara Went out with my daughter and kids and her man friend and his kids and saw some awesome costumes and house and yard displays...they definitely love Hallowe'en here in California..hope yours was both spooky and delightful...
Santa Barbara Goil! Thanks for Halloween wishes. We were in Vancouver,
from last Sunday to this afternoon, and spent the evening handing out treats
while playing bridge. Chloë dropped by to collect some of the things she
left while she was staying here, looking after our cats, Etta and Duke.
Susan had knit a small blanket for her coming baby, [If all goes
according to "plan" Chloë will be induced, (based on her age, size of
baby, etc.), on November 23rd.], so she gave her the gift. I'm off to
have breakfast with the hiking gang at Second Home on Friday morning so
looking forward to seeing many of the folks I've not bumped into for
many months, given the restrictions of my right shoulder replacement.
need to tell you about wildfires devastating so much of California.
Trust you are not directly affected. Our grandson, Alexander, in the
LAFD, was dispatched to help with the Getty Fire and apparently, as a
"rookie", did very well, according to his mom. We also have close
friends near Healdsburg so we are most concerned about them and their
winery. More good friends, in Berkeley, had part of a large oak fall
onto their roof last week, caused by ferocious winds. They know all
about wildfires as they lost their home in October 1991! Fondestos from
Lady Dar to you, Murielle. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Vampire Duke! Bridge Trick or Treaters!
Hello, Patrizzio! Thanks for the Hallowe'en card. Much appreciated. The Jacquie Lawson people have changed how replies can be sent, so I am resorting to direct email. Hope all are well! Cheers! Deborah P.S. My novel has been published, will try and get details to you...
Stephen Carthew Relaxing outside at Old Oak and this Stumpy Tail paid a visit, large speciman. — in Harcourt North.Patrick James Dunn Just back from Vancouver, Halloween Eve, when this Vampire paid a visit, small specimen! Loved it thanks! There's snow on the ground and it's friken. Cold! Sandee Have a spooktacular 👻!! Maggie & Frank It was wonderful to see you both at the Grannies’s event last week. I loved this card! Halloween was totally uneventful so we are stuck with chocolate bars. We hope that you are both well and are enjoying this cool but crisp autumn. Cheers, Tim and Marian
I have to say I was a bit shocked a cat lover such as yourself would use this card - scary! However the advise is good maybe even for some everyday events other than Halloween. Take care Lou Hi Luigi! Duke wanted me to send the card! Anyway, did Dianne ring you about A Gentleman in Moscow? She'd like it if you have finished reading it. Cheers, Patrizzio! She has not. I can bring back to your place tomorrow or Wednesday. Thanks for lending it to me, really enjoyed it!
Hi Lou. I did send an e-mail but maybe to wrong address Thank you. I will pick it up at Burn's Bistro. See you next week. Dianne Just got a note from the Public Library that the book is waiting for me. I will pick it up there to avoid the fines. Thank you anyway Lou and Patrick. Dianne Hi Readers! Glad it worked out, Lady Di. Luigi, perhaps you could drop novel off whenever you are passing as both Lady Dar and I would like to review a few passages before book club. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Thanks for the card. Hope u had an enjoyable Halloween. We had a quiet one..too far off the road for the kids. :( Heading south soon. We have snow and it's getting cold. Luv to u both..
Hi Chocolate Bar People! Thanks for Halloween/Fall wishes. We dream of such treats! We were in Vancouver, from last Sunday to Thursday, and stopped at Costco in Abbotsford, to do some grocery shopping. Nothing left as far as Halloween candy was concerned so had to settle for a case of small bags of potatoe chips, etc. Also picked up a box of Excel to hand out. Turned out gum was a big hit. One ghost opted for gum, imagining a small packet of Chiclets and when presented with what he had he shouted out to his mom, "Wow, a whole package!" If you will be at Second Home, for breakfast tomorrow, hope we can do a bit more catching up than we were able to do at GFA. Thought it was really a grand event. Hip Hip Hooray! Fondestos from Lady Dar to you, Tim, and Marian. Hope to see you soon. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thanks for the Halloween wishes. Have a spooktacular day! Julia 👹👻👺🙀🙀👺👻👹 👽🙀HAPPY HALLOWEEN🙀👽 From the Winnipeg Spooks Erika and Amy Caramel, Shadow, Mama Lady, Marius Wolfgang, Pikko and Baby Ballerino !!! 🐈🐾🐈🐾🐈🐾🐈🐾🐈🐾🐈 Good Morning Patrick & Corinne, thank you for the Halloween greetings. “Love many, trust few, and always paddle your own canoe”. All the best, Carol & Tom Hoenisch 

Hi Simi Prickly Pear! Haven't heard from Patrizzia yet but I assume shipment will only be one case, Alack and Alas! You haven't commented on damage to your roof. Has offending tree/limb been removed? Please send wood to Penticton!!! Always need oak even though I collected a truck-load of firewood, [mostly fir and pine], from friends on Spiller Road, [Phillipo is trying to reduce fuel load on their property.], yesterday afternoon. This is the second time Corey has helped me with his truck. This load is for next year as I "seasoned" last year's haul for this winter. Did you know, Dear Vicentians, that same developer of Sendero Canyon is planning a 250 home sub-division, below Robson's property, which will stretch right down to Naramata Road? Poor Gilliana and Phillipo originally bought where they did to be away from such development!
that we were at the Christmas Craft Fair, at the Convention Centre.
After making the rounds there I left The Sisterhood to return home as
Kid Chelene was coming by to help collect aforementioned firewood. Lady
Dar and Chloë continued on to Craft Fair at the Lakeshore. [We brought
almost a
carload of baby things back from two of her friends in Vancouver so she
has done very well on this account.] As I think I've mentioned, if all
goes as planned she will be
induced on November 23rd!
Later that afternoon/early evening we were off to see Motherless Brooklyn. Was really looking forward to see Edward Norton in his latest project. Nothing but very, very positive reviews but I am
a fan nonetheless. Thoroughly enjoyed the film. Period recreation of NY, post-WW II, in early '50's, was wonderful. Everyone's superb acting, [Willem Dafoe, Bruce Willis, (Lionel's mentor, Frank Minna, operates a
detective agency. Lionel works to solve the mystery of Minna's demise.), Gugu Mbatha-Raw, and Alec Baldwin], the intelligent, well-written script and together with Norton's remarkable portrayal of Lionel Essrog, a private investigator who struggles with Tourette syndrome and has a photographic memory, makes the film nothing short of riveting. Catch it if you can!
Must away to start dehydrating my second batch of Gala apples. [Did first batch Saturday morning.] On Friday, Lady Dar and I picked eight large bags from an orchard between Middle and Upper Bench Roads, just past Roche Winery. Chloë met owner, Bill Sliva, through her work, a number of years ago, and he has been extremely generous in allowing us to pick seasonal fruit since then.
been invited to a large family, [children/grandchildren], dinner this
evening, off Naramata Road. Looking forward to seeing the gathering of
Clan Laven. Bill makes his own wine and distills Grappa, both
gangbusters! Fondestos from Lady Dar, still in her dressing gown, to her
favourite Vicentians! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: We left Vancouver Thursday morning
and stopped at Costco, in Abbotsford, to do some grocery shopping.
Nothing left as far as Halloween candy was concerned so had to settle
for a case of small bags of potatoe chips, etc. Also picked up a box of
Excel to hand out. Turned out gum was a big hit. One ghost opted for
gum, imagining a small packet of Chiclets and when presented with what
he had he shouted out to his mom, "Wow, a whole package!" Anyway, when we stopped at Manning Park, to charge eKona,
fed two birds a few chips. Later, the cheeky raven tried to dislodge
the cardboard case I'd crushed, after emptying it, and flattened and
wedged between recycling containers, to keep it from blowing away,
hopped onto our car and proceeded to peck at our wiper blades, fixedly
eyeing Lady Dar's packet of crisps through the windshield.
She threw a couple out the window and another raven joined the fray. Then, both returned to the hood and "attacked" the wiper blades again! More chips out the window and another return. Had to honk horn a couple of times to chase them away. Such gorgeous, frighteningly intelligent creatures. Hence the Trickster of indigenous mythology. Had close-ups of their magnificent plumage and terrifying claws and beaks. Not so small eagles, certainly not to be messed with given their powerful hooked beaks and huge, razor talons. Christmas Fair: In front of a lavender wreath; with Leigh from Balsamic Bliss, [Think you met her this past summer.]; fab wooden toys! Kid Chelene; bags and bags of Galas!
She threw a couple out the window and another raven joined the fray. Then, both returned to the hood and "attacked" the wiper blades again! More chips out the window and another return. Had to honk horn a couple of times to chase them away. Such gorgeous, frighteningly intelligent creatures. Hence the Trickster of indigenous mythology. Had close-ups of their magnificent plumage and terrifying claws and beaks. Not so small eagles, certainly not to be messed with given their powerful hooked beaks and huge, razor talons. Christmas Fair: In front of a lavender wreath; with Leigh from Balsamic Bliss, [Think you met her this past summer.]; fab wooden toys! Kid Chelene; bags and bags of Galas!
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Happy 48th, Duhlink! |
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