Thursday 14 June 2018

Leaving Kraków, The Zylla Loop and The Twilight Zone Come Together Blues: Thursday, June 14th!

A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading it. -William Styron, novelist (11 Jun 1925-2006) 

Hi Dad, I’m so glad to hear your alive and well although sore. My poor Daddy D. I was so worried. You need to check in more often especially when you are in such rough shape. Mom's flowering cactus. Love you, love to Maggie. Please take care of yourself. Chloë Alexis 
I agree! Margareta Finally! We were worried you had a concussion!! Good to hear you got some sleep in a real bed! Love to all Ayn

Taxi arrived shortly after 4:00 am although cab driver wasn't overly helpful, at first insisting that he couldn't take my bike! With my back against the wall, I prevailed, Dear Reader, and, most grudgingly, he dropped me off at station with plenty of time to find platform for Prague when it came up on board, half an hour before it was scheduled to leave. Of course, no lift at bottom of tunnel leading to Platform 6 but two men offered to help me take my bike up long set of more than daunting stairs! Otherwise I was faced with more than daunting task of unhooking panniers and carrying bike up stairs to return to ferry rest of baggage up to platform. Turned out that they were petty grifters. I gave chap who took my pannier laden bike up stairs some coins and other chap said he would help me load it and my bags on train when it arrived, for €10. However, as soon as I said I didn’t have any Euros, (Although I did.), they left! Otherwise, made the train to Prague fairly easily as more fellow travelers helped me with bike. No mean feat as platform is well below train deck, up very steep set of steps.

That was the least of my worries, as things soon turned out. Train did not go directly to Prague, (don't ask me why), and I had to change trains in Pardubice, I believe, for Ostrava-Svinov and then on to Prague. When I finally made it to Pardubice, conductor wouldn't allow me on train as I didn't have a ticket for my bike. After I obtained one at ticket counter I took next train, which was, unbeknownst to me, going in wrong direction! fortunately, I was able to get off at first stop only about 4 km from station. Of course it was about 30º C with not a lick of shade as I trudged back towards station on a small track at the edge of farmers' fields, paralleling the train line. Finally made it to station and was able to board train to Ostrava-Svinov. When I arrived I disembarked but the station was closed. Turned out this was last train of the day! What to do?

A local, walking his dog, managed to show me general directions for a hotel so another two or three kilometres later I found the place and was able to book a room for the night. After I had checked in and asked a staff member to put my bike in safe storage, I went across street to buy some mineral water a snack or two. I wasn't really hungry but knew i had to keep well-hydrated. Back to my room to have a quick shower and then fall into bed. I knew my train was not supposed to leave until around 11:00 am so I wasn't overly worried about being up in time to trudge back to station, pushing my bike, as I still was not prepared to ride, still worried about falling. 

Hello Friends and Family! Well, somehow, I'm in reasonable shape, both, psychologically and physically, although my angry facial scabs tend to keep people at a distance. Somehow I managed to leave Kraków, very early this morning, and then, hours later than scheduled, to end up at the end of the day in The Czech Republic, Pardubice, in a very comfortable room for the night. I was so beaten, bedraggled and bone tired that as soon as I'd had a gloriously long, hot, hot shower I went straight to bed, (11:00 pm), with even thinking about brushing or flossing. 

Hi again, Dottore! You will need a loading van! Maybe on the lads could ride my bike back to your place if space is an issue. Remember, arrival is now on Friday as opposed to Thursday originally planned. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!

I have a Thing to stik bike on the car. It was more if I could send you along by yourself, go by bike myself, which I do to work daily, or needed the car. I will inform you later what ti du tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing you, Patrick. XO m

Margareta Hi Patrick! Johan will meet you at train station and you take a taxi with him back home. He us not in school due to exams and no teaching more this term.

The boys still alternate between the two homes, Peter is with hos dad this week and next, but will visit here to meet you. Peter has some emotionel challenges at the moment, signs of depression, he will see a psychologist next week. I mention this because he is not very sociable at all, I am afraid. However the rest of us are, and looking forward to seeing you here. I am off all weekend, tomorrow we can diskuss what you would like to do while visiting here, depending on your physical condition, of course. 

Today is first day og an international literature festival in Aarhus, lastning 10 day. We can go biking swimming car trip, various museums, and there is always my terasse to relax.
Enjoy your Journey! XO M Margareta

Hi Patrick, wondering how you are doing? You must be very sore. Hope you are getting lots of rest at Maggies. Give her my love. Did some early morning watering and wedding. Went into the city yesterday with mom. We had our hair cut and toes done. Also had lunch with Judy, Kimberlee and Chris and 3 week old Liam. Liam is a cutely and Chris and Kimberlee very happy parents. I sent them 2 books from us for Liam. Judy and Dallas may come out to visit us in August or September. Let me know how you are, Love Corinne

Marlo update: Had a short visit with Marlo yesterday. She had blood work and some other tests and was home and looked Jaundiced to mom and me. Pam also arrived for her first visit since Marlo was diagnosed. She brought more birthday presents for Quinn who of course was squealing with delight. Marlo had bad night last night with diarrhea and pain. Did not sleep much. Today she has RH negative shot this morning and chemo this afternoon. Ryan has taken day off from work to be with her. George and Barb might bring Quinn out on Friday night until Sunday if Ryan can handle the treatment follow up. Mar can't be touched for 24 hrs and no one else can use her bathroom. All in all a tough time for them. Love mom/nana

Corinne Durston: If you have not supported Sandy's ride to "Kick Cancer's Butt" you can do so today! 

Great Cycle Challenge started in 2016, and after just 3 years, the event has grown to become one of the biggest cycling events across Canada.

People of all ages, abilities and from every province across the country set themselves a personal riding goal and challenge themselves to pedal throughout June to fight kids’ cancer.

In 3 years, our community of riders from all 13 provinces and territories have ridden a total of 6,709,204 kilometres, and together we raised $7,896,090 in support of research to develop treatments and find a cure for childhood cancer. Why? Because cancer is the largest killer of children from disease in Canada. Over 1,400 Canadian children are diagnosed with cancer every year.We're riding to give these kids the brighter futures they deserve, and we believe that any one individual can make their personal impact to fight cancer and save little lives. So we’re calling on all Canadians to get on their bikes and join our movement to kick cancer’s butt!

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