Thursday 23 May 2019

Southside Johnnny and the Argon Solar Blues: Thursday, May 23rd!

If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it. -Margaret Fuller, author (23 May 1810-1850) 

This morning, Argon Electric, from Oliver, began the work of installing solar panels on our roof, along with a Tier Two charger for our new electric vehicle, a Hyundai Kona. We are very pleased with how it performs and we've already driven it into Vancouver. Lady Dar will make another run there next week.

While lads were beavering away on the roof, we made a number of runs to Home Hardware. [On Wednesday I completely emptied our two compost bins into the bottom of the bed and hosed out the empty containers.], for bagged earth. Ended up covering this with a mixture of sheep manure and topsoil. Probably add more topsoil once bed has had a chance to settle. Very pleased with how much carrying capacity Kona has so I now know my Trek will fit inside, with space for other luggage, until we figure out an exterior bike rack.
At the same time, for back patio, we purchased a new red umbrella to provide additional shade when the sun moves around to the back of the house. One we had wasn't quite large enough and often toppled over, in strong wind, in spite of heavy rocks we placed atop the base! The new base is a much better design so we trust it will work well. Lady Dar will take old umbrella to Sendero Canyon where it will begin its new life on Chloë's deck. She really needs a couple, [She already has one.], as the sun bakes the deck, given the south-western exposure.

Hello Maria, (Dunn): My name is Patrick Dunn and I live in Penticton. I was unable to see your show, yesterday, at The Dream Cafe., one of our favourite venues. I would dearly loved to have been there but was simply unable to do so. I trust event went well.

On another matter, with slight trepidation, I am writing to ask if we might be related! My father was Joseph Maurice, (Jimmy), Dunn, born in Vermont, to his telegrapher father, with three older sisters and a younger brother. Other than these details I know almost nothing about my Dad's family as he left home, then in Edmonton, after his Mother died, during the Depression, never again, to my knowledge, to have any further contact with his family.

I have done a bit of genealogical investigating, in Edmonton, and in Norton, Vermont, but found nothing, at the time. I know it is a fairly long shot but since you are from Edmonton, I thought I might inquire as to our possible relationship. I apologize, if this is an intrusion and/or an inconvenience, but I am quite curious and hopeful to discover more about my Father's family. Even my Mother, Anne, [She died in 2012, just a few weeks short of her 99th birthday], knew little more than what I have detailed as her husband never talked about his family, to her or us, before he died, of a stroke, in September, 1966. At any rate, I would certainly appreciate hearing from you if you have the time and inclination to do so. Stay well. Thanks and Cheers, Patrick. 

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