Tuesday 24 December 2019

Rowan's First Christmas Eve and the Home-Made Borscht Blues: Tuesday, December 24th!

Once you label me you negate me. -Soren Kierkegaard, philosopher (1813-1855)

[Chloe Alexis Dunn First Christmas selfie with my Rowan......he’s already none to impressed with mom. πŸ₯°❤️πŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸ»] Lady Dar drove over to Winnipeg around 9:00 am as ChloΓ« was to take Rowan James in to the hospital for his one month check-up. Hard to believe that four weeks have passed so quickly! At any rate, once she left I started preparing both the borscht for this evening's meal as well as the turnip puff for Christmas dinner. As I worked away, chopping and dicing and sautΓ©eing, I listened to Christmas music on CBC One so it was a most pleasant time. Both cats were sleeping, Etta curled up in the Rumpus Room, while Duke was stretched out at the foot of our bed.

[Chloe Alexis Dunn Poppa and his wee twin grandson.......πŸ₯°❤️ thanks for the outfit @sprince32 😘 David Kessler Exactly Michele Darrow-Sutherland That warms my heart ❤️ Ni Cole Marie This couldn’t be any cuter Judy Gray So cute. Merry Christmas from the Gray’s Hildegard Schmidt AHHHHHHHH...YOU 2 ARE ADORABLE..πŸ‘πŸ€—πŸ₯‚ Alan Waldron Never so glad to see two lads in plaid! Merry Christmas to you all..lots of love from the Waldron xoxo 
Silvana Harwood Merry Christmas to you all Craig Stewart awwwwe Joe Meikle Nice pic! Santa and one of the newest elves. Merry Christmas to you all! Colleen Teahan Waldron Handsome x 2!!!! Love you πŸ’• Penny Doorbar Wow what a duo! Extraordinary to see Poppa in a shirt instead of string vest ! Xx Takagaki Toshiko So cute😍
Patrick James Dunn Thanks to one and all for the Christmas Wishes and comments on our sartorial elegance! Later that evening, Rowan James slept through the story of the birth of Baby Jesus!] The fire was crackling away and the soup tasted tasty as I cleaned up the kitchen after mashing the turnip and covering the surface with gluten-free breadcrumbs. Noticed how mild the day was when I took out some recycling so thought I should I'd go for a ride. My decision was seconded by Lady Dar. She happened to call just as I was formulating my plan and said they were going to be a while, running errands, etc. They had gone back to Winnipeg to feed Rowan and give him a nap. 
[Chloe Alexis Dunn Thanks for the wonderful presents Dawn and Gerry @telsequah and keeping Rowan in the coolest of West Coast Style @mister_martini!!!!❤️😘πŸ₯°]
Was suited up and ready to roll by about 1:30 pm. Had looked at the forecast and knew wind wasn't really going to be much of a factor, blowing out of the NNW at 5 km/h even dropping to 3 km/h out of the N as day progressed. Since it was a bit of a late start I decided I'd simply do my route regulare so it wouldn't be too, too dark by the time I was finished. Streets were very quiet but by the time I'd left PTC and was making my way along Lakeshore there were plenty of people strolling the boulevard, walking dogs and noisy, excited children. Lake was a glass mirror with what looked like bits of ice floating on the surface, just down from the SS Sicamous. Soon realized that these mini-icebergs were gulls! Quite a sight.

Anyway, soon fell into the endless loop routine, [Burnaby, Riverside, Dynes and Churchill and described three sets of seven repeats, five on the last],  before I was ready to head back home. The Sisterhood and their charge were already there and enjoying rum and eggnog so I stoked the fire to make it cosy for Rowan James and then poured myself a catch-up toddy to toast Rowan James' first Christmas Eve! What a more than wonderful finish to a simply wonderful ride. Happy Christmas to one and all! Cheers!!! Map and Stats for ride:


Etta and Duke, dedicated quality control officers. They will need a couple of months of intense testing before being able to report on comfort level of crib. Bruno

Eyob Goitom Happy Holiday seasons to the whole family, including the new baby. Keep cycling, Patricio. Patrick James Dunn Thanks Eyob! Happy Christmas to you and your family as well. Hoping to go for another ride on Boxing Day, as forecast suggests it will be reasonably sunny, although brisk! Rowan James would rather snooze! Cheers!

Carol Riera Merry Christmas from my family to yours! May you be surrounded by those that you love and enjoy your feasts whatever they are! Missing Thierry Sterckeman but he will be with us on New Year’s Day. πŸŽ…πŸ€ΆπŸŽ„πŸŽπŸŽ‰πŸ™πŸ₯‚❄️☃️🐾 ~Merry Christmas 2019~ Love & best wishes for 2020.  The Schmanders Family

Hi Clan Schmanders![What a fabulous moniker!!! Oy Vey!] Thank you for the wonderful, wonderful Christmas card and New Year's wishes. Rowan James continues to do extremely well and is over 10 lbs now. Baby Beluga indeed!Trust you four are well. [Before I forget, thanks so much for the "designer" T-shirt, David. Have to guard it with my life as both Lady Dar and ChloΓ« have their eyes on it! Stay well dear friends. Healthy New Year, Fondestos and Best Wishes from Lady Dar and I, to you and all the rest of the Sunshine Coasters. Cheers, Patrizzio! 

Hola Hola Patriccio and Corinne, Just wanted to wish you both a very Merry Christmas with your adorable new grandson! We had a marvelous time in Mexico with my mom and dad...the resort and the weather were just spectacular and just what we needed to re-charge our batteries. I am having dinner for 16 tomorrow here in Burnaby complete with ham and turkey which
I am pre-cooking the bird today so that tomorrow is a little less chaotic. My folks, my sister Kelly and her familia as well as Al's sister and two of her boys will be attending so it should be a very merry time for all.

We will take brunch over to Al's Mom in the morning as it is so much easier than trying to transport her over here especially as she doesn't tend to do well at large functions anymore but I'm sure she will be glad to see us all on Christmas none the less. 

On Boxing Day we will convoy up to the valley and retire there until the New year in all of the fresh snow that has been falling the last few weeks. Hoping to find our way up to see you all early in the New Year and meet Baby Rowan. Please send our love to all. Lotsa Love, Marilyn xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Hi Marilyn and Big Molly! Thank you for the newsy pre-Christmas message. I gather you are now cosily ensconced in Sunshine Valley Paradisio! Really pleased that you had such a wonderful time in Mexico. Christmas Day dinner sounded like it wold be a marvellous family gathering. Stay well dear friends. Chat soon, one way or another. Healthy New Year, Fondestos and Best Wishes from Lady Dar and I, to you, Marilyn, and Big Al, and your handsome Lads! Cheers, Patrizzio!


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