Monday 17 December 2018

Soupateria and the Chimmney Sweep Black Soot Blues: Monday, December 17th!

Patriotism is often the cry extolled when morally questionable acts are advocated by those in power. -Chelsea Manning, activist and whistleblower (b. 17 Dec 1987) 

Goede middag Nederlandse vrienden! I was volunteering at Soupateria this morning and met Mennie in the kitchen. I asked her if she was Swiss and she threw a bucket of turnip peelings all over me! At any rate, when I learned that If You're Not Dutch You're Not Much I mentioned that we had a number of other Dutch friends, far nicer than her, (or at least Josinta, Johanna and Kimo are!), and that Famiglia Linders had some Dutch magazines they were willing to pass along. Mennie very quickly apologized and brushed all the peelings out of my hair and beard, saying she would be happy to see them, at some point, if that might work for all concerned. Anyway, I'll let you contact one another and arrange the distribution of the magazines in question. Until next our paths cross, stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio! 
Hi Dutchies, Thanks for the introduction, Patrick, much appreciated! Those Dutchies are a force to be reckoned with! Dear Dutchies, nice to e-meet you, Mennie, and it was super nice to have met you, Jos and Aart! Ik heb een stapel Libelles van het afgelopen jaar hier liggen. Mijn vader en moeder sturen ze iedere keer heel trouw naar me op. Dus als jullie interesse hebben om je even lekker in NL onder te dompelen, laat het me weten, dan kom ik ze brengen.
Groetjes, Joanne PS: Patrick, good luck 😊:
I have a pile of Libelles from the past year here. My father and mother send them to me every time very faithfully. So if you are interested in immersing yourself in NL, let me know, then I will bring them. Greetings, Joanne

Most of you have heard the news in our attached Xmas letter but wanted to send our best wishes at Xmas to our good friends back home. Miss seeing you all and enjoying the festivities with you. Please say hi from us to anyone we've missed. Hope you have lots of fun and adventures in 2019 and will see you on our return in April. Take care and hugs from us both. Gill and Phil Great picture you enclosed of your family. We miss you Gill and Phil and wish you both lots of safe adventures and look forward to see you back around the bridge table and on the trails. Take Care Gill and pamper your knees and hip. Have you ever considered stem-cell therapy? Cheers from Jos

Top Hat Chimney Sweep came over this afternoon, after I was home from Soupateria, and he said everything was in pretty good shape so pleased about that. I've been busy splitting kindling and chopping firewood to keep our living room and kitchen cosy. [Miss Etta has taken to sleeping on new couch, Duke, in one of new swivel chairs, as weather has become colder!] Wood is nicely cured as over a year old so pretty easy to split and it burns cleanly. What ash is produced I put into our compost bins.

Must away as floor is dry after Lady Dar gave it a good mopping and I want to put living room rug back in place. We took it up for Open House. Lady Dar is just out the door for the lighting of The Peach on Lakefront. The Grandmothers for Africa choir has been asked to lead carols. Hi Corinne & Patrick, Hope your open house was a huge success and you have recovered from the clean up! Thought you might need a good pick me up right about now. Enjoy the holiday season. XOX Elaine

Greetings to you both from Santa Barbara! Once again..Thank you for the photos from the open house which I was very sorry to miss. I received a note from Sharon Armstrong informing me she attended and had a very good time meeting nice new Folks and what a food spread!, Hopefully you are out today enjoying the nice cold white fluffy stuff shoe hiking and getting this fantastic high from The work-out and the comraderie. Sounds like a fun gathering at Tim & Marian's afterwards I will probably be back to join the group before the beginning of living quarters are a bit tighter and It is more or less arranged for when my daughter goes back to college .. Again A Happy Holiday season to all Fondly,...Murielle(Elle)☃😊🙏

Hello Corinne and Patrick, I am going through my emails trying to catch up and I see this one with a red flag to respond to for two years! Yes I am a procrastinator. Silvana keeps me informed of your comings and goings, so I am not totally out of the loop. I haven’t done a road trip out your way since my last one. I am still in Coquitlam, doing the usual changing things – union arbitration to reset the relationship (we won!), negotiated a successful collective agreement, reorged twice. All of our metrics are going up, so just dealing with personnel issues and of course Board politics. How are things out your way? Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas and best wishes for 2019. Todd

Hello Procrastinator Extraodinaire! Simply lovely to hear from you, Todd, and thank you for the Christmas and New Year's wishes. We have missed you visiting but it sounds as if you are enjoying work and taking procrastination to new levels. I suspect you would fire any library employee for such delay! At any rate we enjoyed a wonderful summer in spite of the terrible smoke here in the Okanagan, as I'm sure you knew. Nevertheless, we had plenty of visitors!!! In addition, Lady Dar had decided she wanted to completely renovate kitchen so you must visit to evaluate results. That being said, we are very, very pleased with new space and its functionality and openness.

Hi Corinne & Patrick, Hope your open house was a huge success and you have recovered from the clean up! Thought you might need a good pick me up right about now. Enjoy the holiday season. XOX Elaine
Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year to you, Todd. Take some time off and come for a visit. Until then, stay well. Look forward to seeing you sometime in 2019. You are always welcome. Fondestos and Cheers from Lady Dar and Patrizzio! Dear Patrick, Thank you for all your pics.  Sending pics of my Mothers 102 Birthday in Wpg. with her children, Grandchildren and Great grandchildren. An incredible moment Today I spent the day dropping off chocolates to our Doctor,. Pharmacist, Dentist, Veterinarian Doc. Staff in our food store & on and on. Merry Christmas my dear Love Jean

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