Thursday 5 December 2019

Ginger Haired Rowan James Eats Ginger at Sushi Heaven: Thursday, December 5th!

It is impossible to enjoy idling thoroughly unless one has plenty of work to do. -Jerome K. Jerome, humorist and playwright (1859-1927)

Chloe Alexis Dunn is with Corinne Durston and Patrick James Dunn at Sushi Heaven Penticton. Rowan’s first restaurant experience to celebrate his Poppa’s 72 Birthday!!! And the first spin in his new stroller!!! Rowan’s not Poppa’s, not yet anyways 😉🎂❤️ @ Sushi Heaven Penticton

Sylvie Roy 🥰🎉🎂🍾 Clare Peterson So awesome:) Kathleen Gray Looking good! xo Colleen Teahan Waldron Marvelous he looks good on you two!!! Judy B Pratt You both look fabulous 😊♥️🎂🍷
Lyndsay Campbell Yay!! You’re amazing that you’re out of the house already!! ❤️
Barbara Durston Way to go Penticton family! Cheers Megan Sutherland Happy Birthday Pat!!!! Agata Bienias 

Congratulations Chloe!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Joanne Trueman Happy birthday Patrick. Looking very proud.
Kari Morton Happy Birthday Pat Angela Haaf Congratulations
Maggie Carr Congratlations! Karen Kellerman Glad you got out! Marian Leighton You lucky couple! Elaine sent me the wonderful photo of the bouncing baby boy. Sue Jutson Happy grannies! Sue Jutson Happy grandies
I have to return to Winnipeg as The Sisterhood has to take RJ to the hospital to have his heel pricked for some test or other. Nurse took a sample a day or so ago but apparently didn't manage enough blood so little chap has more pain to endure.

I hadn't really thought about going for a ride today as with yesterday's swim I imagined I'd dedicate my time to shouldares. However, when I ventured outside at around 9:30 am, to bring in a couple of baskets of firewood, it was so balmy that I knew a ride was meant to be. This being the case I finished all my considerable Lady Dar chores and then suited up. was ready to go just after 12:00 noon. Wind, out of the N at 14 km/h dropped to 6 km/h by the time I was back home so not really a significant factor. At any rate, I decided, soon after leaving the house that it was time for more dipsy-doodleage and that is just what I did. Following my route regulare I described three sets of loops, after leaving Riverside Mall, with seven repeats per different loop, first off Power and Riverside Drive, then to Burnaby, off Westminster, then to Dynes and finally to Churchill before making for SOEC. Didn't take but a few elongated loops here and I was set to hit Wade, Winnipeg and White and I was back home by just after 3:00 pm.

First thing I did was to take my Trek into patio area as I wanted to give it a good rinse. Sprayed it with a bio-degreaser first and then poured four buckets of hot water over it to rinse it fairly clean. Wiped it down and then put oil on the chain. Hadn't really done any basic maintenance on it since before I had my shoulder operation so it was time. Once Trek was stored I had a quick shower and change as I was to meet The Sisterhood, and Rowan James, at Sushi Heaven, for my pre-birthday dinner. This week it was the best evening for Chloë as she has two close friends arriving domani.

Lady Dar called about 5:30 pm to tell me they were just leaving so after I had a snort of Lagavulin, Triple Distilled, 48 %, I hied myself to the restaurant. Gang were already seated, Rowan James, asleep, contented ac contented can be, in his spiffy red stroller. We enjoyed an ab/fab meal, [Tiger Rolls were what I wanted after last Tuesday's take-away to celebrated RJ's birth, but I stooped to vacuuming everything that was ordered, washing it don with hot Saki, Dear Reader!

Flamin' called towards the end of the wonderful meal and so Lady Dar called for the bill and I pushed RJ home, effortlessly as stroller must have space age ball-bearings! we'd only been home a few minutes when Flamin' arrived and immediately commandeered RJ. He took to her like she was his mother so Chloë has hired her as a nanny! Lovely time visiting and admiring The Boy and when he fell asleep Flamin's advice was heeded: Sleep when your child sleeps! Fond goodnights and then Flamin' dropped me back at Burns where I did a few dishes and then brushed and flossed. Don't want to to be abed too, too late as am planning to ride 72 km on the morrow, one km for each year of my age! Cheers, Patrizzio! Map and Stats for ride:

Patrick, Rowan’s hair is definitely red and really shows in these photos. He sure is a handsome baby. Gerry is in Vancouver for a couple of days going to his Knowledge Network meeting and then going to a Trail Luncheon tomorrow and he is taking Jeff - a good old boys lunch! I have been very busy as I just realized time is running out. I had a NW Education ’88’ Foundation meeting yesterday so lots of prep for that. We nearly have 1 million dollars in our GICs. I think that is pretty impressive for our small town. Our donors gave out approximately $95 thousand last year. Also had year end paper work, shredding of a large pile of old financial information and other desk chores. It was good Gerry wasn’t here.

Today our neighbour took me out for a lovely lunch and we chatted for a few hours then I had a long list of chores in town including filling the gas tank! I just finished making cookies for a bake sale tomorrow that supports the Art Gallery. There are so many craft and bake sales going on I only hope they all get customers. Last weekend the arena was filled with people and their crafts, canning and baking. I always feel so awful if I don’t buy anything especially if I know the people but I have to say there was very little there that I would have liked to have.

We are off to Hawaii in January for a month and just learned tonight that Stacee is able to take a week off and join us. Sean can’t come as he wants to save his holidays for a trip with Stacee. We are really excited to have Stacee to ourselves for a week. We are going to the same place as always - Mauna Lani Terraces on the Big Island. We keep saying we should try somewhere else warm but then say well maybe next year.

We head to Vancouver next Thursday and are staying down until the 28th. Wish you guys were still in Vancouver as we could see you more often. Oh well we will have to trailer to the Okanagan next summer. Cheers, Dawn 

Hello Billionaire Foundation Administrator, et al! At least I now know why you and Heraldo are able to travel so extensively and in such comfort. How about sharing some of your ill-gotten gains? And your unsuspecting friends even pay the tab at lunch! Hollywood make movies about people like you. Cut me in and I'll draft screen play! On a far more pedestrian plane, [A level I assume you and Heraldo have never visited let alone heard about!], it was wonderful to hear from you and know we are missed. Stay well. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Sushi Heaven and then back at Chloë's place! Great shots!! See you soon xo 

Hi Patrick and Corrine, congratulations guys, enjoy that beautiful baby xx Thanks for the best wishes, Bev and Kev. Rowan James took his first stroll last night when we went to a local restaurant, Sushi Heaven, for my pre-birthday dinner! He didn't fuss at all, except when I refused to share the pickled ginger! Back home with friend, Flamin', up from Vancouver, to visit two of her six grandchildren, here in Penticton. Other four are in Kamloops, two apiece for her oldest son and daughter. Cheers! 

Hello Bridge Folk! I am more than happy to host this coming Monday, anytime after 6:30 pm. Please let me know who is interested in playing and I'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Patrick. Cute pictures. I am available next Monday. Thanks. Dianne I will be there! Susan Sorry I am not able to play on Monday. Have dinner plans Wishing you good cards and all
Love pics Patrick Judy Xo 


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