To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men. -Ella Wheeler Wilcox, poet (5 Nov 1850-1919)
A writer is, after all, only half his book. The other half is the reader
and from the reader the writer learns. -P.L. Travers, author (9 Aug
Spent first half of yesterday working on bench design for Germaine and then (trying to spread my time between personal and work tasks) I went out and started a shop clean / organization to make it usable for a couple fabrication projects. The shop had been a shambles for a couple weeks since I started to do some repairs and maintenance on one of the old motorcycles. It started out as a simple oil change and to replace some worn out exhaust gaskets and to make a long story short a piece of the bottom aluminum transmission case broke out when installing the plug back in. It seems someone had over-tightened it in the past and when I went to put it back in the stressed out section broke away as I started to tighten it.
I was horrified and had envisioned having to pull out and completely disassemble the engine but had an epiphany as I had a spare motor in parts and was able to cut the section with the plug from the same area of it and use it as a donor piece to be welded onto mine. I had to grind off a section of the area on the pan to enable me to add the whole new piece including the threads as the old piece only half broke off. I also had to machine a brass plug to line everything up and keep it from moving during the welding process.
Welding cast aluminum is problematic at the best of times but coupled with the 46 years of dirt and oil encrustation and the location of the damage made it extremely challenging!! Anyway it went ok and managed to get the repair done but was one of the most uncomfortable positions I have ever been in literally and figuratively. While I had the bike apart I decided to fix a handful of other minor issues as well as putting new tires on it, and am now very happy that it is 100% road or selling worthy.
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Abandoned rapper's cabin near Sunshine Valley! |
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Illustration: Viktor Hertz |
While I was cycling, Lady Dar was out buying food and decorations for Chloë's shower, this coming Sunday. Rebecca, [Corey's wife], will host gathering. I'm selling 50/50 tickets at the Dream tonight. Have been volunteering there since the Spring, usually two or three nights a month. Lady Dar will be over at Chloë's place, helping her with setting up baby's room! I'll pop by, once I've finished at Dream, as The Sisterhood have a few chores for me. Where's Mr Fix-it when you really need him! Hello and Fondestos to Marilyn. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Big Apple People! Glad you enjoyed the card even if you felt sorry for black cat. Pleased to hear that you had a wonderful visit with Eric and Olena. What with one thing and another, we have been pretty busy, ourselves, of late. Just finished preparing my fourth batch of Gala apples, readying slices for dehydrator. Fondestos from Lady Dar, just off to buy food for Chloë's shower, this coming Sunday. Rebecca, [Corey's wife], will host gathering. As soon as I've sent this I'll be heading out for a ride. Plan to make for OK Falls as I've not ridden there since we've been back. Wind is out of the N at 12 km/h so trust it won't be more than that on return leg! Stay well. Cheers and Arrivederci, Patrizzio!
Hello Lady Patrizzia and Sir James! Trust
you are both well. Haven't heard a peep in so long that we were both
worried about you. I see you collected the latest JL card so assume you
are alive and well, unless someone stole your identity!
been pretty busy ever since we returned from Europe on October 13th. Have started riding again and went for a ride once the apple slices were in dehydrator, in garage, keeping the space nice and toasty. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you, Sir James "The Bufooon" and to Lady Patrizzia. Stay well. Cheers and Arrivederci, Patrizzio! Pics: Galas and The Dehydrator Blues! Fourth batch put in this morning!
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Colin Kaepernick
Image: Nike
The first book he wrote, to my knowledge, is "The Seven Daughters of Eve." It is a master piece of explaining molecular ideas to the reading public. It deals primarily with the mt-DNA, carried from one generation
to the next in the female line, like mother-to-daughter forever.
Eve was followed by "Adam's Curse" dealing with the y-DNA, the stuff of the boys, which carries down the generations from father-to-son, ad
infinitum. This may all sound rather dry, but Sykes is thinking as he writes and comes up with the most interesting connections to ordinary puzzles, which he then endeavors to answer with the newly discovered genetic science. One such puzzle for instance concerns the origins of homosexuality.
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Goddess Thetis dipping her son Achilles in the River Styx (detail)
Art: Peter Paul Rubens, c. 1625
the right time, and driven by curiosity he widened his geographic area to include the British Isles and wrote "Saxons, Vikings and Kelts." And later again "DNA-USA." All wonderful reads, never a dull moment. And there is more, I have by no means read them all. Enjoy, Gordon
Thanks Gordon for the book info. It was good to see you Sunday. I will look for Sykes work. Best, Corinne Hi Gordon Pasha! I echo Lady Dar's sentiments about seeing you on Sunday. A simply wonderful family gathering. Thanks for the book suggestions. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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Fury of Achilles, 1737 (detail)
Art: Charles-Antoine Coypel
Hi Donna! Please confirm that I am doing your shift on November 9th and you are taking mine on November 16th. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! I am unavailable to do your shift on Nov 16, but thank you! Donna Hi again, Donna: Ok, I'll do both unless Carole doesn't want me to do so. Let me know what you think, Carole, and I'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! thank you Patrick Donna Thank you Patrick for stepping up. If this switch is okay with you Donna, could you please let Patrick know asap? I am leaving early tomorrow morning so will leave it up to you two. Carole
Just got a message (10:30 pm) that Judy has hurt her foot and won't be
able to work tomorrow night (Wednesday). Is there anyone that can fill
in for her? William Prince is playing. I will be leaving early
tomorrow morning, could you please contact Hazel. Carole
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Achilles gives Nestor the Prize for Wisdom (detail)
Art: Amable-Paul Coutan (1792-1837)
I was to sell 50/50 tickets at
the Dream Café this evening. Have been volunteering there since the
Spring, usually two or three nights a month. I
showed up at 7:00
pm and door was locked, not a light to be seen. Assumed show was
cancelled but I wasn't notified. Not
a big deal as I was then able to pop into the Penticton art Gallery,
but a block or so away, to hear a lecture series given by Chelsea
Baumgartner, a fourth-year doctoral student at UBC Okanagan:
arTTalks | Women in Art Lecture Series: Piety and Power in Medieval Germany and Mamluk Egypt. This series focuses on the long and important history that women have had in art history throughout the world. Discussion addressed the role of women as both artists and patrons and the ways that involvement in the arts allowed women the chance to exercise personal and political power.
Absolutely fascinating. Chelsea is not only extremely knowledgeable but also a most accomplished speaker. [On a side note she mentioned, when giving a bit of her background, that she suffers from cerebral palsy. When I was leaving I was chatting with a friend, vendor we've come to know at the Farmers' Market, and we heard a crash behind us. Chelsea had lost her balance and fell! Fortunately she was unhurt but one can see that her gait is "wobbly", a direct result of her palsy, I assume. Anyway, a simply remarkable young woman whose mind is nothing but brilliant. A powerful reminder that all too often the disabled are cruelly and incorrectly labelled as being unequal and unproductive members of society.] Plan to attend the rest of the lectures in the series.
Then drove to Chloë's place. Lady Dar was there, having dinner and helping her set up baby's room as well as sorting through all the clothes we brought back from Vancouver! They had a box full that Corinne will take to a women's shelter here in town, items that Chloë feels she cannot use. Wishing Chloë goodnight we returned home to watch a recorded episode of Vera, a British crime drama series based on novels of the same name, written by crime writer Ann Cleeves. The series stars Brenda Blethyn as the principal character, Detective Chief Inspector Vera Stanhope. Vera is a nearly retired employee of the fictional 'Northumberland & City Police', who is obsessive about her work and driven by her own demons. She plods along in a constantly dishevelled state, but has a calculating mind and, despite her irascible personality, she cares deeply about her work and comrades. She often proves her superior skills by picking up small errors in her co-workers' thought processes.
Hi Hazel! Just wondering about this evening as I showed up to sell 50/50 tickets at 7:00 pm and couldn't get in. Was show cancelled? On another matter, I'm unable to help out tomorrow evening as we have already made plans to have people for dinner. Trust some other volunteer can help out. See you on Friday for Alex Cuba and then on Saturday when I'm selling again. Cheers, Patrizzio! Oh Golly! I forgot to let you know!!! Sorry!! Hazel
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Photo: ban75/Pixabay |
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Ecce Homo
Art: Titian, c. 1570s
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Image: 3eHOH/Wikimedia |
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A bust of Philip II, a 1st-century Roman copy of a Greek original
Photo: Fotogeniss/Wikimedia
PAINTED ROCK ESTATE WINERY: Hi Patrick, I just wanted to follow up and see if you had a chance to come by and pick up your wine club order. Your account is showing it is still here and we are now closed for the season. I would love to ship it out to you if you haven’t picked it up. Just let me know if that works for you, Leigh Hi Leigh! Thanks for reminder! I must admit I completely forgot about latest release as we have been quite busy, [No excuses but plenty of reasons!], ever since returning from Europe. If there will be anyone around winery doing winter work, etc., we could certainly pop by whenever schedules suit. If that is not possible, we live at 611 Burns Street, here in Penticton. I assume you will have our full address in your files. Anyway, please let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
[Mrs. Malaprop tells Captain Jack Absolute she cannot comprehend why someone is saying such awful things about her vocabulary (Huntington Theatre Company’s production of The Rivals) Photo: T. Charles Erickson / The Huntington]
During November and December, we are open on Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 11am-4pm. Please feel free to stop by on one of those days and we will have your order here. Thank you, Leigh Hi again, Leigh! Thanks. Will do. Cheers, Patrizzio!
[Mrs. Malaprop tells Captain Jack Absolute she cannot comprehend why someone is saying such awful things about her vocabulary (Huntington Theatre Company’s production of The Rivals) Photo: T. Charles Erickson / The Huntington]
During November and December, we are open on Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 11am-4pm. Please feel free to stop by on one of those days and we will have your order here. Thank you, Leigh Hi again, Leigh! Thanks. Will do. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion. -Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, philosopher (27 Aug 1770-1831)
perfection of a clock is not to go fast, but to be accurate. -Luc de
Clapiers, marquis de Vauvenargues, moralist and essayist (6 Aug
Do we need weapons to fight wars? Or do we need wars to create markets for weapons? -Arundhati Roy, author (b. 24 Nov 1961)
Do we need weapons to fight wars? Or do we need wars to create markets for weapons? -Arundhati Roy, author (b. 24 Nov 1961)
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