Monday 12 June 2017

Giant Pincushion Blues: Monday, June 12th!

I don't believe that the big men, the politicians and the capitalists alone are guilty of the war. Oh, no, the little man is just as keen, otherwise the people of the world would have risen in revolt long ago! There is an urge and rage in people to destroy, to kill, to murder, and until all mankind, without exception, undergoes a great change, wars will be waged, everything that has been built up, cultivated and grown, will be destroyed and disfigured, after which mankind will have to begin all over again. -Anne Frank, Holocaust diarist (12 Jun 1929-1945) 

Up not quite as early this morning, in part because Miss Etta was out all night long! After calling the delinquent felines late last night, I decided they were on their own and went to bed, leaving the garage cat door open. Woke at around 2:00 am to find that Duke was curled up at Lady Dar's feet but no sign of Etta. When I turned over, at 4:30 am, still no sign of her so I took a look out the patio door. Duke followed me and I sent him out to find his sister and then back to bed for me. An hour later I could feel a warm body at my feet and assumed it was the carousing teenager, finally home. It was so although I was annoyed with her I was pleased she hadn't been taken by a coyote or an owl. At any rate, hauled myself up and after I fixed my java I prepared their food. After a hearty breakfast, Duke went out but Miss Etta is now curled up on her favourite chair, presumably catching up on missed sleep!

Hello Pincushion People, et al! Thanks and Cheers, it goes without saying, to Fearless Fletcher and St Killiano for earlier reconnoitering of route and their steadfast, if not quite dictatorial, leadership of such querulous, fractious, tetchy troops! hike extraordinaire!

My slightly biased, but extremely accurate account, of expedition, if interested.

Field Report, Giant Pincushion, Monday, June 2th!

Needed to be up fairly early, this good morn, as I was joining the hiking group for my first hike since last August! Early start, 8:00 am, to avoid the heat of the day, in Summerland, so Lady Dar drove me to Home Hardware parking lot, here in town, for 7:40 am, to carpool to Summerland, as she needed the snazzy MarriageMobile for a clutch of errands and meetings later in the day.

Found Luigi sitting in her vehicle, at HH, and she very kindly allowed me to hitch a ride with her. Waving goodbye to Lady Dar we set off for Summerland, arriving just as did Guillermo. Greeted all my long lost hiking friends and once car pooling had been arranged we took off for Peachland. Josinta and I rode with Chuckerini and Robertito and chatted pleasantly, even though we had been relegated to the back seat, as second-class hiker-citizens. By the time we had zig-zagged our way up the fairly long stretch of road, up from 97, to the tiny parking lot at the head of Pincushion Trail, it was close to 8:30 am. 

Simply gorgeous day and we really couldn't have asked for better hiking conditions. While some of the group put on hiking boots and otherwise suited up, I followed the call of what turned out to be a cheeky marmot, annoyed that we had invaded the space close to his burrow, in a jumble of boulders, adjacent to the circular lot. Could even see what I presumed was his mate, in the dark of the nook behind the large rock he was peering over, eagle-eyed and twitchy wary. Once group was ready to set off I managed to gather all nine together, unfortunately without Sam, Antonio's adorable pooch, wasting no valuable time, already exploring the trail ahead. 

First part reminded me of the Grouse Grind as it consists of fairly even steps, reinforced with wooden planking. Lots of grumbling from die-hard bush-whackers but since this was my first hiking outing in almost ten months, I was hoping that these Peachland Steps would somehow turn into an escalator! Not so, unfortunately, but although the steps soon petered out, the trail, though becoming increasingly steep, offered terrific footing so climb, although fairly taxing, was easily negotiated and once it leveled out a tad we were treated to some majestic views of Okanagan Lake and some of Peachland. Could see, quite clearly, the extended orange, water-filled tube dams which were strung along the lakeshore, intended to prevent flooding. Were of little help, a bit further south, as Robertito informed me that the fierce wind-generated wave action had simply washed them over the highway they were supposed to protect!

Views enjoyed and lungs refilled, we continued up The Chilkoot, passing in and out of sun and shade, stopping to let the laggards catch up, our eyes ever drawn to the majesty below, both north and south. Even managed to capture a group shot, about halfway to the top. Shortly thereafter we passed my favourite Tinka Trunk, as grizzled and weathered and as wise as its namesake! By this point, the altitude and pace were beginning to show on Joltin' Jim, whining, non-stop, about the fact that this was not supposed to be a Thursday Hike! Relenting, otherwise Iron-Fisted Fletcher, faced with a possible mutiny, called a temporary halt at what I understood was the top, or as close to the top of Giant Pincushion as we would venture today. Stunning views and a granola bar, or two, replenished blood sugar and cooled grumpy tempers. 

Somewhat mollified, but still not overly happy, Joltin' Jim grudgingly accepted the group's eventual decision, [Reached after interminable, prolonged backing and forthing, yes but, no but, palaver.], to head down into the ravine below, slip-sliding, carefully, over the grass/low shrub-covered, loose, ankle-twisting rock slope, to describe a long U-turn, past some lovely wildflowers, a teeming ant hill and finally through a delightful tree tunnel to deposit us on a breezy ledge for a mosquitoe-free lunch break. The vistas extraordinaire were as much food for the soul as were the tasty sandwiches, sustenance for our growling tummies. 

After about twenty minutes of peaceful bliss, refreshed in both body and spirit, kranky differences now forgotten, chips brushed off shoulders, bones to pick buried and power struggles over, we gathered our possessions and started down, holding fast to one of the group's Golden Rules: When faced with retracing one's steps, always take another route, no matter the cost! Initially, quite a steep, scree covered slope, easily, nonchalantly negotiated by the sure-footed, mountain goat nimble Flash Fletcher and Pepsodent Poster Boy, but an exercise in cruel and unusual punishment for Luigi and I, visions of flailing limbs and hamburgered flesh dancing in front of burning, sweat-drenched eyes, our knuckles white and frozen, rigor-like, on the grips of matchstick poles, the only, ridiculously inadequate buffer between us and a hurtle away into an unyielding tree trunk, or worse!

Somehow, we accomplished this descent, over razor sharp shards and unstable surfaces, the cackles of glee, at our obvious distress, of those already below, adding bitter insult to our already extreme discomfort. None to soon, the trail leveled out and we soon found ourselves on a wide service road, constructed, years ago, when a new golf course was envisioned for this part of Peachland. Not sure of the details surrounding this failed development but the cleared landscape made the last kilometre or so more than easy going. Even had a cool breeze blowing in our faces as we walked back to where our vehicles were parked so who could complain. Group shot of survivors and then we bundled into the cars to meet at Granny's Fruit Stand, in Summerland, where we enjoyed a delicious array of ice-cream and gelato. Once we'd decided upon our flavours, we sat outside, on the lovely, covered patio, and chatted about the wonderful outing. Couldn't believe how quiet it was, given that Granny's is just off 97. Not surprising, quipped someone, "Life in Slumberland!" Still, a  remarkable finish to a more than remarkable outing!  Map and Stats for hike:

Hello Upper Summerlandians et al! Thanks to Josinta for hosting such a wonderful evening of cards and bubbly and snacks on her 37th Wedding Anniversary while Forgetful Aarturo was playing tennis! Needless to say it was a lovely evening and great good fun, (if not particularly good cards), was/were had by all. Congratulations to Jack Rabbit with top score and thanks, again, to Josinta for fabulous, fabulous prizes!

If Lady Dar and I are to play next week, it will needs be on either Tuesday, (for both of us), or Wednesday, (for me only, as she has her book club that evening), so please let me know which day you'd prefer and we'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: The Sisterhood toast the Absent Husband! Indoors and Outdoors! Waiting for a Dummy! Olga Polga and her numerous admirers! Cappuccino for the Chauffeur. Note elegant score sheet! Arrivederci Roma!

Also , thank you Jos for hosting, It was such a lovely evening and I love my prize! I can play either Tuesday or Wednesday...Judy

Dear Bridge Friends, My apologies for being a no show tonight. Training at work was organized after Bridge was set for Monday night. The training was supposed to run from 5-7 but it went later. Having worked all day I was done in by the time I got home. I don’t think that I could have counted my points accurately. I also figured by the time I would have arrived you would just about be wrapping up. My apologies again.

I am in Halifax June 20-30 visiting family so I am unable to join you during this period. On another note, a Hallmark film, "Summer in the Vineyard”, is being filmed at Marichel, a little winery on our street. The star is Rachel Leigh Cook. We can’t see too much of the filming but the street is filled with trucks and people. The film crew is on this site until Thursday if anybody wants to swing by for a look see. You might even be able to wangle your way on set. Just tell them that you live in our house. Have a great day! Pamela
Hi Pam, we missed you this evening. Have a great time in Halifax. See you in July. Exciting to have the movie shoot on your road. We saw them filming at the market on Saturday.
Hallmark is the company that our daughter Ayn is the VP of acquisitions and programming, for the movie channel. Cheers, Corinne
  yes we missed you but have fun till we see you in July bye Gill

Hello all, I am off to Halifax on June 20 for 10 days to visit family. I return on June 30 and look forward to joining you for Bridge the week following. Patrick and Corinne, This a fun event. You may be able to pick up some great art for a very good price. Tix can be purchased at the gallery. For those who cannot attend there is online bidding. Thanks for spreading the word. Pam Hi Pam, we are going with a friend. Looking forward to it, Cheers Corinne

Hi Patrick Just a quick note before I head out to spray the fruit trees with Copper oxychlorides to prevent curly leaf! I read When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi, just after my mum died, it is a very honest, moving account of the surgeon turned patient and explained to me much of mums symptoms, I am sure you will all enjoy it. BTW his wife did a TED talk, very interesting. Love Tina

Hi Copper Oxychloride Woman! Looking forward to starting When Breath Becomes Air. Trust your spraying went well. For my part I enjoyed a simply fabulous hike today. During the course of the outing I was chatting with Josinta, as one does, on these treks, and she mentioned that she and Aarturo will be traveling to Australia in October and will be in Adelaide, at some point, in November. I was wondering if I should pass along your email address in case there is an opportunity to have a visit, however brief. Let me know and I'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio!

[Juno in the "forbidden zone"] Patrizzio, Just back from a Squirrel Safari, and no, we did not get a ticket last time. I pleaded ignorance, confusion and apathy. Works every time. I gotta say, those kids (Dog Patrol) have a tough job. I personally, would have a hard time keeping a straight face while explaining why walking your dog in the forest is an environmental disaster. (I understand that squirrels have squiro-psychiatrists to deal with post-being-chased-trauma-syndrom)  

ANYWAY, Leah is taking Juno out again today for a run, so my plan is to head out as early as reasonably civilized tomorrow. Ideally, Juno will have a poop in the back yard while I load the truck and we could leave by … 11? Caveats: I will no doubt have to make a couple of pit stops. More significantly, the monster truck ain’t my bimmer … when it hits about 85k/h it starts to feel like you’re on a carnival ride. (raising the suspension didn’t help that!) So, this will be a slower trip than usual. I’ll buzz you when I have a reasonable eta.
[Looking out for the Dog Police!] Sorry, did a Costco run last Friday. I also gassed up last week as the truck was delivered with an empty fuel tank - and almost empty dog food bag. So it was $200 to get out of the blocks … Branko

Hello Old Farts, This Thursday, we will pay a visit to Okanagan Mountain Park. We will: -gather in Penticton at 0800 at Home Hardware north parking lot (0740 at IGA parking lot in Summerland) -carpool and make our way north of Naramata to the Okanagan Mountain Park parking area (apparently the Chute Lake Road was closed, but is now open. However, the last piece of road into the parking area may have to be walked) -hike up the Mountain Goat trail, in the direction of Divide Lake. We will likely not go all the way to Divide. Instead, we will leave the trail near the top to head to Baker Lake, and then return via the Frederick Creek trail. -find a suitable place for a drink and a debriefing. Much of the trip will be in south-facing areas. Therefore, be prepared for a warm hike. Have sunscreen and plenty of water. Interested? Let me know, and w will look forward to seeing you on Thursday. Cheers, Jim 


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