Tuesday 17 December 2019

Back in the Slow Lane Blues: Tuesday, December 17th!

Contentment is, after all, simply refined indolence. -Thomas Chandler Haliburton, author, judge, and politician (17 Dec 1796-1865) 

Thank you for the card, and warm holiday wishes from sunny Mexico. Love, Agneta

Thank you for pics and a very enjoyable evening on Sunday. The dinner was excellent, popovers divine and company extraordinaire. It was great to visit with ayn again and to meet with rj for the first time. Looking forward to seeing vanessa tonight Talk soon Judy

[Our former roommate Janice Yeung was working at the mall and encouraged my parents to get this photo taken :) The boys said… This was Gramma’s very first photo taken with Santa. Pretty nice hey! xoxo]
Merry Christmas! Attached is my letter and a few photos. I hope you have a safe and happy holiday season :) Please send me your updated addresses if you have moved. Also… please update my email address. After Telus had difficulty this year, I am trying to transition to my gmail accoun. I am also trying to send fewer cards in the mail. It appears that is a trend now… and something that is in the news to encourage everyone to be more conscious of waste etc. Please let me know if you REALLY need a hard copy of a photo etc. and I can send you one.
Dear Friends & Family: 2019 has been another busy year of growth and development! When I scroll through the photos on my phone I often wonder how we manage to fit so much into our lives AND DOCUMENT IT ALL!! The way we do things has really changed.Thank you for your letters and Christmas Wishes. It has been wonderful to hear your news and see your photos.Merry Christmas & Best Wishes for 2020 xoxo Ariane, Douglas, Damian & Corben
Hi Ariane! Thanks for the lovely, lovely Christmas and New Year's wishes, plus your newsy letter, recapping such a full year's worth of wonderful activity, and terrific snaps of your handsome lads! Thank you as well, for the earlier offer to come "home shopping" for LEGO and a Thomas train toys and books! We'd love to do so but not sure, at this point, when we will next be in Kamloops. Of course, we'd be delighted to see you and Doug and your young men. Hard to believe that twenty years has passed since you started teaching and more! Congratulations on the pen that marks this anniversary. Hip Hip Hooray!

[Corben Grade 6 School Photo] For my part I'm more than pleased to report that I'm finally back in the pool, swimming as opposed to deep-water walking. Not that I don't appreciate this form of exercise but I'm very, very happy to be swimming again, something I've not really done in and serious, prolonged way, in over ten years now. Last week I managed to swim 32 widths, [Penticton pool only has widths for public swims although there are always lanes whenever facility is open so I really appreciate this flexibilty.], coughing and spluttering like a fish out of water, so to speak!

Half of that was backstroke and sidestroke. This past Sunday I was able to do a mile's worth of crawl and half a mile's worth of backstroke. Split latter by doing a quarter mile before I begin crawl and wind down with last quarter. My physio suggested that this was a very good way to limber up and finish. 
[Damian Grade 6 School Photos] Today, I did a mile and a quarter of crawl and half a mile of backstroke. I'd like to reach three miles by end of the month and feel this is  quite a realistic goal as my bi-lateral breathing is becoming more relaxed and efficient and my stroke, less crab-like with each outing. Of course, I still have a long way to go but now that I have seen marked improvement that is an incentive in itself. Conditions, in terms of lane usage, couldn't be better as I often have lane to myself or share with but one or two others. Since I can choose my times I really am fortunate to have access to such a marvellous facility. Really enjoy steam and hot tub as well. Fondestos from both of us to you, Ariane, and to Doug, Corben and Damian. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
This is Coach Stan and the Little Dudes - July 2019. Harris & Douglas Hunter (Twins) along with Damian and Corben Hickey (Twins) and JT Twemlow and Nate Neuls. A great group of friends and they are all 12 years old right now except for Damian and Corben who are 11! Quite a busy group and fun to watch on the water. 

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