Thursday 7 March 2019

Snow Cats and the Snow Shovel Blues: Thursday, March 7th!

If we had paid no more attention to our plants than we have to our children, we would now be living in a jungle of weeds. -Luther Burbank, horticulturist (7 Mar 1849-1926)  

White gloves and more: Yes make the place spotless so Corinne will be happy to be home! But then again she will over the moon to be reunited with you and the cats! On another note how was kitchen stove movie? Happy snow shovelling
See you Monday Judy Xo
Hi Judy Blue! Just back inside after shoveling and sweeping sidewalks/driveway. Lovely temperature and it is already melting. Etta and Duke were supervising! They love the snow and dash through and over snowbanks. When it is snowing Etta chases snowflakes. For his part, Duke is a little snow-plow when he walks atop the fences plowing the accumulated snow as he makes his way along the length of the structure.

Lady Dar may not be all that happy to be home as she is already castigating me, from afar, for having a pedicure without her! The Grizzlies was an exceptional film and I know Lou certainly appreciated the ticket. She said it was the best film she'd seen at the series, so far. Must away as I want to head to the pool before I get ready to drive to Kelowna. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Not leaving now until 3:15 have not yet been assigned a flight to Kelowna but it will be late. Probably will get in around 1 am. Drag now have tons of time to spend, Cheers Cora Lee That’s to bad mom, look for celebrities at LAX!!! ❤️ safe travels That's ridiculous...sorry you have to wait so long today. Nana had some good cuddles with her great grandchild during her visit! Xoxo
Hello Latecomer! I prognosticated that you wouldn't be coming home! Too, too bad, of course, that flight is now so late. No never mind. I guess you won't want to eat dinner at 2:00 am! Anyway, I'll pack some snacks for you. Not sure if Chloë will come for dinner now. Will give her a call and see what she'd like to do. At any rate this will give me more time to fit in a pool session and maybe even start on garage! Costco closes at 8:30 pm so I don't think there is any point going in time to shop as I'd have to wait for four hours, perhaps more and I wouldn't buy any frozen food either.

Just talked to Chloë and under circumstances she'll just go home to sleep! I'll have a nap myself, before I leave, so if you could let me know, as soon as you hear about your flight # and arrival time so I can set my alarm and be ready to roll to meet you as you walk out of the terminal! Must away as I'm off to the pool. Travel safely. Fondestos to you and your adoring pooch who'll be happy to have company, I'm sure! Love, Patrizzio/Dad!

PS: Heard some noise a few minutes ago and couldn't figure out what was causing it. When it persisted I realized it was Miss Etta! I had shut one of the Rumpus Room cupboard doors which I thought had come open on its own when I came in from shoveling. I knew Duke was outside as he was watching me from fence, and thought Etta was in front yard. When I walked into RR she was standing beside TV and the noise had been her scrambling up the small space between wall and shelving. She didn't seem too, too pleased with me!
Pics: Front walk just after I finished sweeping. Note snowbanks! Rain barrel split! I thought there was enough room for expansion with open top but I guess not. Lonely Duke, upset the you will be so late coming home. New pots and frying pans waiting for you to cook and early breakfast! Moved your car to front to allow sun to start melting snowbanks on either side of where it is usually parked. Hi All, in Calgary have flight leaving at 11:15 arriving at 11:18 pm in Kelowna. Found a lounge chair for a nap. Love to all Better than 1am xoxo Glad you're almost home but sorry for such a long day of travel 
Welcome to Canada, Lady Darjeeling! Pleased to hear you made it to a comfortable lounge chair in Calgary. Don't miss your flight, (WS 325, I assume, so please confirm!), or you'll have to hitch-hike home! Since I knew that the flight was going to be almost eight hours late I had much more time to exercise since I wasn't going to Costco now. Enjoyed a great time at pool and in hot tub I bumped into Paolo after my workout. Asked about Mary Lee but unfortunately the eye surgery wasn't as successful as hoped. While she is better apparently there is still a film over one or both eyes, (not clear from what Paul said), which they are unable to remove, (laser surgery), as process could cause another tear or hole. He said, basically, she has the eyes of an 85 year old. Anyway, she seems to be doing reasonably well.

On another matter he asked if your car was still for sale, Chloë, and when I said it was he asked me to ask you to give him a call. Worth talking to him anyway. Also, forgot to mention that yesterday, in hot tub again, I sat opposite to a chap I'd seen a number of times before. We started chatting and when I left I said he might want to sit where I was as jet there is really great. He said he knew and it really helped his back so he thanked me. A few minutes later he was in change room and showering next to me. I had noticed that he had a large patch of pink skin on his shoulder so asked him if he'd sandpapered himself in a bike accident. Indeed, yes, he had! 

He'd had a tire blowout on 97, near exit to Kaleden, about five months ago. Fortunately, nothing behind him and someone in an oncoming car turned his vehicle sideways to block highway as he could see he was pretty seriously injured. He thinks he was doing about 70 km/h. He broke five ribs, his collar bone, one side of his jaw, lost quite a few teeth, smashed something in his nose and made mince-meat out of his face. Makes my falls seem like a walk in the park.

Brent is 67 and a triathlete and I guess he was training when accident happened. He told me he is in an Iron Man competition somewhere in Bavaria this coming June but doesn't know if he will be able to compete as his right arm is a bit like mine now and he won't be able to swim if he doesn't recover more movement.  When he was leaving he put on some gloves that looked like riding gloves so I asked him if he rode to pool. He didn't but in ensuing conversation he told me he and his wife live in the house, along Penticton Creek, with the vintage car in yard. Brent is his name and he said if ever walking by knock on door to say hello. We said goodbye and a few minutes later he returned to ask what our house number was as I'd told him we were on Burns. Anyway, when I gave him address he said he walks their Lab most days past our place. They own to cats as well so Duke and Etta better be nice to the Lab!

[… and of course, the final word on dogs and cats…] We were talking about recent snow and I happened to mention that when Sarge and I drove across the country we stayed in Amherst on May long weekend to a foot of snow. He laughed and said he had lived in Amherst in the 70's, I believe, as his dad owned the hardware store there. I'll have to ask Bobby, via Sarge, if he knew family, [Didn't get Brent's last name], as their dad operated the telephone exchange building there around that time, I believe, as did Bobby when we visited in 2007, and until he finally retired. Lovely man and I hope he will be able to compete in June.

Once home I felt pretty sleepy so decided I'd have a nap instead of later when I might not hear alarm. Anyway, lay down and before I knew it I had a purring hot water bottle. Was too sleepy to see which cat it was but when I woke up about 90 minutes later it was Duke! Thought it would be Etta as she's been snuggling most nights or early mornings. Anyway, they groomed each other, quite nicely, for a change, while taking turns having a drink from sink. Must away as I'm going to have my dinner, (another salad), while watching more Mar de plástico. Duke is waiting in bedroom on black blanket, Etta on office chair, so they are both hoping for attention, Lady Dar!
Depending on road conditions, (more light snow fell this afternoon, early evening!), I will cruise by terminal if I'm late otherwise I'll probably park and be inside. Travel safely, Great-Grandmother! Fondestos and Love to The Sisterhood! Cheers, Dad, Patrizzio, Il Conduttore! Pics: Far Side from Ragin'! Flight is WJ 325 Boarding in 20 mins See you soon C 

Thanks For the update Patrick More snow this morning!...I wasn't complaining about your photo shop...just for me to be more mindful to smile in case there's a candid camera in the crowd Ha! ha!..You're doing a fantastic job as always
Sorry you couldn't find anyone to snowshoe with I must confess ..I am going out at noon for a wee run from rodeo grounds Our Canasta tournament had to be postponed due to some unforeseen circumstances So my friend suggested we go snow shoeing instead...I would have invited you but didn't think it would be worth your while to drive to Summerland for a little jaunt in the white stuff...Wishing you the best with your upcoming surgery👏🙏❤️ Cheers Elle Hi Non-Canasta Woman!
How was your snowshoe outing?
Anyway, surgery date approaching quickly so thanks for best wishes! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Lady Dar in Kelowna airport!

Lady Dar is back at Burns Street and barking out orders so everything is back to normal! Unfortunately, a long, long day for her. When Pierre dropped her off at LAX around 8:00am for her flight to Calgary around 11:00 am she was told there was a delay until 3:30 pm! She never received any notice of this so was a bit upset, as you can imagine. Anyway, flight was further delayed out of LA and then once in Calgary, delayed a couple of times, yet again, so didn't leave until around 11:45 pm to finally land in Kelowna at 12:28 am! Originally scheduled in at 5:18 pm. I was going to make a Costco run beforehand and had a welcome home dinner planned. Chloë was coming as well to see her long-lost Mother!

[I am not sure if that is Rebecca, or if it is her taking the pic.] I was a tad worried about road conditions, (more light snow fell this afternoon and evening), but highway was in pretty good shape so I was at the airport in but a little over normal driving time. Found a short-term parking spot and was inside but a few minutes before Lady Dar walked into down ramp. By the time she'd gone to the bathroom her bags appeared and were on our way. Very little traffic at that hour so we were home just after 2:00 pm but by the time we'd unloaded, etc., it was 2:30 am when we turned out the lights. Still, wonderful for her to be home safely and soundly.

[Being the sensible and responsible kid she is, she booked some flight time towards her pilot’s license - 98% done!] Patriçio! Great to hear from you, it’s been an uncharacteristically long drought! Of course, I’ve been just as bad. I can’t believe we are already into March … the first two months of this year have somehow flashed by without mercy.

I am well, more or less, probably more than less, but did have a bought of some sort of stomach flu a couple of weeks ago and am not yet 100% on that regard. I must say, that with my Dad in the care home now, it is feeling kind of lonely in this huge house. Not that my Dad was brilliant company (given his condition) but he was a worry, a responsibility, I had to shop for him, do laundry, care workers came & went (got to chat a bit) etc. Although I have made a noticeable dent, there is still an overwhelming amount of work to do here before I can entertain the idea of getting out of this house.

[Yes, there are traffic jams in NZ too!] In the meantime, I have been enjoying my chop saw, hope to start on a Murphy bed in between recycling runs. I hope to get out of this house by next year, so I am hoping to go to Croatia this year, either just before or after tourist season. In the very early planning stages right now, depends on a lot of factors. I haven’t heard of that movie. Sounds interesting. Will keep a heads up. Great grandparents?!?!? Wow. I have 4 kids and I am not even a grand parent yet! That’s quite something.

As for your ferocious felines, please refer to the attached Far Side which pretty well defines cats. Hey, get a real soccer ball and let’s see what Dukester is made of! I have been sharing dog care (with Sandy) as Rebecca has been in New Zealand for the last two months. She complained about the “cold” when I picked her up at YVR on Monday. 

The weather here has been fabulous the last couple of weeks, if not chilly in the a.m. and p.m. so I have got in a few bike rides and hope to keep at it for an upcoming lung capacity contest. Hope we can meet up soon for some bridge. Are you in town any time soon? Pics follow! Branko 

Hi Ragin'! Pleased to hear that you are doing well, in spite of stomach flu and de-cluttering! Great that you have been biking. Exciting news about Croatia as well. Sent along Far Sides to Lady Dar and Ayn, as she owns a dog. I'm off, shortly, to collect Lady Dar in Kelowna. Flight was to be in at 5:18 pm but delayed so now it's 11:45 pm! Last word she made it to a comfortable lounge chair in Calgary to nap. [Now arrive 30 mins later] 
Must away as I'm going to have my dinner, (large salad), while watching more Mar de plástico. [Spanish series on Netflix]. Duke is waiting in our bedroom on black blanket, Etta on office chair, so they are both hoping for Lady Dar's attention when she finally walks in the door!

Hoping road conditions, (more light snow fell this afternoon/evening!), will not be a factor. No plans to take a run to Vancouver in next few moths. With shoulder replacement surgery this coming Tuesday I will be looking at six weeks of rehab, all going well. Come on up to play bridge and drink Wine/Malt/Bourbon! Fondestos and Cheers, Il Conduttore/Patrizzio!

Good Afternoon Fartograms, This coming Monday March 11th, we will on snowshoes venture the beauty of the Roddy Flats area under the capable guidance of our aspiring new leader Tim Dunn! As usual we meet at the IGA parking lot in Summerland at 9:00AM. Pentictonians should get together at 8:40AM at the HomeHardware parking lot, then carpool to Summerland. Relaxation & Debriefing probably in the Beanery in Summerland. Look forward seeing you on Monday for another great outing (aren't they all?). Cheers, Your Aarturos

Great Thanks. I was able to do that and process just now. Your wine will be ready to pick up starting tomorrow. Cheers Enjoy the wine Jason

Here's a link to a few of my photos from yesterday, and the route map and profile, fyvp. I don't have an address for Franz, if someone can forward to him, and to anyone I might have left off the list. Nice area to 'show. We should go back there for a different route, maybe, and put it on the schedule for summer/fall. Those large aspens would be quite nice when they turn yellow. XUaDK7alJiyspZA?key=Mi1JM1lOT09CQUJWX29iSkdZX1NLZzRua3o0d3JR Cheers, Rick Here are my photos of our Wilson Lake snowshoe: Thank you all, it was great, another beautiful area we can explore. Enjoy, AartThank you Rick and Aart for the beautiful photos with their interesting colours, compositions and textures. Thanks you all for the wonderful day. Cheers, Tim and Marian

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