Saturday 1 December 2018

Mash the Cauli Blues: Saturday, December 1st!

Evil is like a shadow - it has no real substance of its own, it is simply a lack of light. You cannot cause a shadow to disappear by trying to fight it, stamp on it, by railing against it, or any other form of emotional or physical resistance. In order to cause a shadow to disappear, you must shine light on it. -Shakti Gawain, teacher and author (b. 1948)


This morning, Lady Dar is at the Blue Church with a GFA booth at the Christmas Fair there, while I was left to steam and mash the cauliflower for the dish we were taking to "The Cousins" this evening. Duke, of course, was  great help, tasting the vegetable at each and every stage of production!

Hi Patrice, I actually read this when you first sent it but of course had to digest all the info for a while. Great to hear about the visiting of Clara and Ayn and sounds like everyone has had a great time, also nice to see Chloe getting settled in her great new pad which we look forward to checking out. I love the descriptions of your local fowl and fauna on your rides and am very glad to see you enjoying your time and getting out on the bike.

I had a nice trip up to the cabin last Sunday afternoon with Clover but otherwise solo and although trying to get a few things in preparation for winter done did enjoy many walks around our favourite places. Also collected a couple of motorcycles that have been languishing in the basement of the cabin as I want to starting decluttering my life and I have too many things . Brought them home in the trailer and as a winter project will get them going and prepare to sell in the spring. Otherwise, the show must go on and am working away on L.i.S. S2. Had to get creative and machine up a pipe floor flange as we were short of them and it was a major deal to get more ( see pic). Otherwise we were plumbing gauges to work and convey a pressure chamber working and threatening the lives of the crew.

I have the weekend off and the sun is trying to poke through after the deluge this week so will start by going to visit my Mom with Colleen and Clover and then go for a walk at Everett Crowley park then home to do some organizing in the shop as I acquired a new storage cabinet and look forward to consolidating a bunch of spread out stuff into it and neatening it up.

We are going to tonight with my Cousin Rick and his partner Heather and will meet them at 6:15 for a pre performance drink. It has been a long time that we have wanted to get together with these two as we have a lot in common and Rick and I although not having seen each other that much over the years since our childhood due to us both being busy and somewhat geographically distant ( they live in Kits, literally ½ block from Jericho beach) have remained close via digital communication and I have worked on a few projects for him for his company Millson Technologies. .

Had a nice time at our niece Angela’s 37th birthday party last night in Coquitlam. I went straight from work as it was on the way home and already 7. p.m. when I finished. Great to catch up with our other nieces Anna who hosted and Ashley and their friends. Also Kelly and Claudio, Jerry and Sue and maureen were there. Angela started a fun game where everyone gets some of those Mardi Gras beads around their necks and there were two word that if you uttered someone could steal your beads Drink, and Christmas were the first two and people had a fabulous time taking the beads off of others after duping them into saying the words!

Missing you guys a lot but nice to keep up with each other via the ‘net. Give our love to Corrinne and Duke and Etta and we’ll talk soon. Cheers, Al Pics. The Teahan Clan, My flange replication. Hi Hi-End Fancy People! After seeing the sort of entertainment you attend and your cousin's company, you won't want to remain friends with the low budget Pentictonites! Loved the snaps of the Red-Eyed Goils! Those Devil Woman are always a blast, I find!!! Glad you are enjoying work of late and the fact that you have time for yourself. Just heard from Ragin and he will be making his annual winter trek for our Open House. You should come! Stay well and let us know which bedroom you want! Fondestos from Lady Dar. Must away as we are off to dinner, in Summerland, at the home of my "cousins", Marian and Tim Dunn. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hello Fartograms, This week we will go and collect firewood for the Xmas lunch on Thursday, so that we do not waste everybody's time during the picnic and at the same time have a nice hike! We will hike out along the KVR from Faulder and fossick (I like this word) for wood so there is a ready supply on hand. Then we will hike up to the ridge above the valley and return to the cars. If you have a pruning saw or a small bow saw which will fit in your backpack, bring it along.
Meet as usual at HH Penticton at 08:40AM to carpool to Summerland IGA, be there at or before 09:00AM. See you there Cheers, Tony & Aarturos
Hi Aart and Tony, Thanks for organizing this. See you Monday. Cheers, Tim and Marian

Hello Eggnog eBookers and Three-Wise Kings-Trumpers! Some of you may well know about our Open House, (611 Burns Street), on Saturday, December 15th, anytime after 4:00 pm, but just in case you don't, Lady Dar and I would be delighted if you'd join us to celebrate the coming festive season. Stay well. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio! 

Hello Fellow Debaters! First and foremost, many, many thanks to Marian and Tim for hosting such a wonderful gathering. The meal was sumptuous and thanks to everyone who contributed such delicious, more than scrumptious, dishes. While the discussion around the dinner table did not solve many world problems we probably tackled a few of them, raising some blood pressure, all the while, having plenty of laughs. Lovely to see everyone. Stay well. Fondestos from Lady Dar, praying for my blacker than black Myers Briggs soul! Cheers, Patrizzio! 

Great Pics, as always. Thanks! Good thing I convinced you to go with Flickr .... that's what friends are for! Pearly White Aarturos Hi PWA! Just a reminder about fossicking, (as opposed to "foraging" for food), for firewood tomorrow. What are friends for! Looking forward to hike and more debate. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Thanks Patrick, Once again, thanks for the fine selection of photos. We have so many friends who are such incredible chefs and good company. It was lots of fun. Off to the Tuneagers’ concert. I have to go warm up Myers’ other cousins, Briggs and Stratton for the warm drive into Penticton. Cheers, Tim and Marian

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