Thursday 20 December 2018

On the Road to Kelowna and MEC/Mall Blues: Thursday, December 20th!

If we would have new knowledge, we must get us a whole world of new questions. -Susanne Langer, philosopher (20 Dec 1895-1985) 

Patrick James Dunn Hi Beach Boy! Trust you are well! Off to Kelowna this morning for a bit of Christmas shopping. Cheers! Bill Dempster I am not at the beach but I am really enjoying the trip... I haven't had a doctors appt. In over a month, which in itself is a.big treat. The heat is of course hard on an old guy from Saint John.. it has been 33 all day today which is about average' but me and my trusty cane get there one way or another...just realized dr. Statement a bit false as I have been to the dentist 3 times and am having 3 teeth extracted Dec 26.. all else is great. Food.will be my downfall but this life is great.. Merry Happy and all..Bill

Left home at shortly after 10:00 am and had a pleasant drive all the way to Kelowna. Traffic was fairly light and we stopped at MEC and then Lee Valley, (both in the same mall), but didn't find anything that really caught our Christmas shopping eyes. Then on to Orchard Park, by 12:30 pm, where Lady Dar wanted to go to Indigo. We split up here and agreed to meet back at the car at 1:30 pm. I had intended to wander and simply see if there any stocking stuffers, and such, that I thought I might add to my cache of presents. Had a rather enjoyable time as mall wasn't terribly crowded and I was not pressed to find anything in particular. Just followed my nose and am pleased to say I found a number of things that I'm quite happy about.

Back to the car which I misplaced! Had to wander a number of rows around where I thought we had parked. Didn't take long and I was back at The MarriageMobile, Lady Dar already there. On to Bluetail Sushi Bistro for a wonderful lunch and then to Costco! Didn't take all that long to pick up what items we needed and even though it was pretty busy we were in and out in about half an hour. Drive home went well as not all that much traffic so we pulled up in back at around 4:30 pm. Unloaded and then Lady Dar set about making shrimp and bacon-wrapped scallops for appetizers to take to Corey's Watch Party.

Watch Party: Aaoooooo! Werewolves of Sendero! Aaoooooo! Thanks Pat! A lot of fun Hi Kid Chelene and Beckster, et al! Thank you both for such a grand time! It was a delight to meet some of your fellow workmates. Yes, a great good evening. So much so that Lady Dar and I will each bring a present tomorrow night if your parents are still up for another bash! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Evening started out well but quite quickly Flamin' soon found Christmas sweaters and pulsing lights too bright for her tired eyes so bring on the sweater crowd and we can howl without her!

Patrick James Dunn Hi Beach Boy! Trust you are well! Off to Kelowna this morning for a bit of Christmas shopping. Cheers Bill Dempster I am not at the beach but I am really enjoying the trip... I haven't had a doctors appt. In over a month, which in itself is a.big treat. The heat is of course hard on an old guy from Saint John.. it has been 33 all day today which is about average' but me and my trusty cane get there one way or another...just realized dr. Statement a bit false as I have been to the dentist 3 times and am having 3 teeth extracted Dec 26.. all else is great. Food.will be my downfall but this life is great.. Merry Happy and all..Bill 
a short note to say we haven't forgotten you and to wish you a merry xmas and a healthy new year bev says not to drink too much or eat too much. we follow you on Facebook on your cycling. lisa is expecting her first child on jan 4, a boy. anyhow that's about it for now. its 36 today and 39 tomorrow, too hot but deprive for xmas day 33 so a little warm but good cheers for now and keep in touch kevin and bev Healthy New Year, Perth People! Are you now brand new grandparents? All the best. Stay well.  Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!


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