Sunday 10 November 2019

Chloë Alexis and The Sendero Canyon Baby Shower Blues: Sunday, November 10th!

You can preach a better sermon with your life than with your lips. -Oliver Goldsmith, writer and physician (10 Nov 1730-1774) 

Morning Patrick Hopefully you will be up snow showing this winter season will you? I every time enjoyed our times together last season. Margaret and I have been extremely busy this summer with a myriad of hiking and biking trips now that my knee is in better shape. In fact yesterday we went with 3 other old farts for what turned into a 10.4 km hike over on West Bench - up and around and down . I was hurting at the end but it was a personal best since ell before the knee operation so over all, I am very pleased with day trip.’ A few days back was a 9.5 km walk on Keogan just north of McIntyre Bluffs with Margaret - without pain even!! Hopefully we will see you soon on the shoes or otherwise

Hi Idleback Man! Grand to hear from you. Coincidentally, I had been asking about you and Margaret a week or so ago. We had invited Gilliana and Phillipo for lunch, [before her hip surgery], and while playing a couple of hands of bridge I wondered if they had seen either of you. Pleased to hear that your knee is allowing you such extended hikes. You might recall that I was scheduled for a complete right shoulder replacement. Had surgery on March 12th and then was advised not to do any hiking, [Did walk on KVR quite regularly as one form of exercise, while recovering.], or biking, [Again, a fair bit of stationary cycling, watching Netflix!], until after we returned from six wonderful weeks in Europe, October 12th. Since then I've been back in the saddle again, although physio and massage sessions scheduled on Mondays and Thursdays, [Wouldn't you know it!], have prevented me from joining any hikes, as of this writing. 
As mentioned, I do hope to start hiking again and will definitely be snowshoeing as I did have such a wonderful time with you and Margaret. Thanks again for that. As well, I did start using AllTrails to record my walks on the KVR. Took my regular bike Garmin on first outing but given my snail's pace, I assume, it didn't record correctly, distance travelled etc. [Still not sure why but this was also often the case when I had taken it on various hikes when I first started with gang.] Very pleased with recordings so thanks again for the tip.

Other than starting back cycling I continue to be a volunteer at The Dream Café, selling 50/50 tickets as a fund-raiser. Usually do two or three evenings a month. This past Friday we went to hear Alex Cuba, along with Josinta and Aarturos. Bumped into Anthea, sitting with Margaret Holm and Dick Cannings, so it was wonderful to see her. Next night I was selling tickets and bumped into Lil and Bill Therriault. Seems as if I needn't hike to run into the Folk of The Surrounding Hills & Dales!

All the best to Margaret and to you, David. If so inclined, give me a shout if you have a "reasonable" hike planned, [In spite of biking feel I need to build-up my hiking muscles, somewhat ], other than with ones scheduled by group, as I'd be delighted to join you and catch up. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Busy morning readying another batch of Galas for the dehydrator. [Christina Tassell Galas in apples? Patrick James Dunn Yes indeed, as opposed to cockatoos!] I was almost finished de-coring and slicing when I helped Lady Dar, around 1:30 pm, put all the food, dishes, decorations and presents into the car for Chloë's shower. Beckster had very kindly offered to host so she had to drive up to Sendero to decorate and have everything set up and ready by 3:00 pm. Once she was off I finished preparing the last two trays, loaded them into dehydrator and then turned it on. Changed into my riding gear and was ready to roll around 2:30 pm. I was a gorgeous day although quite breezy, the wind out of the NNW at 24 km/h, reaching 30 km/h out of the N, about half way through the ride, dying to 23 km/h towards the end of the outing. This being the case I decided I'd head for Trout Creek and have the benefit of a tail wind on return leg. As well, was concerned that with time change it would be getting dark by 5:00 pm so I didn't really want to be out much past then. 
Battled my way most of the time towards Summerland, although not as much of a struggle as I'd anticipated. Other things being equal I should have started out much earlier in the day as the temperature, 12.8º C, was almost balmy, and I could have logged at least 71 km if I'd ridden all the way to Crescent Beach. At any rate, I was pleased with ride and feel my legs are starting to feel much stronger so I probably have no more excuses not to start back hiking!

Hi all, After a couple of hikes on the challenging side, let’s take it a bit easier this week, like wandering the Bald Range west of Summerland. We will: -meet at 0900 at IGA parking lot in Summerland (0840 at Cherry Lane north parking lot in Penticton) -carpool and drive to a point west of Faulder on the Summerland-Princeton Road -ramble around the Bald Range for a few hours. -gather after for a debriefing and some refreshment at a place to be determined. Sorry but, unlike last week, it will not likely have a supply of whole pies! If you are interested in joining us, please let me know. Cheers, Jim


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