Friday 6 December 2019

Patrizzio Battles Fierce Gusts From Crescent Beach Singin' The Birthday Blues: Friday, December 6th!

In this age, the mere example of nonconformity, the mere refusal to bend the knee to custom, is itself a service. -John Stuart Mill, philosopher and economist (1806-1873)

I hope you have a lovely day planned, perhaps including a bike ride and evening feast. Congratulations on your new grandson, arriving just in time for birthday festivities! I hope all is well and wish you every happiness!!! Love, Elinor 

Chloe Alexis Dunn Happy 72 Birthday Dad!!!! I gift you your newest grandson! ❤️🥰 Ayn P Wishing Poppa a very happy birthday. As you can see he asked for a baby and he was very good this year so we obliged! Patrick James Dunn we will celebrate you with an invasion of the Mercado/Sutherland crew today here in LA! Ni Cole Marie and Marvin Angelo see you soon!
Pam Durston Happy birthday old guy!! Wish we were there to celebrate with you!! Hugs and kisses from Spamoni, Grog and the boys xoxoxo Bev Power‎ to Patrick James Dunn Happy Birthday Patrick! Glenda Kestler Dyson Happy Birthday!!🎂🎉 Sanora Aleman Happy Birthday Patrick!💕💕 Sylvie Roy Bonne fête à Patrick ! Mes meilleurs souvenirs 🎂 Colleen Teahan Waldron What an amazing gift !🎊🎂🎉 Ayn P Patrick James Dunn are you with Rowan? George Durston Patrick now comes with a much younger & better looking version! Ni Cole Marie Yessss happy birthday Patrick James Dunn !!! We had a very nice lunch in your honour! Sorry it was too loud to chat when we called earlier ! 🥰🥰🥰 hope you are enjoying that sweet baby!

Penny Doorbar Buon compleanno Patrizzio! Being a grandad really suits you - two red haired babes!! Xx Wayne Sutherland‎ to Patrick James Dunn Happy Birthday old man. Joe Meikle Happy Birthday Paticio!
Louise Sartorio Happy Birthday Patrick!!! Enjoy your day with sweet Rowan! Colleen Teahan Waldron Happy Birthday Patricio!!! Hoping it's filled with fine wines, gourmet food and lotsa love! 😍😘🥰🥰 Barbara Durston Best gift ever!! Grandpa should have a fantastic Xmas gift for you Chloe this year under the tree Jennifer Gold Happy Birthday Patrick James Dunn!!🎉✨

Alan Waldron‎ to Patrick James Dunn For he's a jolly good fellow!..for he's a jolly good fellow! For he's a jolly good fellow! WHICH nobody can denigh! . .WHICH nobody can denigh! WHICH nobody can denigh! Happy Birthday Patricio!! Hope ypu have a fantastic day! Penny Doorbar deny methinks! Big Al says denigh, Penèlopé says deny but I say many, many thanks and Hip Hip Hooray! Cheers!!! Birthday dinner with The Sisterhood! Cheers!!! Happy Birthday Gramps. I know you’re a long way down the attention scale these days but hopefully James will give the girls enough of a break to make fuss over you on your special day. Saluti. Gerry Patrick, I wished you a happy birthday on Instagram (Chloe’s account) but never sent you a message directly. A day late but sent with hugs🤗 and a kiss😘 - Happy Birthday to a very, very energetic, fit, and entertaining 72 year old Dawn Gerry sends his best wishes too but I think he will forgo the kiss.Dear Patrick Wishing you a marvellous and happy birthday!! Toasting you with a wee dram of Lagavulin 10 year old Islay whiskey I purchased in October at Gatwick! Cheers to you!! Peace/Colin and Gail 🥃 Hi Colin James and Gail! Thanks for birthday wishes and glorious toast! Funnily enough, I had a not so wee dram of Lagavulin, myself, before my birthday dinner, snuck before The Sisterhood, and Rowan James, arrived from Winnipeg Street! Fondestos and Cheers, to one and all, Patrizzio, aka Patrick James!

Hi O Susannah! Thanks for the delightful card and wishes. [Etta and Duke though that the card was for them!] Yes, indeed, Rowan James is a very special birthday gift! Hello from Nanoose Bay, Called earlier, but you are likely out celebrating. Looking forward to seeing you in early January! Cheers, Grog & Lurch Hello Madroña Manor! Thanks for the birthday call and best wishes. Sorry I missed chatting but I was out for a fab ride. I gather Flamin' and Sarge will celebrate New Year's with you. Will be fun, I'm sure. Still remember the night you first moved in! Look forward to seeing you and Lurch in January. Stay well! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Patrick, We hope you had a great Birthday celebration tonight! I'm sure that being a grandfather for the 3rd time is making it an extra special one! Cheers to another year of good health and happiness! Love, Rick and Ruth And Joy to the New Year! In all the turmoil of rehearsals and concerts we totally forgot your birthday. Congratulations Patrizzziioo! Belated but still sincere!  😍🎂🏸🥂🥂🥰🥂🙃 Aart & Jos Hello Summerlandians! Thanks you so much for the warm birthday wishes! Stay well. Fondestos and Cheers to you both, Patrizzio!
Belated birthday greetings from Sydney Patrice Patrick James Dunn Thanks Tiptoe! We've been more than concerned about the wildfires surrounding Sydney. How are you faring? On a brighter note, Rowan James was my special birthday present! Cheers!!!

Hi Aquitaine! How simply lovely to hear from you and receive your earlier congratulations and best wishes on the birth of Rowan James and now on my birthday! Trust all goes well with you. Must apologize for not replying sooner but, as I'm sure you can imagine, it has been a pretty busy time of late. Lady Dar stayed with RJ and Chloë in the hospital and has been at her place ever since they returned home. Routine is starting to be established and both mother and child are doing very well, although adult minders are not getting as much sleep as they would like! I'm at our place taking care of the cats but go over, particularly to help with dinner, if not earlier in the day, for other things.

With Maya, flying up from Vancouver, and Katie, driving down from Vernon, both for the weekend, go stay with Chloë, Nurse Nana has the weekend off! She will come back to Burns later today, She's invited Flamin' for my birthday dinner so we'll have a chance to catch up with her busy life and fill her in on all the happenings with respect to Rowan James.

Must away as I want to have a bite of breakfast before I head out for my ride. Going to need the energy as wind is out of the SSE at 23 km/h, gusting to 37 km/h. This being the case I plan to battle my way to OK Falls so that it will be at my back on return leg, I hope!!! Stay well. Fondestos  to you, my Darling Aquitaine, Julia and family. Cheers, Patrizzio!

[Hi Brenda Louise! Thank you for the warm birthday congratulations. How are you and all your menfolk? Stay well. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!]

Wishing you all good things today and for the following year What a great present with Rowan James in your family now!! May your year ahead be filled with good health and prosperity and new adventures Hoping to see you soon my friend Judy Xo Hi Judy Blue! Thank you for the warm birthday congratulations. Yes, Rowan James is certainly the most wonderful birthday gift one could ever imagine! Sorry you can't make bridge. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!

We hope you have a splendid birthday celebration. Have a good ride if you are out on the roads to celebrate. Be careful but have fun! Down here, we are pretty much riveted by the spectacle unfolding around the impeachment. It's almost hard to remember what normal life is, was, like. But we have no monopoly, seeing what is going on in Iran, Iraq, Chile, France, Lebanon, all over the world. What a time to be alive.....and let's be grateful that we all are. And you get to enjoy the newest of the new, Rowan for whom every struggle we are enduring now is going to be mere prelude, pre-history. Almost unimaginable. 

I find myself wondering, to bring down the level of engagement a bit, what is happening with the David Coffaro wine. So far, nothing has shown up on our door sill. It would seem to me to be a terrible time of year to be shipping cases, but what do I know? If you know anything, do let us know. I feel a bad not going up to fetch it, and it would be a fun day I'm sure, but the traffic these days even around Santa Rosa is a forbidding prospect. I look forward to sequestering the wine downstairs, confident that you will eventually collect it rather than fill out insurance forms like you had to do in early 1992. I will head into the kitchen and start to create Friday's lunches, tuna of course. The cat has already fled the house, Donna Florida snoozes above, and I raise my coffee mug high in your esteemed birthday honor! HIP HIP HOORAY!!!!!!!! Cactus

Hi Cactoosian and Floridian! Thanks so much for all the warm and wonderful birthday wishes. Coincidentally, with your mention of impending impeachment  proceedings I just heard a riveting interview on CBC's The Current with Glenn R. Simpson and Peter Fritsch, about their book, Crime in Progress: Inside the Steele Dossier and the Fusion GPS Investigation of Donald Trump. Please tell all your dear, dear Republican friends, Trump supporters, vile, vile, malignant blockheads, or worse, to read and heed. Hi again Wine Watcher! Sorry, I forgot to mention that I talked to Patrizzia, a few weeks ago, now, and they will keep wine until next we drive down. I apologize for not letting you know but it happened around impending birth. Cheers, Patrizzio! Good. Hope that means you will be down before the wine goes bad. Anxiously awaiting your arrival. Cactus

Happy birthday Patrizzio! You don't look a day over 71! Bill Mutual, I'm sure! Hi Wild Bill and Cookie Monster! Thank you for best wishes on my birthday! Trust all goes well with you but I should warn you that I hope to be chasing you in the pool in the not too, too distant future. Stay well. Fondestos to you, Grizzly 
Guillermo and to my Darling Rita! Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: I'll ask Lady Dar to phone about Bake-Athon when she is back on Burns!

Hi Patrick, beautiful baby boy, did Chloe do this through IVF? On her own like our Lisa? Bev Yes, she is on her own but Rowan is truly a miracle baby as at the end of IVF treatments she was told that her eggs were not fertile! Pretty difficult to accept, of course, given how much she had wanted a child. Anyway, at some point afterwards, the "old fashioned way" resulted in her pregnant with Rowan James! Hip Hip Hooray!!! Llama Boy for a day or so ago! Cheers, Patrizzio!

El Diablo woke me up at just after 7:00 am, bounding onto my tummy so I had no other choice but to clamber out of bed to feed the more than demanding felines. Once breakfast was served I made myself a mug of java, celebrating my birthday using condensed milk, [No Name so don't worry, Dear Reader!], as hadn't had a chance to buy any bottled 2% yesterday. Answered a few messages, thanking friends and family for lovely birthday greetings, and then readied the fireplace for this evening. Since it wasn't really chilly I didn't bother lighting it, something I'd done earlier in week as outside temperature demanded it. Was pleased that it was as mild as it was yesterday as I was planning a decent ride to celebrate my 72nd birthday. 

Lady Dar called around 8:30 am to wish me Happy Birthday, along with Chloë, and filled me in on what was happening for rest of day, giving me permission to go for my ride! Thanking her, I set about making a hearty, three-egg omelette, as I felt I would need the energy with the forecast suggesting the wind would be out of the SSE at 23 km/h, gusting to 37 km/h! This being the case I planned to battle my way to OK Falls so that it would be at my back on return leg, I hoped!!! After I'd enjoyed it I suited up. Was ready to roll by 11:30 am and set off, intending to do my route regulare as a spring board to heading to OK Falls. However, as I made my way along Lakeshore I started thinking about making for Crescent Beach as the return route would be slightly more protected from the strong gusts, ranging between 35 km/h to 32 km/h, let alone the steady head wind of around 19 km/h.

Anyway, this plan made sense so I did two complete loops of Red Wing East, both north and south complexes and had logged about 14 km by the time I was back on the highway. Really zipped along, almost effortlessly, with the wind pushing me. Before I knew it I was in Trout Creek and dipsy-doodled my way through the community to take the bike/pedestrian path, [I was worried that it might have been closed  for season but gate was not locked as is the case with the roads to Kickinnee, Soorimpt and Pyramid, small beach parks on the way to Summerland.], to Lower Summerland and Crescent Beach beyond. Saw ten white swans and a grey one, just before I reached CB so I took it as a good omen! Lovely creatures indeed!

Did two loops of the small development there and then girded my loins for the battle I knew awaited. In fact, it wasn't nearly as bad as I had expected lhough when close to the water I was forced to stand in the saddle in order to make reasonable headway. At other times the bluffs or house-lined streets of Trout Creek provided quite a bit of shelter from the blasts so I was soon waiting for the light to cross the highway on Johnson Street. Only had to make a slight dipsy-doodle before I caught it and was across 97 without any trouble. Rode for half a km, past the Summerland Heritage Cider Company and noticed a fairly large building being constructed behind original facility. Operation must be doing well!

Ride on highway was a bit of a struggle at times but again, not as tough as I had feared and by the time I reached Red Wing West I only needed two loops of the complex to set me up for distance I had in mind. Once I was back on Riverside I made for Burnaby to cross Westminster and then did a couple of small loops around the parking lot at SOEC before I was making for the roundabout on Power and then taking WWW, [Wade, Winnipeg and White], I was back at Burns with 76.31 km on the clock! I wanted to ride 72 km to celebrate my birthday; 73rd km was for the year of my next birthday; 74th km was for Lady Dar, for giving birth to Chloë; 75th km was for Chloë giving birth to Rowan James; and 76th, [1976 was the year of Chloë's birth.], km was for Rowan James, the most wonderful, wonderful birthday present I have ever received, as handsome and happy a little chap as one could ever imagine! Hip Hip Hooray!! Thanks, Thanks, Thanks, to one and all. Cheers!!! Map and Stats for ride:

Great trip! Why did you not come in for one of the best Cappucci's in the valley?
:-) Aarturos Thanks but you know I cannot risk touching The Dreaded Burning Ground when riding! Cheers, Patrizzio!

PS: Rowan James chose the wine! Pic: Chloë texts while Nanny Flamin' looks after Rowan James Hello Jo-Anne and Colin! Trust you are both well! Thank you so much for the fabulous birthday card, not to mention your most kind wishes. Coincidentally, your letter arrive today, almost the same time as a message from Dawn Martin appeared in my in-box, asking for Chloë's address as well! They had called to inquire about birth and we had a lovely FaceTime chat, about a week ago, now. 

Flamin', [who flew up from Vancouver for grand-parenting duty herself], came over so we enjoyed ourselves while she took care of Rowan James! Evening before, she came to Winnipeg Street and as soon as she arrived she immediately commandeered RJ. He took to her like she was his mother so Chloë hired her on the spot as a live-in nanny! Stay well. Thanks again for the lovely, lovely card. Will have to frame it and hang it in my "office", to inspire me, as picture is simply marvellous! Fondestos and Cheers to you both, Patrizzio!

Hi Patrick and Corrine, Dad passed away last night. We'll have a short ceremony at Everden Rust funeral home tomorrow at 2:00. You are more than welcome to visit there with us. Bill Hello Bill: Sincere condolences on the death of your father, from both Corinne and I. Unfortunately, we will not be able to attend the ceremony but our heartfelt sympathy is with you and the family. Again, we grieve with you and for you. Patrick. Hi Patrick and Corrine, Rita is going to cancel the cookie baking. After Dad's passing she wants to take a break. We'll try something in a week or two. Bill Hi again, Bill: Completely understandable. Trust we can connect when the family has been able to mourn. Until then, stay well. Patrick JL card: Dear Bill and Rita, Deepest sympathy on the death of your beloved Father. Corinne and Patrick


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