Do not believe that it is very much of an advance to do the unnecessary
three times as fast. -Peter Drucker, management consultant, professor
and writer (19 Nov 1909-2005)
Hi Goils! Trust drive went well and that you are enjoying life in Kelowna! Here is a snap of the crampons which would be my first choice. If not available, any others, in that general price range, or slightly lower, would probably work, from what I can tell by looking on-line. What feature is important, as far as past experience has shown, is a strap at both back and front to keep crampon from slipping off boot. Give me a call if there is an issue with model, size, etc. I can always return item if I try them on boots, before using on a hike, and don't think they will work. Thanks. Much Love from Etta and Duke, to you both. Cheers. Dad/Patrizzio!
Pic: Max2 crampons! Christmas mantle, taken just before The Sisterhood left for Kelowna this morning. Believe Chloë recieved a gift certificate for a hotel there, at one of her last work business meetings, this summer. Post-yogurt kittens! Chloë had a bit of yogurt before leaving and put some on her finger for both Etta and Duke to lick off. They loved it as they are currently on a hunger strike against pumpkin, of late, far preferring canned tuna when we ran out of regular wet cat food! Almost as spoiled as Benny, Judy Blue's gorgeous, delightful and terribly mischievous kitten! I met him, for the first time, last night, at two tables of bridge. JB had a step-ladder in her living room, to change a lightbulb, and he immediately started to use it as his jungle-gym, racing up the steps and flying off the top, to the couch, etc!
Hi Hiking Gear Goils! From the look of image, option I'd like is what I think is called Kahtoola NANO spikes, Walk Run Train on package. Thanks and Cheers, Dad!
Hi Patrick, Great to hear that Chloe’s baby is expected to a healthy one. You talk about her place – has she moved from the Sundero house? No bridge yet, but am going to get into a local club after my travels let up a bit shortly.
Cheers, Peter Hi Travellin' Man! Yes, Chloë sold her place in Sendero towards the middle of August, [first day of showing], and bought another "new build", as soon as sale was confirmed,
on Winnipeg, just off Eckhardt. Only two stories, with a full basement which we are currently arranging to have it turned into a one-bedroom suite. Mike
Johnson, contractor who did our kitchen, will be doing the work, so we
are very pleased as he was terrific. She was able to reduce her monthly
mortgage payments by about $400 so that was really important and even have
some money left over to pay for suite construction. Rental income will
be critical when on maternity leave, and afterwards, of course.
[Your options!] Enjoyed two tables last night. The Sisterhood left this morning for a night in Kelowna.
Chloë received a gift certificate for a hotel there, at one of her last
work business meetings, this summer, so this is her Last Hurrah before
giving birth. They will be doing a Costco run tomorrow to pick up
various things for our Christmas Bash on December 14th, as well as
stopping at MEC to look at crampons for me. Plan to start hiking again
and will need such equipment as there is already ice and snow in them
thar' hills! Must
away as I'm off for a regular teeth cleaning at PEC. I'll say hello to
the gang for you and Lynne! All the best to you both. Travel safely.
Cheers. Patrizzio!
Dear Pat We are thrilled to read the news and hope everything goes well with Chloë and the small one. I am writing this just after touching down in Copenhagen once again for a short stay of four days to wrap up my work and projects here and and prepare to take some data home to Switzerland.
Sorry for the lack of communication from our side. It has been months since your stay in Berne. Thank you so much for your presents! Especially the puzzle with the indigenous motive is favored by Max.
It has been a few busy weeks and days. We moved to our apartment in Basel now and settled in. Lia has found peers in the kindergarden and we are exploring the neighborhoods. Before the truck from the storage dropped our stuff we had a weekend of furniture assembling with brothers. Great teamwork and long awaited get-together at our new place. Hope to let write more later.
Best wishes from Copenhagen and Basel, Simon and Family. Hello Basel Boys! Simply grand that your move to Basel went so well and that with expert help from Christoph and the Rothenbühler brothers you are nicely settled in. Pleased Max enjoys the puzzle. Also happy to learn that your research in Copenhagen is coming to a successful end. Thank you for the good wishes for Chloë.
Must away as I'm doing another batch of Gala apples, readying them for dehydrator. Please say hello to one and all and send best wishes to everyone. Fondestos to you and Sabine and your lovely children. Travel safely. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Benny! Maybe Mad Max should join him! Judy, standing, third from left.
Dear Patrick and Corinne and Chloe Thanks heaps for your email and news. Pictures most welcome as well. We are in Victoria enroute home from a visit with Colin's mother who celebrated her 94th birthday Nov. 16th. She is in her own home in Qualicum Beach and laments that fact that she can't do as much as she would like. She is very good for her age and still has her wits about her which is great.
We head home this afternoon after a quick stay at my brother's condo in Victoria. The sun is now shining and certainly compared to yesterday it is a relief. It was so dark and cloudy yesterday that I was in the doldrums.
Tomorrow will celebrate our nephew's 25th birthday taking him out for breakfast and then I will attend the UBC Emeriti College meeting. We plan to go to the Doughton Abbey movie in the evening. Looking forward to it. Thursday we will drive to Bellingham to send John and Eric some Thanksgiving treats. Always like to try to remember them. Other than that we send you a big hello and lots of hugs. Cheers for now Jo-Anne
Hi Qualicum Beach Marps! Sounds as if you are still on the move even though you are back from your whirlwind trip to Europe and then the Eastern Seaboard. From coast to coast! Pleased to learn that Colin's mother is doing so well. Quite similar, in terms of age, living situation and wits, as Clara, Lady Dar's mother. Great to have a brother who owns condos in Victoria and Naramata!
Hi all I'll be arriving Thursday evening Dec 12 at 7:40pm I leave on Monday Dec 16 afternoon at 12.45pm See you all in a few weeks! Love Ayn Hi Ms Tinsel Town! What simply wonderful news. You'll be here for our Christmas Open House Bash. We plan to have two tables, one for Chloë and Rowan James, other for Hallmark, where you can autograph your Christmas CDs for all the guests, starry-eyed at meeting a real Hollywood Superstar! [Do you think Crown Media will pay for food and hootch?] Must away as Galas await slicing and fire needs another log. Both cats are napping so no help from that quarter. Love and Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio!
Unless all of your friends have been vaccinated I can assure you that none will be touching the baby at 3 weeks. I will be selling autographs at 40 bucks a pop to buy diapers! Hello Red Carpet Goil! We will have hazmat suits and respirators for all the guests so Open House will be a re-run of ET, something you should like, being from the heart of Tinsel Town. Furthermore, you'll need to up your fee, not for disposable diapers, [Eco-GNana has insisted on a cloth diaper service!], but for replenishing malt cabinet! Don't forget to buy high-end Bourbon at Duty Free this time. No excuses! Start practicing your power signature! Love and Cheers, Patrizzio, Lead Hazmat Tech! Pic: Sibling Love Fest last night!
Hello Recondite Ruminator! I, for one, didn't find your magnificent 2019 Thanksgiving Grace, at all abstruse but rather right to the point, hitting the head on the nail of truth with each and every line. Our sweet dear molecules re-join the cosmic dance is worthy of Shakespeare! Nevertheless, with a view to our species surviving, Chloë is scheduled to be induced this coming Saturday. Must away to do some of the new stretches my phsio assigned on my visit earlier this morning. Stay well. Onward!! Fight!!! Fondestos to Donna Florida and you, Prickly Pear. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hear hear thanks Matt
Netflix Shares Killer Final Trailer for Martin Scorsese's The Irishman: In case you missed this!!😆 Colin
A Simple Drinker’s Guide to the Classic Scotch Whisky Regions: This is an interesting narrative regarding nuances of whiskey distinctions! Slainte!🥃 colin
Hi again, Colin! Thanks for the two links. I was aware of the one for The Irishman but not the Simple Drinker's Guide, which I found gave a marvelously succinct overview, so thanks very much for that. Really answered some of the nagging questions I've often had about what are considered to be the boundaries and sub-regions of the various appellations and which distilleries fit where. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Lads! Maya's dad, Colin, forwarded a very informative link to a brief guide to the Classic Scotch Whisky Regions so thought it might be of interest. On
another matter, there is more firewood at Spiller, Kid Chelene, so am
wondering if you are up for another run. [Where is Ragin' Bull when you
need him?] Anytime that works for you and your more than busy schedule
but not a big deal if you can't make it. If so, however, no need to back
down to lower road as the wood is on the flat below their house. [Apple
chips are in the mail!] We were there last week to visit as Gilliana
had had her hip replaced. I managed to take four wheelbarrows worth of it in our
car, [Great workout!], before we played bridge. Let me know what you
think and I'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers,
Patrizzio! Patrizzio, I won’t be much help on the firewood angle for a while - I am on anti seizure drugs, so I can't drive for 6 months. Then, if I come off them, it’s another 6 mo. to make sure I don’t need them. So that brings me into next summer. So maybe I can help you load up for next winter. But I’ll find another way to annoy you ...Branko
Hi Wayne, How are you? Would you like your case shipped this fall or are you picking up at the winery this weekend from 1pm-3pm each day? Thanks, Dallas Thor Terravista Vineyards I will have it picked up at the winery. Corey or Pat can one of you pick up my wine please. Thanks Wayne Hi Sarge, Dallas and Kid Chelene! We can collect latest release as we have our own to pick-up. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Pat We are thrilled to read the news and hope everything goes well with Chloë and the small one. I am writing this just after touching down in Copenhagen once again for a short stay of four days to wrap up my work and projects here and and prepare to take some data home to Switzerland.
Sorry for the lack of communication from our side. It has been months since your stay in Berne. Thank you so much for your presents! Especially the puzzle with the indigenous motive is favored by Max.
It has been a few busy weeks and days. We moved to our apartment in Basel now and settled in. Lia has found peers in the kindergarden and we are exploring the neighborhoods. Before the truck from the storage dropped our stuff we had a weekend of furniture assembling with brothers. Great teamwork and long awaited get-together at our new place. Hope to let write more later.
Best wishes from Copenhagen and Basel, Simon and Family. Hello Basel Boys! Simply grand that your move to Basel went so well and that with expert help from Christoph and the Rothenbühler brothers you are nicely settled in. Pleased Max enjoys the puzzle. Also happy to learn that your research in Copenhagen is coming to a successful end. Thank you for the good wishes for Chloë.
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Teamwork in Basel, left to right: Nils, Christoph (Sabine’s brother), Max, Lia and the Rothenbühler brothers.
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Photo: Wikimedia Commons |
We head home this afternoon after a quick stay at my brother's condo in Victoria. The sun is now shining and certainly compared to yesterday it is a relief. It was so dark and cloudy yesterday that I was in the doldrums.
Tomorrow will celebrate our nephew's 25th birthday taking him out for breakfast and then I will attend the UBC Emeriti College meeting. We plan to go to the Doughton Abbey movie in the evening. Looking forward to it. Thursday we will drive to Bellingham to send John and Eric some Thanksgiving treats. Always like to try to remember them. Other than that we send you a big hello and lots of hugs. Cheers for now Jo-Anne
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Gonzo fist (two thumbs and four fingers holding a peyote button)
A symbol of gonzo journalism
Image: Notwist / Wikimedia Commons
Hi Qualicum Beach Marps! Sounds as if you are still on the move even though you are back from your whirlwind trip to Europe and then the Eastern Seaboard. From coast to coast! Pleased to learn that Colin's mother is doing so well. Quite similar, in terms of age, living situation and wits, as Clara, Lady Dar's mother. Great to have a brother who owns condos in Victoria and Naramata!
We watched Breaking Bad movie a few weeks ago. I liked it as I didn't want series to end! Lady Dar and Chloë want to see Downton Abbey film as well. They are going to see The Good Liar this evening, in Kelowna.
Spent much of the morning preparing another nine trays of Galas for the dehydrator. Have enough apples left for one more batch. Must way as it's time for bed, [Started message before midnight so dates will be off. Had been busy doing some of the new stretches my phsio assigned on my visit earlier this morning.], and fire needs another log for the night. Both cats are already napping so no help from that quarter! Stay well. Onward!! Fight!!! Fondestos to you and Colin. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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Roman copy after a Greek original
Photo: Jastrow/Wikimedia
Unless all of your friends have been vaccinated I can assure you that none will be touching the baby at 3 weeks. I will be selling autographs at 40 bucks a pop to buy diapers! Hello Red Carpet Goil! We will have hazmat suits and respirators for all the guests so Open House will be a re-run of ET, something you should like, being from the heart of Tinsel Town. Furthermore, you'll need to up your fee, not for disposable diapers, [Eco-GNana has insisted on a cloth diaper service!], but for replenishing malt cabinet! Don't forget to buy high-end Bourbon at Duty Free this time. No excuses! Start practicing your power signature! Love and Cheers, Patrizzio, Lead Hazmat Tech! Pic: Sibling Love Fest last night!
I can handle my duty free duties! Never in doubt but better safe than sorry! Fine! When is Ayn coming to Penticton ?
Clara Hi Rosita! Ayn will be arriving Thursday evening Dec 12, leaving on Monday, Dec 16th. Love and Cheers,
Patrizzio, your Favourite Son-in-Law!

Hello Recondite Ruminator! I, for one, didn't find your magnificent 2019 Thanksgiving Grace, at all abstruse but rather right to the point, hitting the head on the nail of truth with each and every line. Our sweet dear molecules re-join the cosmic dance is worthy of Shakespeare! Nevertheless, with a view to our species surviving, Chloë is scheduled to be induced this coming Saturday. Must away to do some of the new stretches my phsio assigned on my visit earlier this morning. Stay well. Onward!! Fight!!! Fondestos to Donna Florida and you, Prickly Pear. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hear hear thanks Matt
Netflix Shares Killer Final Trailer for Martin Scorsese's The Irishman: In case you missed this!!😆 Colin
A Simple Drinker’s Guide to the Classic Scotch Whisky Regions: This is an interesting narrative regarding nuances of whiskey distinctions! Slainte!🥃 colin
Hi again, Colin! Thanks for the two links. I was aware of the one for The Irishman but not the Simple Drinker's Guide, which I found gave a marvelously succinct overview, so thanks very much for that. Really answered some of the nagging questions I've often had about what are considered to be the boundaries and sub-regions of the various appellations and which distilleries fit where. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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The Connoisseur, 1882
Art: Edward Antoon Portielje
Hi Wayne, How are you? Would you like your case shipped this fall or are you picking up at the winery this weekend from 1pm-3pm each day? Thanks, Dallas Thor Terravista Vineyards I will have it picked up at the winery. Corey or Pat can one of you pick up my wine please. Thanks Wayne Hi Sarge, Dallas and Kid Chelene! We can collect latest release as we have our own to pick-up. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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